Elaboration of a strategy to integrate training on adaptation to climate change within the educational system of cameroon


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Appendix 7.3.1: Questionnaire for Administrators

A UNDP Questionnaire on the ‘elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon’.

It is designed to source information that will assist in the elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon. The sourced information will assist the management bench of UNDP to take valuable decisions that will facilitate the realization of UNDP’s set targets. We will be very grateful to have your treasured contributions for this exercise. Any information given will be treated confidentially and will never be used for either tax evaluation or politics. Thank you for your awaited assistance.

SECTION A (Demographic data)

Age range: 20-30 , 30-40 , 40-50 , 50-60 , 61 and above

Sex: Male , Female

Marital Status: Single , Married , Divorced , Separated , Widow/Widower

Tribe: Pigmy , Tikari , Others ,

Religion: Christian , Moslim , Others ,

Educational Background: Secondary/High School , First Degree , Masters Degree , PhD , Others

Area of Specialization: Teacher , Guidance Counsellor , Curriculum Developer , Lecturers , Others

Position in the Ministry: Chief of Service , Head of Section , Delegate

Duration in Post: 0-1yrs , 2-3yrs , 4-5yrs , More than 5yrs


  1. Do you have any knowledge on Climate Change and adaptation? Yes , No ,

  1. If yes, is it being thought in your schools? Yes , No ,

  1. If yes in which course?............................and at what level?...............................

  1. Do you have pedagogic materials for this form of training? Yes , No ,

  2. If yes, list them……………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Which tools and techniques are used, by your Ministry, to teach this topical issue? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What is the capacity (in terms of manpower) that your Ministry has on Climate Change? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What specific Resources are available, from your Ministry, for the efficient delivery of Climate Change information to students? Finances, Demonstration Equipment, Transportation, Documentation, Laboratory Equipment, and others (name some)







Demonstration Equipment



Lab Equipment

Using the scale above: 1= Not at all; 2 = Poorly; 3 = Averagely; 4 = Good; 5 = Very good, tick the appropriate space

  1. Networking involves working with other people and organisations. Who have you been working and collaborating with, in curriculum development on Climate change issues?

At the National Level: MINEP , MINFOF , Other Ministries , Universities , NGOs , Others (List the others) ______________

At the International Level: UNESCO , UNDP , WWF , IUCN , Embassies , FAO , Others (List the others) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________

  1. If you were to propose a way forward in the development of course content and curriculum on Climate Change education, what would you suggest? New course , Include into an existing course , Add into an institutional compulsory and cross-cutting course ,

  2. Suggest course code and title _____________________________________

  1. What adaptation strategies would you like to be included into the climate change curriculum? _____________________________________________


  1. If the Ministry were to develop a curriculum and course content on Climate Change, what approach would you propose?







Consult with the teachers


Consult with students


Get experts to develop the curriculum and the course content

Using the scale above: 1= Not at all; 2 = Poorly; 3 = Averagely; 4 = Good; 5 = Very good, tick the appropriate space

  1. What would you propose as the best strategy for the integration of Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation in the educational system of Cameroon.







Taught as a new independent course (Climate Change)


Taught as an integral part of Geography


Taught as an integral part of Biology


Taught as an integral part of Geology


Taught as an integral part of English


Taught as an integral part of Environmental Science


Taught as a general cross-cutting course (such as Civics and Ethics or English)

Others (List them)





Using the scale above: 1= Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 =Indifferent; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree, tick the appropriate space

Appendix 7.3.2: Questionnaire for Teachers

A UNDP Questionnaire on the ‘elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon’.

It is designed to source information that will assist in the elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon. The sourced information will assist the management bench of UNDP to take valuable decisions that will facilitate the realization of UNDP’s set targets. We will be very grateful to have your treasured contributions for this exercise. Any information given will be treated confidentially and will never be used for either tax evaluation or politics. Thank you for your awaited assistance.

SECTION A (Demographic data)

Age range: 20-30 , 30-40 , 40-50 , 50-60 ,

Sex: Male , Female

Marital Status: Single , Married , Divorced , Separated , Widow/Widower

Educational Background: Secondary/High School , First Degree , Masters Degree , PhD , Others

Tribe: Pigmy , Tikari , Others ,

Religion: Christian , Moslim , Others ,

Subject Area of Specialization: Biology , Geography , General Science , Others , Specify: ______

Position: Principal/Headmaster , Vice Principal , Head of Department , Class Master , Others , Specify: _________

Duration in Post: 0-1yrs , 2-3yrs , 4-5yrs , More than 5yrs


  1. Do you have any knowledge on Climate Change and adaptation? Yes , No ,

  1. How would you score the present situation of the teaching of Climate Change knowledge and adaptation in the curriculum of your school? Very Good , Good , Fair , Poor , Non-existent

  2. The Ministry has well developed training curricula in many subjects (Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, etc). Do you have such a curriculum developed for Climate Change knowledge and adaptation? Yes , No

  1. If yes ,

  1. What is the Course Content:

  1. How are children Evaluated on Climate Change knowledge and adaptation?:


  1. What specific pedagogic materials have you developed for the teaching of this course to your students?


  1. Which tools and techniques are do you use in the teaching of this course?


7a From your evaluation of the existing course curriculum and content, would you say the methods, tools and techniques used are sufficient to the proper delivery of Climate Change knowledge and adaptation?

  1. Highly sufficient , Just sufficient , Barely sufficient , Not sufficient , Non-existent

7b If not sufficient, what would you propose as an update to improve the present situation?



8a From your evaluation of the existing course curriculum and content, would you say the methods, tools and techniques used are adapted to the proper delivery of Climate Change knowledge and adaptation?

  1. Highly adapted , Just adapted , Barely adapted , Not adapted , Non-existent

8b If not adapted, what would you propose as an update to improve the present situation?


  1. What, in your opinion, is the capacity (in terms of manpower to teach the course content on Climate Change Knowledge and Adaptation) in your school


  1. What training exposures (seminars and workshops) have been organized on Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation in your locality? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Have you been involved in any of such training? Yes , No

  1. If yes, how many of such training have you attended?


  1. In your training to be a teacher, how were you prepared, in school, to teach Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation? Trained , Not trained

  1. If trained, in which subject? ______________________________________

  1. Rank how effective, in your judgement, these subjects sufficiently covered the scope of Climate Change Knowledge and Adaptation in general? Very good , Good , Averagely , Poorly ,

  1. What specific resources are available to you, in your school, for the efficient delivery of Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation information to students? Finances, Demonstration Equipment, Transportation, Documentation, Laboratory Equipment, and others (name some)







Demonstration Equipment



Lab Equipment

Using the scale above: 1= Not at all; 2 = Poorly; 3 = Averagely; 4 = Good; 5 = Very good, tick the appropriate space

  1. What specific difficulties do you face in the teaching of Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

  1.      Do you know of any impacts of climate change within your locality or the country as a whole?

  2. 10    If yes, name (or describe) them. _____________________________


20    What adaptation strategies to these impacts would you like to be included into the climate change curriculum?


Appendix 7.3.3: Questionnaire for Students/Pupils

A UNDP Questionnaire on the ‘elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon’.

It is designed to source information that will assist in the elaboration of a strategy to integrate training and adaptation to climate change within the educational system of Cameroon. The sourced information will assist the management bench of UNDP to take valuable decisions that will facilitate the realization of UNDP’s set targets. We will be very grateful to have your treasured contributions for this exercise. Any information given will be treated confidentially and will never be used for either tax evaluation or politics. Thank you for your awaited assistance.

SECTION A (Demographic data)

Age range: 5-10 , 11-16 , 17-20 , 21-30 ,

Sex: Male , Female

Tribe: Pigmy , Tikari , Others ,

Religion: Christian , Moslim , Others ,

School: Nusery , Primary , Secondary , High School University , Others

Class: Nusery 1&2 , Primary 1 , Primary 2 , Primary 3 , Primary 4 , Primary 5 , Primary 6 ,

Form 1 , Form 2 , Form 3 , Form 4 , Form 5 , Form 6 , Form 7 ,

  1. Level , 300 Level , 400Level 500 Level Others


  1. As a student/pupil, have you ever heard of Climate Change? Yes , No ,

  2. If yes, what do you understand by Climate Change? ___________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________Have you ever heard of Climate Change Adaptation? Yes , No ,

  1. If yes, what would you say Climate Change adaptation is all about? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Where did you get your information on Climate Change knowledge? Books , Magazines , Internet , Class Lectures , Films, General conversation , Newspapers Classroom , News on radio , News on TV , Seminar /workshop , Others , Specify:.......................................................................

  1. Do you belong to any group or club on Climate Change in your school? Yes , No

  1. If yes, which of them? ____________________________________________

  1. What specific resources would your school need to more efficiently assist you acquire Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation information?







Demonstration Equipment



Lab Equipment

Using the scale above: 1= Not needed; 2 =Needed; 3 = Much needed; 4 = Very Much needed; 5 = Highly needed, tick the appropriate space

  1. What could be done to improve your knowledge base on Climate Change knowledge and Adaptation? Train more teachers , Acquire more material , Better access to Internet , Better equipped libraries , Others , Specify ____________________________________




10     Do you know of any impacts of climate change within your locality or the country as a whole?

  If yes, name (or describe) them. ______________________________ _________________________________________________________

11   What adaptation strategies to these impacts would you like to be included into the climate change curriculum?



Resources consulted towards the conception strategy and development of courses/modules on climate change and adaptation at the tertiary level of the educational system of Cameroon are as follows:

  1. A guidance manual prepared by the International Resources Group (IRG) through an Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening (USAID, 2007); A practice-oriented training course developed by GIZ in collaboration with development agencies, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and research institutions from around the World on integrating climate change adaptation into development planning with sponsorship from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. This training package is currently being used in Africa;

  2. . A training course specifically for agricultural management and designed by the Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation, Germany, and currently in use in East Africa; and

  3. Approaches of training on adaptation to climate change by the Climate Change Capacity Development (C3D) Project under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which according to the authors, are to be viewed as a snapshot of vulnerability and adaptation issues under the UNFCCC. These documents comprise:

  1. Objectives, Methodology and Structure of the Training of Trainers Workshop

  2. The mechanisms and rules of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol that address adaptation, vulnerability and funding.

  3. The current international political regime, under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),which offers financial and technical support for relevant Vulnerability and adaptation projects and activities.

  4. Vulnerability and adaptation: An Introduction Manuel Winograd(CIAT, Colombia)

  5. A Background paper on international developments in Climate Change Policy, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Capacity Development / Training1

  6. Trainer’s guide on Capacity strengthening in climate change vulnerability and adaptation strategy assessments by: Climate Change Capacity Development (C3D) Project

  7. Practical training guide on Capacity strengthening in climate change vulnerability and adaptation strategy assessments

  8. Exercises in the Climate Change Capacity Development (C3D) Project include:

  • Food Security and Climate Change

  • Vulnerability Indicators, and

  • Multi-criteria analysis for the identification of national adaptation strategies. Capacity strengthening in climate change vulnerability and adaptation strategy assessments

The websites and other related bibliography are presented under the references section of this report.

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