Includes oxygen for three crewmembers breathing 100% oxygen for emergency descent plus two minutes. Normal dillution for remainder of flight.
Increase oxygen required by 37 PSIG for each crewmember on oxygen at/above FL410 for each 60 minutes.
Maximum system pressure is 1800 PSIG. Values in excess of 1800 are shown for interpolation purposes only.
3. Oxygen Service
Panel Pressure
May be inoperative provided the associated cockpit gauge is operative and monitored.
None required.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be placed on Oxygen Service Panel Gauges and will be noted on ADLS.
4. Portable Oxygen
*** Dispensing Units
(Bottle and Mask)
Any in excess of those required by Operating Requirements may be inoperative or missing provided required distribution is maintained throughout aeroplane.
NOTE: Any bottle not properly serviced is considered inoperative and should be removed.
None required.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.
5. Oxygen Supply
Warning Systems
May be inoperative provided associated cockpit gauge is operative and monitored.
None required.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.
6. Protective Breathing
*** Equipment (PBE)
(M) Any in excess of that required may be inoperative or missing provided the inoperative PBE is placarded inoperative, removed from the installed location and placed out of sight so it cannot be mistaken for a functional unit.
Maintenance will ensure the inoperative PBE is removed from its installed location or placed out of sight.
Flight crew may accomplish this task if properly qualified and authorised.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.
7. Electronic Equipment
*** Rack Oxygen Pressure
May be inoperative provided cockpit gauges are operative.
None required.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.
8. Cockpit Oxygen
Pressure Indications
May be inoperative provided:
Oxygen Service Panel Pressure Gauges are operative and checked before every takeoff, and
Crew Oxygen Off and Passenger Oxygen Off messages are not displayed on the CAS prior to every takeoff.
None required.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.
9. First Aid Oxygen
(M) Any bottle in excess of those required may be inoperative provided the inoperative equipment is placarded inoperative, removed from the installed location (if portable) and placed out of sight so it cannot be mistaken for a functional unit.
Maintenance will ensure the inoperative bottle is removed from its installed location (if portable) or placed out of sight.
Flight crew may accomplish this task if properly qualified and authorised.
None required.
An Inoperative Placard will be displayed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS.