Evolving paradigms and challenges in estuarine and coastal eutrophication dynamics in a culturally and climatically stressed world

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Synergistic anthropogenic nutrient loading and climatic changes, including warming, enhanced vertical stratification, and periods of increased residence time provides the mechanistic means for accelerating eutrophication and promoting an increase in HAB frequency and intensity in estuarine and coastal waters. Nutrient input reductions are the most obvious “knobs” that can be “tweaked” to reduce estuarine and coastal eutrophication, and as such should be the key component of most management strategies. We have long been aware of the role P inputs play in such a strategy. However, it has become increasingly evident that N input reductions are needed, and in cases that have been examined thoroughly, a dual N and P reduction strategy appears to be the most realistic and effective long-term approach to eutrophication management along the estuarine continuum. A key management priority is to establish N and P input thresholds (e.g., the USEPA’s Total Maximum Daily Loads or TMDLs; the European Union Water Framework Directive- (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/index_en.htm)), below which eutrophication and HABs can be controlled in terms of magnitude, temporal and spatial coverage. These thresholds should incorporate the effects of changing hydrologic and temperature conditions, as these factors strongly modulate estuarine and coastal responses to nutrient inputs.

Both the total amounts and ratios of N to P inputs should be considered when developing these thresholds. Ideal input ratios are those that do not favor specific HAB taxa over others, but there does not appear to be a universal ratio- above or below - which HABs can be consistently and reliably controlled (i.e. system-specific input ratios are likely to be most appropriate and effective). Total molar N:P ratios above ~15 may discourage CyanoHAB dominance (cf., Smith and Schindler 2009). However, if the nutrient concentrations in receiving waters of N or P exceed uptake saturation values, a ratio approach for reducing HABs is not likely to be effective.

There are many ways to reduce nutrient inputs on ecosystem-specific scales. Nutrient inputs have been classified as point source and non-point source. Point sources are often associated with well defined and identifiable discharge sites; therefore these nutrient inputs are often considered “low hanging fruit”, i.e., relatively easy to control. It is therefore no surprise to see that most of the short-term successes in nutrient input control are those associated with point sources, including wastewater treatment plant, industrial effluent and other distinct input sources. The major remaining challenge in many watersheds is targeting and controlling nonpoint sources, which frequently are the largest sources of nutrients discharged to coastal waters (National Research Council 2000; US EPA 2011); their controls are likely to play a critical role in mitigating eutrophication and HABs.

Manipulating physical factors that play key roles in controlling the composition and function of phytoplankton (and benthic microalgal) communities will benefit systems sensitive to eutrophication and HABs. Vertical mixing devices, bubblers and other means of breaking down destratification are effective in controlling outbreaks and persistence of some HABs (e.g., cyanobacteria), but only in relatively small systems (cf. Hudnell 2008). Generally, these devices have limitations in estuarine and coastal waters because they simply cannot exert their forces over such large areas and volumes. Furthermore, artificial mixing doesn’t mitigate the underlying problem of nutrient over-enrichment. In fact, this approach may be counterproductive in vertically stratified waters, by transporting bottom water nutrients across the pynocline up to the surface, potentially exacerbating surface-dwelling blooms.

Decreasing water residence time by increasing the flushing rates can reduce or control HABs in these systems (cf. Paerl et al., 2011b). However, care must be taken to make sure that the flushing water is relatively low in nutrient content, to prevent further enrichment, Also, attention must be paid to algal community structuring effects of changing N:P ratios, which can take place as freshwater discharge is altered. Furthermore, few communities can afford to use precious water resources normally reserved for drinking or irrigation water for flushing purposes, especially in regions with limited or drought-impacted freshwater runoff. Lastly, flushing can alter the circulation regimes of estuarine and coastal waters. Therefore, care must be taken to prevent trapping of the HABs in the system by altering the physical environment (e.g., increasing thermal or chemical density stratification, entrainment bays and arms of water bodies), rather than flushing them out of the system.

Nutrient input reductions are in general the most direct, simple, ecologically rational and economically feasible eutrophication and HAB management strategy. Nutrient input reductions aimed specifically at reducing HAB competitive abilities, and possibly combined with physical controls (in systems amenable to those controls), are often the most effective strategies. An obvious strategy, which is gaining traction is applying fertilizers at “agronomic rates”, i.e., satisfying crop needs, while avoiding excesses and modifying drainage ditches and tile drains to increase their efficiency in minimizing nutrient losses (David et al., 2010). Nutrient (specifically N) removal from wastewater can be prohibitively expensive, so that alternative nutrient removal strategies are needed. Alternate strategies may include construction of wetlands, cultivation and stimulation of macrophytes, stocking of herbivorous (specifically cyanobacteria consumers) fish and shellfish species.

In addition to nutrient input reductions, future water management strategies will need to accommodate the hydrological and physical-chemical effects of climatic change.. Without curbing greenhouse gas emissions, future warming trends and hydrological extremeness will degrade estuarine and coastal ecosystem water and habitat quality further, increasing the potential for expansion by opportunistic nuisance microalgae and cyanobacteria.


We thank co-workers who assisted with field and laboratory work and manuscript preparation, including B. Abare, J, Braddy, A. Joyner, L. Kelly and R. Sloup. The editorial input from I. Anderson and W. Gardner is much appreciated. This research was funded by the Strategic Environmental Research and Developmental Program (SERDP)-Defense Coastal/Estuarine Research Program, Project SI-1413, The Lower Neuse Basin Association/Neuse River Compliance Association, the North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (ModMon Program), and National Science Foundation Projects OCE 0825466, OCE 0812913, ENG/CBET0826819 and 1230543, and DEB 1119704 and 1240851.


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Figure Captions

Figure 1: Conceptual diagram, illustrating the complex interactions of human nutrient inputs, nutrient cycling processes, nutrient limitation (of primary production) characteristics and hydrologic forcing along the freshwater to marine continuum representing estuarine and coastal ecosystems.

Figure 2. Temperature dependence of the specific growth rates of representative species from three eukaryotic phytoplankton classes and of bloom-forming cyanobacterial species common in temperate freshwater and brackish environments. Data points represent a five oC moving average of from laboratory growth experiments under light and nutrient-saturated conditions. References for the individual species can be found in Paerl et al. (2011b). Solid lines are a best-fit temperature optimum function (Chen and Millero 1986).
Figure 3. Maps of the (a) New River Estuary and (b) Neuse River Estuary, NC, showing the locations of sampling stations and US Geological Service (USGS) river gaging stations. The USGS gaging station on the Neuse River is located at Fort Barnwell approximately 26 km upstream from New Bern and out of the area covered by panel b.

Figure 4. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (Fig. 4A) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (Fig. 4B) loading, as metric tons per day, entering the Neuse River Estuary during years having no major tropical cyclones impacting its watershed (1994) vs. years in which storms (named) impacted the watershed. Note the variability in nutrient loads associated with specific storms, which was largely attributed to the storm tracks relative to the watershed and the amount of rainfall deposited by each storm.

Figure 5. Concentrations and molar ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus versus river flow in the Neuse and New Rivers just above the limit of salt intrusion. River flow and nutrient concentrations were measured at the USGS Gum Branch gaging station for the New River. Neuse River flow was measured at Fort Barnwell and nutrient concentrations were measured at Streets Ferry Bridge.
Figure 6. Impacts of four tropical cyclones on river flow and the downstream distribution of chlorophyll a in the Neuse River Estuary. Dates for each storm represent landfall on the North Carolina coast. Letters above the flow panel correspond with the letters on the chlorophyll a distribution panels. Off-scale chlorophyll a values are written below the peaks. Extremely high flow events, such as the one following Hurricane Floyd (1999), while delivering large amounts of nutrients, also led to “washout” of resident phytoplankton communities, thereby negating the potential stimulatory effect of this event.
Figure 7. Environmental conditions leading to the development of a toxic Karlodinium veneficum bloom in the Neuse River Estuary. A) Neuse River flow at Fort Barnwell, NC showing the runoff pulse from Tropical Storm Ernesto during the fall of 2006. B) Time series of surface (0 m) and bottom (3 m) salinity from automated USGS instrumentation at station CM11, ~ 4 km downstream of station 60 where peak bloom concentrations were observed on 19 October. C) Time series of surface and bottom dissolved inorganic nitrogen at station 60. Inset pie graphs below time series lines show the relative proportion of nitrate (black fill) versus ammonium (white fill) in the DIN pool of surface and bottom waters on 3 October. D) Time series of surface water chlorophyll a, Karlodinium veneficum cell abundance, and flushing time at station 60 (see figure 3 for its location).
Figure 8. Relationship between phytoplankton biomass and flushing time in the New River Estuary, NC from October 2007 through September 2013
Figure 9. Seasonality of picocyanobacteria and raphidophyte blooms in the New River Estuary. Contour plot of zeaxanthin concentration versus time and distance upstream from the New River Inlet with average temperatures from all stations (solid black line, error bars are standard deviation). White circles show the time and spatial locations of raphidophyte blooms defined as chlorophyll a concentrations greater than 40 g L-1 and raphidophytes comprising more than half of total phytoplankton biovolume.

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