SP00950 (2015 Specifications: 11-13-14)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project. The specifications may be modified to include project specific specifications, but all additions, deletions, or modifications must be sent to the ODOT Technical Resource and Senior Specifications Engineer for review and approval.)
Comply with Section 00950 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
(Use the following subsection .02 to define the electrical systems. Obtain information from the Signal Designer. Remove the "(s)" or the parentheses, whichever is applicable.)
00950.02 Definitions - Add the following after the electrical systems definition:
The electrical system(s) to be removed and/or modified under this Contract include:
Interconnect along TV Highway
Interconnect along Murray Boulevard
Interconnect along Cornelius Pass Road
Interconnect along NW 185th Avenue
Interconnect along Scholls Ferry Road
Illumination Systems along US26 and I-84
(Use the following lead-in paragraph and subsection .42 when salvaging and stockpiling removed materials. Be sure that a "public interest finding letter" is on file before including this subsection. Contact Region electrician for Region number, phone number, and all information regarding equipment to be salvaged. List materials and stockpile locations.)
00950.42 Salvaging and Stockpiling Materials - Add the following to the end of this subsection:
The following materials will remain the property of the Agency. Salvage the materials and stockpile them at the locations indicated. Contact Region _____ Electrical Crew Renee Mercado at _____________ 503-731-3209 to confirm delivery 48 hours prior to delivery.
Materials Stockpile Locations
Radio cabinet from US26-F “Fox”, 9200 SE Lawnfield Road
count station cabinet from US26-F “Fox”, Clackamas, OR 97015
PTZ CCTV camera, power supply,
and video transceiver from US26-F “Fox”,
and camera cabinet from I-84-B “Baboon”
SP00960 (2015 Specifications: 10-08-15) (This Section requires SP00440
when conduit backfill is required.)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project. The specifications may be modified to include project specific specifications, but all additions, deletions, or modifications must be sent to the ODOT Technical Resource and Senior Specifications Engineer for review and approval.)
Comply with Section 00960 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
00960.41(c) Excavation for Conduit Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Excavate and backfill conduit on ODOT facilities as follows:
Minimum Cover from Finished Surface1
Roadway and Other
Type of Conduit Shoulders Areas
Metal 24 inches 18 inches
Rigid Nonmetallic 30 inches 18 inches
1Use permit depths if greater than these.
Excavate and backfill conduit on Washington County facilities as follows:
Minimum Cover from Finished Surface1
Roadway and Other
Type of Conduit Shoulders Areas
Metal 30 inches 30 inches
Rigid Nonmetallic 30 inches 30 inches
1Use permit depths if greater than these.
00960.41(f) Disposition of Waste Materials - Replace this subsection title with the title "Disposal of Materials".
00960.41(g) Backfill Replace the first paragraph with the following paragraphs:
On ODOT facilities, use an approved sand blanket, selected general backfill meeting the requirements of 00330.13, selected granular backfill meeting the requirements of 00330.14, or controlled low strength material (CLSM) meeting the requirements of Section 00442 as follows:
On Washington County facilities, use an approved sand blanket, granular backfill meeting the requirements of Section 00405.14, or controlled low strength material (CLSM) meeting the requirements of Section 00442 as follows:
00960.41(g-1-c-3) Other Areas Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
On ODOT facilities, place selected granular backfill material in layers not greater than 6 inches thick. Compact the selected granular backfill material according to 00405.46(c-2) to the top of trench, surrounding ground level or upper limit of excavation. The sand blanket requirement of a. and b. above may be deleted as approved when excavated material does not contain large, angular stones that could fracture or dent conduit.
On Washington County facilities, place granular backfill in layers not greater than 6 inches thick. The top 1 foot may be Class A backfill only when not under structures. Compact the backfill material according to 00405.46(c-2) to the top of the trench, surrounding ground level or upper limit of excavation as directed. The sand blanket requirement of 00960.41(g-1-a) and 00960.41(g-1-b) may be waived when approved by the Engineer.
00960.42(a) General Add the following:
On Washington County facilities, install a polyethelyne pull line with 40 inches of slack tied off at each end of every conduit run.
(Use the following subsection .44(b) when junction boxes will be installed in unsurfaced areas.)
00960.44(b) Junction Box Locations - In the sentence that begins "Mark the location of all…", replace "Type 1" with "Type 1, Type 1U, or Type 2".
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