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1. Quality assurance processes are well documented.



2. Quality assurance and enhancement processes are
implemented well.



3. I am satisfied with my work at this training institution.



4. I get regular feedback on my performance.



5. I get regular motivation and encouragement from my



6. All the procedures and processes are communicated well
to staff



7. The decision-making process is transparent.






Source: Field Data (2023)
The findings presented in Table 4.21 indicate that quality assurance practises are generally well implemented and received by lecturers in training institutions. The mean score of 3.59 and the standard deviation of 0.829 indicate that participants concur that quality assurance processes are well documented, whereas the mean score of 3.69 and the standard deviation of 0.969 indicate that quality assurance and enhancement processes are well implemented. With a mean score of 3.61 and a standard deviation of 0.98, lecturers reported being satisfied with their employment at the training institution. In addition, they receive consistent performance feedback (M = 3.65; SD = 0.820) as well as motivation and encouragement from their superiors (M = 3.59; SD = 0.920). They believed that all procedures and processes are effectively communicated to staff (M = 3.63; SD = 0.848) and that the decision-making process is open and honest (M = 3.59; SD = 0.898).
These findings are consistent with prior research that highlights the significance of quality assurance in education, including engineering education (Almuhaideb & Saeed, 2020; MULYONO et al., 2020). The lecturers' favourable perception of quality assurance practises suggests that Ghanaian training institutions are instituting effective quality assurance processes to facilitate the

delivery of high-quality engineering education. The findings indicate that training institutions in Ghana are implementing quality assurance practises effectively. It is essential to note, however, that the study was conducted solely with academics, and the results may not necessarily reflect the opinions of other stakeholders, such as students and industry partners. Future research may be required to examine the perception of quality assurance practises among other engineering education stakeholders.

It was also revealed that the participants in this study have a comparatively positive view of the quality assurance practises at their respective training institutions. The high mean composite score of 3.62 indicates that respondents view the quality assurance processes as well-documented and well-implemented, with regular feedback, motivation, and transparent decision-making.
The positive perception of quality assurance practises is essential because it plays a crucial role in ensuring that educational institutions satisfy the required standards. This is especially vital in the field of engineering, where practical skills and industry-specific knowledge are essential for success. This study's positive perception of quality assurance practises suggests that training institutions are taking measures to ensure that their education meets the required standards.
This study's findings are consistent with prior studies that emphasise the significance of quality assurance practises in education. (J. Almeida et al., 2021) found that effective quality assurance practises are required to ensure that students receive a high-quality education and to preserve the reputation of the training institution.
It is essential to observe that the research was conducted solely with lecturers from Ghanaian technical universities. Consequently, the results may not inherently reflect the perspectives of other stakeholders in engineering education, including students, industry partners, and policymakers. To investigate the perceptions of quality assurance practises among additional stakeholder groups, additional research may be required. In conclusion, the participants' favourable perceptions of quality assurance practises suggest that training institutions in Ghanaian technical universities are taking measures to ensure that their education reaches the necessary standards.

While lecturers at Ghanaian technical universities have a positive attitude towards digital technologies, further investment in digital infrastructure and training programmes is still required to improve their proficiency with these technologies. The study also highlights the significance of quality assurance practises in training institutions to ensure that instructors are satisfied with their work and receive consistent feedback, motivation, and transparent decision- making. These findings can be used to develop strategies to close the digital skills divide in engineering education and enhance the quality of training programmes at Ghanaian technical universities. Further research could investigate the factors that influence the usability, user acceptability, and quality assurance practises of digital technologies in engineering education and identify effective strategies to promote their adoption and use. Future research could also investigate the perspectives of other stakeholders, such as students, industry partners, and policymakers, to provide a fuller picture of the digital skills divide in engineering education in Ghana.

Table 4.22 Summary of Table

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