In order to ensure a transversal integration of climate change and adaptation into the secondary education system, it will be appropriate to consider the entire themes on the subject presented in Table 9 below for insertion into existing subjects which already have some basic components of climate change (carrier subjects) in order to obtain enriched course contents.
Proposed titles
Proposed Lessons/Contents
Introduction to climate and climate change
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Weather phenomenon ( rain, wind, sunshine, clouds, etc).
Instruments for studying the weather
Definition of climate change
Seasons, and seasonal variations and climate change
Factors that affect climate change
Fact about climate change
Ecological zones in Cameroon
Climate variation (in Cameroon)
Causes and consequences of Climate change
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The green house gases (GHG)
Effects of green house gases
Misuse of the environment
Impacts and effects of Climate Change
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Deforestation and its consequences
Global warming and climate change
Effects of climate change on animals, plants and the environment
Mitigation methods for reducing the effects of Climate Change
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Energy conservation
Individual efforts
Development and use of wind and solar energy
Risks and Adaptation to Climate Change
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Floods, landslides and earthquakes
Climate change mitigation through: Better Waste disposal methods, Individual activities, Geo-engineering, Government legislation, Activities of Non-governmental Organizations NGOs and pressure groups
Adaptation to climate change and methods of adaptation to climate change
Adaptations to reduced crop yields in the tropical and subtropical
Adaptations to water scarcity, especially in the subtropics
Adaptations to increased heat and moisture and its effects on the prevalence and increase in infectious diseases and potentially lethal heat waves.
Adaptations to increased intensity and frequency of storm events
Adaptations to rising sea levels
Policies, politics and law on climate change issues
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Climate change treaties signed by Cameroon
Government policies towards climate change
Laws related to climate change and adaptation in Cameroon
Policy options open to Cameroon for exploitation (Carbon taxes, selling of pollution rights, etc)