Doc PS Rev R 63-71
(2) Consideration
willbe given to how information is conveyed from supervisory system to the modules (e.g. commands from the operator.
(3) The software modules
willadopt a common approach to the structuring of these interfaces, this
willclearly identify the common
areas of such interfaces, naming conventions
willbe established to delineate the various sections, this will include,
but not be limited to • Status indication showing the current state of the device
• Active modes, identifying which modes are currently active
Messages alarms, warnings, events, prompts
• Configuration data (physical settings, ranges, time functions c)
Modes of operation 4.9.2 Status indication (1) Consideration
shallbe given to how the status of devices is to be displayed on a supervisory system, the design
specification for each module shallgive details of how its various states are to be displayed.
(2) Status displays of devices and instruments
shallbe consistent in appearance and colouring.
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