
Problem- and project-based approaches

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Problem- and project-based approaches.

The central concept of these approaches is to combine knowledge inference with students' participation in real-life career tasks, helping them to exercise their engineering knowledge and competencies, serve as team members and team leaders, develop a communication structure, recognise technological challenges, and gain an understanding of their potential work world. The execution of actual individual and joint programs is focused on the participation of experts from leading national research institutions, industry, and manufacturing firms in the training process. The problem-solving strategy ensures the development of potential experts' abilities to identify challenging technical issues and challenges and to choose appropriate solutions (Topcu, 2021).
  • Special training programs are available for engineering faculty.

Each university recommends a series of actions for the continuous professional growth of engineering faculty that are in line with national standards. Staff learning activities improve instructional technology and student communication skills, as well as technical and practical training (the acquisition and development of practical skills through short-term industrial internships). Engineering education is one of the most innovative players in higher education. To remain competitive in today's economy and to satisfy the demands of the global engineering labour market, technical universities must introduce innovative technology and practices.2.1.3 Disruptive innovation
Since the late twentieth century, an increasing number of research works have concentrated on disruptive innovations, more specifically, technologies designed to cause disruption and the effects of societal changes(Melnyk et al., 2019). The term disruptive was coined in 1997 by Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen, whose book "The dilemma of the inventor" describes the creative devastation that results from radical innovation. Solution application wherein new technology and business models supplant or otherwise significantly alter traditional approaches, hence altering the commercial value of the items or services in question. There has been a recent emphasis on innovation. It was only during the latter part of the twentieth century that serious research began, but now the subject is of great importance. Schumpeter is credited with spreading the idea that

innovation is "a new combination of production elements" (Kern et al., 2019). Later, the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OECD) built on this term to make their own definition of innovation that was broader.

The European Union defines innovation as "the process of applying knowledge, reforming and increasing the products and their markets, applying new procedures in production, in distribution, in the market labour, in management, in organisations and working conditions, the expansion and reform of the professional knowledge of the labour force" (EC, 2004.). In order to meet the ever-increasing expectations of consumers, businesses must constantly innovate in order to stay competitive (Lopes et al., 2021). This innovation can take the form of incremental progress or a sudden erupt of activity, and it can involve any number of different aspects of the business. Problems facing innovators (Alsaaty et al., 2021) refers to the year that will determine whether progress will be made through established means or if a new paradigm will be adopted. Christensen states that, depending on the context, innovations can take two distinct forms:
Sustainable innovation that aims to deliver enhanced performance to niche markets with specific needs and desires, typically at a premium price(Bouwman et al., 2019). Large corporations are typically responsible for creating such innovations. They have the means to invest in research and development, as well as the expertise to enhance and refine existing technologies. Whereas traditional innovation focuses on maintaining existing markets, disruptive innovation focuses on developing new markets to meet the needs of customers based on the laws of the future(Guo et al., 2019). In most cases, new companies "specialise" in disruptive advances.

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