Dmlis 540 Spring 2004 Information System Project mecca pop and Jazz Music For Family Learning and Enjoyment All Team members participated in the development of the spec Project Manager: Carolyn Karis Information Architect: Emily Wheeler

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Stringed instruments

UF Instruments, Stringed

String instruments

BT Musical instruments
NT Plucked instruments

Stringed instruments, Bowed

Stringed instruments, Bowed

UF Bowed instruments

Fretted instruments

Instruments, Bowed string
BT Stringed instruments
NT Baryton

Double bass

Lyra (Musical instrument)



Violetta d'amore




UF Tamtam

BT Gong

USE Tam-tam


BT Brass instruments

NT Alto trombone

Bass trombone


UF Natural trumpet

Slide trumpet

Valve trumpet

RT Bugle


BT Brass instruments

NT Alphorn


We have used several navigational strategies to allow free movement throughout the Mecca website. In designing a site for children, we have taken into consideration their inexperience with navigating websites and tried to make their experience with our navigation fun and educational. We added a special feature called Musical Cookie Crumbs that is a way for users to track their path through the site. A message “You are here” is shown on the top navigation bar. Unique musical notation is given to each type of page that the user visits, and each page is listed in this bar. So a user might follow this progression:

Mecca Homepage -> Search for Furtado -> Nelly Furtado -> Whoa Nelly! -> I’m Like a Bird -> “I’m Like a Bird” Lyrics

Each of these hits on the site would have a musical note or a series of musical notes, to help the children visually identify their location in the site.

1.1.Site Map

1.1.1.Site Pages (For each page type)

Mecca Homepage Mockup can be found at

The prototype for the Music Tookkit is found at

Page Cycles

  1. The Search feature. We start with a Basic search where the user can only choose one parameter at a time. [Combinations are described later in Advanced Search.]

[The Search Feature may be a little crowded and another design may improve the appearance. The user can access the search feature from any page in the site. But wherever the user accesses the search feature, the following pages will result: ]

  1. a. If the user chooses the Artists option, the query would involve a join between the Artist, Recording, and Image tables. The results page would include the following information: [image and text samples taken from All Music Guide]

If there are matches, show this message: Your search for returned the following results: [Please click on the name or the image of the artist for more details.]

If no matches, show this message: Sorry, your search for did not return any results. Please try another search or browse our collections.

Artist Name


Date of Birth

Nelly Furtado

Dec. 2, 1978

Earl Furtado



Stephen Furtado






On the results pages, we include attributes that will help users identify what they are looking for. Because of our young users, we try to include as few attributes as possible on the results page. When the user clicks on either the artist’s name or picture (both are hyperlinked), he/she will be taken to the following detail page:


Nelly Furtado

Biography: Singer/songwriter Nelly Furtado heavily credits her ethnic background and childhood for culturally and crucially spawning her creativity as a female and as an inspiring musician. Born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Furtado's working-class parents, whom are of Portuguese decent, instilled a hardcore work ethic during her upbringing. She spent eight summers working as a chambermaid with her housekeeping mother, quickly realizing what it meant to honestly make a living. She turned to music for enjoyment, learning to play the guitar and the ukulele.
List of Albums that the artist has contributed to either as composer or performer:

1. I’m Like a Bird

2. Whoa, Nelly!

3. Folklore

…and so on


[Note: a click on an album title will submit the request to the same page that processes the details page for the Album search described below.]

b. If the user chooses the Albums option, the query will involve a join between the Album, Recording, Image, and Artist tables.

First, a match between the terms that the user entered will be matched against the Album_Title field of the Album table. If there are matches, display the following results:

Your search for returned the following results: [Please click on the image for more details.]
Albums with titles like “Folklore”
and so on…..

[Note: We are aware that realistically, this design for a results page is not best for sites that have large records. Imagine a term like “love” which could retrieve tons of titles like it. Since Mecca will be selective in the scope of the music it includes, we don’t anticipate having a large quantity of records for either album, artist, or song. Images are used as identifiers in consideration of the visual needs of children. Note here that even though artist names and recording dates might be helpful identifiers in the results page, Mecca believes that its youthful users will find the album covers more useful and more appealing. In addition, this approach will require less intensive programming and therefore is more cost effective.]

A click on an album image (the first one in the example results page above) will bring up the following example details page:



Review: Folklore lacks the humor of Whoa, Nelly! and suggests she'd rather play it straight than play around. And that's the problem with Folklore: though it surely has impressive moments, the album is a self-conscious, somber affair that takes itself far too seriously. At this point, Furtado's Achilles' heel is that she doesn't see a world outside herself. While there's a certain truth to the old axiom "write what you know," she, like many of her peers, takes this credo to extremes, believing that every emotional fluctuation she had in the aftermath of her mild stardom can make for a captivating album. [blah, blah…]
List of Songs in Album:

1. Fresh Off the Boat

2. Powerless (Say What You Want)

3. Explode

......and so on.


[Notice that even though we want information on artist and dates and credits for the album, it is not advisable to do so based on our data structure. These bits of information are attached to each recording and to call them here would mean a repetition of data in our dataset. This repetition requires extensive programming. Again this is not cost effective for the purpose of Mecca. A click on a hyperlinked song title from an album will submit the request to the page that processes the details page for the Song search. In this way the user will see details about who composed or performed the song, when it was recorded, what style, etc.]
c. If the user chooses the Songs option, the query will involve a join between the Song, Recording, Artist, Instrument_Recording, Instrument and Image tables. The query will first match the user’s keyword with the Song_Name in the Song table which will be joined with the Recording table on the attribute Song_ID to retrieve the recordings of that Song. The results page will include the following information:
[Show a similar message as in Artist choice depending on whether there are results returned or not.]

Song Title

Number of Recordings

I’m like a bird


Be like a bird



When the user clicks a Song Title, the next page will show the Recordings of that song title.

Recordings with titles like “I’m like a bird”

Song Title




Year Recorded

I’m Like a Bird

Nelly Furtado

Nelly Furtado


I’m Like a Bird

Nelly Furtado

Countdown Singers


A click on the Song title will bring up more details about the recording such as an audio sample, review, credits and a listing of the instruments used in the recording which may be presented on a detail page like this:


Recording: I’m Like a Bird

Performer: Nelly Furtado

Composer: Nelly Furtado

Year Recorded: 2000

Credits: Brad Haehnel – Mixing; Brian West – Producer; Gerald Eaton – Producer, etc….

Audio Link: mp3

Instruments used in this recording:

[Listen to the sound of this instrument.]
Saxophone is probably the most expressive instrument next to the human voice. It was created over one hundred and fifty years ago. It was named after its creator, Adolphe Sax. He lived in Brussels, Belgium. His father was an instrument maker and Adolphe learned how to make instruments when he was very young. At age six, Sax drilled the body of a clarinet, and later went on to produce some of the finest specimens. [more]


[Listen to the sound of this instrument.]

A brass aerophone with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and predominantly cylindrical bore. In its most familiar form it is the tenor-baritone counterpart of the orchestral trumpet but it is characterized by a telescopic slide with which the player varies the length of the tube (except in the valve trombone): hence the term 'slide trombone' (Fr. Trombone coulisse, Ger. Zugposaune, It. trombone a tiro; Fr. and Eng. up to the 18th century, saqueboute, sackbut). [more]

c. If the user chooses the Lyrics option, the words entered by the user will be parsed and matched against the inverted file. This connection, which will point to the lyrics in the IR text store, will be based on a match between accession numbers. The IR will be linked to the RDB via a match between the accession number and the Song_Lyrics field of the Song table. We link the two systems to retrieve the names of composers and performers of a song to be included in the results page because users seem to identify which song they are seeking by seeing who composed or performed the song.
Results Page:


Your search for returned the following results: [Please click on the image for more details.]
Songs with lyrics like “I’m like a bird.” Click on a song title to see the lyrics.

Song Title



I’m like a bird

Nelly Furtado

Nelly Furtado

Be like a bird


..and so on


Details Page:

[Note: The accession number is not included in the display as is shown in many databases that retrieve and display text. The accession number works behind the scenes and our users don’t need to see it. The Song Title link passes on the song ID to the page that processes the details page for Song search, the Composer or Performer links passes on the IDs for the artist to the details page for Artist search. ]


Title: "I'm Like A Bird"

Composer: Nelly Furtado

Performer: Nelly Furtado

You're beautiful, that's for sure

You'll never ever fade

You're lovely but it's not for sure

That I won't ever change

And though my love is rare

Though my love is true

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away

I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is

(and baby all I need for you to know is)

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away

I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is

All I need for you to know is
Your faith in me brings me to tears

Even after all these years

And it pains me so much to tell

That you don't know me that well

And though my love is rare

Though my love is true

It's not that I wanna say goodbye

It's just that every time you try to tell me that you love me

Each and every single day I know

I'm going to have to eventually give you away

And though my love is rare

And though my love is true

Hey I'm just scared

That we may fall through

[Chorus x 3]


Page Cycles for the Browse/Listen Feature

  1. Controls -- To illustrate the Listen to Browse Feature, we have used kooky but kid appealing images from a Google Image search. Drop-down boxes each with its own form/submit button are used. The drop-down boxes will be initialized with terms from the Musical Instrument CV, described and illustrated in 5.2.3. The jazz musical styles, drawn for this example from the All Music Guide website, will be part of a musical style name CV that will be created.

  1. Queries – The queries will involve joins between Instrument, Recording, Instrument_Recording, Image, and Artist (if we want to include links to composers and performers from the instrument and style browsing pages).

  1. Results page

  1. For a musical instrument selection. For example, if a user selects Saxophone, the resulting page would include the ff information:

Saxophone (Instrument_Name)


Description: Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah
Sample Recordings (where the saxophone plays a major part)


Audio Sample



Passion Flower


Johnny Hodges

Old Fashioned Love


Benny Carter


b. For a musical style selection. If for example, the user selects New Orleans/Classic, the ff information will appear in the results page.


New Orleans/Classic Style (Recording_Style)

Description of Style: Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, blah

(representative image)

Sample Recordings


Audio Sample



Heebie Jeebies


Louis Armstrong

Let the Good Times Roll


Peter Fountain


6.1.1 Site Pages—Wireframes

Wireframe representation of each type of the Site Pages follows. They include the following:

  1. Mecca Homepage

  2. Artist Search Results Page

  3. Artist Detail Results Page

  4. Album Search Results Page

  5. Album Search Detail Results Page

  6. Song Title Search Results Page

  7. Song Title Detail Results Page (Multiple song title details)

  8. Song Title Detail Results 2 Page

  9. Lyrics Search Results Page

  10. Lyrics Detail Results Page

  11. Listen to Browse Page

  12. Listen to Browse Instrument Details Page

  13. Listen to Browse Style Details Page

The Mecca Homepage will be the starting place for most of the Home-schooled users of the website. The Featured Artists drawn from Pop, Jazz, and Classic Jazz will initiate many learning experiences. The Listen to Browse Feature will attract attention and interest of the user. It will be the means to start the user on an exploration beginning with sound, the method of choice for many young people. The Search Feature and the Advanced Search allow users to explore and learn in many different ways.

This is the Results page when doing a search by Artist Name. It presents the searcher with a list of names and artist pictures to choose from, with each name and picture made clickable as a hyperlink that then sends the searcher to a details page for that particular artist.

This is the Details page for an artist search after the user has selected a specific artist (in this case Nelly Furtado). It gives the searcher a picture of the artist, a link to the artist’s website, a biography and a “clickable” list of the artist’s albums which sends the searcher to the Album Detail page.

This is the Results page when doing a search by Album. It presents the searcher with a choice of album covers that have the keyword used in the query in the album title. Each picture is “clickable” and sends the searcher to an Album details page.

This is the Details page for an Album search after the user has selected a specific album (in this case “Folklore”). It gives the searcher a picture of the album, an album review, and a “clickable” list of the songs in the album, which sends the searcher to the Song Detail page.

This is the page that Results when doing a search by Song Title. It presents the searcher with a list of song titles to from which to choose, each title made clickable, an action that then sends the searcher to a details page for that particular artist.

When clicking on a song title from the Song Title Results page the user will get a Details page, with a list of titles, composers, performers, styles and recording years to help them pick out the song or specific album they are actually looking for. The titles will be clickable and will bring the user to a further details page.

After selecting the appropriate song title the searcher will be sent to a further Details page such as this, with album cover image, album information, samples of the album to listen to and a review of the album to read, as well as information about specific instruments used in the recording.

This is the Result page when doing a search by Lyrics. It presents the searcher with a list of song titles, composers and performers to choose from, each title made “clickable” that then sends the searcher to a details page for that particular song.

When clicking on a song title from the Lyrics Results page the user will get a Details page like this, with song title, composer and performer information, as well as the text of the lyrics for that particular song.

This is a page that a searcher could come to when wanting to listen to different musical instruments or styles of music in order to browse different musical offerings. It would be a way of allowing the searcher to explore new areas of music that may not have been thought of at first, and would be a great place for home-schoolers to explore new and varied musical genres. This Listen to Browse Feature is also found on the Homepage but is also provided as a separate page.

This is a details page that a user would get when choosing a particular instrument from the drop-down box of choices on the Listen/Browse search page. The instrument details page includes information on the instrument, a picture of the instrument, and samples of music featuring the instrument. This page would be an excellent resource for home-schoolers when exploring how different instruments sound.

This is a details page that a user would get when choosing a particular musical style from the drop-down box of choices on the Listen/Browse search page. The musical style details page includes information on the musical style, a picture of a representative recording, and samples of music featuring the musical style. This page would be an excellent resource for home-schoolers when exploring how different musical styles sound.

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