Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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Learning and Practice
Fortunately, each of these limitations to financial success can be overcome through learning and practice. Each of these obstacles can be turned into a steppingstone to success when you learn how to think the way rich people think.
The Law of Correspondence is an immutable mental law. It works, for all people, under all situations and circumstances. It is inevitable and almost completely predictable.
With regard to wealth accumulation, this law says that you will behave on the outside consistent with the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, and values that you have on the inside. You always act on the outside consistent with the way you truly believe on the inside, and if you do, you will soon get the same results and outcomes as other people who believe the same way.
As a Man Thinketh
Psychologists call this your self-concept, and it is considered the single biggest breakthrough inhuman potential development in the twentieth century. Your self-concept is the way you think, your bundle of beliefs about yourself. You always act on the outside consistent with yourself- concept, whatever it is. And you can always tell what people think, feel, and believe about themselves by looking at what they do in their day-to-day lives.
All improvements in external performance and results begin with an improvement in your self-concept. When you start to think of yourself in positive, constructive, and financially successful ways on the inside, you

begin to act consistent with those beliefs on the outside until they eventually become your reality.
Children brought up in affluent homes, especially by parents who started as entrepreneurs and who worked hard and became successful in one generation, are much more likely to become successful and wealthy as adults. Throughout their upbringing, they were surrounded by and inculcated with the beliefs and lifestyles of success and affluence. When they grow up, they expect nothing less for themselves and will accept nothing less until they achieve it.

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