Food And agriculture Organisation Country Programming Framework for Botswana

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Annex 3: CPF Year Plan

Year 1 Plan for technical support


Responsible and other FAO units

CPF Programming Cycle - Calendar

Priority Area 1

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Outcome 1.1 Technical and institutional capacity to develop, implement and monitor inclusive development policies and strategies is strengthened in key ministries

Output 1.1.1: Enhanced technical capacity of MoA to manage the agricultural aspect of implementation NSPR

Policy capacity needs assessment, FAO train trainers on policy formulation and implementation

2 wks

1 wk

Output 1.1.2 Poverty reduction agenda included in district agricultural development plans

District Development Teams

1 wk

Outcome 1.2: Food availability

Output 1.2.1 Improved response to food and agricultural emergencies

MoA, FAO technical department

2 wks

Output 1.2.2 Increased use of early warning systems to improve preparedness for effective response to food deficits


2 wks

Priority Area 2

Outcome 2.1 Farmers adopt improved management, utilisation and conservation of environment and natural ecosystems

Output 2.1.1 Farmers adopting appropriate tillage systems

Department of Crop Production; NAMPAAD

1 wk

1 wk

Output 2.1.2 Government signs UN conventions and develops adaptation and mitigation strategies


Priority area 3

Outcome 3.1 Strengthen institutional capacities for women social empowerment

Output 3.1.1 Inclusion of women in mainstream jobs

Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs – Department of Gender

2 wks

1 wk

Output 3.1.2 Agricultural and rural development policies with child labour concerns mainstreamed

Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs – Department of Gender, MoA

2 wks

2 wks

Output 3.1.3 Gender based information published regularly

Information and Broadcasting and private media

2 wks

Annex 4: GoB –UN Programme Coordination Mechanisms Linked to NDP 10 Coordination Structures

Competition and Productive Human Resource Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy PS

Knowledge Society Thematic Working Group

TWG: Chair Deputy PS [MIST]

National Unity, Pride morality and tolerance Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy PS [MYSC]

Sustainable Economic Growth and Competitiveness Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy PS

Sustainable Environment Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy PS [MEWT]

Enhanced wellbeing and social Responsibility Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy PS

Safe, Secure and Peaceful Nation Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy Commissioner [MDJS]

Open and transparent Governance Thematic Working Group

TWG Chair: Deputy Attorney General [MOPAPA]

Economic Diversification and Poverty Reduction Component Coordination Group**

Co-Chairs: Deputy PS [MFDP]/Deputy Country Director [UNDP]

Environment ad Climate Change Component Coordination Group**

Co-Chairs: Deputy PS [MEWT]/Resident Representative [UNDP]

Children, Youth and Women Empowerment Component Coordination Group**

Co-Chairs: Deputy PS [MLG]/ Representative [UNFPA]

Health and HIV/AIDS Component Coordination Group**

Co-Chairs: Deputy PS [MOH]/ Representative [WHO]

Governance and Human Rights Promotion Component Coordination Group**

Co-Chairs: Deputy Attorney General [MOPAPA]/ Representative [UNICE]

GoB-UN Programme Steering Committee

Annex 5: MDG Goals

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger with a target to cut the proportion of people under extreme poverty and suffering from hunger by half between 1990 and 2015, including target 1b: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.

2. Achieve universal primary education with the target of ensuring that by 2015, all children will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women with the target of eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015.

4. Reduce child mortality with a target of reducing the under-five mortality rates by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015.

5. Improve maternal health with a target of reducing maternal mortality ratio by three quarters between 1990 and 2015.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases with the target of halting incidences and beginning to reverse the spread of HIV and AIDS by 2015.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability with the targets of integrating the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reversing loss of environmental resources; reducing biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss; halving, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation; and achieving, by 2020, a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers.

8. Develop a global partnership for development with the target of developing further an open, rule-based, predictable, and non-discriminatory trading and financial system.

Annex 6: FAO Global Goals and Strategic Objectives

i) Global Goals of Members

A) Reduction of absolute number of people suffering from hunger, progressively ensuring a world which all people at all times have sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life;

B) Elimination of poverty and driving forward economic and social progress for all, with increased food production, enhanced rural development and sustainable livelihoods.

C) Sustainable management and utilisation of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of the present and future generations.

ii) Strategic Objectives

  1. Sustainable intensification of crop production

  2. Sustainable livestock production

  3. Sustainable management and use of fisheries and aquaculture resources

  4. Improved quality and safety of foods at all stages of the food chain

  5. Sustainable management of forests and trees

  6. Sustainable management of land, water and genetic resources and improved responses to global environmental challenges affecting food and agriculture.

  7. Enabling environment for markets to improve livelihoods and rural developments

  8. Improved food security and better nutrition

  9. Improved preparedness for, and effective response to food and agricultural threats and emergencies

  10. Gender equity in access to resources, goods, services and decision making in rural areas

  11. Increased and more effective public, and private sector investment in agriculture and rural development

iii) Functional Objectives

  1. Effective collaboration with Member States and stakeholders

  2. Efficient and effective administration

iv) Core Functions

  1. Monitoring and assessment of long-term and medium-term trends and perspectives

  2. Assembly and provision of information, knowledge and statistics

  3. Development of international instruments, norms and standards

  4. Policy and strategy options and advice

  5. Technical support to promote technology transfer and build capacity

  6. Advocacy and communication

  7. Inter-disciplinary and innovation

  8. Partnerships and alliances

Annex 7: Vision 2016 Pillars and NDP 10 Agricultural Policy Objectives

Vision 2016 Pillars

Pillar 1: An educated, informed nation

Pillar 2: A prosperous, productive and innovative nation

Pillar 3: A compassionate, just and caring nation

Pillar 4: A safe and secure nation

Pillar 5: An open, democratic and accountable nation

Pillar 6: Moral and tolerant nation

Pillar 7: A united and proud nation

NDP 10 Agriculture Policy Objectives and Strategies

1. Improvement in food security at the household and national levels

2. Diversification of the agricultural production base.

3. Increased agricultural output and productivity

4. Increased employment opportunities for a fast growing labour force

5. Provision of a secure and productive environment for agricultural producers.

6. Conservation of scare agricultural and land resources for future generations

Annex 7: Alignment of CPF Priority Focus Areas with Vision 2016 Pillars and Objectives of Agricultural Policy, UNDAF, FAO and the MDGs


Botswana’s Agricultural Policy Objectives

Vision 2016 Pillars

UNDAF Strategic Pillars

FAO Strategic and Functional Objectives



Improvement in food security at the household and national levels (CPF Relevant)

An educated, informed nation

Governance and human rights promotion (CPF Relevant)

(A) Sustainable intensification of crop production increased (CPF Relevant)

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (CPF Relevant)


Diversification of the agricultural production base.

A prosperous, productive and innovative nation (CPF Relevant)

Economic diversification and poverty reduction (CPF Relevant)

(B) Sustainable livestock production (CPF Relevant)

Achieve universal primary education


Increased agricultural output and productivity (CPF Relevant)

A compassionate, just and caring nation (CPF Relevant)

Health and HIV/AIDS

(C) Sustainable management and use of fisheries and aquaculture resources )

Promote gender equality and empower women (CPF Relevant)


Increased employment opportunities for a fast growing labour force

A safe and secure nation (CPF Relevant)

Environment and climate change (CPF Relevant)

(D) Sustainable management of forests and trees

Reduce child mortality


Provision of a secure and productive environment for agricultural producers. (CPF Relevant)

An open, democratic and accountable nation

Youth and women empowerment (CPF Relevant)

(E) Sustainable management of land, water and genetic resources for improved response to global environment challenges affecting food and agriculture (CPF Relevant)

Improve maternal health


Conservation of scare agricultural and land resources for future generations (CPF Relevant)

Moral and tolerant nation

(F) Improved quality and safety of foods at all stages of the food chain (CPF Relevant)

Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases


A united and proud nation

(G) Enabling environment for markets to improve livelihoods and rural developments (CPF Relevant)

Ensure environmental sustainability (CPF Relevant)


(H) Improved food security and better nutrition (CPF Relevant)

Develop a global partnership for development

(I) Improved preparedness for and effective response to food and agricultural threats and emergencies. (CPF Relevant)

(J) Gender equity in access to resources, goods, services and decision making in rural areas (CPF Relevant)

(K) Increased and more effective public investment in agriculture and rural development (CPF Relevant)

(L) Effective collaboration with member states and stakeholders (CPF Relevant)

(M) Efficient and effective administration

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