Eastern hrm –strategic planning 2014

APPENDIX C – Bay of Islands Destination Area Proposal

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APPENDIX C – Bay of Islands Destination Area Proposal

Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society

The Lake Charlotte Area Heritage Society was founded in 1995 by community members primarily from communities around the "Loop": Lake Charlotte, Ship Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Owls Head, Little Harbour, Clam Harbour and Clam Bay, as well as Upper Lakeville, Oyster Pond and East and West Jeddore.
The Society recognized a need for preserving the heritage of these communities, and its creation was spurred on by imminent loss of significant heritage buildings in the area, such as the Hosking General Store. Since its founding in 1995, the Heritage Society has broadened its mandate to serve the communities from the Eastern Halifax Regional Municipality, basically from Lawrencetown to Ecum Secum, following the coastline. We work with other heritage organizations along the Eastern Shore to preserve the social, economic and natural heritage of the area.
The Heritage Society is overseen by a volunteer board of directors, a year-round part-time Executive Director, and over 150 volunteers. As part of its education mandate, the Society owns and operates Memory Lane Heritage Village, a living history museum depicting rural, coastal, Nova Scotia life in the 1940s.
The Executive Director is Thea Wilson-Hammond and can be reached at admin@heritagevillage.ca

APPENDIX D – 2013 Visitor Analysis –Memory Lane Heritage Village

The Musquodoboit Harbour and Area Community Association

(formerly the Ratepayers' & Residents' Association)

It is a community organization that automatically includes everyone who lives in Musquodoboit Harbour and area. Everyone has a voice on all issues except for property tax issues which then only 'ratepayers' can vote on.
The MHCA is also the organization that initiated, and currently oversees, the community's vision. The vision was developed in partnership with Halifax Regional Municipality - of which Musquodoboit Harbour is a part.
Musquodoboit Harbour is a small community about 30 min east of Metro Halifax.It is surrounded by a wonderful natural enviroment that includes Martinique Beach Provincial Park and the Musquodoboit Harbour Rail Trail.
Attractions also include the Musquodoboit Harbour Farmers' Market, the Old School Community Gathering Place, the Peace Park at the heart of the village, the Musquodoboit Harbour Railway Museum, the Musquodoboit Harbour Rail Trail and a variety of shops, restaurants, recreation facilities and other services.

APPENDIX E – Musquodoboit Harbour Final Vision 2007

APPENIDX F - Musquodoboit Harbour Approved Action Plan

APPENDIX G – Musquodoboit Harbour Survey Responses

APPENDIX H – Musquodoboit Harbour April 14th Results

The Old School Community Gathering Place - March 2014

Organizational Profile

Imagine a place where community members of all ages gather to learn new things, create amazing art, build connections and have FUN! Now imagine such a place in the heart of Musquodoboit Harbour... That's the Old School!

The Old School Community Gathering Place Cooperative is a non-profit, cooperative arts and culture centre based in the community of Musquodoboit Harbour. Re-development of the Old School is the realization of several goals that were developed during a community visioning process as a partnership between the Musquodoboit Harbour Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association and the Halifax Regional Municipality. In HRM’s Regional Plan, Musquodoboit Harbour is also considered a regional centre that serves many communities along the Eastern Shore because of its central geographical location.
Goals from the community vision that are also now part of the goals for the Old School include:

A-4 Protect heritage/cultural buildings and landscapes

R-4 Develop opportunities for community cultural entertainment and recreation

E-2 Encourage tourism through a greater range of events, attractions and accommodations.

Y-3 Develop a youth centre with youth-centred activities

Y-4 Involve and retain youth

The vision for the Old School is to provide a 24/7 demographically and culturally diverse hub where creative learning of past and future generations come to gather. It is also a space where the historic integrity of an important part of the community is protected, and contributes to building a strong creative community on the Eastern Shore.
The purpose of the Old School is to promote health, well-being and community spirit of people of all ages living in Musquodoboit Harbour and surrounding areas by providing space for a variety of arts and cultural programming.
When community members took ownership of the Old School, major renovations were needed to fix up the building so it could be used. These are almost complete and the Old School now includes a large, sunny Movement Studio and Multi-Purpose Room, a Visual Arts Studio, a Community Lounge, an Art Gallery and Shop, and a Youth Engagement Centre. All of these facilities now not only play host to a variety of community arts events for free or by donation, but also are available for local artists to use to help create work or host workshops.
Even though the organization is only a few years old, we have already invited community members at large all along the Eastern Shore to check us out during a general open houses, regional yard sale fundraisers, hosted the Culture Days on the Eastern Shore twice as part of a national initiative to promote arts and culture in communities all across Canada, hosted the first ever Eastern Shore Summer Arts Festival and provided a venue for youth-driven musical events, The Battle of the Bands and Rock the Shore.
During Culture Days, the Old School hosts a variety of free arts and culture ‘taster’ events for all ages including: blues singing, a general poetry / music jam, session in bird sculpting, drawing, filmmaking, mask making, gyro-kinesis dance, movement for seniors, art as therapy, choreography, an interactive art wall and Front Porch Stories where community members shared stories about the Old School, and various communities along the Eastern Shore.
During the Eastern Shore Summer Arts Festival, the Old School hosted a variety of workshops including sunrise yoga, drumming, belly-dancing, visual arts and poetry. There were also two evenings of a variety of music both by local performers and those from away. The idea was to program a variety of artists to showcase a broad range of music, art and culture.
The Old School also now operates a Community Art Gallery as another opportunity to showcase work by local artists of all ages. The Youth Centre is also another venue to specifically engage youth in various arts and culture activities as well.
There are already many artists here in this area, but they do not often have a chance to showcase their work, get together and exchange ideas, or to mix and mingle with the community at large. The community, in exchange, does not often have the opportunity to learn about different art forms, meet with artists and learn the how’s and why’s of the art they do produce. The Old School is working hard to provide opportunities for all these things.
There is nothing else like the Old School on the Eastern Shore, and nothing else we know of that combines the themes of the arts and community development. We would like to combine some of the best of the programming at the Tatamagouche Centre and the Ross Creek Centre for the Arts to create our special niche, and create an arts circuit that puts rural Nova Scotia as a whole on the ‘map’ for those interested in the arts, culture and community.
Support for the Old School supports the Culture Division’s goals by encouraging more cultural activities that explore the nature of Musquodoboit Harbour as a ‘village’ that wants to grow, but also preserve its natural assets and maintain its character as a ‘village.’ It will also provide a means for communities all along the Eastern Shore and throughout rural Nova Scotia especially to explore who they are, what they are about and what kind of communities they would like to be – through arts and culture.
1. Program Planning & Evaluation

Note: None of these events existed before re-development of the Old School. Assessment so far has been based on participation. All of them have been well attended and we intend to continue to offer them as long as there is interest. General goal at the moment is just to increase awareness of the value of arts and culture in an area and provide an opportunity for artists to get together, share their work and learn from / be inspired by each other.
Current Special Events

Battle of the Bands July. This event was designed by youth for youth with support from the Old School. It attracts bands from all along the Eastern Shore and even Eastern Halifax. The winner gets to open the Eastern Shore Summer Arts Festival.
Eastern Shore Summer Arts Festival – August. This event was designed to develop a high profile for arts and culture in the area, and show how artists can help contribute to tourim in the area. It is a a showcase to bring together local artists and larger acts from farther afield, so far made possible with a grant from the Cultural Activities program. All events are free.
Culture Days September. This event is part of National initiative to increase awareness of the value of arts and culture in communities. The Old School provides a range of free workshops and ‘taster’ events in a variety of disciplines by volunteer artists.
V-DayMarch. Special event with music, poetry, drama and art celebrating women.
Ongoing Programming

Open Mic Coffee House - last Friday of the month. The coffee house provides an opportunity to listen to local musicians, socialize, and view any art exhibits in the Old School gallery. The youth center downstairs is open to teens at that time, and the performers are upstairs in the main room. Refreshments are served. The age range in the audience is from young children to seniors. The recent acquisition of a sound system for the Old School, through a grant from Telus, will enhance the performances. Admission by suggested donation.
Community Music Jam – every 2nd Saturday. This events attracts a lot of seniors who enjoy bluegrass music, though people of all ages are welcome. Admission by suggested donation.
Rock the Basement – semi-regular event. Idea evolved from several youth wanted to participate in Coffee House. Youth Engagement Coordinator at the time said of course, but also suggested they could have an event all their own as well. This has led to a Battle of the Bands that is part of the annual Summer Arts Festival, but also shows like Rock the Shore and now Rock the Basement (aka Youth Centre). All the events are organized and led by youth in the community. Admission is by suggested donation.
Tween Dances - Dances are held around special holidays, such as Halloween, for the local upper elementary level students. A local student DJ is hired to provide the music, and entertaining activities are also provided, so students get to socialize with students from other schools in the area.
Youth Drop InFriday evenings. This program is designed to introduce youth age 12-15 to a variety of arts-based activities and also provide some unstructured time to just hang out. It is offered in partnership with HRM Recreation and sponsored by Telus.
Friends Day - Held Weds mornings. This cooperative group provides a time for young pre-school children to get together for a variety of arts-based activities and play.
Bazaar - Held one Sunday a month. Entrepreneurs, local artisans and craftspeople show their wares and sell their goods. This culminates in the Old School’s participation in the Eastern Shore crafts tour “Seaside Christmas” - a weekend sponsored by the Eastern Shore Tourist Association.
Community Art GalleryOpen daily. The art gallery is a cooperative run for and by local artists, and includes a wide range of media and crafts. The artists sell their work and a percentage goes to the Old School.
HRM Recreation – uses space for on-going arts programming for people of all ages.
Programming In Development

Film Festival or Series - This event would have a theme each year, and could link with another organization in the community. For example, a theme of food might involve showing art movies such as “Babette’s Feast” as well as documentaries, exploring concerns about food sources. This event could also connect with food related events held by the local Farmer’s Market such as “Seedy Saturday”.
Youth Arts Festival - The Old School held an exhibit of the art done by Eastern Shore District High students in 2012. The proposal is to expand this into a festival featuring teenaged youth, from Oyster Pond Academy, Gaetz Brook Junior High and Eastern Shore District High. Students in dance and theatre classes would be invited to perform, there would be an exhibit of student art work, poetry performances and music performances.
Poetry Month: a weekend afternoon poetry reading, done by local published poets and invited guest readers for a mature audience, in celebration of poetry month (April). Poets read poetry selected for the National Poetry Month theme of the year, workshops in writing poetry are offered and people are encouraged to read their poems during that month’s open mic coffeehouse.
The Old School would like to expand its offerings in addition to the ideas above. We are currently actively seeking input from members of the community as to the kind of arts and culture programming the community would like to see offered. To that end, we have applied for a grant to hire a Facility and Program Coordinator to work with community members to help them realize their ideas, and we just found out we have been successful in securing that grant.
2. Community Support & Relationships

One of the key relationships we have is with HRM Recreation. They book activities at the Old School on a regular basis including local arts programming. We also have great relationships with local schools who help distribute information on various programming through their newsletters.

Our latest partnership with HRM Recreation is a weekly youth drop in evening in ‘The Basement’ (aka Youth Centre). Both HRM Recreation and the Old School is providing a youth leader to design programming based on consultation with participating youth. Part of the evening is to be structured programming and then also time to just ‘hang out.’ Programming may include tie-dying, games night, social media workshops, band development workshops, art workshops (ie. mask making), and community asset mapping (what do we already have here for youth, and what else would youth like to see in the community).
This program and Rock the Basement (which is completely youth driven) is made possible partly due to new corporate sponsorship from Telus who has committed to be the title sponsor of ‘The Basement’ along with Long and McQuade music store for 2013. Telus donated $5000 of which $2000 is being spend on new sound gear for the Rock the Basement program (so youth don’t have to run to ‘town’ and rent gear). $1000 is an honorarium for the year for a youth engagement leader to help run the drop in program and support Rock the Basement. And $2000 is to help provide overhead support. Long and McQuade are also providing a discount on equipment.
We have also successfully accessed the Canada Summer Jobs program 2 years in a row now for our Eastern Shore Summer Arts Festival to hire students as Festival Coordinator and Festival Assistant. These students also organize our annual Battle of the Bands contest in which the winning band then opens the festival.
3. Board Governance

The Old School has a policy governance board of six that meets monthly. We do have a board manual that includes most of the information that has been requested in this application. We have included a copy of the Table of Contents of the manual just to show what kinds of materials are in the manual. We also have a Strategic Plan that was developed in a workshop with 30 members. Our first business plan was developed last year to tie into the strategic plan. Our goal is to prepare a new business plan at the beginning of each year, and review our strategic plan every 3 to 5 years. Documents related to the board governance manual, the strategic plan and previous business plans were submitted in 2012. We are currently in the process of developing a plan for 2013/14.

4. Current Issues or Concerns

At first the greatest challenge for the Old School was renovating a very old heritage building (built in the 1920’s) with a lot of issues around mold / air quality and leaks in the building. The first two years after the school was decommissioned there was no heat as first the Schoolboard and then Halifax Regional Municipality worked through deciding if they wanted the building for anything.

The largest issue of concern to the Old School now is financial sustainability. We were able to generate a lot of money through short-term grants in the first year of operation to renovate the building as needed and develop some initial programming. Now we are looking to diversify funding to support a small core staff and ensure the building is always open for the community to take advantage of, and we can continue to develop strong arts and culture programming that supports the various goals outlined in the community’s vision.
5. Financials

Debt Reduction Plan

The Old School does have a bank loan with about $25,000 remaining on it. It was originally $30,000 and was for initial renovations that were essential to the Old School to make it possible to bring people into the building and run various programs.

The plan is to reduce this debt includes a variety of special events fundraising, corporate sponsorship and a capital plan called, Get Your Piece of the Old School. With Get Your Piece of the Old School, participants can get their name painted on everything from doors, windows, rooms and coat hooks. There is something at a variety of price points for everyone, and will help encourage a sense of ownership of the building in community.

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