Florida Supreme Court Archives Inventory of Accessioned and Processed Materials


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Alphabetically by name of Justice, each pocket contains one black and white and one color negative of the official oil portrait, including frame, 2-1/4 x 2-3/4. Some contain more than one negative; some contain a contact size print of the color negative.

Adams, Alto

Alderman, James E.

Anderson, Walker

Baker, James

Baltzell, Thomas

Barns, Paul D.

Boyd, Joseph A. “Negatives of the Claribell Jett portrait. Replaced by Barbara Lester Dec. 1986.”

Brown, Armstead

Browne, Jefferson B.

Caldwell, Millard F.

Carlton, Vassar

Carter, Francis B.

Chapman, Roy H.

Cockrell, Robert S.

Davis, Fred H.

Dekle, Hal P.

Douglas, Samuel J.

Douglas, Thomas

Drew, E. Harris

DuPont, Charles H.

Ellis, William H.

England, Arthur

Ervin, Richard W.

Forward, William A.

Fraser, Franklin P.

Hart, Ossian B.

Hatchett, Joseph

Hawkins, George

Hocker, William A.

Hobson, T. Frank

Hopping, Wade

Karl, Frederick B.

Lancaster, Joseph B.

Liddon, Benjamin

Mabry, Milton H.

Macrae, George

Mathews, John E. “No Color Negative”

Maxwell, Augustus E.

Maxwell, E. C.

McCain, David L.

McWhorter, George “No B & W”

Mitchell, Henry L.

O’Connell, Stephen C.

Overton, Ben F.

Parkhill, Charles B.

Pearson, Bird M.

Randall, Edwin M.

Raney, George P.

Sebring, Harold L.

Semmes, Albert

Shakleford, Thomas, M.

Strum, Louie W.

Sundberg, Alan C.

Taylor, R. Fenwick

Terrell, Glenn

Thomas, Elwyn

Thompson, Leslie A.

Thornal, B. Campbell

Van Valkenberg[h], R. B.

Walker, David S.

West, Thomas F.

Westcott, James D.

Whitfield, James B.

Wright, Benjamin



  1. 1821 – 1845. Florida, Tallahassee. Embossed seal of the Florida Territorial Court of Appeals.

  2. 1847. Florida, Tallahassee. Photo of page 346 of Leslie Thompson’s British Statutes in Force in the State of Florida.

  3. 1857 – 1874. Florida, Jacksonville. Justice Ossian B. Hart. Stanton Institute.

  4. 1868. Virginia, Charlottesville. University of Virginia. Lawn and Rotunda. Portrait of William B. Hooker.

  5. 1892. Florida, Tallahassee. State Capitol Building. Black and white copy negative.

  6. 1899. 1935. Copy photos from the 1899 composite photograph and the 1935 yearbook.

  7. 1912, circa. Florida, Tallahassee. Whitfield Building. Architect’s drawing. Sepia tone print 8 x 12.

  8. 1912. Velox image (negative) of the 1912 architect’s drawing of the Whitfield Building.

  9. 1913 – 1978. Florida, Tallahassee. Whitfield Building. Exterior, general view.

  10. 1920 – 1930, circa (?). Future Supreme Court Librarian Carson Sinclair and mother (?).

  11. 1929 – 1933. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Commissioners. Charles E. Davis, Madison County; Sam M. Matthews, Duval County; Charles O. Andrews, Orange County. Color photos of oil portraits. [X-ref. Photo Box 1, File 9. Mathews, Sam M. Supreme Court Commissioner. 1929 to 1933. 2-3/4 x 2-1/4 color negative and 2-3/4 x 2-1/4 black and white negative of oil portrait; Andrews, Charles O. Supreme Court Commissioner. 1929 to 1933. 2-3/4 x 2-1/4 color negative and 2-3/4 x 2-1/4 black and white negative of oil portrait]

  12. 1930, July. Florida. Camp Foster. Attorney General and Future Justice Fred Davis, Lt. Col. J. M. Spengler. 8 x 10 black and white original print. 5 x 7 black and white copy print from the same occasion with Lieut. Bonacker, Lt. Col. Atkinson; R.A. Gray (Secretary of State); Doyle Carlton (Governor); Gen. V. B. Collins (Adjutant General); Lt. Col. J. H. Spengler; Maj. Fred Davis (Attorney General).

  13. 1931 – 1938. Florida, Tallahassee. Justices William H. Ellis, Rivers Buford, and Fred H. Davis with Miami attorneys Mitchell D. Price and Herbert S. Sawyer.

  14. 1934, May 5. Florida, Miami. Justice Fred H. Davis, Governor David Sholtz, Mrs. Sholtz.

  15. 1935. Florida. Four women attorneys from the book, Bench and Bar of Florida, 1935. Louise R. Pinnell, Mary S. Howarth, Dorothy Douglas, Madeline A. Jacobson. 4 x 5 black and white copy negatives.

  16. 1936 (?). Location unknown, possibly Washington D.C. or Florida. Millard F. Caldwell at a Desk signing a paper. 8 x 10 black and white print.

  17. 1940, circa (?) and 1960, circa (?).Florida, Pensacola. Judge Leo L. Fabisinski, 1st Circuit Court; Associate Justice 1947. 5 x 7 black and white copy prints, circa 1998. Putnam County Courthouse, Palatka. 5 x 7 print from a postcard.

  18. 1941, 1966. Spessard Holland as Florida governor and as U.S. Senator. Copy prints, 3-1/2 x 5, circa 1998. Also pictured: Campbell Thornal, Leroy Collins, John McCarty.

  19. 1946. Florida, Tallahassee. State Capitol Building. Facilities of the State Library before move to new 1949 Supreme Court Building. 8 x 10 black and white original prints.

  20. 1940, November 11; 1943, December 19; 1946, undated. Portraits of, family of, events in the life of: Curtis E. Chillingworth, Circuit Judge, Associate Supreme Court Justice. Also pictured: Marjorie McKinley Chillingworth, Marie Chillingworth, Ivanhoe Holland, Mrs. Mary Holland, Governor-elect Spessard Holland; Charles Curtis Chillingworth (father), unidentified family members. 8 x 10 and 5 x 7 black and white copy prints, circa 1998.

  21. 1948, June 25. Tennessee, Knoxville. Candoro Marble Company. Production of Marble Columns for Florida Supreme Court Building. Group of 8 x 10 black and white original photos. Includes a 1949 photo of the columns in place in the new building.

  22. 1949, January 4, and 1954, January 13. B.K. Roberts. 8 x 10 black and white copy prints, circa 1998. Also pictured: Governor Fuller Warren.

  23. 1948, December 29. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building and Old Capitol Building. Dedication of New Supreme Court Building. 8 x 10 black and white copy prints from circa August 1999. Identified in the photos: U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stanley Reed, Florida Chief Justice Elwyn Thomas, Governor Millard F. Caldwell, Florida Bar President Robert Pleus, Governor-elect Fuller Warren. View of Motion Room as arranged to be used as the courtroom until construction was complete.

  24. 1953 and other dates and unknown dates. E. Harris Drew. Biographical photos. Color photographs, 3-1/2 x 5 of black and white and color originals. Also pictured: T. Frank Hobson, Glenn Terrell, B.K. Roberts, Campbell Thornal, Elwyn Thomas, Stephen O’Connell; Parker Lee McDonald, Arthur England, Ben F. Overton; Millard F. Caldwell Copy prints, circa 1998 with negatives.

  25. Original print. 1958, November 1. Florida, Gainesville, office of Erwin A. Clayton. Meeting of the Judicial Administration Committee of the Florida Bar. Pictured are: Seated left to right: Ralph R. Quillian, Hollywood; Circuit Judge C. Richard Leavengood; Philip K. Yonge; Circuit Judge Aquilino Lopez, Jr.; Justice O’Connell; Richard H. Hunt; William Carver; Thomas J. Carroll. Standing left to right: John H. Cotton,; Judge T. Allen Crouch; Erwin A. Clayton, chair of the committee; Professor Stanley L. Milledge; John Parkinson, Samuel J. Powers, Jr.; Clarence E. Brown. 5 x 7 black and white print.

  26. 1964. Florida, Pinellas County (?) Ben Overton, Judge, 6th Circuit Court. 8 x 10 black and white print.

  27. 1963, May 1. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Chief Justice E. Harris Drew, Justice Glenn Terrell, Mr. Brad Smith. Presentation of Law Day Award. Freedom Foundation award for American citizenship, “Americanism vs. Communism” course in Florida high schools.

  28. 1963, December 16. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Lawyers’ Lounge. Special Swearing-in as a member of the Florida Bar. 8 x 10 black and white print. Pictured: U.S. Navy Commander Ben A. Meginniss, Judge Ben Meginniss, Justice Elwyn Thomas.

  29. 1964. Florida, Pinellas County (?) Ben Overton, Judge, 6th Circuit Court, and family. 8 x 10 black and white print. Also pictured: Marilyn Overton, Robert Overton, Catherine Overton Mead, William Overton.

  30. 1964. Florida, Pinellas County (?) Ben Overton, Judge, 6th Circuit Court. 8 x 10 black and white print.

  31. 1964. Florida, St. Petersburg. 6th Circuit Courthouse. Enrobing ceremony of Ben Overton as Circuit Judge. 5 x 7 black and white prints. Also pictured: Cathi Overton, Robert Overton.

  32. 1964, September. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Lawyers’ Lounge. Florida Arts Council Gift/Donation of Florida paintings to the Florida Supreme Court. Includes Buckner Brothers (Highwaymen group, black men and women landscape artists). 4 x 5 and 4 x 6 original and copy prints, original and copy negatives. Also pictured: Richard Ervin, Millard F. Caldwell, Elwyn Thomas, Ray Green (State Comptroller, 1955 – 1965), Campbell Thornal, Stephen O’Connell, E. Harris Drew.

  33. 1964, October 1. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Clerk’s Office. Proof sheet exposures of Sid White, Clerk of the Court, 1964 – 1999. Black and white.

  34. 1964. Florida, Miami Beach. Fontainebleau Hotel. Luncheon Meeting of Florida Bar Disciplinary Referees. Bill Kane, Campbell Thornal, Richard Ervin, Stephen O’Connell, Chief Justice E. Harris Drew, Millard Caldwell. 8 x 10 black and white original print.

  35. 1965, May 12. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Presentation to Justice Elwyn Thomas of a certificate of appreciation from director Neil Kirkman of the Florida Highway Patrol. 8 x. 10 black and white print. Also pictured: Millard Caldwell, Campbell Thornal, E. Harris Drew, B. K. Roberts, Stephen O’Connell, Richard Ervin.

  36. 1969, January 7. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. James Adkins, swearing-in. Millard Caldwell, James Adkins, E. Harris Drew, Sid J. White (Clerk of Court), Vassar B. Carlton. 8 x 10 black and white. Original print.

  37. 1970, circa (?). Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Marshal’s Office. Dempsey Mayo, Marshal, January 1, 1948 to October 31, 1974. 2/1-4 x 2/3-4 black and white negative.

  38. 1970, December 14. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Enrobing and swearing-in of Justice David McCain.8 x 10 black and white prints. Also pictured: Justice Alto Adams, Helen Champion McCain, Justice Richard Ervin

  39. 1972, July 1. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Joe Butler retirement ceremony (served 1928 to 1972). 5 x 7 black and white print. Also present: Justices Hal P. Dekle, B. K. Roberts.

  40. 1973. Florida, Tallahassee. Justice E. Harris Drew cooking pancakes in a chef hat. 1 8 x 10 color print, 2 3-1/2 x 5 black and white copy prints. Also present: Joseph Boyd, Vassar Carlton, James Adkins, B.K. Roberts, Richard Ervin, Hal P. Dekle.

  41. 1974, March 27. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Enrobing and swearing-in of Justice Ben Overton. 8 x 10 black and white print. Also pictured: Robert Overton, William Overton.

  42. 1975 (?)Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Entrance Hall. Chandelier once used in the Whitfield Building (the first Florida Supreme Court Building, 1913 – 1949, demolished 1978). Whereabouts now unknown. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints.

  43. 1975 and 1990, May 2. Florida, Tallahassee, Supreme Court Building. Justice Joseph Hatchett: swearing-in and Supreme Court Historical Society Oral History project. 5 x 7 color and black and white prints, and 3-1/2 x 5 black and white prints. Original prints and copy prints. Also pictured: Brenda Hatchett, Mrs. Hatchett, Cheryl Hatchett. Governor Reubin Askew, Justices Leander Shaw, B. K. Roberts, Arthur England, Gerald Kogan, Stephen Grimes, Raymond Ehrlich.

  44. 1976, 1983. Florida, Tallahassee. Florida Bar building construction, dedication and later addition. 5 x 7 and 3-1/2 x 5 black and white and color prints. Original prints. Also pictured: Governor Bob Graham, Susan Murphy, treasurer, Association of Women Lawyers, Mr. Atkins

  45. 1977-1990. Florida. Tallahassee. Supreme Court Library. Brian Polley, Joan Cannon, librarians. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints. Original prints.

  46. 1978. Florida. Cody Fowler, American Bar Association President. 8 x 10 black and white copy photo; 5 x 7 black and white copy photo of oil portrait.

  47. 1978, April. Florida, Tallahassee. Florida Bar Building. Group portrait of Florida Bar board of governors. 5 x 7 black and white.

  48. 1985 and 1989. Florida, Tallahassee. Leon County Courthouse, old and new. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints. Original and copy prints.

  49. 1985, February 28. Florida, Tallahassee. Governor’s Club. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society. 2nd Annual Dinner. James Alderman, Alan Sundberg, Leander Shaw, Richard Ervin, Joe Butler, B.K. Roberts, James Adkins, Parker Lee McDonald, Raymond Ehrlich, Stephen O’Connell, Nancy Dobson, Cornelius Kennedy, Joseph Boyd, Pat Madden.

  50. 1985, May 15. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, courtroom. Senator Claude Pepper speaking to the Supreme Court Historical Society, 3rd Annual Meeting. 3-1/2 x 5 color, original prints. Joseph Boyd, Claude Pepper, Nancy Dobson, Leander Shaw, Parker Lee McDonald, James Adkins, Robert Ervin.

  51. 1985, June 26 – 29. Florida, Boca Raton. Florida Bar Association Convention. Supreme Court Historical Society Booth and Display. Nancy Dobson. Original prints.

  52. 1985, November 11. Florida, Tallahassee. Viet Nam War Memorial / Office of Legal Services of North Florida. Original prints.

  53. 1986, March (?). Florida, Tallahassee. Governor’s Mansion. Justice Rosemary Barkett, Induction into Florida Women’s Hall of Fame. 8 x 10 black and white.

  54. 1986, March 6. Florida, Tallahassee. Capital City Country Club. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Annual Dinner. Governor Bob Graham, Joseph Boyd, Mrs. Ann Boyd, Alan Sundberg, Gerald Kogan, Judge Griffin Bell, Stephen Grimes, Fay Grimes, Richard Ervin, Calvin Woodward, Ben Overton, Parker Lee McDonald, Robert Ervin, Howard Coker, Raymond Ehrlich, Rosemary Barkett, Stephen O’Connell, Frank Graham, Major Harding, Nancy Dobson. 3-1/2 x 5 color, original prints and negatives.

  55. 1986, June 18 – 21. Florida, Orlando, Marriott World Convention Center. Florida Bar Association Convention. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Exhibits. 3-1/2 x 5 color, original prints and negatives. Folder 1 of 2.

  56. Same. Folder 2 of 2

  57. 1986, July 1. Florida, Orlando, Gainesville. Photos and copy photos of caricature of James Booth. 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 black and white prints.

  58. 1986, August – October. Florida, Pensacola. Beggs and Lane Law Firm. Founder, Judge A. C. Blount. 8 x 10 black and white prints; 3-1/2 x 5 color prints.

  59. 1986, October 30. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. B.K. Roberts Oral History Program. 4 x 6 color, original prints. B.K. Roberts, Mary Roberts, Reubin Askew, Dr. John Champion, Richard Ervin.

  60. 1987. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Lawyer’s Lounge. Humorous incident prior to formal en banc portrait. Ben Overton, Parker Lee McDonald, Stephen Grimes, Gerald Kogan, Rosemary Barkett, Raymond Ehrlich. 8 x 10 color print.

  61. Original prints. 1987, March. Florida, Tallahassee. Former Supreme Court employee Joe Butler and his wife Annie Butler. He was one of the earliest black employees of the court. 3-1/2 x 5 black and white prints.

  62. 1987, May. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Annual Meeting. 3-1/2 x 5 black and white prints. Raymond Ehrlich, James Adkins, Alto Adams, Robert Ervin, Stephen Grimes, Parker Lee McDonald

  63. 1987, November 12. Florida, Tallahassee, Supreme Court Building, Lawyer’s Lounge. Stephen O’Connell Oral History Program. Dr. E. T. York (University of Florida), Stephen O’Connell, LeRoy Collins, Reubin Askew, Arthur English, Cindy Bowling, Chesterfield Smith, Parker Lee McDonald, B.K. Roberts, Preston DeMilly, Leonora O’Connell (sister), John McCarty. 3-1/2 x 5, color, original prints and negatives, copy print and negative.

  64. 1987, November 12-15. Florida, Orlando. Florida Bar Convention. Supreme Court Historical Society Display. 3-1/2 x 5 color and black and white prints; 35 mm black and white negatives.

  65. 1988 – 1990 (?). Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Renovations and Additions. Exterior and interior (especially the Rotunda) views. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints, 35 mm negatives. Nancy Dobson, security guard Edward Williams.

  66. 1988, March 11. Florida, Miami, Federal Courthouse. Supreme Court Historical Society Oral History Program for Justice Arthur England. Parker Lee McDonald, Arthur English, Ben Overton, Reubin Askew, Hugh Culverhouse, Andrea England (daughter), Pamela England (daughter), Deborah Miller England (wife) Karen England (daughter), Chesterfield Smith, Rosemary Barkett, Raymond Ehrlich, Stephen Grimes, Gerald Kogan. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints and 35 mm negatives.

  67. 1988, May 17. Florida, Tallahassee. Capital City Country Club. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Annual Dinner Meeting. Chesterfield Smith, Justin Stanley (from U.S. Supreme Court Historical Society), Richard Ervin, Robert Ervin, B.K. Roberts, Stephen Grimes, Ben Overton, Alan Sundberg, James Adkins, Stephen O’Connell, Joseph Boyd, Rosemary Barkett, Gerald Kogan. Original prints and negatives.

  68. 1988, December 2. Florida, Orlando. Orange County Administration Building. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society. Oral History Program for Justice Campbell Thornal. Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Campbell Thornal, Junior. Chesterfield Smith, William H. Dial, LeRoy Collins, Gerald Kogan, Campbell Thornal Swan, Rosemary Barkett, Leander Shaw, Raymond Ehrlich, Stephen Grimes, Parker Lee McDonald, Judge Larry G. Smith, Stephen O’Connell Robert F. Lilley. Original 3-1/2 x 5 color prints.

  69. 1989, May 22. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Justice’s Conference Room. Wedding of Nancy Welch and Randy Reder. Justice Joseph Boyd, Mrs. Ann Boyd, Justice Raymond Ehrlich. Original 3-1/2 x 5 color prints and documents.

  70. 1989, May 23. Florida, Tallahassee. Capital City Country Club. Supreme Court Historical Society Annual Dinner. Stephen Grimes, Parker Lee McDonald, Stephen O’Connell, Raymond Ehrlich, Gerald Kogan, Leander Shaw, U.S. District Judge John Godbold, Ben Overton, Rosemary Barkett, Alan Sundberg, James Adkins, Richard Ervin, Irving Cypen, Hazel Cypen, Irene Kogan, William Reese Smith, Chesterfield Smith, Nancy Dobson. Original black and white 3-1/2 x 5 prints and 35mm negatives.

  71. 1989, October 27. Florida, Gainesville. University of Florida, Holland Hall Auditorium. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Oral History Program for Justice James Adkins. E. Covington Johnson, William Andrews, William Reece Smith, Leander Shaw, Joseph Newton (Florida State University Law Professor), Richard T. Jones, Stephen O’Connell, William O’Neil (host committee), William Avera, Jeffrey Lewis (Dean), Stephen Grimes, Ben Overton, Chief Justice Raymond Ehrlich, Parker Lee McDonald, Rosemary Barkett, Mrs. Elizabeth Adkins (wife), Nancy Dobson, Arthur England. Original color prints 4 x 6, and 35mm negatives.

  72. 1990 – 1999. Florida, Tallahassee. Wilson Barnes, Supreme Court Marshal; Robert Knecht, Supreme Court Security Officer. 1-1/2 x 2 color prints.

  73. 1990. Florida, Tallahassee. Portraits of Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte. 5 x 7 and 3-1/2 x 5 color and black and white prints.

  74. 1990, May 2. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Courtroom. Oral history program for Joseph Hatchett. Also pictured, B.K. Roberts, Arthur England, Former Governor Reubin Askew, Rosemary Barkett, Leander Shaw, Ben Overton, Parker Lee McDonald, Raymond Ehrlich, Major Harding. Original print. Proof sheet of 5 strips of 35mm negatives.

  75. 1990, June 13 – 16. Florida, Miami Beach. Florida Bar Annual Convention. Supreme Court Historical society Displays.

  76. 1990, November 2. Florida, St. Petersburg, Stetson University Law School. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Oral History Program for Harold Sebring and E. Harris Drew. Barton Mitchell, Stephen O’Connell, H.L. Tripp Sebring, B.K. Roberts, Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte, Edwin Drew Mitchell, Harold “Tom” Sebring, Stephen Grimes, Raymond Ehrlich, Ben Overton, Leander Shaw, Parker Lee McDonald, Gerald Kogan, Rosemary Barkett, Wilson Barnes (Florida Supreme Court Marshall). Original 5 x 7 black and white prints and 2-1/4 x 2-1/4proof sheet.

  77. 1990, November 2. Florida, St. Petersburg, Stetson University Law School. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Oral History Program for Harold Sebring and E. Harris Drew. Chesterfield Smith, Raymond Ehrlich Original 3-1/2 x 5 color prints and 35mm negatives. [many out of focus]

  78. 1991. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Exterior and interior views of building additions and library, courtroom renovations. Original prints, color and black and white, 8 x 10, 5 x 7, 4 x 6, and 3-1/2 x 5.

  79. 1991. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Exterior and interior views of building additions and library, courtroom renovations. Original 3-1/2 x 5 black and white prints, 35mm black and white and color negatives.

  80. Original prints. 1991. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Interior views of building additions: exercise room, including dedication plaque to Justice Raymond Ehrlich.

  81. 1991, January 7. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building, Rotunda and Courtroom. Retirement Ceremony for Justice Raymond Ehrlich. Arthur England, Rosemary Barkett, Major Harding, Raymond Ehrlich, U.S. Senator Bob Graham, Miriam Ehrlich, State Senator Pat Thomas, Chesterfield Smith, Marshal Wilson Barnes, Hazel and Irving Cypen, Stephen Grimes, Leander Shaw, Ben Overton, Parker Lee McDonald. Original 3-1/2 x 5 color prints and 1 strip of 35mm color negatives.

  82. 1991, May 31, Florida, Jacksonville. U.S. District Courthouse. Supreme Court Historical Society: Justice Raymond Ehrlich Oral History Program. Gerald Kogan, Rosemary Barkett, Ben Overton, Chief Justice Leander Shaw, Parker Lee McDonald, Stephen Grimes, Major Harding, Miriam Bettman Ehrlich, Frances, Ehrlich Rabham, George C. Miller Jr., Makes E. Cobb, Virginia B. Townes, Chesterfield Smith, James Adkins, James Alderman, Raymond Ehrlich, Arthur England, Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte, U.S. Senator Bob Graham. Original 5 x 5 color prints in an album; 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 color prints. NOTE: reproduction rights to these photos may be restricted to the original photographer.

  83. 1991, June. Florida. Florida Bar Convention. Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Display on the subject of Harold “Tom” Sebring. Also pictured viewing the exhibits are Nancy Dobson, retired Justice James Adkins and Mrs. Beth Lawrence Adkins. Original 35mm negatives and 3-1/2 x 5 original and copy prints.

  84. 1991, September. Florida, Tallahassee. Supreme Court Building. Artifacts related to the Whitfield Building (the first separate Florida Supreme Court Building). Original 3-1/2 x 5 and 4 x 6 color prints and 35mm color negatives.

  85. 1991, September. Florida, Tallahassee. R.A. Gray Building. State Architect David Ferro with one of the wooden doors salvaged from the demolition of the Whitfield Building in 1978. 3-1/2 x 5 color prints and 1 strip of 35mm color negatives.

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