Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 9 Design, Analysis, and Testing of Laterally Loaded Deep Foundations that Support Transportation Facilities

Block 2 – Define Preliminary Project Geotechnical Conditions

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Block 2 – Define Preliminary Project Geotechnical Conditions
A preliminary characterization of the project geotechnical conditions should be developed for use in planning the subsurface investigation and preliminary foundation selection. A desktop study of available records should be performed. The desktop study should help to identify geotechnical or geologic conditions that maybe relevant to the design of laterally loaded deep foundations, such as the presence of poor soils, IGMs, type and depth of rock, etc. Also, key for this step is to identify any precedent that may exist for laterally loaded deep foundation design or previous work that can be used for such design, such as records of load tests, foundation performance, previous investigation data relative to laterally loaded deep foundations (PMT or
DMT results, local practice with regard to testing and development of parameters for lateral pile analysis, etc. This will help to inform the development of the subsurface investigation, including the planning of sampling and testing types and depths. In some cases, particularly in design-build procurement, a sufficient subsurface investigation program to establish geotechnical baselines for procurement maybe completed at this stage.
Block 3 - Develop Estimates of Applied Loads
The proposed structure design should be advanced far enough to develop an estimate of the loading conditions that will be applied to the deep foundations. A preliminary foundation layout should be used to develop an estimate of the load distribution among the foundation elements. For the purposes of this manual, and this design procedure in particular, it is assumed that the estimates of applied loads will establish that deep foundations are needed.

52 Development of loads includes both axial and lateral loads because the performance of deep foundations subjected to lateral loads is also influenced by the applied axial load. Load combinations and appropriate load factors must be developed and included in the development of the loads as discussed in Chapter 4. The most critical load combinations) can then be determined and used for developing the foundation design.

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