
Quality assurance practices and digital technology acceptance

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Quality assurance practices and digital technology acceptance

The findings showed that the relationship between quality assurance practices (QAP) and digital technology acceptance (DTA) is found to be significant and positive (β = 0.448; SE = 0.081; t = 5.552; p = 0.000; f2 = 0.447). This indicates that the implementation of effective quality assurance practices leads to higher acceptance of digital technology in mechanical engineering education in Ghanaian technical universities. This finding helps answer the research question by demonstrating that a strong emphasis on quality assurance practices can contribute to the successful integration of digital technologies in educational settings. This result aligns with prior literature highlighting the positive influence of quality

assurance practices on technology acceptance and educational outcomes (e.g., Fussell & Truong, 2022; Granić & Marangunić, 2019) By linking the findings with relevant literature, the study contributes to a better understanding of how quality assurance practices can foster digital technology adoption in educational settings.

However, it is essential to consider potential research weaknesses. The study's limitations include its focus on mechanical engineering education in Ghanaian technical universities, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other disciplines or countries. Also, the reliance on self-reported data from students could introduce biases, such as social desirability bias. When comparing the findings with previous research, the results are consistent with studies that have shown a positive relationship between quality assurance practices and technology acceptance (e.g., Cheong Cheng & Ming Tam, 1997; Katebi et al., 2022)
The similarities in the findings strengthen the validity of the results, while any differences might be due to contextual factors specific to the Ghanaian technical university environment. The hypothesis suggesting a significant positive relationship between quality assurance practices and digital technology acceptance is accepted. Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge the research limitations and consider them when interpreting the findings and their implications for policy and practice.

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