General knowledge

Olympic General Knowledge

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Olympic General Knowledge

  1. According to the legends and menuscripts the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles a son of Zeus.

  2. The very first Olympic race which was organised in 776 BC was won by Corubus by profession he was a chef.

  3. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. There were 311 male but no female competitors.

  4. The first Olympic games were held in 776BC and then after that every 4 years repeatedly until 339BC.

  5. Golf is the only sport which was played on the surface of moon on 6 February 1971 when astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball.

  6. In ancient olympics There were no team events, relay races or the long distance race of Marathon these events were introduced in the modern Olympics

  7. Earnier womens were not allowed in olympic games. At the first modern Olympic Games there were 311 male but no female competitors.

  8. The first ever perfect score of 10 in Olympic gymnastics was achieved at the 1976 Montreal Olympics by Romanian Nadia Comaneci, she won 3 gold medals.

  9. The youngest ever Olympian wasonly 10 years old when he competed in the 1896 Athens Olympics is a Greek gymnast Dimitrios Loundras.

  10. The record for the most Olympic medals ever won is held by Soviet gymnast Larissa Latynina.

  11. Larissa Latynina won 18 medals ehich includes 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze after competing in three Olympics, between 1956 and 1964.

  12. Australia is one of only two countries to have participated in every one of the Modern Olympics since the Games were established in 1896.

  13. Ancient olympic racetracks were 192 meters long.

President of India

Quiz on Religion

  1. According to a servay around 168,000 bibles are distributed in the US on any given day and its a best best selling book in the world.

  2. Christianity is considered as the world’s most widespread religion and due to its popularity a servay reveals that 50 holy bibles sold in an average minute.

  3. The Bible was written in three main languages respectively Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek.

  4. The 12 disciples were not were not allowed to carry food, money, or extra clothing.

  5. The oldest almost complete manuscript of the Bible still existing is the Codex Vaticanus, dating from the first half of the 4th century, now held in the Vatican library.

  6. Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible, and lions 55 times, but domestic cats are not mentioned at all.

  7. The longest book chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, the shortest is Psalm 117.

  8. The word “God” appears in every book except Esther and Song of Solomon.

  9. The raven is the first bird mention in the Bible. It appears in Genesis 8:7, when it is sent out from the ark by Noah to see if the flood waters have abated. The second bird was a dove, in verse 8.

  10. Almonds and pistachios are the only nuts mentioned in the Bible.

  11. Whilst the Bible is the world’s best-selling book, it’s also the world’s most shoplifted book.

  12. The word ‘Lord’ appears in the bible 7,736 times.

  13. Hinduism The dominant religion of India, Hinduism has a broad variety of forms, ranging from simple folk practices to abstruse metaphysical systems.

  14. Hindus regard the sacred texts known as the Vedas (composed around 1500 B.C.) as central to their tradition.

  15. Shaivism One of the three primary traditions of Hinduism, Shaivism focuses on the god Shiva, the lord of transformative power in the universe.

  16. Shaktism Shaktism focuses on worship of Shakti, the Divine Mother embodying the power of universal manifestation, sometimes known under her names Devi or Kali.

  17. Vaishnavism Vaishnavism focuses on Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, and his incarnations Krishna and Rama. Vaishnavism is divided into various sampradayas (sects), each of which has been founded by a particular acharaya (guru).

  18. The Vedas Meaning “knowledge” in Sanskrit, the Vedas are the oldest and most authoritative texts of Hinduism. Composed around 1500 B.C.E., they are among the world’s oldest surviving.

  19. Vedas consist of four parts. The Rig Veda contains verses of praise to the gods; the Yajur Veda discusses the requirements of ritual offerings; the Sama Veda, verses and chants for ritual offerings, and Atharva Veda, magical verses.

  20. The Upanishads Among the principal texts of the Hindu tradition, the Upanishads are metaphysical treatises that are concerned with the origin and destiny of humanity and the universe.

  21. In Old Testament times the Mediterranean Sea was called the Great Sea.

  22. Revelation, written about 95 AD, is the youngest book in the New Testament.

Classical Folk and Tribal Dances in India


Quotation Quoted By


Swaraj is my Birth Right

Bal Gangadhar Tilak


Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get.

G. B. Shaw


A thing of beauty is a joy forever

John Keats


To be and not to be that is the question.



Delhi Chalo

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose


Superstition is the religion of feeable minds.

Edmund Burke


Let a hundread flowers bloom and let a thousand school of thought contend.



Aram Haram Hai

Jawahar Lal Nehru


Where wealth accumulates, men decay.



Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that is all.

John Keats


I came I saw I conquered



Good Government is no substitute for self government.

Alfred Tennyson


A democratic Government is of the people, for the people and by the people.

Abraham Linkon


Jay Hind



Law grinds the poor and rich men rule the men.

Gold Smith


The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.

D. H. Lawrence


War is the greatest crime man perpetrates against man.



There never was a good war or a bad peace.

Benjamin Franklin


The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.

Theodore Roosevelt


Truth and Non-violence is my God

M. K. Gandhi


Jai Jawan, Jai Krishan

Lal Bahadur Shastri


Eureka Eureka



Just as I would not like to be a slave, so I would not like to be a master.

Abraham Linkon


Brevity is the soul of wit.



East is east and west is west and never the twin shall meet.



Knowledge is Power



Man is by nature a political animal.



Temptation usually comes in through a door that has delibaretly been left open.

Arnold Glasow


I therefore want freedom immediately this very night, before dawn if it can be had?



Man is not the creature of circumstance. Circumstances are the creature of men.



Excellent things are rare.



Well done is better than well said.

Benjamin Franklin


Ambition is like love: Impatient both of delays as well as rivals.



The child is father of the man.

William Wordsworth


Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.

Rabindra Nath Tagore


Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India.

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

Solar System Quiz

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