Eine Bibliographie MÜnchen 2009

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(bei Paschalis 1997); R. T. Ganiban, CR 50, 2000, 42-5].

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– (1988b): “Vergil on Kingship: The First Simile of the Aeneid”, PCPhS 34, 55-9.

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– (1991a): “Discordia taetra: The History of a Hexameter-Ending”, CQ 41, 138-49.

– (1991b): Vergil Aeneid 10. With Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Oxford Classical Monographs (Oxford; [revised] paperback edition 1997) [D. Fowler, G&R 39, 1992, 224-6; G. Korzeniowski, RPL 15, 1992, 206-11; R. Thomas, Vergilius 38, 1992, 134-44; J. O’Hara, CW 86, 1992/3, 246-7; J. Farrell, BMCRev 04.01.14; G. B. Conte, JRS 83, 1993, 208-12; D. E. Hill, CR 43, 1993, 261-3; A. Traina, RFIC 121, 1993, 367-78; D. Ross, CJ 90, 1994-5, 81-6; A. Perutelli, Gnomon 67, 1995, 311-5].

– (1996): “Aeneid 1.286: Julius Caesar or Augustus?”, PLLS 9, 127-33.

– (1997): “The Survival and Supremacy of Rome: The Unity of the Shield of Aeneas”, JRS 87, 70-6.

– (1998): “The Sword-Belt of Pallas: Moral Symbolism and Political Ideology: Aeneid 10.495-505”, in Stahl (1998b), 223-42.

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Henderson, John (2000): “The Camillus Factory: Per Astra ad Ardeam”, Ramus 29, 1-26.

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Herzog, Reinhart (1993): “Aeneas’ episches Vergessen: Zur Poetik der memoria”, in Haverkamp, Anselm/Lachmann, Renate (1993; edd.): Memoria. Vergessen und Erinnern. Poetik und Hermeneutik 15 (München), 81-116.

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– (1991d): “Virgil, Parthenius and the Art of Mythological Reference”, Vergilius 37, 31-6.

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– (1993a): “Aeneid 6.852: A Replay”, SO 68, 38-9.

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– (1993d): “Odoratum lauris nemus (Virgil, Aeneid 6.658)”, SCI 12, 156-8.

– (1993e): “P. Bonon. 4 and Virgil, Aen. 6, yet Again”, ZPE 96, 17-8.

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