Fuzhou World Bank Financed Projects Nanjiang Binlu, Phase-ii project of the Third Ring Road and Kuiqi Bridge environmental impact report

Estimates of compensation of land acquisition, removal and resettlement of Kuiqi Bridge

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10.4 Estimates of compensation of land acquisition, removal and resettlement of Kuiqi Bridge

According to estimated data of Project Proposal (including pre-feasibility study report) of Kuiqi Bridge Project of Fuzhou City, there are 34.0 Mu of land acquisition, which shall be calculated as unit price of 1077442 Yuan/Mu, therefore, compensation of land acquisition and demolition shall be RMB 3662.29 Yuan.

11 Public participation

11.1 Purpose and meaning of public participation

Main purpose of public opinion survey is: ① Providing chances for citizens and relative units to express their opinions; ② Providing chances for the public to exert influence on consequence of development; ③ Improving public creditability of taking various measures on reducing impact of the Project; ④ Solving different opinions or conflicts on environmental problems to eliminate obstruction of the government on the execution of the plan; ⑤ Satisfying legal requirements of the public; ⑥ Holding bi-directional exchange of opinions among government official, public officer and citizen to identify main problems of the public and their value viewpoint to make the public realize the plan of the government and relative institutes, make the government understand each optional plan and its influence, thereby the government can make satisfactory decisions.

Pubic participation is an important part of evaluating work of environmental impact and an effective way to make scientific decision. The purpose of public participation makes the Project accepted fully by the public, realizing and grasping popular wishes and popular sentiments and requirements of the pubic about the Project, and then reporting suggestions of the public to relative department in order that relative important problems connected with construction of Nanjiang Binlu and the public could be researched and solved through negotiation. A correct decision or an important project could be obtained the way to solve problems and contradictories in case the public, especially the public who are affected, could support it.

11.2 Investigation Method and Content

Article 15 of Decree of the State Council, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Protection of Construction, Environmental Impact Report formulated by the Employer shall comply with regulations of relative laws and ask for advises of local units and residents.

In accordance with the above-mentioned regulations, three aspects are included in public opinion survey

(1) Topics for discussion and problems: Content of public opinion survey must be related with environmental problems and social impact, and be judged by the corresponding laws and statues.

(2) Scale: Scale of public opinion survey includes regions that are brought about environmental impact by pollution, which is caused by construction of South Jiangbian Road, the Phase-II Project of the Third Ring Road and Kuiqi Bridge Project in the scale of assessment. The key scale of public opinion survey includes residents alone the line of the above-mentioned Two Roads & One Bridge, including villager committee and town government of affected district. Questionnaires are distributed. (About 60 copies of questionnaires)

(3) Objects: Residents and relative government administrative staff.

(4) Method: Investigation via written questionnaires.

(5) Content: Experiencing emotion and attitude of the public on the Project on site; filling questionnaires of public opinions; counting main opinions of the public; proposing methods to solve main problems considering public opinions.

11.3 Public participation on Nanjiang Binlu

11.3.1 First public participation survey Statistics of findings of public opinions on Nanjiang Binlu Project

There are 70 copies of questionnaires distributed with 60 effective copies returned. The statistics of outcome of the questionnaires for the public participation survey are shown in Table 11.3-1.

Table 11.3-1 Questionnaires for Public Participation Survey of Nanjiang Binlu

Project profile

Fuzhou Nanjiang Binlu Project starts from Cangqian West Road, along the north borderline of Nantaidao Island in parallels with Jiefang Bridge, after Minjiang River and Ao’feng Bridge of Liuyi Road, the route deviates from the old borderline stretching to the new bank borderlines of Jiangbianzhou, Xindangzhou and Puxiazhou of Minjiang River, then the designed Gushan Bridge, at last to the site of designed Kuiqi Bridge.

Class of the interviewees




The 3rd Industry


Enterprises and Institutions

Local Environmental Protection Authority





Question 1: Do you agree with construction of Nanjiang Binlu?






Question 2: How about the integral social benefit to be brought by the Nanjiang Binlu after it is put into use?










Question 3: Upon completion of the Nanjiang Binlu Project, what do you think the environmental quality in your area will turn to?










Question 4: Will construction of Nanjiang Binlu bring any negative environmental impact?

Impact on surrounding sceneries

Disturbance to residents due to traffic noise

Impact due to exhaust and dust

Impact on water body by wastewater from the bridge

Other factors





Question 5: What is the most urgent environmental issue in the local area do you think at present?


Waste gases






Question 6: upon completion of Nanjiang Binlu project and after it is put into use, what is the most urgent environmental issue in the local area as per your estimation?


Waste gases






Do you have any suggestion on preventive measures against the environmental impact during construction of Nanjiang Binlu and after completion of it: See Table 2-2 Analysis of the public opinions on Nanjiang Binlu

(1) Information and support to the Project

Do you know about the Project? 60 persons have answered this question, with 60 of them answered “Yes”, which take 100% of the interviewees.

Do you know about the following situation of the Project? 55 know direction of the road, which takes 91.7% of the interviewees.

Do you agree with construction of Nanjiang Binlu? 58 answered “Agree”, which takes 96.7% of the interviewees; 2 answered “Disagree”, which takes 3.3%.

(2) Integral social benefit by introduction of the Project

How about the integral social benefit to be brought by the Nanjiang Binlu after it is put into use? 7 answered “Excellent”, which takes 11.7% of the total interviewees; 45 answered “Good”, which takes 75%; 6 answered “Average”, which takes 10%; 2 answered “Fair”, which takes 3.3%.

It can be seen from the outcome of survey that most of the interviewees think that construction of Nanjiang Binlu will help actively to improve the overall economic benefit to Fuzhou City.

(3) Environmental impact

Upon completion of Nanjiang Binlu Project, what do you think the environmental quality in your area will turn to?3 answered “Excellent”, which takes 5% of the total interviewees; 38 answered “Good”, which takes 63.3%; 18 answered “Average”, which takes 30%; 2 answered “Fair”, which takes 3.3%.

Will construction of Nanjiang Binlu bring any negative environmental impact?5 answered “Impact on surrounding sceneries”, which takes 8.3% of the total interviewees; 59 answered “Disturbance to residents due to traffic noise”, which takes 98.3% of the total interviewees; 31 answered “Impact due to exhaust and dust”, which takes 51.7%; 10 answered “Impact on water body by wastewater from the bridge”, which takes 16.7%.

What is the most urgent environmental issue in the local area do you think at present? 46 answered “Noise”, which takes 76.7% of the total interviewees; 13 answered “Waste gases”, which takes 21.7%; 9 answered “Dust”, which takes 15%.

Upon completion of Nanjiang Binlu project and after it is put into use, what is the most urgent environmental issue in the local area as per your estimation? 60 answered “Noise”, which takes 100% of the total interviewees; 22 answered “Waste gases”, which takes 36.7%; 17answered “Waste gases”, which takes 28.3%.

It can be seen from the above statistics that most of the interviewees think that construction of Nanjiang Binlu will bring impact upon the surrounding environmental quality, and 100% of interviewees think that the major impact is on the quality of noise environment.

11.3.2 Second public participation survey Public opinions on main sensitive points

The second public participation survey was held on Nov. 22, 2004, which adopted interviews upon sensitive points of Nanjiang Binlu Project. Detailed opinions collected please see Table 11.3-2. Interviewees cover relevant residents, people from Resident Committee, school, religious group etc. along the road.

Table 11.3-2 Public Opinions on Main Sensitive Points



Public Opinions



Yinghua Foreign Language Middle School

They support construction of Nanjiang Binlu, considering construction of the Project could make sights of Cangqian Road more beautiful. Interviewees consider that existing traffic noise of Cangqian Road is aloud, therefore, construction of Nanjiang Binlu will not influence on normal educational environment of this school.

Interviewees are teachers of Yinghua Foreign Language Middle School


An’lan Assembly Hall

They agree line planning and require that construction shall not influence stability of housing structure, which is adopted by construction design to propose protective measures.

Interviewees are the staff of Cangshan District Culture Bureau


Fanchuanpu Church

There are so many people on activity day in the Church, therefore they require construction of Nanjiang Binlu shall not take the plaza in the Church;

Converses hope the Church could be keep as a whole;

Converses advise that Nanjiang Binlu on Fanchuanpu Section would adopt bridging, rounding the Church, therefore the old buildings of 70 years old of the Church would not be affected by the construction;

The Church lies on lower land surface, in case Nanjiang Binlu will pass through its northern side, difficulties of water discharge will be caused because the ground is lower of 1.5m than the road surface.

Interviewees are the staff and converses of the Church


Wetland of Puxiazhou

Interviewees consider that Wetland of Puxiazhou is a god-given land of Fuzhou City, which shall be protected. Construction of Nanjiang Binlu shall not destroy the wetland.

Interviewee is the local public administration department of environmental protection


Linpu Village

Interviewees require changing their land and providing conditions of making a living to make households relocated due to building demolition keep their current living standard through working. They require compensation for demolition should be reasonable.

Interviewees are villagers of Linpu Village


The Pacific Town

Residents of the Pacific Town, especially of 7# building, are affected seriously by the noises. We have investigated some households; as a result, they support construction of Nanjiang Binlu because the as-built construction could improve environmental quality along the river. For the noises, they consider that the noises of ships on Minjiang River are also very aloud actually, so they just require heavy-duty car should be prohibited to pass during the operation period, and noise pollution and dust pollution should be controlled during construction period as well.

Interviewees are owners of The Pacific Town


Residents of Cangqian Road

Interviewees support construction of Nanjiang Binlu, but they don’t hope their houses should be demolished.

Interviewees are residents along Cangqian Road


Residents in dormitory of Aquatic Product & Ocean Shipping Company

There are a large amount of laid-off workers in the region involved with demolition. They live difficultly with bad economic condition. They support construction of urban infrastructure, but they hope the government could help them in case they suffer actual difficulties. They suggest that the government could care for them when compensation policy on demolition is being formulated.

Interviewees are households relocated due to building demolition in dormitory of Aquatic Product & Ocean Shipping Company


Hebian Resident Committee

There are 130 households relocated due to demolition of Hebian Resident Committee on Linjiang Road. Most of them are removed. There are 15 households aren’t willing to remove, of whom 3 households are very difficult so that they couldn’t undertake expense for buying a house. Please the relative department could resettle them well. There are two households suffering controversy on the area, so please department in charge of resettlement could negotiate well.

Interviewees are cadres and residents of Resident Committee


Commercial School Gangtou Branch

Interviewees support construction of Nanjiang Binlu

Interviewees are teachers of the school


Jufeng Paper Company

They hope the government could pay compensation for demolition on time according to regulations. Compensation could be paid to the company directly without any intermediate interruption. The government shall allocate suitable land for the company’s removal.

Interviewees are leaders of the company Analysis of Public Opinions

(1) Supporting opinions for construction of the Project

Most of the public supports construction of the Project. They consider that construction of Nanjiang Binlu could promote economic development of Fuzhou City. Most of interviewees support national construction. Construction of the Project can make sight along the road become more beautiful, provide entertainment place for residents nearby, improve housing condition of residents, who lived in shacks in the past and make the value of land along the road added and communications more conveniently.

(2) Issues worried by the interviewees

1) Interviewees within the range of demolition have concerns upon following issues:

① Compensation after demolition; There are a lot of laid-off workers along the road. Parts of them are low-income group of the city. Their family financial background is bad and housing area is small. Most of interviewees worry about that they have not enough money to buy new hosing through compensation paid by the government and they couldn’t pay expense of real estate management.

② Living problem after demolition; Residents who own shops along the street keep their life through renting their shops and commercial operation, therefore they worry about that living difficulties would be met because they couldn’t buy new shops.

③ Problems in Fanchuanpu Church; In case Jiangbin Road locates 20 meters beyond the Church, heavy pressure of the road will cause weak ground base of the Church fallout because weighted unevenly, at the same time vibration brought about by passing vehicles will destroy main body of the Church violently. In case Nanjiang Binlu refers to the original frame, most area of the Church’s plaza and surrounding space will be taken. As a result, team in charge of keeping order of converses will feel very difficult to keep order, and serious hidden trouble will be caused.

2) Interviewees beyond the range of demolition have concerns upon following issues:

Households along the road worry about the increase of vehicle flow would bring about not only convenience but also environmental problems of noises and exhausts. Interviewees suggest that vehicles shall be controlled and oversize vehicles shall be prohibited on Nanjiang Binlu except public buses.

11.3.3 Brief summary on public participation opinions

1) Most of the interviewees support Nanjiang Binlu Project;

2) Issues put forward by the interviewees and proposed to take into consideration during planning and design of the road include:

① They suggest that various plans of designing for roads going through Fanchuanpu Church shall be taken in consideration, including bridging. The plan that could appropriate the plaza of the Church shall be avoided. Suggestions of the Church’s staff shall be asked for in order to solve problems.

② They suggest Puxiazhou Wetland shall not be appropriated.

3) Issues put forward by the interviewees and proposed to take into consideration during road construction include:

It is suggested that the road construction can be concentrated in a considerably short period, so that the inconvenience to residents along the road due to the construction noise could be shortened; the construction site shall be reasonably arranged, with the concrete mixer, bitumen-cooking facilities far away from the residential places. Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent influence brought about by vibration on buildings such as An’lan Assembly Hall, Fanchuanpu Church etc;

4) Issues put forward by the interviewees and proposed to take into consideration during demolition and resettlement include:

Households relocated due to building demolition along Nanjiang Binlu are low-income families; whose economic condition is bad as well as housing area is small. They suggest that the Employer could set up different resettlement plans for different groups and try to keep housing conditions and living standard of households relocated due to demolition.

Suitable land shall be provided to enterprises relocated due to demolition for removal.

5) Issues proposed to take into consideration after the Road opened to traffic:

Because many housing buildings will be increased as well as office buildings, pollutions of noises, waste gas, and dust will be brought about after the Road is opened to traffic; they suggest vehicles shall be prohibited. At the same time, oversize motor vehicle and vehicles in transit shall be prohibited.

6) Jufeng Paper Manufacturing has been removed to the new site of the factory with satisfactory in the second investigation.

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