Gorecki Center A, b & C, csb center for Global Education

Abstracts Sand, Schaust, Buermann

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Sand, Schaust, Buermann: The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in recovery when active rest or passive rest is used between sets of resistance training. Subjects involved in the study will perform two different testing protocols: one trial of active/superset rest and one trial of passive rest. During the trials, participants will perform 2 sets of 5 repetitions of the bench press and the 3rd set to fatigue. Active rest will consist of a 3x5 seated row. During the passive recovery trial, subjects will sit between bench press sets. Heart rate, blood lactate and the number of repetitions completed during the 3rd set will be measured. We hypothesize that heart rate and blood lactate will increase during the active rest trial compared to the passive rest trial; however, the number of repetitions will stay the same for both trials.
Babcock, Imholte, Dudek: This experiment compares the effects of whole-body fatigue or localized fatigue on hand reaction time. Well-trained Division III female athletes will complete two trials of reaction time measures after fatiguing exercise: once after completing an anaerobic treadmill test to exhaustion, and once after performing a maximal isometric grip strength test to exhaustion. Measurements include time to exhaustion during the treadmill test, maximal grip force as measured by the hand dynamometer, 60% of maximal grip force, and reaction time measurements. Three reaction times will be measured: one at baseline, a second immediately after each fatiguing exercise, and a third two minutes after the fatiguing exercise. Reaction time will be quantified using the ruler drop method. We expect to find that reaction time will increase compared to baseline after both trials, but also that reaction time will increase significantly more after inducing localized fatigue in the hand than after whole-body fatigue.

Global Business Leadership

9:00 - 9:30 AM

Main 320

Landon H. Brodersen (Louis Johnston, Terri Barreiro, Global Business Leadership) Clemens Perk Economic Analysis

9:20 - 9:30 AM

HAB 106

Kia Her (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) The Benjamin A. International Scholarship & It's Impact on Studying Abroad in Japan

9:30 - 9:40 AM

HAB 106

Bao Lao (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Places in Japan: Ikebukuro

9:40 - 9:50 AM

HAB 106

Ian C. Manion (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Sapporo

9:50 - 10:00 AM

HAB 106

vanessa montes (yuko shibata, Global Business Leadership) Nagasaki's Culture

10:00 - 10:10 AM

HAB 106

Samantha M. Muldoon (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Asakusa

10:10 - 10:20 AM

HAB 106

Kaileigh B. Nicklas (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Harajuku

10:20 - 10:30 AM

HAB 106

Bao Vang (Shibata Yuko, Global Business Leadership) The Wonders of Kyoto

10:30 - 10:40 AM

HAB 106

Kevyn F. Woods (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Harajuku

10:30 - 10:50 AM

Quad Alumni Lounge

Laurel E. Kennedy, Melissa L. Mehaffey, Chris R. Otterstetter, Jack H. Ryan, Anthony M. Retica (Steve Schwarz, Global Business Leadership) S.A.M

10:50 - 11:20 AM

Quad Alumni Lounge

Anthonique E. Hanna, Gretchen L. Hughes, Andrew J. Mueller, BreAnna K. Ahrenholz (Steve Schwarz, Paul Marsnik, Global Business Leadership) Students In Free Enterprise

11:20 - 11:40 AM

Quad Alumni Lounge

Tracy Schefers, Mike Nimmo, Nick Donovan, John Duda, Kerby Rigelman, Claire Kochevar, Andrea Betts, Sam Forster, Jack Ghizoni, Natalie Woggon, Mary Weber (Margrette Newhouse, Global Business Leadership) Marketing Club

11:20 - 11:30 AM

HAB 106

Nou S. Vang (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) One Piece

11:40 - 12:10 PM

Quad Alumni Lounge

Arianna Stotz, Adam Sperl, Yixi Chen (Lisa Lindgren, Global Business Leadership) Mayo Innovation Scholars Program

11:40 - 11:50 AM

HAB 106

Pisenny Xiong (Yuko Shibata, Global Business Leadership) Takashi Murakami - Japanese Contemporary Artist


Schefers, Nimmo, Donovan, Duda, Rigelman, Kochevar, Betts, Forster, Ghizoni, Woggon, Weber: The CSB|SJU AMA Chapter will be presenting on our projects, events and accomplishments over the past year. Our trip to New Orleans to compete in the AMA Collegiate Conference brought us home with 3 awards including: Outstanding Community Service, Best Event for AMA Saves Lives and Honorable Mention for Marketing Week. Our chapter continues to grow in size and success each year. Find out how you can become involved.

Membership in the AMA connects you to marketers across all specialties to collaborate, network, gain practical experience and empower your career. You’ll get industry knowledge and insights along with everyday resources that will help you in the classroom and beyond.

The CSB|SJU Collegiate chapter will help you gain valuable experience managing finances, people, projects and deadlines - perfect leadership skills to highlight on your resume! Collegiate chapters focus on professional development, community service and fundraising as well hosting activities like Marketing Week, with marketing speakers, etiquette dinners, open houses and more."

The CSB|SJU AMA Chapter will be presenting on our projects, events and accomplishments over the past year. Our trip to New Orleans to compete in the AMA Collegiate Conference brought us home with 3 awards including: Outstanding Community Service, Best Event for AMA Saves Lives and Honorable Mention for Marketing Week. Our chapter continues to grow in size and success each year. Find out how you can become involved.

Membership in the AMA connects you to marketers across all specialties to collaborate, network, gain practical experience and empower your career. You’ll get industry knowledge and insights along with everyday resources that will help you in the classroom and beyond.

The CSB|SJU Collegiate chapter will help you gain valuable experience managing finances, people, projects and deadlines - perfect leadership skills to highlight on your resume! Collegiate chapters focus on professional development, community service and fundraising as well hosting activities like Marketing Week, with marketing speakers, etiquette dinners, open houses and more.

Military Science

10:20 - 10:40 AM

HAB 107

Joshua J. Bikus (Karen Erickson, Military Science) Elements of a Revolution: Comparing the Revolutionary Works of Satre and Rousseau

Peace Studies

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Gorec Pres. Conf. Rm.

Aaron J. Sinner, Kaitlin M. Andreasen, Grace S. Mevissen, Kelsey E. Minten, Kelci A. Reiner, Carolyn Vandelac, Ashley L. Weinhandl, Casey B. Wojtalewicz, Daniel K. Walgamott (Marah Jacobson-Schulte, Peace Studies) Jackson Fellowship 2010 & Jackson Fellows


Political Science

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Simns G40

Alexander M. Ricci (Scott Johnson, Political Science) A Study of Presidential Inaugural Addresses: Values of an American Ideology

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Simns G40

Mary E. Erickson (Scott Johnson, Political Science) The Divisive Primary Hypothesis: Answers to the 2012 Election

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Simns G40

Katherine M. Friendshuh (Scott Johnson, Political Science) Minnesota’s Finance Formula: Is it Fair?

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Simns G40

Joshua J. Vasseur (Scott Johnson, Political Science) USDA’s MyPlate vs. Harvard Healthy Eating Plate: Initiatives Meant to Improve American Health

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Simns G40

Beau Grams (Scott Johnson, Political Science) Theories on Why Local Economic Aid Programs Start, but More Importantly How they End

9:00 - 9:10 AM

Sextn 200

Jillian M. Yanish (James Read, Political Science) “Unhealthy food tax to curb obesity”

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Gorec Pres. Conf. Rm.

Aaron J. Sinner, Kaitlin M. Andreasen, Grace S. Mevissen, Kelsey E. Minten, Kelci A. Reiner, Carolyn Vandelac, Ashley L. Weinhandl, Casey B. Wojtalewicz, Daniel K. Walgamott (Marah Jacobson-Schulte, Political Science) Jackson Fellowship 2010 & Jackson Fellows

9:10 - 9:20 AM

Simns G30

Kunihiro Shimoji (Manju Parikh, Political Science) The Politics of the U.S. Military Bases in Japan

9:10 - 9:20 AM

Simns G30

Rongfei Gou (Manju Parikh, Political Science) Reasons behind the U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan – Realist and Domestic Politics Approaches

9:10 - 9:20 AM

Sextn 200

Victoria Adolfoli (James Read, Political Science) Enough is Enough: Ending Sex Trafficking in Minnesota

9:10 - 10:40 AM

Simns G 30

Jocelyn E. Norman (Claire Haeg, Political Science) The Rally Around The Flag Effect: A Look at Former President George W. Bush and Current President Barack Obama

9:20 - 9:30 AM

Sextn 200

Katie L. Spoden (James Read, Political Science) “Making Sustainable Aquaculture Projects Top Priority”

9:30 - 9:40 AM

Sextn 200

Gabriel B. Karstrom (James Read, Political Science) “Vouchers in Private Schools”

9:40 - 9:50 AM

Sextn 200

Kathrine E. Tillman (James Read, Political Science) "Physicians Role in Addressing Domestic Violence"

9:50 - 10:00 AM

Sextn 200

Joseph J. Dingmann (James Read, Political Science) “Legitimate Rape? The Misuse of Marriage to Legitimize Rape of Female Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Egypt”

10:00 - 10:10 AM

Sextn 200

Bridget F. Cummings (James Read, Political Science) “Student Mobility and The Minnesota Achievement Gap”

10:10 - 10:20 AM

Sextn 200

Diana K. Elhard (James Read, Political Science) “District 742: Underperforming in English Language Education”

10:20 - 10:30 AM

Sextn 200

Jesse C. Rogers (James Read, Political Science) “Can Fishing and Mining Coexist in Bristol Bay, Alaska?”

10:20 - 10:40 AM

HAB 107

Joshua J. Bikus (Karen Erickson, Political Science) Elements of a Revolution: Comparing the Revolutionary Works of Satre and Rousseau

10:30 - 11:30 AM

Simns G30

Jennifer M. Kunkel (Christi Siver, Political Science) A Borderless World? How History has Kept us in Controversy

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Simns G30

Drew Stommes (Gary Prevost, Political Science) An Arms Race or a Bureaucratic Dogfight?

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Simns G30

Sarah Kruger (Kelly Kraemer, Political Science) Shaking the Military Pillar of Regime Support:

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Sextn 200

William J. Jude (James Read, Political Science) “Wind Energy for New Hampshire”

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Simns G30

Nirmani C. Perera (Gary Prevost, Political Science) A Window of Opportunity: Defeat of the Tamil Tigers Movement in Sri Lanka

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Simns G30

Tucker Mithuen (Christi Siver, Political Science) The Adoption of Gay Rights Legislation in Resistant States

10:30 - 10:40 AM

Simns G30

Patrick Desutter (Christi Siver, Political Science) Nuclear Non-Use Since 1945: Assessing Israel's Nuclear Decision-making in the Yom Kippur War

10:40 - 10:50 AM

Sextn 200

Jake P. Collins (James Read, Political Science) “Independent Redistricting Commission in Minnesota”

10:50 - 11:00 AM

HAB 106

Wendell G. Harren (Yuko Shibata, Political Science) Higashino, Keigo

10:50 - 11:00 AM

Sextn 200

Devin A. Massopust (James Read, Political Science) “Making Arterial Streets in Rapid City, South Dakota More Accessible”

11:00 - 11:10 AM

Sextn 200

Bridget N. Barry (James Read, Political Science) “Using Survey Feedback to Allocate Medicare Funds”

11:00 - 12:00 PM

Music 028 Choral Rehearsal

Eric M. Larsen (Axel Theimer, Political Science) Musical Portrayal of Political Thought

11:10 - 11:40 AM

HAB 120

Rongfei Gou (Julie Davis, Political Science) A Dangerous Game? Political, Personal, and Domestic Reasons behind the U.S. Government’s Decision to Sell Arms to Taiwan in 1982

11:20 - 11:30 AM

Sextn 200

Ellen C. Newkirk (James Read, Political Science) “Teacher-led schools for Rochester, MN”

11:30 - 11:40 AM

Sextn 200

Caitlin M. Coleman (James Read, Political Science) “Revise the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)”

Ricci: A Study of Presidential Inaugural Addresses: Values of an American Ideology
Erickson: The Divisive Primary Hypothesis: Answers to the 2012 Election
Friendshuh: Minnesota’s Finance Formula: Is it Fair?
Vasseur: USDA’s MyPlate vs. Harvard Healthy Eating Plate: Initiatives Meant to Improve American Health
Grams: Theories on Why Local Economic Aid Programs Start, but More Importantly How they End
Yanish: Abstract: More than 26 percent of Americans are obese and 36.1 percent are considered overweight. It is projected that obesity will cost approximately $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018, constituting about 21 percent of health care spending. I propose that the United States establish a tax on unhealthy foods. Because price is important in food selection and diet, the tax will be an incentive for Americans to decrease consumption of unhealthy foods and select healthier options.

Shimoji: The Politics of the U.S. Military Bases in Japan

~Reason Why Okinawa Accepted the Henoko Plan in 2006~

Gou: Reasons behind the U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan – Realist and Domestic Politics Approaches
Adolfoli: This policy memo will describe how law enforcement officials in Minnesota can better identify and respond to victims of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
Norman: On September 11, 2001, New York City and Washington D.C. were devastated by terrorist attacks. Former President George W. Bush’s approval rating surged, a textbook example of the “rally-round-the-flag effect”. But why, when President Obama experienced five international events that fit John Mueller’s criteria for a rally event, no substantial change in approval occurred? This is a question that previous research has failed to investigate. Employing data from Gallup, The Poynter Institute for Journalism, and The Huffington Post and conducting three case studies, I found that the “rally-round-the-flag effect” influenced Bu
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