Florida ged plus college Preparation Program Curriculum and Resource Guide

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Activity 1: Scrambled Sentences

Goal: To see the relationship among words or groups of words in a sentence.

In this Scrambled Sentence exercise, a sentence has been broken into parts, and the parts have been listed out of their order. Read the parts carefully and then decide what would be the best order in which to arrange them to form a well-constructed, effective sentence.
Scrambled Sentence1
A- begin to lengthen

B- to shorten

C- the nights

D- the days

E- after June 21st
Write your completed sentence in the box below.

Scrambled Sentence 2

  1. an adequate standard

  2. science

  3. for every family

  4. of living

  5. makes possible

Write your completed sentence in the box below.

Scrambled Sentence 3

  1. autumnal sun

  2. in the morning

  3. my window

  4. when I awoke

  5. a brilliant

  6. was shining in

Write your completed sentence in the box below.

Activity 2: Sentence Effectiveness

Activity 2: Scrambled Sentence Kernels

In this activity, there are a series of short, often choppy sentences, resulting in a monotonous style. Using appropriate connectives and proper subordination, combine statements so as to show the relationship of ideas that apparently belong together. Some ideas may be expressed in a single sentence.
Sentence Kernels 1

  1. The Arch of Triumph in Paris is the largest triumphal arch in the world.

  2. It was erected to commemorate the victories of the armies of the French Revolution and of Napoleon.

  1. Beneath it there now lies buried the body of an unknown soldier.

  2. He is the symbol of thousands of Frenchmen.

  3. They gave their lives fighting Germany in World War I.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Sentence Kernels 2

  1. The original inhabitants of England belonged to the Celtic race.

  2. It was a primitive people.

  3. They were called Britons.

  4. They spoke a rudimentary language.

  5. The tongue they used was somewhat like present-day Welsh.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Sentence Kernels 3

  1. Ramsey MacDonald once defined an educated person.

  2. MacDonald said that he is one with certain subtle spiritual qualities.

  3. These qualities make him calm in adversity.

  4. They make him happy when he is by himself.

  5. These attributes cause him to be just in all his dealings.

  6. They also make him rational and sane in all the affairs of life.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Used by permission of Educators Publishing Service, 625 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA, (800) 225-5750. www.epsbooks.com.

Sentence Kernels 4

  1. John X. Miller is the publisher of the Detroit Free Press.

  2. He is handling responses about Mitch Albom’s column.

  3. The column appeared on Sunday April 3.

  4. The column described two former Michigan State basketball players.

  5. They are current NBA basketball players.

  6. They attended the NCAA semifinal game.

  7. The game was held the previous night.

  8. The game was between MSU and the University of North Carolina.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Sentence Kernels 5

  1. The column was based on interviews.

  2. The interviews happened before the game.

  3. Albom interviewed the two players.

  4. They told Albom they planned to arrive for the game.

  5. They planned to arrive by plane.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Sentence Kernels 6

  1. Albom’s column anticipated a game.

  2. The game had not yet been played.

  3. The column described a scene.

  4. Albom intended to give readers a sense.

  5. The sense was that he had actually witnessed the event.

Write your completed sentence(s) in the box below.

Activity 3: Scrambled Paragraphs

The sentences in each of the scrambled paragraphs are listed out of their original order. Read them carefully and decide what would be the best order in which to arrange them to form a well-constructed, effective paragraph. In the space below each list of sentences, rewrite the sentences in the order in which you think they should appear. Take the time to write them out in their entirety and not just their corresponding letters. Be prepared to discuss your results.
Scrambled Paragraph 1
A- This studio he turned into a kind of “art factory.”

B- Then he would tell a student to go on with the coloring.

C- Three thousand pictures were finally turned out in this center, many of them sold for high prices.

D- The master would first sketch the main outlines of a picture.

E- Once, in a studio, Rubens, the famous artist became the master of a group of painters.

F- Later, he himself would give the finishing touches to the painting.

Reorder and write the sentences so that they form a coherent and organized paragraph. Write your completed paragraph in the box below.

Scrambled Paragraph 2

    1. The sooner the better, if you asked me.

    2. And Miss Love wouldn’t have to bring a quart Mason jar full of hot coffee down to the store for him every morning like she’d been doing.

    3. I didn’t see why Mama and Aunt Lorna weren’t glad Grandpa Blakeslee had found him a lady to marry.

    4. The wedding couldn’t be for a year or more, of course, but after he wouldn’t have to keep coming to our house for dinner or to Aunt Loma’s every night for supper, which he’d been doing ever since Granny passed away.

    5. I sat down on the back steps to think.

Reorder and write the sentences so that they form a coherent and organized paragraph. Write your completed paragraph in the box below.

Scrambled Paragraph 3 (from To Kill a Mockingbird)

  1. When I begged Atticus to use his influence, he said he had none – we were guests, and we sat where she told us to sit.

  2. I often wondered what she thought I’d do, get up and throw something?

  3. At Christmas dinner, I sat at the little table in the dining room; Jem and Francis sat with the adults at the dining table.

  4. He also said Aunt Alexandra didn’t understand girls much, she’d never had one.

  5. Aunty had continued to isolate me long after Jem and Francis graduated to the big table.

  6. I sometimes thought of asking her if she would let me sit at the big table with the rest of them just once. I would prove to her how civilized I could be; after all, I ate at home every day with no major mishaps.

Reorder and write the sentences so that they form a coherent and organized paragraph. Write your completed paragraph in the box below.

Scrambled Paragraph 4

  1. For one thing, our museums have become less like stone houses of inaccessible treasures.

  2. Strides have also been made in our school systems in integrating art with the rest of the curriculum.

  3. We have developed in America fairly recently many new techniques for bringing the artist and the public closer together.

  4. As a result of the early training, art has become a natural heritage of many growing individuals.

  5. They are now much more like educational institutions participating in the life of the community.

Reorder and write the sentences so that they form a coherent and organized paragraph. Write your completed paragraph in the box below.

Scrambled Paragraph 5

  1. It could not, because there is not enough moisture in the air to make such precipitation possible.

  2. These may be dust storms.

  3. Occasionally, also, white clouds or patches of fog or haze are seen.

  4. Hence there are no oceans, lakes, or other bodies of water there.

  5. Now and then hazy, red-brown clouds are observed above the surface of mars.

  6. But neither rain nor snow ever falls on Mars.

Reorder and write the sentences so that they form a coherent and organized paragraph. Write your completed paragraph in the box below.

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