Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

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Feldbrill, Victor

(b Toronto, 4 April 1924). Canadian conductor and violinist. His first studies were in violin, followed by conducting classes with Mazzoleni at the Toronto Conservatory of Music (1942–3), at Tanglewood (1947) and with Monteux in Maine (1949, 1950). From 1942 to 1943 he was conductor of the University of Toronto SO, making his Toronto SO début in 1943. Postwar studies with Howells at the RCM and Read at the RAM in London ensued, leading to his appointment as first violin with the Toronto SO (1949–56) and CBC SO (1952–6). During this period he began working in radio and television, and as a guest conductor with numerous Canadian ensembles. From 1958 to 1968 he was music director of the Winnipeg SO, broadcasting a remarkable performance with Glenn Gould for CBC in 1959. In the 1960s he was active at the Vancouver International Festival, with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada and in the USSR. In 1968 he resumed his relationship with the University of Toronto and worked as resident conductor at the Toronto SO (1973–8) and as director of youth programmes. In the 1970s he began an affiliation with the Banff School of Fine Arts and the Canadian Chamber Orchestra; from 1990 to 1995 he was music director of the Hamilton PO and guest conductor for radio and public orchestras across Canada. He organized the International Composers' Orchestral Workshop and serves as its artistic director. Throughout his career Feldbrill has included at least one Canadian work on every programme; he has given the premières of Harry Somers' opera Louis Riel (1967), Violet Archer's Piano Concerto no.1 (1958), Barbara Pentland's Symphony no.4 (1960), André Prévost's Choréographie (1975) and many other works. In 1986 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada.


Feldbusch, Eric

(b Grivegnée, Liège, 2 March 1922). Belgian composer and cellist. At the Liège Conservatoire (1934–9) he studied the cello with Rogister and composition with Quinet. He then embarked on a career as a virtuoso cellist and in 1950 he attended Maréchal’s Paris masterclasses; he has also played the cello in the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium Trio. In 1963 he was appointed director of the Mons Conservatoire and from 1974 to 1987 he was director of the French section of the Brussels Conservatory. He has been a member of the Belgian Royal Academy since 1977. His compositional ideas were crystallized in 1951 when he discovered the music of Berg and Carter and had a fruitful meeting with Legley. Shema Israël draws dramatic effect from the contrast between the tonal theme given to the viola and the atonal commentary played by the other strings.


(selective list)

Stage: Orestes (op, 3, L. Bourgaux, after Aeschylus), 1969, RTBF, 15 Aug 1969; El diablo cojuelo (ballet), op.49, 1974; incid music and film scores

Orch: 5 pièces brèves, op.17, str, pf, 1957; Shema Israël, op.32, str, 1962; 3 poèmes de Garcia Lorca, op.35 no.2, spkr, orch, 1964; Thrêne pour une enfance foudroyée, op.36, 1965–6; Incantation, op.51, vn, str, 1973; Pointes sèches, op.61, 1977; Itinéraires, op.71, brass, 1982; Dichroïsme II, op.72, 1983; Cheminement, op.76, vn, str, 1985; vc conc, op.80, 1988

Chbr and solo inst: Sonata, vn, vc, op.9 no.1, 1955; Mosaïques, vc, op.24, 1961; 4 sonances, gui, op.69, 1980; pf works

Vocal: Mein Land, op.39, S, orch, 1965; songs; choral pieces


Principal publishers: CeBeDeM, Schott (Brussels), Leduc, Andel


Feldman, Jill

(b Los Angeles, 21 April 1952). American soprano. She studied singing privately in San Francisco, and later in Basle, and took a degree in musicology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She made her American operatic début in 1979 as Music in Monteverdi's Orfeo, and the next year made her European début at the Spoleto Festival as Clerio in Cavalli's Erismena. In 1984 she sang the title role in a notable revival (concert performance) of Charpentier's Médée, directed by William Christie, at the Salle Pleyel, Paris. She has sung throughout Europe, specializing in Baroque roles and touring as a soloist and with ensembles. Her recordings include Rameau's Anacréon, Cesti's Orontea, Cavalli's Xerse, Charpentier's Médée, Actéon, Les arts florissants and Le malade imaginaire, and Mozart's Ascanio in Alba. Feldman's accomplished technique, her fine sense of drama and a vocal range capable of subtle nuances of colour assist her in projecting an authoritative stage presence. Among her operatic roles that of Medea in Charpentier's opera is outstanding for its vivid characterization and subtle interpretation of the text. Feldman also has a flourishing concert career, and has recorded works ranging from early Italian songs to songs by Cherubini and Meyerbeer.


Feldman, Ludovic

(b Galaţi, 25 May/6 June 1893; d Bucharest, 11 Sept 1987). Romanian composer. He studied violin at the Bucharest Conservatory with Robert Klenck (1910–11) and at the Vienna Conservatory with Ondříček (1911–16); he made no formal study of composition until 1941–2, when he took lessons with Jora in Bucharest. After a successful career as first violinist with the Zagreb Opera, the Romanian Opera (1926–40) and the George Enescu PO (1926–53), he produced a number of works with solo violin. His early works were based on folk music; by 1958 he was employing the serial procedures of the Second Viennese School, and seeking to combine them with modal elements. In the later 1960s he began to compose more prolifically, producing music of great spontaneity in a wide diversity of genres. The orchestration is luxuriant, the rhythms are lively and the free forms contain a wealth of strong contrasts, while the roots of the music in folksong are still evident. He received the Enescu Prize (1946), the State Prize (1952) and the prize of the Romanian Academy (1978).


(selective list)

Orch: Poem tragic, 1945; Sym., D, 1947; 5 sym. suites, 1947–60; Fantasia concertante, vc, orch, 1949; Poem concertant, vn, orch, 1951; Fl Conc., 1953; Uvertură festivă 1954; Conc., 2 str orch, cel, pf, perc, 1958; Uvertură eroică 1959; Sinfonietta, 1962; Poem eroic, 1963; Trei imagini [3 images], 1965; Variaţiuni simfonice, 1966; Odă simfonică, 1967; Sinfonia da camera, 1968; Alternanţe, 1970; Poem, 1981

Chbr: 2 suites, vn, pf, 1947, 1948; 2 sonatas, vn, pf, 1953, 1965; Str Trio, 1955; Wind Qnt, 1957; Str Qt, 1957; 3 piese de concert, str qt, perc, 1968

Principal publisher: ESPLA, Musicală (Bucharest)


W.G. Berger: Ghid pentru muzica instrumentală de cameră [A guide to instrumental chamber music] (Bucharest, 1965), 359–60

Z. Vancea: Creaţia muzicală românească, sec. XIX–XX (Bucharest, 1968), 370ff

V. Cosma: Muzicieni români: lexicon (Bucharest, 1970), 196–7

V. Tomescu: ‘Ludovic Feldman à 80 ans’, Muzica, xxiii/7 (1973), 47–8

V. Herman: Formă şi stil în noua creaţie românească (Bucharest, 1977)

D. Petecel: ‘Interviu cu Ludovic Feldman’, Muzica, xxxiii/10 (1983), 17–22


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