4.5 Dispute and Complaints related to the FSC NRA development and maintenance shall be treated with procedural fairness by FSC Italy and incorporate the following steps:
Economic interests
Name and contact details
Contacted during NRA development
Participation in the consultation process
Forest owners and/or managers of large, medium and small forests; high-, medium- and low-intensity managed forests;
Stefano Cattoi - Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme s.cattoi@mcfiemme.eu
Not done yet
Miriam Tenca - Azienda Agricola Rosa Anna Rosa Luigia miriam.tenca@panguaneta.com
Not done yet
Forest contractors (including loggers);
Not done yet
Representatives of forest workers and forest industries
Not done yet
Certificate holders
Holz Pichler S.p.a.
Not done yet
Not done yet
Panguaneta Spa
Not done yet
Alpi S.p.A
Not done yet
Sicem-Saga spa
Not done yet
Gruppo Mauro Saviola S.r.l.
Not done yet
Social interests
Name and contact details
Contacted during NRA development
Participation in the consultation process
NGOs involved or with an interest in social aspects of forest management and other related operations;
Claudio Garrone-AFI (Associazione Forestale Italiana)
Not done yet
Forest workers;
Not done yet
Representatives of recreation interests;
Not done yet
International, national and local trade/labor unions;
Paolo Acciai- FILCA-CISLA p.acciai@cisl.it
Not done yet
Representatives of local communities involved or with an interest in forest management, including those relevant for HCVs 5 and 6;
Not done yet
Representatives of indigenous peoples and/or traditional peoples (if present and/or holding rights), including those relevant for HCVs 5 and 6;
Not applicable in Italy
Not applicable in Italy
Not applicable in Italy
Environmental interests
Name and contact details
Contacted during NRA development
Participation in the consultation process
NGOs involved or with an interest in the environmental aspects of forest management. Consultation should target the following areas of interest and expertise:
Biological diversity
Water and soil
Environmental-related High Conservation Values
Antonio Pollutri –WWF Italia a.pollutri@wwf.it
Not done yet
Federica Barbera- Legambiente f.barbera@legambiente.it
Not done yet
Chiara Campione- Greenpeace chiara.campione@greenpeace.org
Not done yet
Daniele Caucci –Terra onlus daniele.caucci@terraonlus.it
Not done yet
Patrizia Rossi –LIPU patrizia.rossi@lipu.it
Not done yet
Local communities and indigenous peoples’ representatives (HCVs 5 and 6)
Not done yet
Name and contact details
Contacted during NRA development
Participation in the consultation process
FSC-accredited certification bodies active in the country;
Marco Clementi - CSI S.p.A.- Certification Body MarcoClementi@csi-spa.com
YES members of the technical group
Luigi Mazzaglia- Vireo Srl (Soil Association Italia)
YES members of the technical group
Luigi Bovolenta- Control Union
YES members of the technical group
National and state forest agencies;
Angelo Mariano- Corpo Forestale dello Stato a.mariano@corpoforestale.it
Experts with expertise in Controlled Wood categories;
Davide Paradiso- ConLegno davide.paradiso@conlegno.eu