Program management and coordination through a decentralized management system and ensuring integrated and coordinated implementation among all program components and between different stakeholders at the federal, regional, woreda and community level is essential.. The objective of this component, therefore, is to properly manage resources and implement the activities in accordance with the program objectives and procedures. The component has got 4 major sub components explained under.
Sub-component 5.1 Program Management and Institutional Arrangements
The purpose of AGP II management and institutional arrangement is to establish well-functioning arrangements and mechanisms, for program administration.
Similar to AGP I, AGP II will be implemented within the existing government structures (at Federal, Regional, woreda, and Kebeles) and institutional arrangement (Fig..). The existing institutional arrangement comprises AGP Steering Committee, AGP Technical Committee, and the AGP-Coordination Unit at federal and regional levels (AGP-CUs). Important activities include: program oversight, coordination, technical support and planning.
Figure : Organizational Arrangements for Implementing AGP II
Federal Steering Committee (FSC)
Federal Technical Committee (FTC)
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
Regional Bureaus of Agriculture
Woreda Agriculture Office
Regional Steering Committees Regional Technical Committees (RTC)
Zonal Agricultural Office
Woreda SCs
Woreda TCs
Kebele Office
Zonal Technical Committees
Program Oversight
Steering Committee will be established at federal, regional and woreda levels. The federal Steering Committee (FSC) will be representatives of higher officials from Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Trade (MoT), Ministry of Industry (MOI), Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), Regional Presidents (from each program regions), ATA and NARC as well as from Development Partners including the World Bank, EU, USAID, UNDP, the Netherlands, DFATD ,Spanish Cooperation and Italian Development Cooperation. The FSC would oversee overall program implementation. The AGP II Steering Committee will be chaired by the MoA or its representative. As was the case in AGP-I, the FSC will be responsible for the following tasks: (a) establishing policy guidelines and providing overall oversight of program implementation; b) review and approve annual work plans and annual implementation performance report to be prepared by the PCUs and overseeing the implementation of corrective actions.
The Regional Steering Committees (RSC) will be composed of heads of all relevant sectors, which include: Bureau of Agriculture (BoA), Regional Agriculture Research Institute (RARI), Women Affairs Office, Livestock Agency, Bureaus of Water Resources Development, Bureaus/Offices of Women’s Affairs, Bureaus of Cooperatives Promotion, participating MFIs, will continue to provide overall guidance and leadership for the program. The RSC would meet quarterly to review performance and provide the necessary guidance on program implementation, as well as endorsing the quarterly progress reports and annual plans at the beginning of each fiscal year. At the Zonal level, the Zonal Agriculture Office head or his representative will be member of the regional steering committee and the Zonal agriculture office will provide technical support on extension services and monitoring and evaluation of program progress to the woredas under its authority.
The AGP Woreda Steering Committee (WSC) will be chaired by the Woreda Administrator and members will include; Heads of Woreda Office of Agriculture (WoA), the head will serve as secretary, Woreda Office off Finance and Economic Development (WOFED), and all line offices engaged in implementation of AGP II.
Program Coordination
The existing Agricultural Growth Coordination Units (AGP- CU) at all levels will continue for the day-to-day management of AGP-II including: (a) preparation of consolidated annual work plans and progress reports; (b) monitoring and, supervising overall implementation progress and evaluation of program impacts; (c) financial administration; and (d) procurement of goods and services. Because the workload of the program is increasing, the AGP-II CUs at federal and regional would be strengthened with manpower, equipment, vehicle, and training to address the expanded program scope and increased workload.
In the new regions, particularly in Benishangul Gumuz and Gambella, the program will establish two person units one Program Coordinator in Bureau of Agriculture and one Financial Person. However in Dire Dawa and Harari Regions, the program will have only one focal person responsible for technical matters, and the finance and procurement activities will be implemented by the existing government structure.
In the AGP I existing program woreda of the four regions (Oromiya, Amhara, SNNP and Tigray), the present focal person and finance officer will continue, but because of the increasing workload two additional staffs (one procurement officer and one irrigation expert) be recruited. In each newly included woredas (except Dire Dawa and Harari), the program will establish three experts (focal persons, finance officer and procurement officer) in the Office of Agriculture and Finance will full logistics and facilities.
At the Regional level, the Bureau of Agriculture (BoA) would lead the implementation of the AGP. BoA would consolidate approved annual work plans and implementation progress reports submitted by the Woredas. The annual plan and reports would then be submitted to the Federal AGP-CU. At the Zonal level, the Zonal Agriculture Office (ZAO) will coordinate the Woreda office under its responsibility and provide technical support. Every Zone administrator or his representative will evaluate Woreda performance quarterly by organizing quarterly review meeting with Woreda steering committee chair, secretary (Woreda agricultural office head) and AGP focal person.
Implementation of component II (research) will be the responsibility of EIAR and RARIs. Hence, the program will establish PCU having three persons at NARC (hosted in EIAR) that include a coordinator, a finance officer and a procurement officer which would fully serve both EIAR and the NARC. Each RARI of Oromiya, Amhara, SNNP, Tigray and Gambella regions will have one focal person, and the procurement officer at NARC will support the RARIs in all international purchases.
Efforts will be made to establish effective partnership arrangements among program implementing institutions particularly for those organizations that are not part of MoA. To facilitate program implementation, memorandum of understanding will be prepared and signed between MoA and the IA . The MOU would outline activities to be carried out and explicitly specify associated budget required as well as agreements on operational modalities.
Technical support
The technical committee will continue as in AGP I. Committee members are senior expertise from relevant institutions (program implementers and donor organizations) and chaired by Federal AGP Coordinator. The technical committee is responsible for providing technical advice to program coordination unit on the quality of implementation reports and special studies, guidelines, documentation of best practices, and monitoring and evaluation of reports. It supports program coordination unit and focal person(s) in technical backstopping and supervision of lower levels, to coordinate program implementation within their respective institutions (including institutional capacity building as appropriate); and, to provide advice to steering committees on program activities; as well as to produce reports on implementation progress.
In AGP II staff from NARC/EIAR will be member of Federal Technical Committee. At the regional levels TC members will includes membership from relevant processes owners under BoARD, Livestock Agency (if separate from BoARD), RARIs, Bureaus of Water Resources Development, Bureaus/Offices of Women’s Affairs, Bureaus of Cooperatives Promotion, participating MFIs, and Soil Laboratories. The zonal program focal person will be member of regional technical committee and report on the progress of program activities to the regional technical committee). Woreda technical committee will also consist of representative experts from the woreda AGP II implementing organization and is chaired by Agriculture Office Head. The technical committee at federal, regional and Zonal level will meet once per month and the woreda levels technical committee will meet twice per month.
Program Planning
At grass root level AGP II will adopt the demand-driven Community Level Participatory Planning (CLPP) approach of AGP I. In AGP-II a five year leading intervention plans will be prepared using CLPP and customized to Woreda strategic plan. In the successive years woreda level annual work plan will be extracted from main planning document and consolidated at Zonal, Regional and Federal levels.
Implementing Agencies will then prepare their annual work plans for each budget year and send it to AGP II FCU for review and consolidation. AGP-II CU will prepare a consolidated budget and submit to steering committee for approval. Fund transfers by AGP-II CU will be based on approved work plan and budget. At federal level, program-implementing organizations will prepare consolidated activity plan together with budget and send it to the AGP-II CU. As regards to Component II, RARIs will send their annual plan and budget to NARC- PCU and RPCU. RPCU consolidate the regional plan and budget including component II and pass it to AGP-II CU.
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