UNIT SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES CONTENT TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES EVALUATION UNIT 2 (CONT’D) FISHERY ORGANISMS AND THEIR HABITATS The student will be able to 1.2.5 prevent and control aquatic Invasive Alien Species Fishers - Hinder transportation on water body - Inhibit the use of fishing gears - Limit quantity offish caught leading to loss of revenue - Makes water unsafe for fishers due to growth of water snails which carry bilharzia - Bad colour and odour leading to poor quality of drinking water Preventive Measures - Awareness creation through education - Screening of plants at Border Posts and other Entry points - Monitoring of Invasive Alien Species - Enforcement of Plant Protection and Regulatory laws Control Measures - Physical (Manual removal of plants) - Biological (Use of host specific insects, pathogens, parasitoids use of some fish species Students to Brainstorm to identify measures for preventing occurrence and spread of Invasive Alien Species. Use digital content to identify and describe the preventive and control measures of aquatic Invasive Alien Species Discuss methods of controlling aquatic Invasive Alien Species In groups, students plan and execute a programme on controlling aquatic Invasive Alien Species in their locality. List and explain three effects of aquatic Invasive Alien Species on i. Fishers ii. Fishery habitat iii. Fishery organisms