But make sure that when a pronoun is used in place of a noun, it must match the number, point of view, and gender of the noun it is replacing. Types of Pronoun Pronouns are mainly of 10 types , which areas following : 1. Personal Pronouns : Personal pronoun are pronouns which includes three persons : 1. First Person (The person speaking) : I , Webb.Second Person (The person spoken to) : You 3. Third Person (The person spoken of ) : He , she , It , They Subjective case pronouns are pronouns that act as subjects of sentences.These are the versions used for the subjects of verb.For example • I am your teacher. • You are my best friend. Objective case pronouns, are pronouns that act as objects of sentences. These are the versions used when the personal pronouns are objects.For example • You should talk to me on this matter. • He gave him very bad rating.