Florida ged plus college Preparation Program Curriculum and Resource Guide

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Objective 2 – Algebraic Thinking

Understand the basics of algebraic thinking by completing operations/word problems that deal with:

  • Integers and rational numbers

  • Absolute values and ordering

  • Algebraic operations, including simplifying rational algebraic expressions, formulas, factoring, working with monomials, expanding polynomials, and manipulating roots and exponents

  • Simplifying algebraic fractions and factoring

  • Solving equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations

  • Solving quadratic equations by factoring

  • Verbal problems presented in algebraic context

  • Geometric reasoning

  • Translation of written phrases into algebraic expressions

  • Graphing

Algebraic Thinking

What does algebra mean to you? For many people, the word algebra calls up memories of xs and ys, trying to figure out how to solve for the unknown, and just trying to guess what rules and symbols to use in the equations.

Teaching algebra in today’s classroom is not as much about manipulating letters and numbers in equations that don’t make sense, but rather understanding operations and processes.

What is algebraic thinking? When do you think students first begin to algebraically think? Algebraic thinking is very simply the ideas of algebra and the skill of being able to logically think. Algebraic ideas include patterns, variables, expressions, equations, and functions. These are the building blocks of algebraic thinking. Translating words into symbols is similar to modeling a situation using an equation and variables. Students need to know that it is through algebraic equations and inequalities that they can represent a quantitative relationship between two or more objects.

Before beginning the process of teaching algebra, be sure that students understand the basics. The key prerequisites for students to be successful in the study of algebra are to first understand the:

  • technical language of algebra;

  • concept of variables; and

  • concept of relations and functions.

When teaching algebra in the Florida GED PLUS program, teachers need to use practical experiences that go beyond the mere computation required by equations. When developing practice activities in the algebra classroom, be sure that you:

  • Develop processes/procedures for students to use when approaching algebraic tasks

  • Create exercises that highlight the critical attributes related to the skill or concept being taught

  • Provide opportunities for students to verbalize about the task and predict what type of answer is expected

  • Offer opportunities for students to discuss and write responses to questions dealing with key concepts being learned

  • Select exercises that anticipate future skills to be learned

  • Design exercises that integrate a number of ideas to reinforce prior learning as well as current, and future concepts

As students learn algebra, they need to develop different procedures to use. Being able to recognize a pattern is an important critical thinking skill in solving certain algebraic problems. There are four basic skills for thinking about patterns.

  • Finding patterns involves looking for regular features of a situation that repeats.

  • Describing patterns involves communicating the regularity in words or in a mathematically concise way that other people can understand.

  • Explaining patterns involves thinking about why the pattern continues forever, even if one has not exhaustively looked at each one.

  • Predicting with patterns involves using your description to predict pieces of the situation that are not given.

Strategy – Algebra Manipulatives

Manipulatives can play an important role in the study of algebra. Algebra tiles provide a geometric look at symbols. They also support cooperative learning and help improve discussion in the algebra class by giving students objects to think with and talk about. It is in this type of context that true learning happens. Algebra tiles have a variety of other names: algetiles, math tiles, and virtual tiles. Algebra tiles help students visualize algebraic expressions and/or equations. Many use multi-colors so that students can use both positive and negative variables.

There are many different commercial versions of algebra tiles. However, you can also use an algebra tile template and print your own. Use heavy paper or laminate them so that they will be sturdy.

The Basics of Algebra Tiles
Each tile represents a specific monomial, e.g. x, y, x2, y2, etc. One color represents positive, the other negative. Often green symbolizes positive and red symbolizes negative.

Large Sq. = x2 Rectangle = x Small Sq. = 1

To represent a 2nd degree polynomial, simply combine tiles. A red tile and a green tile of equal size will combine to give zero. Shown below is a representation of the polynomial 2x2 - x + 3.

Adding Integers
Have students first use algebra tiles to show how simple equations can be expressed with the tiles, such as the following:

4 + 3 = 7

2 + ( - 3) = -1

The sum of - 8 + 4

Subtracting Integers

- 8 – (-3) = -5

(Remove 3 negative tiles to get the answer.)

4 – 7 = -3

(Because you are taking away 7, you start canceling out the negative and positive, ending up with a negative 3.)

Simplifying Expressions and Modeling Basic Equations

Show students how to simplify expressions and model basic expressions before going to polynomial expressions. Students should also have time to “make collections” of tiles showing how sizes fit into a rectangular shape.

Model the following expression: 3x + 2 – 4x – 4

(Remind students that subtracting is the same as adding the opposite. Point out that negative tiles are red.)

3x + 2 - 4x -4

Show students that the expression can be simplified to – x - 2.
Have students make a collection of squares before going on to solving equations. This will assist students in arranging the tiles. Generally, two rules are used when “collecting” tiles.

  • Big squares can’t touch little squares.

  • Little squares should all be together.


Multiplying polynomials using algebra tiles is a lot like using the area approach to multiplying whole numbers. To multiply binomials using algebra tiles, place one term at the top of the grid and the second term on the side of the grid. You MUST maintain straight lines when you are filling in the center of the grid. The tiles needed to complete the inner grid will be your answer. Illustrated below is the multiplication fact (x-2)(x+1) = x2 - x - 2.

This figure actually shows that (x-2)(x+1) = x2 - 2x + x - 2.

To make sure you've got it, try some of these problems:

(x+1)(x+1) (Notice that the resulting array forms a perfect square.)




Factoring is the reverse of multiplying. Using algebra tiles, build a rectangle containing the tiles specified in this problem (1 x2-tiles, 3 x-tiles and 2 1-tiles). Remember that the lines between the tiles within your pattern must be completely vertical or horizontal across the entire pattern. To factor x2 - 3x + 2, arrange the appropriate tiles into a rectangular array and determine which factors would look like this. After the pattern is established, it can be seen that the top edge of the pattern (the length) is composed of tiles with dimensions x + 1. The side edge of the pattern (the width) is composed of tiles with dimensions x + 2. Consequently, x2 + 3x + 2 = (x + 1)(x + 2).

When factoring, you may need to add some red and green tiles of equal size. Remember that you need to be able to make a rectangular array. If you can't make such an array, your polynomial can't be factored over the integers. Here are a few polynomials for you to factor.

x2 + 2x + 1

x2 + 3x + 2

x2 - 1

Another Method for Multiplying Binomials – The Grid Method

To multiply binomials using a grid, place one term at the top of the grid (separating the elements into each compartment of the grid) and the second term on the side of the grid. You then multiply the rows and columns of the grid as you would in a coordinate system. Finish by combining like terms.

Answer: x²+5x+6

Algebra Tile Template

A Sample Lesson Plan for Algebra I from the Annenberg Foundation.

Retrieved form the World Wide Web on 02/25/06 at: http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/algebra/.


Teachers will need the following:

  • A bag of 40 transparent chips (20 red, 20 yellow)

  • 10 paper cups

  • 10 equations for use at stations (the equation should appear on one side of a strip of paper, and the solution on the other side)

Students will need the following:

  • A bag of 20 chips (red on one side, yellow on the other)

  • 10 paper cups

  • Individual dry-erase boards or large sheets of paper


Introductory Activity:
1. As a warm up, present the following equations for students to solve:

  • x + 10 = 15

  • y - 3 = -1

  • 5 - m = -2

  • w + 4 = -5

2. Give students two minutes to complete the warm up problems individually.

3. Have students compare and discuss their solutions with a partner.

4. For each problem, consider student answers. For any problem with which students had difficulty, ask several students with different answers to present their solutions on the board or overhead, and help them clarify their understanding.

Learning Activities:
1. Distribute a bag of chips, a set of cups, and a large sheet of paper or dry-erase board to each group of students.

2. Explain that students will be using a cups and chips activity to solve the equation 2x + 6 = 12.

3. Present the following directions to students:

  • If the variable is positive, place the cup(s) facing up.

  • If the variable is negative, place the cup(s) facing down.

  • The coefficient of the variable indicates the number of cups to use.

Then, ask students to show you the representation of 2x using the cups. They should all place two cups facing up on top of their paper or dry-erase board. Explain the following:

  • The chips represent the numbers.

  • If a number is positive, the chip should be yellow side up.

  • If a number is negative, the chip should be red side up.

Have students use six yellow chips to represent +6. They should place these chips next to their two cups. Then, have them draw an equal sign to the right of the two cups and six yellow chips. Explain that they can represent +12 by placing 12 yellow chips on the other side of the equal sign.

4. Ask students what can be done to both sides of the equation to get rid of the six yellow chips (+6) on one side of the equation. Elicit from students that -6 should be added to each side (i.e., add six red chips to both sides); alternatively, +6 could be subtracted from each side (i.e., take away six yellow chips from each side).

5. On the overhead, add six red chips to the side with six yellow chips. Also add six red chips to the side with 12 yellow chips, and have students repeat these actions in their groups. Ask, "When you pair each red chip with a yellow chip, what happens?" Call on a student to explain that each pair is equal to 0.

6. Have students remove the pairs of red and yellow chips, leaving just two cups facing up and six yellow chips. Ask, "What equation do we have now?" Elicit from students that the cups represent 2x, the remaining yellow chips represent +6, and the equation now left is 2x = 6. Write this new equation on the overhead below the original equation.

7. Ask, "If two cups equal six chips, what does that tell us about one cup?" They should notice that there are three chips for each cup.

8. Demonstrate that the final equation is now x = 3, and write this equation on the overhead below the equation 2x = 6.

9. Give students the following problems to solve in their groups using cups and chips:

  • 5m + 1 = -9

  • 2x + 3 = 4

10. Circulate as students are solving these problems. Allow a few minutes for students to complete both problems.

11. Review the solutions to the problems with the class. For the second problem, be sure to discuss the final step, when students arrive at the equation 2x = 1. Ask, "Were you actually able to use the cups and chips to solve the problem? When you had 2x = 1, what operation did we have to do?" Elicit from students that both sides had to be divided by 2 (or that the chip needed to be split in half), to yield the answer x = ½.

12. Explain to students that you want them to try a problem with a negative coefficient. Give students the problem -2x + 3 = -5 to solve.

13. Ask, "What was the first step in solving this problem?" The students should notice that the first step is to subtract 3 from (or add -3 to) both sides of the equation, yielding -2x = -8.

14. Ask, "What is the next step to balance the equation and get x by itself?" Students may note that both sides need to be divided by -2, yielding x = 4. They may also state or demonstrate that they can turn over both the cups and the chips on both sides of the equation, which would represent multiplication by -1.

15. Ask, "How can we check this to make sure it is the correct answer?" Obtain from students that the value x = 4 can be substituted into the original equation to show that it works: -2(4) + 3 = -5.

Explain to students that now that they have solved the same equations using cups and chips and symbolic manipulation (or algebra), it's time to try solving similar equations with symbolic manipulation (algebra) only. At 10 stations throughout the room, post various equations for the students to solve. Do not let them know that the solutions are given on the back of each piece of paper. Have students circulate in pairs through the stations, solving each equation and checking their answers. Give students 1-2 minutes at each station, as necessary. Below are some equations you might use (make sure some of the variables have negative and fractional coefficients):

  • 3x + 2 = 14

  • -3m - 1 = -10

  • -7x + 5 = 12

  • -w + 13 = 9

  • ½d + 7 = 10

16. Show students that they can turn over the papers to find the correct solutions. Give them a couple of minutes to verify their results, and then call the whole class together to review and clarify the solutions to any problems with which students had difficulty.

Culminating Activity/Assessment:

1. Once students have answered all questions, ask them to summarize the process of solving an equation. Solicit input from several students, and relate their descriptions to the cups and chips activity. Emphasize the need to add or subtract and then multiply or divide, and be sure to stress that the final step should always be to check the answer in the original equation.

2. Assign problems for homework.
The questions below dealing with solving linear equations have been selected from various state and national assessments. Although the lesson above may not fully equip students to answer all such test questions successfully, students who participate in active lessons like this one will eventually develop the conceptual understanding needed to succeed on these and other state assessment questions.

Taken from the Maine Educational Assessment, Mathematics, Grade 11 (2002)

Clem's balloon is 200 feet off the ground and rising at a rate of 5 feet per second. Mary's balloon is 100 feet off the ground and rising at a rate of 9 feet per second. In how many seconds will the two balloons be at the same height? Show how you found your answer.

Solution: The height of Clem's balloon can be represented as 200 + 5t, and the height of Mary's balloon can be represented as 100 + 9t, where t is the number of seconds from now. The balloons will be at the same height when 200 + 5t = 100 + 9t, or when t = 25 seconds.
Taken from the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment, Grade 10 (Spring 2002):

Solve the following equation for x.

3x - (2x - 3) = 2x - 9

3x - (2x - 3) = 2x - 9
3x - 2x + 3 = 2x - 9
x + 3 = 2x - 9
x = 12
Taken from the Maryland High School Algebra Exam (2002):

Terry is going to the county fair. She has two choices for purchasing tickets, as shown in the table below.

Ticket Choices

Admission Price

Cost per Ride







Write an equation for Terry's total cost (y) for ticket

Choice A. Then write an equation for Terry's total cost (y) for ticket Choice B. Let x represent the number of rides she plans to go on.

How many rides would Terry have to go on for the total cost of ticket A and ticket B to be equal? Use mathematics to explain how you determined your answer. Use words, symbols, or both in your explanation.

Terry plans to go on 14 rides. To spend the least amount of money, which ticket choice should Terry choose? Use mathematics to justify your answer.

For Choice A, the equation is y = 6 + 0.5x; for Choice B, y = 2 + 0.75x.

For the total costs to be equal, 6 + 0.5x = 2 + 0.75x, or x = 16; therefore, Terry would have to go on 16 rides.

For 14 rides, Choice A would cost 6 + 0.5(14) = $13. Choice B would cost 2 + 0.75(14) = $12.50. Terry should choose ticket B.

Four Fours

Using exactly four fours, write expressions equal to each of the numbers from 0 to 25. You may use the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, and factorial operators. You may combine fours such as .4, .4 repeating, 44, and 444. Make sure you are using the correct order of operations. You may only use parentheses when they are needed. The first few numbers are done for you as examples.

0 = 44 - 44

13 =

1 = 44 ÷ 44

14 =

2 = 4 ÷ 4 + 4 ÷ 4

15 =

3 =

16 =

4 =

17 =

5 =

18 =

6 =

19 =

7 =

20 =

8 =

21 =

9 =

22 =

10 =

23 =

11 =

24 =

12 =

25 =

Word Problems
(Answer ID # 0405114)

Write a word problem to represent each linear equation. For the equation: 500 = 50x

Example: Martha earns $50 per week. In how many weeks will she earn $500?
Do not rewrite the equation. Do not write: 500 is 50 times what?

1. 2i = 6

2. 71 = g-33

3. 60 = 4


4. f + 1= 8


5. 52 = 79 – e

6. 3 + 23 = 38

Algebra Equation Bingo

Try to be the first person to cross out all of the numbers in any row, column, or diagonal. In order to cross out a number, you must get that number as the solution to one of the equations shown below. Show that you have solved an equation by writing the equation number in the corner box next to the solution. The first group member to get a “bingo” must have his or her equation numbers verified by the other group members.

- 3



- 5


- 9



- 4


- 8

- 16

- 7


- 23


Algebra Equation Bingo Equations

  1. -32/8 = c

  2. -84  (-6) = t

  3. d = -16/2

  4. -56  (-7) = s

  5. b = 129  -43

  6. -54  -18 = r

  7. 238  -34 = k

  8. y = -531  59

  1. -112  -16 = p

  2. m = 828  69

  3. 272  =17 = n

  4. -68  -17 = z

  5. -75  -3 = a

  6. e = 45  -9

  7. -63  -7 = f

  8. -138  6 = h

Algebra Terms Concentration

Absolute Value

The distance an integer is from zero on a number line


A number that indicates how many times another number is used as a factor


A number from the set {… -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 …}

Like Terms

Terms that differ only on their numerical coefficient

Unlike Terms

Terms that do not have the same variable factors


A number, a variable or their product


A monomial or the sum or difference of two or more monomials


A statement that two quantities have the same value

Positive and Negative Integers: A Card Game

Objective: Students will practice addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers using an adaptation of the card game Twenty-Five.
Materials: Standard deck(s) of playing cards
Arrange students into groups of two or more. Have students deal out as many cards as possible from a deck of cards, so that each student has an equal number of cards. Put aside any extra cards.
Explain to students that every black card in their pile represents a positive number. Every red card represents a negative number. For example, a black seven is worth +7 (seven), and a red three is worth -3 (three). Face cards have the following values: aces have a value of 1, jacks have a value of 11, queens have a value of 12, and kings have a value of 13.
At the start of the game, have each player place his/her cards in a stack, face down. Then ask the player to the right of the dealer to turn up one card and say the number on the card. For example, if the player turns up a black eight, he or she says “8.”
Continue from one player to the next in a clockwise direction. The second player turns up a card, adds it to the first card, and says the sum of the two cards aloud. For example, if the card is a red 9, the player says: “8” + (-9) = (-1).”
The next player takes the top card from his/her pile, adds it to the first two cards, and says the sum. For example, if the card is a black 2, the player says: “(-1) + 2 = 1.”
The game continues until someone shows a card that, when added to the stack, results in a sum of exactly 25.
Extra Challenging Version
To add another dimension to the game, you might have students always use subtraction. Playing the game this way will reinforce the skill of subtracting negative integers.
For example, if player #1 plays a red 5 (-5) and player #2 plays a black 8 (+8), the sum is -13: (-5) – (+8) = -13.
If the next player plays a red 4, the sum is -9: (-13) – (-4) = -9. (Remember, subtracting a negative number from a negative number is equivalent to adding that number.)

From Arithmetic to Algebra

Complete each of the equations. Explain your answer.

1. (3^7 + 3^8) x (3^2 x 3^6) =

2. (e^7 + e^8) x (3^2 X 3^6) =

3. 8 x 1 + 6 =

4. 8i x i + 6i =

5. 4^7 x 4^4 + 4^4 =

6. J^7 x J^4 + J^4 =

7. 6^2 + 6^8 x 6^5 x 6^3 =

8. f^2 + f^8 x f^5 x f^3 =

9. 6 x (3 + 8) + (9 + 7) =

10. 6i x (3i + 8i) + (9i + 7i) =

11. 7 x 5 + 8 =

12. 7h x 5h + 8f =

13. 7 x (6 + 9) =

14. 7h x (6h + 9d) =

15. 8 x (9+5) =

16. 8g x (9g + 5g) =

17. 1 x (5 + 7) + (6 x 4) =

18. e x (5e + 7e) + (6e x 4e) =

19. 6^4 x 6^6 + 6^ 10 =

20. c^4 x c^5 + c^10 =

Algebra problems from edHelper.com. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on 03/08/06 at: http://www.edhelper.com/algebra.htm.

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