Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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Self-Made Millionaires
Some years ago, I was asked to give a talk on self-made millionaires to a large group composed of business owners from allover the country. This invitation forced me to do some serious thinking. This thinking changed my life.
From the time I was a teenager, my ambition had been to be a millionaire by the age of thirty. When I reached thirty and was still broke, I
put it off to thirty-five. At thirty-five, I put it off to forty, but with less and less hope that I would ever achieve that magic number.
But when I was asked to give the talk on self-made millionaires, I
realized that I knew very little about them. I therefore threw my whole heart into researching who they were and what they did to get from zero to million in one lifetime.
With these findings, I developed a program called 21 Success Secrets of
Self-Made Millionaires, which I have presented to probably a million people in fifty countries over the years. The interesting thing was that as I
researched and taught people the ways that self-made millionaires think and act, I began practicing the same principles myself. Within five years, I was a millionaire.

Reprogram Your Thinking
Many people, from allover the world, have told me that by listening to this program over and over and practicing the principles it teaches, they became millionaires as well, even after years of poverty and struggle. And so can you.
In this chapter, I am going to share with you a series of simple ideas that you can learn and apply, based on extensive research into the lives and habits of thousands of wealthy people.
By the Law of Cause and Effect, if you think and do the same things that wealthy people do, you will soon get the same results that they do.
The bestselling author Og Mandino once told me, There are no secrets of success. There are simply timeless truths and universal principles that have been discovered and rediscovered throughout human history. All you have to do is to learn and practice them to enjoy all the success that you could desire.”

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