Sept/Oct 2013 Aff: Enhances Election Process Page 26 of 104 Enhances election process Guaranteed turnout means candidates focus on right issues during campaign. RMF Lever, Annabelle. 2009. Is Compulsory Voting Justified. Public Reason 1 (1): 57-74. It may cut down the cost of campaigns, encourage politicians to engage with those who are least interested in politics, and it may minimize negative campaigning, as well. The idea behind these potentially attractive features of compulsion is that if everyone has to vote, politicians can largely take turnout for granted, but have an especial interest in ensuring that those who turnout do not vote for the other side. In short, compulsion means that the battle is not, anymore, to make sure that your supporters actually get to the polls, or to deter those of your opponents from doing so, (apparently the chief effect of negative campaigns, but to