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Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 8 – The Prophet Muhammad

Goal: To understand the life of Muhammad and the rise of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula.

8.1 Introduction

*____________ (mecca) was an ancient place of worship.

*According to Arab and Muslim tradition, it was here that God tested the faith of the prophet __________ by commanding him to leave his wife Hagar and baby son Ishmael in a _________ valley. A well sprung up at Ishmael’s feet. The well became known as _____________.

*Abraham built a house of worship called the ________ near the well.

*Muhammad was living in Makkah when he received his own call to _____________. Muhammad’s followers, called __________ spread the teachings of Islam which eventually spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.

8.2 Arabia During Muhammad’s Time

*Makkah was located in a ________ _________ valley in western Arabia. It gained wealth as a ____________ city.

*Define the following:







*A handful of families came to rule the city and would not share their fourtue with the weaker, poorer __________ who lived in the city.

*Most Arabs were _______________. They worshipped many gods. The Ka’ba housed __________ of statues of gods at this time.

*There was no central government. Arabs pledged loyalty to their ________. Tribes launched raids on other tribes to capture ________, _________, goods, __________ __________, and even ________. Families were ________ bound to avenge deaths caused by these raids.

*Arabs shared ties of __________. They shared a common language, poetry, land and way of life.

8.3 Muhammad’s Early Life

*Muhammad was born in ____________ around 570 C.E. He was a member of the ________ clan.

*Muhammad was sent to live with a ___________ family in the desert. He learned Arab traditions such as to be kind to ____________ and to help _________, widows and other needy members of society.

*Muhammad eventually wound up in the care of his uncle, _________ ________, a respected member of the Hashim clan. Eventually, Muhammad became a ___________ with a reputation for his honesty.

*Muhammad went to work for _______________, a widow. She was impressed with his trading abilities so she proposed marriage. Muhammad _____________ her offer. They had several children, but only his daughter ____________ had children.

8.4 The Call to Prophethood

*Define the following:





*In 610 C.E., Muhammad went to pray in a ___________ in the Mountains. He reported that he was visited by the angel ___________ who told him to “________ - in the name of thy Lord!” Muhammad further said the angel told him that he was the ________________ of God.

*Khadijah became the first _____________ to Islam. Islam is based on ___________ or the belief in a single god. The same God of _____________, Moses and _____________.

*Muhammad reportedly received messages from the angel Gabriel for the next ____ years. Although Muhammad could not _______ or _________, some followers memorized the messages and wrote collected them in a single book, the ___________, the holy book of Islam.

8.5 Muhammad’s Teaching Meets with Rejection

*Define -boycott-


*Muhammad taught that people must worship ________ god, that all believers in god were __________ and that the rich should __________ their wealth.

*Some Makkans joined the Muslims, but most rejected Muhammad’s teachings. They did not want to share their _________ and were afraid Muhammad would seize __________ power. Merchants were afraid people would stop coming to Makkah if they stopped _____________ their gods.

*Makkans called Muhammad a liar and ______________ his weaker followers. The powerful clans of Makkah ____________ the Hashim clan and refused to do business with them.

*Muhammad reported that in 619 C.E., he went on a ___________ ___________ where a winged horse took Muhammad to _____________. There he reportedly met and prayed with Abraham, Moses and ____________. He went through the _________ levels of heaven and met ______.

8.6 From the Migration to Medinah to the End of His Life

*Muhammad moved to _____________ to bring peace to feuding tribes. His journey there was known as the __________. The city was renamed _________, short for the “City of the Prophet”.

*Muslims pledged to be ___________ and ______________ to each other. The brotherhood of faith was more important that ties of family _____________ and __________. Muhammad taught his followers to respect _________ of the _____________, Christians and Jews.

*Define siege-


*Makkans and Muslims fought during this period. Muhammad’s army eventually captured Makkah and destroyed the _______ at the Ka’ba and rededicated the shrine to ___________.

*Muhammad died in ___________.

8.7 The Four Caliphs

*Define the following:





*After Muhammad’s death, _______ _______, Muhammad’s friend and father-in-law was chosen as the new Muslim leader. He was the first __________ or Muslim ruler. The Muslim government was called the __________. Under his rule the ____________ Peninsula was unified under Muslim rule.

*After Abu Bakr died, Caliph __________ expanded the Muslim empire to include lands in Iraq, _________, the eastern Mediterranean, and ________ __________. Local governments and tax systems were set up in the __________. ___________ and ____________ were allowed to worship as they wished.

*Upon Umar’s death, ___________ became Caliph. He selected an ___________ edition of the Qur’an which helped unite Muslims. He also awarded high posts to his ___________ which angered people in the provinces. Rebels __________ him in 656 C.E.

*Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, ______ _______ _______ _______, became the fourth caliph. The ___________, however, challenged his rule and civil war began. The war was ended through _____________, but the caliph was murdered by one of his _____________ unhappy with his action.

8.8 The Umayyad Dynasty

*Define the following:





*The leader of the Umayyads, _____________, claimed the Caliphate. The majority of Muslims accepted him. They are known as ___________. Muslims who believed that only people who are directly related to Muhammad through his son-in-law Ali should be caliph are called _______.

*The Umayyads moved their capital to ____________, Syria and began a dynasty. They kept control by posting large armies at ____________ towns.

*The Muslim empire expanded into central ___________ and northwestern ____________. Muslims began their conquest of _________, but were turned back by the Frankish king Charles Martel. Muslims held onto lands in Spain for _________ years. *The city of _____________ in Spain became a center of learning and religious tolerance.


Class Period_______________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 9 – The Teachings of Islam

Goal: To understand the teachings of Islam and their impact on daily life and personal interactions.

    1. Introduction

*Muslim’s pray _________ times a day. Sometimes they pray in houses of worship called _________. Muslims do not drink _________ or eat _________. Muslims give money to support ____________ works.

*The Qur’an is the Muslim _________ book. The ___________ are the examples set by Muhammad. The Five Pillars of Faith are __________, ____________, ____________, _____________ and making a ____________ to Makkah.

*___________ represents Muslim’s struggle with internal and external challenges as they strive to please God. _____________ is Islamic law.

    1. Background on Islam

*Muslims belong to a single Islamic community called the ___________. Only _________________ has more followers than Islam. The majority of Muslims are ___________.

*Islam, Judaism and Christianity have much in _____________. All three religions are _______________ (believe in one God). All three religions trace their origins to the prophet ______________. Their scriptures include common figures such as ________, Noah, __________, and ________, the mother of Jesus.

*Define – torah –


*Muslims believe that the Jewish Torah and the New Testament of Christianity came from _________. Muslims believe the Qur’an is the _____________ revelation to the world.

    1. The Qur’an and the Sunnah

*Muslims believe the Qur’an describes God’s laws and moral teachings, or the “______________ _______________.” Muslim’s believe the Qur’an is a collection of the messages ______________ received from God through the angel ____________.

*Muslims honor the Qur’an by not letting the sacred book _______ the ground or get __________. Muslims also _____________ all or part of the Qur’an in Arabic.

*The __________________ is the example set by Muhammad. For example, Muhammad told his followers to never let a guest leave the table hungry. A dinner guest therefore should always be __________ before he/ she leaves.

*Define – hadith-


*The Qur’an provides general ____________ to perform the five pillars of faith. The Sunnah explains how to ____________ them using Muhammad’s examples.

    1. The First Pillar: Shahadah

*_______________ is the profession of faith. Muslims repeat the phrase “There is no God but _________, and __________________ is the messenger of God”. The first part of Shahadah affirms __________________. The second part of Shahadah identifies Muhammad as God’s _______________.

*The meaning of shahadah is that people pledge their _____________ to God. People also accept the ideal of an unseen world of ___________ and other beings.

*Muslims believe that all souls will face a day of ____________. On that day, those who have lived according to God’s rules will be rewarded and enter _______________. Those who have disbelieved or done evil will be punished by falling into ____________ hell.

    1. The Second Pillar: Salat

*Salat is daily ritual _______________. Muslims are called to prayer __________ times a day. They must pray at dawn, __________, midday, ___________, and after nightfall.

*A crier, called a ______________, calls people to prayer from the top of a tower of a mosque - the _________________.

*Define – iman-


*Before prayer, all Muslims must perform _____________ ____________. Worshippers must wash their hands, _______, arms and ________. Worshippers then form lines behind a prayer ___________ called an iman. The worshippers face the __________; a niche in the wall which shows the direction to Makkah.

*Prayer can be done _______________ and not just in a mosque.

*Muslims do not observe a ______________ or day of rest. They do, however, gather on ______________ at Mosques for midday congregational prayers.

    1. The Third Pillar: Zakat

*Define - almsgiving-________________________________________________

*Zakat is the practice of sharing riches with the __________ ____________. Zakat means “______________”. Muslims believe wealth becomes pure if it is shared and it helps control _________________.

*Muslims must share 2.5% of their _____________ and ______________ with their poorer neighbors. Muslims are encouraged to give even __________.

*In medieval times Zakat paid for the construction of public _____________, to provide clean drinking water, and inns so ____________ and travelers had a place to sleep.

*Today Zakat pays for___________ kitchens, clothing, _________ for the poor, orphanages, hospitals, to pay off debts, provide aid to stranded _________ and to pay school fees and teachers.

    1. The Fourth Pillar: Siyam

*Define – Ramadan-


*Siyam is ritual ___________ -- going without food. The Qur’an instructs Muslims to fast during the month of _______________. This month was the month that Muslims believe God first revealed messages to Muhammad.

*During this month, Muslims must fast from the break of _________ to the setting of the _______. _______________ women, the ______, and the elderly and ___________ children do not have to fast.

*Muslims cannot eat or ___________, even water, when they are fasting. During Ramadan, the fast can be broken each night when a person standing outside cannot tell a white ___________ from a black ____________. The fast is broken by eating a small meal, often with _____________.

*Ramadan encourages _____________, __________ and charity within the Muslim community. Fasting teaches ___________ ____________ and makes them realize what it would be like to be __________ and ___________.

*At the end of Ramadan, a celebration called ______ ___-________ takes place. People wear new __________, decorate their homes and prepare special foods. ___________ are exchanged and people give to the _________.

    1. The Fifth Pillar: Hajj

*The Hajj is the _____________ to the holy city of Makkah. All adult Muslims who can do so are expected to make the hajj ________ during their lifetime. The hajj promotes ___________ and _____________ by bringing Muslims from all over the world together.

*Muslims dress in simple __________ clothing for the Hajj.

*Upon arrival, Muslims announce “Here I am, O God, at thy __________!” They then proceed to the _____________ _____________ which houses the Ka’ba. Pilgrims circle the Ka’ba ________ times. They then run along a passage between two small _________. Pilgrims then drink water from the ____________ well.

*Pilgrims leave Makkah and set up tents in ___________. They then go to the Plain of __________ where they pray. Some people climb Mount Arafat where Muhammad gave his __________ ____________. Pilgrims then cast stones at pillars representing _______________.

*Pilgrims then celebrate with a _____-day feast. In honor of ________ ancient sacrifice, animals are sacrificed and the meat is shared with family, friends and the poor. Before leaving Makkah, each pilgrim circles the Ka’ba ________ more times. Muslims celebrate farewell day as _____-_____-_________.

    1. Jihad

*Jihad means “to ________”. It represents the human struggle to overcome __________ and do things that would be pleasing to God.

*The “lesser jihad” is the ____________ struggle against oppression. The “greater jihad” is the fight against evil within ___________.

*The Qur’an tells Muslims to fight to protect themselves from those who would do them ___________ or to right a terrible _____________.

*The Qur’an sets specific rules for fighting. Muslims must honor ___________ made with foes. Muslims must not __________ the dead bodies of enemies. Muslims must not harm ____________, _____________, ________ ____________ and civilians. Muslims must not destroy property, __________, crops, __________ ____________, or houses of worship.

    1. Shari’ah: Islamic Law

*Shari’ah is the body or _____________ of Islamic law – the “path to be followed”. It is based on the __________ and the ___________. It guides them in their ____________ behavior and ______________ with others.

*Islamic law places actions into five categories: (1) forbidden; (2) ___________; (3) allowed; _______________; and obligatory (mandatory).

*Laws can be quite specific. Muslims are not allowed to eat ________. Muslims are not allowed to drink ____________.

*Laws are sometimes put in general terms. For example, the Qur’an states that women must “not display their __________”.

*Islamic law also regulates duties towards other people. These categories are criminal, __________________, family, and _____________ law.

*In Shari’ah court a ___________ (judge) hears a case, including ___________ and evidence. The judge then makes a ruling.


Class Period________________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 10 – Contributions of Muslims to World Civilization

Goal: To understand the contributions of Muslims to world civilization

    1. Introduction

*Arabs, ____________, Turks and others all helped to create Islamic civilization. Muslims learned from the ancient ____________, the Chinese and the __________ of India. Muslims _______________ old learning and made striking advances of their own. The spreading of these ideas had a deep ___________ on other cultures.

*Foods such as ________, rice, and _________ were introduced by Muslims. Worlds such as “mattress” and ________ have Arabic origins. The ____________ numerals (1,2,3,…) were brought to Europe by Muslims.

10.2 The Flowering of Islamic Civilization

*Define the following:



*Fatimid dynasty-


*Islamic civilization flourished despite a lack of ______________unity.

*The Abbasids made ____________ in present day Iraq their capital. The city became a major center of ___________ where Persian influenced combined with Arabic heritage of Islam.

*The Fatimid dynasty in Egypt built their capital in _______. Its ____________ was the most advanced in the Muslim world. In Spain, the Muslim capital ___________ became the most advanced in the Muslim world.

*Muslim traders helped spread cultural ____________ to other places. Muslims learned how to make paper from the ____________ and then spread this knowledge to _________________.

10.3 City Building and Architecture

The City of Baghdad

*It took ________________ architects, workers and craftspeople four years to build the Abbasid capital of Baghdad. The capital complex was known as the “__________ _______” because of its shape.

*At the center were the caliph’s ___________ and the grand ___________. Around them were offices and the houses of __________ officials and _________ officers. A ____________ wall with heavily guarded __________ surrounded the inner city.

The Mosque

*The mosque is the Muslim ____________ of worship. Mosques have a __________ (tower) with a small balcony where the _____________ chanted the call to prayer.

*In the walled courtyard of the Mosque is a fountain for ______________ before prayers.

*Inside the mosque is a ___________ room where worshippers sit on _______ and carpets on the floor. The __________ ,or prayer leader, gives a _________ from a raised pulpit called a _________.

10.4 Scholarship and Learning

*Define –immortal-


*In the 8th century, _____________ became the language of scholarship and science through Muslim lands. A common language allowed scholars in Europe, North _________, and the Middle East to exchange ___________ and build on one another’s work.

*Scholars researched and translated texts from Greece, __________, India and ___________ at the House of _____________ in Baghdad.

*In the 10th century, the ____________ of Wisdom opened in Cairo.

*In Cordoba, Spain the library held over _________________ volumes.

*Muslim philosophers tried to make ___________ and __________ proof agree with their religious faith. Ibn Sina, a Persian, presented logical proof that the soul was _____________.

10.5 Science and Technology

*Define the following:









*The _______________ instructs Muslims to learn about their natural world.


*Zoology is the scientific study of ___________. Muslims wrote books describing the ___________ of animals or how to make __________ from animals. A scholar named al-Jahiz presented theories about the _____________ of animals. Muslims also established _____________ gardens or zoos to display exotic animals.


*Astronomy is the study of objects in the ______________. Astronomy had practical uses for Muslims. Compasses and ______________ could be used to locate the direction of ______________. Astronomers figured out the exact _____________ for prayer and the length of the month of ____________.

*Muslim astronomers figured out that the earth ________ or turned like a spinning top. They also questioned whether the Earth was the _____________ of the universe.

Irrigation and Underground Wells

*Muslims designed irrigation systems. They built ________ and ___________ to provide water for household, mills and fields. Muslims improved canals and underground ____________. They made use of _____________wheels to bring water up from canals and rivers.

10.6 Geography and Navigation

*Define - circumference-


*Muslims realized that the earth was ___________ like a ball. They calculated the earth’s _________________ to within nine miles of its correct value.

*Muslims created extremely accurate _____________. The work The Book of Roads and Provinces provided maps and descriptions of the main Muslim ____________ _____________. Travelers wrote _____________ to help pilgrims make their journey to Makkah.

*Muslims used ____________ and _______________ to aid in their navigation.

10.7 Mathematics

*Muslim works in mathematics build on earlier ideas from the classical ____________ and ______________.

*Al-Khwarizmi is best known as “the ____________ of ____________.” His book was translated into __________ in the 12th century and used in European ________________.

*Define – algebra-


*Algebra is used to solve problems involving ___________ numbers.

*Muslims spread the Indian concept of _____________. Zero comes from an Arabic word meaning “something ___________.” Zero makes it easier to write ____________ numbers.

10.8 Medicine

*Define – pharmacist-


*Muslim doctors built upon the earlier works of ancient Greeks, _________________ and Egyptians.

*Muslim doctors established the world’s first _________________. Anyone could get treatment because the ________________ paid all medical expenses. Doctors treated ailments through ____________, diet, and ___________. Pharmacists made hundreds of _____________ from herbs, plants, animals and minerals.

*______________ were performed as a last resort. Opium and ____________ were used to put patients to sleep. Muslim surgeons amputated __________, took out ___________, and removed ______________ (cloudy spots) from the eyes.

*A Persian doctor, al-Razi, realized that ___________ were caused by bacteria.

*Ibn Sina’s book The Canon of Medicine explored the _________ of disease. It and other Muslim works were translated into ________ and used by European Medical Schools.

10.9 Bookmaking and Literature

*Muslims learned the art of making paper from the _______________. Muslims bound the sheets of paper into ______________ bindings. They _____________ the bindings and pages with designs in _________ and with miniature _________________.

*A famous collection of stories is ___ _____________ ______ ______ _________ or Arabian Nights. Tales from the collection such as __________ magic lamp, Ali Baba, and _________ the Sailor remain popular.

*Muslim literature was enriched by Sufism or Islamic ______________. Sufi authors used poetry with _________ images and beautiful ____________ to express their love and devotion to God.

10.10 Art and Music

Geometric and Floral Design

*Muslims reject the use of images of ____________ or _______________ in their visual art. They believe that only God can create something that is __________.

*Artists used shapes, ____________ found in nature and ______________ to create designs and decorations. Religious and everyday items -- such as plates, candlesticks, ____________ and clothing – could be decorated with designs.

*________________ design took its beauty from the natural world. Stems, leaves, flowers and ____________ (long thread-like parts of plants) were made into repeating patterns.

*Geometric shapes such as __________, ____________, _____________ and _____________ had special meanings to Muslims and were used to make abstract designs and patterns.


*Define – calligraphy-


*Calligraphers were honored above other artists because Muslims felt that only calligraphy was worthy enough to copy the ___________. Calligraphers used sharpened __________ or __________ dipped in ink to write on parchment or paper.

*Calligraphy was used to copy the ___________, decorate everyday objects such as pottery, tiles and __________, and to decorate coins and mosques walls.


*Textiles are ________________ cloth. It is used for personal wear and as __________ goods. Weavers wove wool, ________, silk and __________ into cloth which was ________ with vivid colors.

*Valuable clothes featured long bands of _______________ or designs showing important __________. Fabrics were embroidered with ___________ thread.

*Clothes showed __________ and served as __________ symbols in the Muslim world.

Music in Muslim Spain

*In Cordoba, Spain a unique style of Music developed that blended elements of _____________ and native ___________ cultures.

*Define – conservatory-


*Ziryab, a talented musician and singer, opened the first ______________ in Cordoba. Musicians and _________ worked together to create songs about _______, nature, and the ___________ of the empire. The vocalists were accompanied by instruments such as _______, flutes and ___________.

10.11 Recreation


*Muslims learned the game from the _____________. Polo is a game played on _______________ . Players use mallets to strike a ball through a ___________. Horses were looked at as ___________ symbols and the game became popular with the wealthy. Polo is known as the “sport of ___________.” It is still played today.


*Chess was probably invented in _____________. _____________ introduced the game to the Muslim world. Caliphs invited chess champions including _________ and _________ to play in tournaments at the palace.

*In Chess each player commands a small ________ of pieces. Players move pieces on the board according to ______________ rules. The goal of the game is to ______________ the opponent’s king. Checkmate means that the opponent’s king cannot move without being captured.


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