Folk songs aitken Drum

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In a Forest/Cottage

In a cottage, in a wood,

A little old man at the window stood,
Saw a rabbit running by,
Came knocking at the door.
"Help me! Help me!" the rabbit said,
"Before the hunter-man shoots me dead!"
"Come, little rabbit, come with me,
And happy we will be!"

Jamaican Farewell

Down the way where the nights are gay

And the sun shines daily on the mountain top

I took a trip on a sailing ship

And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop

But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way

Won't be back for many a day

My heart is down, my head is turning around

I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town
Sounds of laughter everywhere

And the dancing girls swaying to and fro

I must declare that my heart is there

Though I've been from Maine to Mexico

Down at the market you can hear

Ladies cry out while on their head they bear

Ackie rice and salt fish is nice

And the rum is good any time of year


Jimmy Crack Corn (Blue Tail Fly)

Down the way where the nights are gay

And the sun shines daily on the mountain top

I took a trip on a sailing ship

And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh
Through the fields we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, O
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

A day or two ago

I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side;
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot,
We ran into a drifted bank
And there we got upsot.
A day or two ago
The story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell;
A gent was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh
He laughed at me as
I there sprawling laid
But quickly drove away.

Now the ground is white,

Go it while you're young,
Take the girls along
And sing this sleighing song.
Just bet a bob-tailed bay,
Two-forty as his speed,
Hitch him to an open sleigh
and crack! You'll take the lead.

John Brown's body lies a-mould'ring in the grave,
John Brown's body lies a-mould'ring in the grave,
John Brown's body lies a-mould'ring in the grave,
John Brown's body lies a-mould'ring in the grave,
But his soul goes marching on!
Glory, glory Hallelujah,
Glory, glory Hallelujah,
Glory, glory Hallelujah,
And his soul goes marching on!
He captured Harper's Ferry with his nineteen men so true
He frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through
They hung him for a traitor, themselves the traitor crew
His soul is marching on

He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord,

He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord,
He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord,
His soul goes marching on.


John Brown died that the slaves might be free,
John Brown died that the slaves might be free,
John Brown died that the slaves might be free,
But his soul goes marching on.


The stars above in Heaven now are looking kindly down,
The stars above in Heaven now are looking kindly down,
The stars above in Heaven now are looking kindly down,
On the grave of old John Brown.


Jump Down

Jump down turn around, pick a bale of cotton

Jump down turn around, pick a bale a day
Oh lordy, pick a bale of cotton
Oh lordy, pick a bale a day

Oh lordy, pick a bale of cotton

Oh lordy, pick a bale a day

Pick a pick a pick a pick a

Pick a bale of cotton
Pick a pick a pick a pick a
Pick a bale a day

Jump down turn around, pick a bale of cotton

Jump down turn around, pick a bale a day
Oh lordy, pick a bale of cotton
Oh lordy, pick a bale a day

Oh lordy, pick a bale of cotton

Oh lordy, pick a bale a day

Pick a pick a pick a pick a

Pick a bale of cotton
Pick a pick a pick a pick a
Pick a bale a day


Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree

Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra!
Laugh, Kookaburra!
Gay your life must be
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra!
Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Stop, Kookaburra!
Stop, Kookaburra!
That's not a monkey that's me
(Can be sung as a round)

Land of the Silver Birch

Land of the silver birch,

Home of the beaver,
Where still the mighty moose
Wanders at will.

Blue lake and rocky shore,
I will return once more,
Boom diddy eye di, boom diddy eye di
Boom diddy eye di, boom.

My heart grows sick for you

Here in the lowkands,
I will return to you
Hills of the north.

Swift as the silver fish,
Canoe of birch bark,
Thy mighty waterways
Carry me forth.

There where the blue lake lies
I'll set my wigwam,
Close to the water's edge,
Silent and still.


Blue lake and rocky shore,

I will return once more,
Boom diddy eye di, boom diddy eye di
Boom diddy eye di, boom.

(This song is based on an aboriginal Canadian (Indian) canoeing song)

Let your little light shine


Let you little light shine shine shine

Let your little light shine shine shine

Maybe there’s someone down in the valley

Trying to get home

Trying to get home

Well it could be me or it could be you

It could be your brother or your sister to

Just know there’s someone down in the valley

Trying to get home

Trying to get home
Some folks forget to let their little light shine

Well maybe that’s why they’re behind

They’re just stuck down in the valley

Trying to get home

Trying to get home
Little Green Frog

"Ga-goo" went the little green frog one day,

"Ga-goo" went the little green frog one day,
"Ga-goo" went the little green frog one day
And the little frog went "Ga-goo."

But we know frogs go "La-di-da-di-da,

La-di-da-di-da, La-di-da-di-da,"
We know frogs go "La-di-da-di-da,"
They never go "Ga-goo."

"Ring-ring" went the little pink phone one day

"Ring-ring" went the little pink phone one day
"Ring-ring" went the little pink phone one day
And the little phone went "Ring-ring."

But we know phones go "Ting-a-ling-a-ling,

Ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling,"
We know phones go "Ting-a-ling-a"
They never go"Ring-ring."

"Purr-purr" went the little black cat one day

"Purr-purr" went the little black cat one day
"Purr-purr" went the little black cat one day
And the little cat went "Purr-purr."
But we know cats go "Meeow-meeow-meeow,
Meeow-meeow-meeow, meeow-meeow-meeow,"
We know cats go "Meeow-meeow-mee,"
They never go "Purr-purr."

But we know kids they make a lot of noise

Make a lot of noise, make a lot of noise
We know Kids they make a lot of noise
They never go "Sh-Sh!"

Little Rabbit Foo Foo

Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,

Running through the forest,
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): Along came a Good Fairy, who said :
"Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): I'll give you THREE chances,
and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a Goo-oo-oon!
Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
Running through the forest,
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): Along came a Good Fairy, who said :
"Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): I'll give you two MORE chances,
and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a Goo-oo-oon!
Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
Running through the forest,
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): Along came a Good Fairy, who said :
"Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): I'll give you ONE MORE chance,
and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a Goo-oo-oon!
Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
Running through the forest,
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): Along came a Good Fairy, who said :
"Little Rabbit Foo-Foo,
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field-mice
And bopping them on the head.
(Spoken): I gave you THREE chances,
and you STILL didn't behave!"
And she turned him into a Goo-oo-oon!
And the moral of the story is :
"Hare today - Goon tomorrow!"
Actions : Rabbit Foo-Foo ..... forest : make hand into rabbit shape (index and middle fingers raised fist clenched, and "run" it along.) Scooping ..... head : scoop up imaginary field-mice and "bop" them with other hand. Good Fairy : Flutter hands like wings, then wag finger in reproach while telling Foo-Foo off. Goo-oo-oon : raise hands and wiggle fingers in "scary" gesture

Lord of the dance

I danced in the morning when the world was young

I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun
I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth
At Bethlehem I had my birth


Dance, dance, wherever you may be

I am the lord of the dance, said he
And I lead you all, wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance, said he

I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees

They wouldn't dance, they wouldn't follow me
I danced for the fishermen James and John
They came with me so the dance went on


I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame

The holy people said it was a shame
They ripped, they stripped, they hung me high
Left me there on the cross to die


I danced on a Friday when the world turned black

It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
They buried my body, they thought I was gone
But I am the dance, and the dance goes on


They cut me down and I leapt up high

I am the life that will never, never die
I'll live in you if you'll live in me
I am the Lord of the dance, said he


Mary had a little lamb

Mary had a little lamb,

Little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school one day

School one day, school one day
It followed her to school one day
Which was against the rules.

It made the children laugh and play,

Laugh and play, laugh and play,
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school

And so the teacher turned it out,

Turned it out, turned it out,
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near

And waited patiently about,

Patiently about, patiently about,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

Love Mary so? Love Mary so?
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."

Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."
The teacher did reply

Mary Mack

Mary Mack's mother's making Mary Mack marry me,
My mother's making me marry Mary Mack.
I'm gonna marry Mary so my Mary will take care O' me,
We'll all be feeling merry when I marry Mary Mack.

Now there's a nice wee lass and her name is Mary Mack,

Make no mistake she's the girl I gonna take,
And a lot of other fellas would get upon her track,
but I'm thinkin' they'll have to get up early..


Now the weddin' day 's on Wednesday and everything's arranged,
Her name will soon be changed to mine unless her mind be changed,
I'm making the arrangements I'm just about deranged
an For marriage is awful undertaking

The Mermaid

One Friday morn when we set sail

And our ship not far from land,

We there did espy a fairy pretty maid,

With a comb and a glass in her hand, her hand, her


With a comb and a glass in her hand.
While the raging seas did roar,

And the stormy seas did blow,

And we jolly sailor boys were up, up a-loft,

And the land lubbers lying down below, below, below,

And the land lubbers lying down below.
Then up spoke the captain of our gallant ship,

Who at once our peril did see,

'I have married a wife in fair London town,

And this night she a widow will be, will be, will be,

And this night she a widow will be.'
And then up spoke the little cabin boy,

And a fair hair'd boy was he;

'I've a father and mother in fair Portsmouth town,

And this night they will weep for me, for me, for me,

And this night they will weep for me.'
Then three times round went our gallant ship,

And three times round went she;

For the want of a lifeboat they both went down

As she sunk to the bottom of the sea, the sea, the sea,

As she sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Michael Finnigan

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He grew whiskers on his chin-egan.

Wind came out and blew them in again.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He went fishing with a pin-egan,

Caught a fish and dropped it in-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

Climbed a tree and barked his shin-egan,

Took off several yards of skin-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He kicked up an awful din-egan

Because they said he could not sing-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He got fat and then got thin again.

Then he died and had to begin again.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again
There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He grew whiskers on his chin-egan.

Wind came out and blew them in again.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He went fishing with a pin-egan,

Caught a fish and dropped it in-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

Climbed a tree and barked his shin-egan,

Took off several yards of skin-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He kicked up an awful din-egan

Because they said he could not sing-egan.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.

There was a man named Michael Finnegan.

He got fat and then got thin again.

Then he died and had to begin again.

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again

The Miller of Dee

There was a jolly miller once

Liv'd on the river Dee
He work'd and sang from morn till night,
No lark more blithe than he
And this the burden of his song
For ever used to be
"I care for nobody, no, not I,
If nobody cares for me.

"I live by my mill, she is to me

Like kindred, child, and wife.
I would not change my own degree
For any other in life.
This song shall pass from me to thee,
And happy we will be,
I care for nobody, no, not I,
If nobody cares for me."

Miss Polly

Miss Polly had a dolly

Who was sick, sick, sick,
So she called for the doctor
To be quick, quick, quick;
The doctor came
With his bag and his hat,
And he knocked at the door
With a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly
And he shook his head,
And he said "Miss Polly,
Put her straight to bed."
He wrote out a paper
For a pill, pill, pill,
"That'll make her better,

Yes it will, will, will!" 

Music Man

I am the Music Man

I come from down your way
And I can play
I play piano

Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o

Pi-an-o, Pi-an-o
Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o
Pi-a, Pi-an-o

Pi-an-o, Pi-an-o

Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o
Pi-a, Pi-an-o)

I am the Music Man

I come from down your way
And I can play
The Saxophone

Sax-o, sax-o, sax-o-phone

Sax-o-phone, sax-o-phone
Sax-o, sax-o, sax-o-phone
Sax-o, sax-o-phone

Sax-o-phone, sax-o-phone

Sax-o, sax-o, sax-o-phone
Sax-o, sax-o-phone)

Pi-an-o, Pi-an-o

Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o
Pi-a, Pi-an-o)

I am the Music Man

I come from down your way
And I can play
The Big Bass Drum

Big bass, big bass, big bass drum

Big bass drum, big bass drum
Big bass, big bass, big bass drum
Big bass, big bass drum

Big bass drum, big bass drum

Big bass, big bass, big bass drum
Big bass, big bass drum)

Sax-o-phone, sax-o-phone

Sax-o, sax-o, sax-o-phone
Sax-o, sax-o-phone)

Pi-an-o, Pi-an-o

Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o
Pi-a, Pi-an-o)

I am the Music Man

I come from down your way
And I can play
I play the Triangle

Tri-a, tri-a, triangle

Triangle, triangle
Tri-a, tri-a, triangle
Tri-a, triangle

Triangle, triangle

Tri-a, tri-a, triangle
Tri-a, triangle)

Big bass drum, big bass drum

Big bass, big bass, big bass drum
Big bass, big bass drum)

Sax-o-phone, sax-o-phone

Sax-o, sax-o, sax-o-phone
Sax-o, sax-o-phone)

Pi-an-o, Pi-an-o

Pi-a, pi-a, pi-an-o

My Bonnie

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.

Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.

Actions : simple to explain - difficult to do! Just stand up or sit down every time you sing a word beginning with B: if you are already up - sit down, if you are already sitting - stand up!

My Grandma and your Grandma

Aiko one day

Aiko Aiko one day.
Aiko -

My grandma and your grandma were sitting by the fire.

My grandma told your grandma I'm gonna set your flag on fire.

Talking 'bout hey now

hey now
Aiko Aiko one day

Jackomo fino anane

Jackomo fino anane.

Look at my king or just to ray

Aiko Aiko one day.
I bet you five dollars and
you kill your day - Jackomo fino anane.

Talking 'bout hey now

hey now
Aiko Aiko one day
. . .

My grandma and your grandma were sitting by the fire.

My grandma told your grandma I'm gonna set your flag on fire.

Hey now
hey now

hey now
hey now

Aiko Aiko one day

Jackomo fino anane
Jackomo fino anane.

Talking 'bout hey now

hey now
Aiko Aiko one day
. . .

My flagged boy and your flagged boy sitting by the fire

My flagged boy told your flagged boy I'm gonna set your flag on fire

Talking 'bout hey now

hey now
Aiko Aiko one day
. . .

See that guy all dressed in green

Aiko Aiko one day

He not a man

he's a rubbin machine - Jackomo fino anane.

Talking 'bout hey now

hey now
Aiko Aiko one day

My Mamma told me


the goose drank wine.
The monkey chew tobacco on the street car line.
The line broke
the monkey got choked
And they all went to heaven in a little row boat.
Clap Pat - Clap Pat - Clap Pat - Clap Slap!
Clap Pat! Clap your hand

Pat it on your partner's hand . . . Right hand.

Clap Pat! Clap your hand
cross it with your left arm

Pat your partner's leff palm.

Clap Pat! Clap your hand
pat your partner's right palm
With your right palm again. Clap Slap! Clap your hand

Slap your thighs and sing a little song.

My mama told me if I was goody
That she would buy me a rubber dolly
My Aunty told her I kissed a soldier
Now she won't buy me a rubber dolly.

Three-six-nine etc

Clap Clap! Clap your hands and prepare to pat
Pat! Take your right arm
Put your partner's right palm with your right palm.
Clap ! Take your hand back and clap. Pat! Take your right arm
Cross your right arm with your left arm

Pat your partner's left palm with your left palm.

Clap! Now back with a clap
Slap - Take the pats of your palms and slap your thighs
And watch the fun materialize
As you sing this little song:

My mama told me if I was goody etc

Three-six-nine etc

Clap Clap! etc

My mama told me if I was goody etc

Oh you’ll never get to heaven

Oh, you can't get to heaven (Oh, you can't to heaven)

On roller skates. (On roller skates.)

You'll roll right by (You'll roll right by)

Those pearly gates. (Those pearly gates.)

Oh, you can't get to heaven on roller skates.

You'll roll right by those pearly gates.
I ain't a-gonna grieve my Lord no more.

I ain't a-gonna grieve my Lord no more.

I ain't a-gonna grieve my Lord no more.

I ain't a-gonna grieve my Lord no more.

Other verses include:

Oh, you can't get to heaven in a rocking chair

'Cause the rocking chair won't take you there.

Oh, you can't get to heaven in a trolley car

'Cause the gosh darn thing won't go that far.

Oh, you can't get to heaven on a rocket ship

'Cause the rocket ship won't take that trip.

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