a. The training week is managed through the training schedule. The principles of scheduling are outlined in Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 7-0, chapter 3. Local directives and the following guidelines will govern non-training time:
(1) In garrison, IET Trainee/Soldiers must have the opportunity for a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night, unless the Trainee/Soldier is scheduled for duty (for example, access control guard or CQ runner). Commanders will create a sleep plan for Trainee/Soldiers on duty to ensure all Trainee/Soldiers receive the seven hours. During field training exercises, the length of the training day and time for sleep will vary based on tactical and other training requirements, as established in the appropriate POI. Commanders will ensure that the tactical framework of field training allows sufficient time for rest. See paragraph 6-5 for further information regarding sleep schedules.
(2) In garrison, Trainee/Soldiers are given at least one hour of preparation time each day to take care of personal needs.
(3) The unit ministry team provides and coordinates opportunities for Trainee/Soldiers to attend a religious service weekly.
b. POI training is not conducted on Sundays unless specifically authorized by the proponent. On Sundays, activities required for preparing for the next week's training are conducted after 1300.
c. Core training requiring post assets is not conducted on Sundays or Federal holidays unless specifically authorized by the proponent and installation commander.
d. Trainee/Soldiers who have not entered into the first day of training in Red Phase of BCT/OSUT or have not completed Red Phase, will not attend off-the-installation events, activities, or programs. Trainee/Soldiers in the following phases (White and Blue) may attend off-the-installation events, activities, or programs, but no overnight events, with approval granted by their respective Commanding General, Center of Excellence or Army Training Center. Prior to granting approval, the local Commanding General of the CoE or Army Training Center should consult with his/her servicing Staff Judge Advocate. Units will send a copy of the exception to policy to United States Army Center for Initial Military Training Operations Section. These events include but are not limited to: local sporting events, church services, concerts, or military appreciation events. Exceptions to this provision must be approved by the CIMT through the CoEs. Requests must be submitted in memorandum format. Commanders will limit off-the-installation events, activities, or programs to Soldiers in AIT or the AIT phases of OSUT (Black and Gold Phase).
5-5. Development of training programs
The designated proponent school is responsible for the development of training (individual and collective tasks), and POI within their area of expertise. Designated proponent schools will approve new and revised POIs in accordance with TR 350-70 para II-8-4.
5-6. Modifications to training programs
a. The time allotted for subjects in POI may vary depending on the aptitude and achievement levels of each group of Trainee/Soldiers, the number of Trainee/Soldiers in each cycle or class, the instructor to student ratio, and the availability of equipment and facilities. For these reasons, commanders are permitted to make adjustments to the amount of time devoted to a task, provided the learning objectives and performance standards are met, and the overall course length remains unchanged.
b. Request for an exception to policy for temporary changes to IET training programs (other than those specified in paragraph a), that do not require a revision to the POI, must be submitted to the office of the CIMT. Information provided will include the purpose and nature of the temporary change or planned pilot, its duration, and the number of students involved. Ensure coordination is made for such pilots with the proponent. Conduct a risk assessment in support of temporary changes, to identify any new hazards, changes in residual risk, and appropriate hazard controls and risk countermeasures necessary to ensure safe training. The supporting safety office will review and validate the risk assessment.
c. Recommendations are an important part of the continuing POI review and update process. Send POI changes to the appropriate proponent utilizing DA Form 2028. Submit all recommended changes for all IMT to the Training Strategies and Support Directorate; ATTN Director of Doctrine and Training Development. All recommendations will be reviewed and evaluated. These recommendations, when appropriate, will assist with the revision of course materials, individual training plans, course administrative data, and POIs in accordance with TR 350-70, paragraph II-8.
d. Drill Sergeants are authorized to teach operations security (OPSEC) level I Awareness Training to Trainee/Soldiers as part of BCT in lieu of a level II trained and certified unit OPSEC Officer. Prior to conducting OPSEC Level I Awareness training, Drill Sergeants will receive OPSEC instruction from their unit’s trained and certified level II OPSEC Officer.
e. Drill Sergeants are authorized to teach Antiterrorism Level I. The installation Antiterrorism Officer must certify each Drill Sergeant assigned to teach this block of instruction.
f. CIMT Commandants, proponent schools will make the final decision on task selection and training methods.
5-7. Makeup training/constructive credit
All training specified in TRADOC approved IET POI, as required for graduation, is made up when missed. The quality of makeup training is the same as the regular scheduled instruction. The Trainee/Soldier is required to meet the performance/learning objectives specified in the POI for the instruction missed. Time required for makeup training is determined locally.
a. Only in extraordinary circumstances is constructive credit for these requirements granted.
b. Make every effort to reschedule and conduct the missed training before a decision to provide constructive credit is made. Use this credit selectively, and only in those cases where there is a clear demonstration that the Trainee/Soldier meets or exceeds the IET graduation standards.
c. Constructive credit may be granted to an entire class or an individual Trainee/Soldier for a missed training event. A class may receive constructive credit for an event missed due to severe weather conditions, when time and resources preclude rescheduling and execution. Individuals may receive constructive credit for a missed training event due to circumstances beyond their control such as an illness, injury, emergency leave, etc.
d. Constructive credit authority for an entire class that misses a training event or an individual Trainee/Soldier that has missed two or more requirements rests with the brigade commander. Constructive credit for an individual Trainee/Soldier that has missed one requirement may be delegated to the battalion commander.
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