c_frmInstruments/ c_cmdGo
From Listen/Browse Form to Results Page:
SELECT Image.Image_File, Composer.Artist_Name AS Composer_Name, Composer.Artist_ID AS Composer_ID,Performer.Artist_Name AS Performer_Name, Performer.Artist_ID AS Performer_ID
Recording.Recording_Name, Recording.Recording_File, Instrument.Instrument_Name, Instrument.Instrument_Background
FROM Image
JOIN Instrument ON Image.Image_ID=Instrument.Image_ID
JOIN Instrument_Recording ON Instrument.Instrument_ID=Instrument_Recording.Instrument_ID
JOIN Recording ON Recording.Recording_ID=Instrument_Recording.Recording_ID
JOIN Artist AS Composer ON Recording.Artist_Composer_ID=Composer.Artist_ID
JOIN Artist AS Performer ON Recording.Artist_Performer_ID=Performer.Artist_ID
WHERE Instrument_Name=””;
From Results Page to Details Page
[The audio files in the results page are clickable links to streaming mp3 files. The user will be shown how to download an mp3 player if he/she doesn’t have one yet.]
The names of the Performer and Composer in the results page will be hyperlinks which when clicked will pass on the request to the same page that processes the query for the details page in the Artist search
The names of the Performer and Composer in the results page will be hyperlinks which when clicked will pass on the request to the same page that processes the query for the details page in the Artist search