65 Key audit matter
How our
scope addressed the matter Accuracy of defined benefit pension scheme liabilitiesWe identified the accuracy of defined benefit pension scheme liabilities as one of the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement due to error. As at 31 March 2022 the UK pension scheme has recorded a surplus of k and the Irish scheme has liabilities of £592k.
The accuracy achieved by estimating the liabilities of the pension scheme is inherently judgemental and sensitive to the selection and alteration of key inputs and therefore susceptible to management bias. Given the material
size of the pension schemes, even small movements in the inputs and assumptions could cause the obligation to be materially misstated in the group financial statements.
In responding to the key audit matter, we performed the following audit procedures We assessed the professional qualifications of the management’s expert and engaged internal actuaries
to challenge the inputs, assumptions and calculations used in valuing the obligation disclosed in the financial statements, namely the discount rates and life expectancy factors applied We reconciled
the overall liability, consolidated income statement charge and OCI charge to the trial balance and IAS 19 reports provided by the actuary Performed substantive analytical procedures by comparing pension member numbers year on year to identify unusual movements and assess reasonableness of inputs used in calculating the estimated liability and We assessed the relevant disclosures to ensure they conform with the requirements of International Accounting Standard (‘IAS’) 19 Employee Benefits’.
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