Dmlis 540 Spring 2004 Information System Project mecca pop and Jazz Music For Family Learning and Enjoyment All Team members participated in the development of the spec Project Manager: Carolyn Karis Information Architect: Emily Wheeler

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7.4 Listen/Browse Feature




  • Description and Explanation for the Listen/Browse Feature

The Listen/Browse feature is designed to meet the browsing needs of our users through sound clips of song recordings. Music, after all, is experienced primarily through the auditory senses. We are using sounds as enticements for further exploration of music, especially for the children in the family. We use musical instruments and musical styles as entry points to musical sounds represented in samples of song recordings. The system will initially include instruments and styles related to the jazz and pop genres but we envision the system to include other genres as well depending on feedback from the users. The system will be storing and presenting only audio clips of song recordings in consideration of the size of audio files and the amount of time it takes to download into the user’s computer.

  • Controls used for the Listen/Browse feature

As with the controls chosen for the search feature, we chose an exclusive-choice type of control for the listen/browse feature to guide and simplify the user’s search. For the listen/browse feature, we would use drop-down boxes to present to the user instrument and style terms selected from a controlled vocabulary. Presenting the users with a set of predefined terms to choose from minimizes spelling errors on the part of the users (especially the children of the home-schooling families) as well as help them connect to the information stored in the system more precisely. The drop-down boxes, each for musical instruments and musical style, are separate forms and allow the user only one selection and submission at one time. Multiple selections will perhaps be designed for the future as more information is gathered about the users’ interaction with the system.

Friendly Name

System Name

Control Type

Hooked to What in the RDB or IR system?


Select a musical style.


Drop-down box

Hooked to the Recording_Style field of the Recording table.

Initialized through a lookup table of jazz/pop Styles names.


c_frmStyles/ c_cmdGoStyle

Form/Submit Button

Calls the page specified in the Action attribute of c_frmStyles and submits the string selected in the drop-down box for processing.

Select a musical instrument.


Drop-down box

Hooked to the Instrument_Name of the Instrument table.

Initialized through a lookup table of Instrument names.


c_frmInstruments/ c_cmdGoInstrument

Form/Submit Button

Calls the page specified in the Action attribute of c_frmInstruments and submits the string selected in the drop-down box for processing.

  • Queries for the Listen/Browse feature

The queries for the listen/browse feature will involve initializing the controls and retrieving information. This feature does not involve queries for storage of information.

Initializing the Controls

Controls Involved





Either create an Array, DataSet or RecordSet when connecting to the RDB or IR, load the values into it, and use the OnLoad event of the form to populate the option values in the drop box.


SELECT * FROM Musical_Instrument

Same as above.

Retrieving Information

Controls Involved





c_frmStyles/ c_cmdGo

From Search Form to Results Page:

SELECT Recording.Style_Name, Recording.Recording_Name, Recording.Recording_File, Composer.Artist_Name AS Composer_Name, Composer.Artist_ID AS Composer_ID, Performer.Artist_Name AS Performer_Name, Performer.Artist_ID AS Performer_ID, Image.Image_File

FROM Recording

JOIN Artist AS Composer ON Composer.Artist_ID=Recording.Artist_Composer_ID

JOIN Artist AS Performer ON Performer.Artist_ID=Recording.Artist_Performer_ID

JOIN Image AS Composer_Image ON Composer.Image_ID=Composer_Image.Image_ID

JOIN Image AS Performer_Image ON Performer.Image_ID=Perfomer_Image.Image_ID

WHERE Recording.Style_Name=””;

From Results Page to Details Page

[The audio files in the results page are clickable links to streaming mp3 files. The user will be shown how to download an mp3 player if he/she doesn’t have one yet.]

The names of the Performer and Composer in the results page will be hyperlinks which when clicked will pass on the request to the same page that processes the query for the details page in the Artist search

  • c_drpInstruments


    c_frmInstruments/ c_cmdGo

    From Listen/Browse Form to Results Page:

    SELECT Image.Image_File, Composer.Artist_Name AS Composer_Name, Composer.Artist_ID AS Composer_ID,Performer.Artist_Name AS Performer_Name, Performer.Artist_ID AS Performer_ID

    Recording.Recording_Name, Recording.Recording_File, Instrument.Instrument_Name, Instrument.Instrument_Background

    FROM Image

    JOIN Instrument ON Image.Image_ID=Instrument.Image_ID

    JOIN Instrument_Recording ON Instrument.Instrument_ID=Instrument_Recording.Instrument_ID

    JOIN Recording ON Recording.Recording_ID=Instrument_Recording.Recording_ID

    JOIN Artist AS Composer ON Recording.Artist_Composer_ID=Composer.Artist_ID

    JOIN Artist AS Performer ON Recording.Artist_Performer_ID=Performer.Artist_ID

    WHERE Instrument_Name=””;

    From Results Page to Details Page

    [The audio files in the results page are clickable links to streaming mp3 files. The user will be shown how to download an mp3 player if he/she doesn’t have one yet.]

    The names of the Performer and Composer in the results page will be hyperlinks which when clicked will pass on the request to the same page that processes the query for the details page in the Artist search

    The names of the Performer and Composer in the results page will be hyperlinks which when clicked will pass on the request to the same page that processes the query for the details page in the Artist search

    Logic for the Listen/Browse feature

    1. If the user clicks on Go button without selecting an option, then show a message that says “Please choose an option from the drop-down box.” [Can be done with a pop-up window using JavaScript.]

Else, match the value selected for “” [or “”] with the corresponding values in the Recording_Style field of the Recording table [or Instrument_Name field of the Instrument table.] and return the results.

    1. If user clicks on audio links on results or detail page, play the audio clip.

    2. For all other links, re-use pages (with the codes) that process the same kind of request.

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