8 Reporting Experiments in Software Engineering procedure with that of the analysis. Furthermore, it might be possible to put all relevant material into an appendix or longer technical report. If this is not possible, archiving the information on a website maybe an alternative. To address concerns that
arise in sharing protocols, including raw data and material, Basili et al. (2007) propose an initial licensing model.
3.7.1. Goal(s)Often the original research objective as described in the introduction is not concrete enough. The purpose of this paragraph is, therefore, to define in more concrete terms the main manipulations of the experiment. For example, the GQM template provided in the introduction could be refined into something like:
Example adapted from Ciolkowski et al. (Goal 1: Analyze perspective-based reading
and ad hoc reading techniquesFor the purpose of understanding
their effectivenessWith respect to the defect detection rate of individual developers
Goal 2: Analyze perspective-based reading perspectives
For the purpose of understanding their effectiveness
With respect to detecting different defect classes
The refinement of the main research question should be described and motivated to allow for traceability down to the hypotheses, which will be described in later in this chapter.
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