Fipa abstract Architecture Specification

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A FIPA-message is an individual unit of communication between two or more agents. A message corresponds to a communicative act, in the sense that a message encodes the communicative. Communicative acts can be recursively composed, so while the outermost act is directly encoded by the message, taken as a whole a given message may represent multiple individual communicative acts. FIPA-messages are transmitted between agents over a transport.

A FIPA-message includes an indication of the type of communicative act (for example, INFORM, REQUEST), the agent-names of the sender and receiver agents, the ontology to be used in interpreting the content, and the content of the message.

A FIPA-message does not include any transport or addressing information. It is transmitted from sender to receiver by being encoded as the payload of a transport-message, which includes this information.

Relationships to other elements

FIPA-message is written in an agent-communication-language

FIPA-message has content

FIPA-message has an ontology

FIPA-message includes an agent-name corresponding to the sender of the message

FIPA-message includes one or more agent-name corresponding to the receiver or receivers of the message

FIPA-message is sent by an agent

FIPA-message is received by one or more agents

FIPA-message is transmitted as the payload of a transport-message

Relationship to concrete specification

Mandatory / Optional

Actual / Explanatory








A FIPA-service is a functionality which is made available to agents, and other FIPA-services. These are services which are used in the provisioning of Agent Environments and may be used as the basis for interoperation.

Relationships to other elements

FIPA-service is an instance of FIPA-entity

FIPA-service has a public set of behaviors

FIPA-service has a service description (service type)

FIPA-service can be accessed by FIPA-services and Agents

FIPA-service may be a part of an agent-platform

    Directory-Service is an instance of FIPA-service, and is mandatory

    Message-transport-service is an instance of FIPA-service, and is optional

    Transform-service is an instance of FIPA-service, and is optional

    Agent-platform is an instance of FIPA-service, and is optional

    FIPA-services can contain other FIPA-services

Relationship to concrete specifications

Mandatory / Optional

Actual / Explanatory






FIPA will administer the name space of FIPA-services. This is part of the concrete realization process. Having a clear naming scheme for the FIPA-services will allow for optimized implementation and management of FIPA-services.

Agent-platform is a FIPA-service. Since an agent-platform can also contain other FIPA-services, the notion of FIPA-services is recursive – that is, that FIPA-services can contain other FIPA-services. Since in many modular and object-orientated systems this is frequently the case, this seems a reasonable approach



An locator consists of the set of transport-descriptions which can be used to communicate with an FIPA-entity. An locator may be used by a message-transport-service to select a transport for communicating with the FIPA-entity, such as an agent or a FIPA-service. Locators can also contain references to software interfaces. This can be used when a FIPA-service can be accessed programmatically, rather than via a messaging model.

Relationships to other elements

Locator is a member of directory-entry, which is registered with a directory-service

An locator contains one or more transport-descriptions

An locator is used by message-transport-service to select a transport

Relationship to concrete specification

Mandatory / Optional

Actual / Explanatory






The locator serves as a basic building block for managing address and transport resolution. An locator includes all of the transport-descriptions which may be used to contact the related agent or FIPA-service.

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