Fostering the Inclusive Participation and Effective Contribution of Women in the Public Sphere

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1.Results and Resources Framework

Intended Outcome: Faster progress is achieved in reducing gender inequality and promoting women’s empowerment”

Outcome indicators (From UNDP’s Strategic Plan and Regional Programme Documents):

  1. Number of countries with policies being implemented to promote women’s economic empowerment (SP Output 4.1)

  2. Number of countries that have a legal and/or policy framework/Services in place (including justice and security services) in place to prevent and address sexual and gender based violence (SP Output 4.2)

  3. Number of countries undertaking research and advocacy to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment (SP Output 4.3)

  4. Number of countries with mechanisms in place to collect, disseminate sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics, and apply gender analysis (SP Output 4.3)

  5. Number of laws and policies in place to secure women’s participation in decision making (SP Output 4.4)

  6. Proportion of decision making positions (executive, legislative and judicial) occupied by women at national and sub-national levels (SP Output 4.4)

  7. Percentage of conflict affected countries that bring together sub-national, national institutions and communities, including women for peaceful resolution of recurrent conflicts within 12 to 18 months after the end of a conflict (SP Output 6.4)

  8. Percentage of people in target areas with improved perceptions of social cohesion within 12-18 months after conflict ends (SP Output 6.4)

Applicable Key Result Area (from Strategic Plan):

RBAS Regional Programme Outcome #3: Faster progress is achieved in reducing gender inequality and promoting women’s empowerment (SP Outcome #4)

Partnership Strategy: The project builds on past and ongoing work in the Arab States Region. It will work towards strengthening existing partnerships with civil society organization, political parties and parliaments towards developing new channels for collaboration with national, regional and international partners and UN agencies. Stakeholders include national and regional civil society organizations, NGOs, women machineries, think tanks, labour unions and professional associations, the League of Arab States, national governments, parliaments, local authorities and councils, political parties, UN agencies and donors, and the private sector. The project will most closely work with, Karama, regional civil society network, and the League of Arab Women Organization to liaise with civil society and governments, respectively.

Project title and ID (ATLAS Award ID): Fostering the Inclusive Participation and Effective Contribution of Arab Women in the Public Sphere (Mosharka)






Output 1

Support regional and national actors and institutions to establish measures to advance gender equality, and women’s political, social and economic participation (Strategic Plan Output #4.1; #4.3; #4.4) (RBAS Regional Program Output 3.1)


  • Number of assessments and action-oriented analyses produced on the condition of women in public life, and the degree of their of circulation/ usage (1.1.1)

  • Number of meaningful/ practical legislative reforms adopted to improve women’s access to decision making spaces, and eliminate gender based discrimination in constitutions, family law, property, and citizenship laws in the respective countries, and the degree/ prospect of their implementation (1.2.1)

  • Number of countries that have adopted women’s charters (1.2.2a)

  • The quality/ outreach of the reports produced by the observatories established to monitor their implementation (1.2.2b)

  • Number of countries that have established new functional women machineries, gender equality units, committees and/ or caucuses or empowered existing ones (1.2.3)

  • Number of gender-sensitive economic frameworks, national economic plans and processes adopted by regional/ national actors the project engaged with (1.3.1)

  • Number of micro-finance loans disbursed to women and the ratio of successful (sustainable) businesses ensued (1.3.1)

  • Number of women beneficiaries from “the Voices of Business” Platform: the events, the database, and the business incubators (1.3.2)



Output 1.1 …………………………………………

6 assessments to be produced (1 international, 2 national consultants each)

2 targeted knowledge exchange/ sharing events to be organized (average 100 people each, focusing on the assessment findings)


Output 1.2. …………………………………………


Output 1.2.1


Parliament- gender mainstreaming strategies – training and technical assistance in 6 selected countries
Judicial and legislative processes- training and technical assistance 6 selected countries
Electoral institutions and processes- training and technical assistance 6 selected countries
Dedicated outreach activities targeting parliaments, judiciary, electoral stakeholders
1 regional exchange and outreach event to share experiences on above activities (est. 100 people)


Output 1.2.2


Technical assistance on selected partners (6 countries) for developing and implementing advocacy plans- women’s charters
3 pilot national conventions on charters (est 50 participants each)
1 regional consultation on developing regional women’s rights charter (est. 100 participants)
6 capacity assessments for host organizations- observatories
6 dedicated capacity development programs for host organizations for observatories



Output 1.2.3

6 capacity assessments for gender units
6 dedicated technical support implementation as required for establishing gender units


Output 1.3.



Output 1.3.1

6 sensitisation and capacity workshops/hands on technical assistance on monitoring frameworks and SMART indicators


Output 1.3.2


“The Voices of Business Women” platform meetings (2 total) and micro-finance networking with Sanabel
Women entrepreneurs database- Sanabel
Women business case studies (6 countries)- Sanabel
Gender based business incubators- (grants)- Sanabel

    1. Enhance knowledge and evidence base in support of women’s equality and empowerment

      1. Produce and share evidence based and action-oriented analyses on the conditions of women in public life, and promote gender focus in research and statistics.

  • Produce assessments for women’s role in public life building on the UNDP Global Assessment. The assesments will evaluate the following, and identify action points accordingly:

  • Constitutions/legislations, national policies, and women’s rights charters/ acts/ bills

  • Women’s rights observatories, and parliamentary fora worldwide

  • Social violence and attitudes against women that may hinder their participation in public life

  • Differences between men and women in working conditions and salaries

  • Challenges to securing and realizing women’s rights in the areas of labor, land/property, and civil (non-criminal) justice (e.g. family law, administrative law)

  • National macroeconomic frameworks and their implications for gender equality and women empowerment


    1. Promote women’s participation in critical institutions for law and policymaking and support the implementation of gender commitments


      1. Mainstream gender in parliamentary, legislative, and electoral institutions


  • Support the development of gender mainstreaming strategies for parliaments, and the implementation of existing ones, where available

  • Support the establishment of gender quotas in parliaments and/ or party lists

Judicial and Legislative Processes

  • Facilitate advocacy work in support of withdrawing reservations to CEDAW

  • Provide technical, policy and advocacy support for efforts in relation to gender equality in constitutions, family, property, inheritance, and citizenship laws

  • Provide capacity development support for the judiciary, law enforcement, and security officials with regard to the implementation of existing legislations that work towards gender parity

Electoral institutions and processes

  • Provide training to electoral commissions and electoral administration officials on gender sensitive election management and gender sensitive analyses of electoral data

  • Strengthen women access to party resources and build women’s capacities to run for elections at local, municipal and central levels

  • Provide training to women elected officials and potential women candidates from across the region to build capacities and opportunities for collective action


      1. Support the drafting of women’s charters and national observatories to monitor and react to discrimination against women

  • Assist partners in developing and implementing advocacy plans to promote women’s rights charters among policy makers

  • Organize national conventions to approve draft national charters

  • Organize regional consultations to discuss developing a regional women’s rights charter

  • Conduct capacity assessments to identify host organizations for the observatories

  • Provide capacity development assistance to the host organizations to establish the observatories



      1. Establish/ Capacitate national machineries, gender equality units, committees, and caucuses

  • Administer consultations with governments and existing national women machineries to determine where such units/committees would be most effective

  • Run capacity assessments of organizations that could host gender units; and technical support for the conduct of their work as required


    1. Expand opportunities for women’s economic empowerment


      1. Mainstream gender in macro-economic frameworks, national economic plans and processes

  • Provide capacity development assistance, and deliver gender sensitization sessions to key national and regional level institutions/actors on gender responsive macro-economic policy formulation and national economic planning

  • Assist partners in developing/improving their monitoring frameworks, and in using SMART indicators for their policy making, planning and budgeting processes


      1. Establish/Support “The Voices of Business Women” platform

  • Support micro-finance networking efforts in partnership with Sanabel

  • Administer events/ festivals where women are invited to interact, share knowledge and exhibit their products.

  • Produce and share case studies of growing women-owned businesses with the aim of identifying key success factors as well as challenges and strategies they faced in growing their businesses

  • Establish a comprehensive database of private sector companies, funding agencies, and organizations that provide business development services to women entrepreneurs

  • Support the establishment of gender-based business incubators to facilitate the growth of women owned startups


Output 1 Total:

USD 6,250,000



Output 1.1

USD 1,000,000



Output 1.1.1

USD 1,000,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support:

USD 200,000


USD 300,000

Translation and printing:

USD 70,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

USD 80,000

Communication, IT advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 100,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 250,000 (3 years 3 months)


Output 1.2

USD 3,500,000



Output 1.2.1

USD 1,950,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

USD 900,000

(150K per country for parliament, judicial, and electoral work)
Travel/DSA (6 country based capacity support- 30 days total each- and 1 regional exchange event):

USD: 250,000

Translation and printing

USD: 40,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

(Dedicated training/workshops in 6 countries; 3 areas of focus; 6 events + 1 regional event)

USD 160,000
Communication, IT, advocacy, and dissemination- 6 countries and regional:

USD 150,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 450,000


Output 1.2.2

USD 950,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

- 6 countries

USD 300,000

(50K per country for women’s charters work and assessments, and capacity support)

Travel/DSA (3 national conventions, 50 participants each, 1 regional event, 100 participants):

USD: 210,000

Translation and printing

USD: 50,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

(National conventions in 3 countries + 1 regional event)

USD 100,000
Communication, IT, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 90,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 200,000


Output 1.2.3

USD 600,000


International and national consultant(s)- 6 countries

USD 300,000

(50K per country for capacity assessments, and technical support)

USD: 30,000

Translation and printing

USD: 60,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

USD 10,000

Communication, IT, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 50,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 150,000


Output 1.3.

USD 1,750,000



Output 1.3.1

USD 600,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

- 6 sensitization events/ workshops on monitoring frameworks)

USD 150,000

USD 100,000

Translation and printing

USD 50,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

USD 120,000

Communication, IT, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 30,000


Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 150,000

Output 1.3.2

USD 1,150,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

(case studies and business incubators)

USD 50,000
IT purchase- database, including expertise

USD 50,000


USD 200,000


USD 500,000

Communication, IT, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 40,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation (2 total business networking event):

USD 60,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 250,000

Output 2: Establish women peace and security frameworks to reinforce social cohesion and promote women’s equal access to political and economic opportunities in early recovery and post-crisis settings (Strategic Plan Output #6.4; #4.2 RBAS Output #4.1)

  • Establishment and implementation of the Regional Action plan on Women, Peace and Security by the respective countries/ institutions

  • Number of women/ women organisations on national and regional peace building committees and task forces in identified conflict/ post conflict countries and the numbers of proposals by them that are successfully adopted

  • Number (and impact) of technologies/ mobile applications developed to for tracking violence against women and establishing early working mechanisms

  • Number of conflict/ post-conflict countries engaged with, which have adopted gender-sensitive policies, and gender-responsive national and local budgets compared to baseline

  • Number of women beneficiaries from emergency jobs, cash-for-work activities, work sites that provide for child care arrangements, the ICT solutions and BDS services established






Output 2.1


6 consultation/awareness raising events with Karama and partners on conflict analysis, recovery and peace building as well as UN Security council resolutions (50 participants in each country)
Regional Action Plan – League of Arab States
3 dedicated technical support implementation 1 for each of Karama, the League of Arab States, the Arab Women Organization


Output 2.2


6 consultations sessions with selected governments on implementing UN security resolutions and adopting gender responsive budgets (as part of the consultations in Output 2.1)
6 dedicated technical support for selected national actors (1 each) working on promoting gender sensitive policies
6 training sessions for women trainers on conflict analysis in 6 countries (1 each)
6 training sessions for security, relief and border management personnel in 6 countries (1 each)


Output 2.3


6 consultation sessions/ focus groups with partners to develop diversified cash-for-work activities and BDS services
6 dedicated technical support for partners to develop ICT solutions for safe payment and money saving mechanisms
6 skills training sessions in 6 countries (1 each)
Grants for selected business oriented initiatives


2.1 Develop and capacitate the Regional Network for Women Peace and Security launched with Karama


  • Provide technical and capacity support to the network to:

  • Capacitate members of the regional network on conflict analysis, dialogue accompaniment, mediation, social mobilization, advocacy, recovery, and peace building

  • Develop and disseminate a Regional Action Plan on Women Peace and Security, including monitoring frameworks and indicators, in close cooperation with governments, civil society and League of Arab States

  • Support the work of the observatories mentioned in output (1.2.2) in relation to fact-finding and reporting on challenges and transgressions faced by women in conflict and post-conflict settings

  • Support campaigns that call on the Security Council to set up monitoring bodies to ensure accountability in implementing resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and 2122 on women peace and security

  • Advocate for ratification and implementation of Geneva conventions on protecting women from rape

  • Facilitate the engagement of women in national, regional and global committees; taskforces and consultations pertaining to peace building; reconciliation and reconstruction processes

  • Provide technical assistance to the Crisis Management Unit at the League of Arab States to incorporate gender dimension in its programs

  • Support Arab Women Organization, and Women, Family and Childhood Departments in chosen countries to develop and action plan for the regional strategy “Protection of Arab Women: Peace and Security” as per Security Council Resolution 1325

  • Support the development of innovative technologies/mobile applications for tracking violence against women and establishing early warning mechanisms

  • Capacitate women groups on the use of early warning systems and technologies


2.2 Assist national and subnational actors towards the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Framework (WSP)

      • Provide support to governments in the region to identify and address legislative gaps in national laws that impede the application of UN security resolutions

      • Provide support to national actors in promoting gender sensitive policies and national strategies in conflict and post conflict settings

      • Support national and local governments in adopting gender responsive national and local budgets to ensure gender responsive recovery

      • Train women trainers on conflict analysis, dialogue accompaniment, mediation, social mobilization, advocacy, recovery, and peace building

      • Provide gender sensitization trainings for security, relief and border management personnel

      • Facilitate the engagement of women in peace building processes, conflict prevention mechanisms, and transitional justice activities, as relevant


2.3 Enable women’s agency and access to diversified livelihood opportunities in early recovery settings

  • Establish diversified cash-for-work activities and work sites that provide suitable and safe opportunities for women to participate in the work force

  • Develop safe payment and money saving mechanisms for women who want to start a business, using ICT solutions and mobile technology

  • Provide business development services (BDS) to improve the financial viability and sustainability of start-ups and existing enterprises ran by women

  • Support the development of women-led micro and small enterprises through facilitating access to finance or productive asset transfer programs

  • Support skills training of women and girls in conflict settings as well as in host communities

Output 2 Total:

USD 3,150,000



Output 2.1.

USD 950,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

(regional action plan and technical support to Karama, LAS, and Arab Women Organization)

USD 100,000

USD 100,000

Grants (for selected civil society partners) to implement awareness raising campaigns- 50K per campaign):

USD 300,000

Translation and printing

USD 50,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

USD 120,000

Communication, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 80,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 200,000


Output 2.2.

USD 900,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support (Technical/capacity support- 50K per country; specialized training as indicated in the second column)

USD 300,000


USD 100,000

Translation and printing

USD 70,000

Venue, equipment, conference services, translation:

USD 150,000

Communication, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 100,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 180,000


Output 2.3.

USD 1,300,000


International and national consultant(s), capacity and technical support

USD 100,000


USD 400,000


USD 120,000

Translation and printing

USD 100,000

Venue and equipment:

USD 150,000

Communication, advocacy, and dissemination:

USD 150,000

Project team (CTA+ 2 gender specialists- political + economic)

USD 280,000

(1) Subtotal (Activities), including project team and consultants/experts (1 CTA + 2 Specialists)- 3 years and 3 months



(2) Project management support team (rent/space, security, administrative, procurement, communications, auditing, reporting, partnerships, and finance- Consolidated Project Management Support Unit)



(3) Contingency



(4) M&E; Project Mid-Term and Final Evaluation



(4) Subtotal (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)



UNDP GMS (8%)- except on TRAC



Overall Budget



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