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Adv. abruptly, unexpectedly, surprisingly; plump, pop, a l'improviste[Fr], unawares; without notice, without warning, without a "by your leave"; like a thief in the night, like a thunderbolt; in an unguarded moment; suddenly &c. (instantaneously) 113.

Int. heydey[obs3]! &c. (wonder) 870.

Phr. little did one think, little did one expect; nobody would ever suppose, nobody would ever think, nobody would ever expect; who would have thought? it beats the Dutch[obs2].
#509. [Failure of expectation.] Disappointment.-- N. disappointment; blighted hope, balk; blow; anticlimax; slip 'twixt cup and lip; nonfulfillment of one's hopes; sad disappointment, bitter disappointment; trick of fortune; afterclap; false expectation, vain expectation; miscalculation &c. 481; fool's paradise; much cry and little wool.

V. be disappointed; look blank, look blue; look aghast, stand aghast &c. (wonder) 870; find to one's cost; laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth; find one a false prophet.

not realize one's hope, not realize one's expectation.

disappoint[cause to be disappointed]; frustrate, discomfit, crush, defeat (failure) 732; crush one's hope, dash one's hope, balk one's hope, disappoint one's hope, blight one's hope, falsify one's hope, defeat one's hope, discourage; balk, jilt, bilk; play one false, play a trick; dash the cup from the lips, tantalize; dumfound, dumbfound, dumbfounder, dumfounder (astonish) 870.

Adj. disappointed &c. v.; disconcerted, aghast; disgruntled; out of one's reckoning.

Phr. the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse; parturiunt montes[Lat]; nascitur ridiculus mus [Lat][Horace]; diis aliter visum[Lat][obs3], the bubble burst; one's countenance falling.
M5.6.2 Extension of thought to the future R510 to R513

<-- 510. Foresight

511. Prediction

512. Omen

513. Oracle -->

#510. Foresight. -- N. foresight, prospicience[obs3], prevision, long-sightedness; anticipation; providence &c. (preparation) 673.

forethought, forecast; predeliberation[obs3], presurmise[obs3]; foregone conclusion &c. (prejudgment) 481; prudence &c. (caution) 864.

foreknowledge; prognosis; precognition, prescience, prenotion[obs3], presentiment; second sight; sagacity &c. (intelligence) 498; antepast[obs3], prelibation[obs3], prophasis[obs3].

prospect &c. (expectation) 507; foretaste; prospectus &c. (plan) 626.

V. foresee; look forwards to, look ahead, look beyond; scent from afar; look into the future, pry into the future, peer into the future.

see one's way; see how the land lies, get the lay of the land, see how the wind blows, test the waters, see how the cat jumps.

anticipate; expect &c. 507; be beforehand &c. (early) 132; predict &c. 511; foreknow, forejudge, forecast; presurmise[obs3]; have an eye to the future, have an eye to the main chance; respicere finem[Lat]; keep a sharp lookout &c. (vigilance) 459; forewarn &c. 668.

Adj. foreseeing &c. v.; prescient; farseeing, farsighted; sagacious &c. (intelligent) 498; weatherwise[obs3]; provident &c. (prepared) 673; prospective &c. 507.

Adv. against the time when.

Phr. cernit omnia Deus vindex[Lat]; mihi cura futuri[Lat]; run it up the flagpole and see who salutes.

#511. Prediction.-- N. prediction, announcement; program, programme &c. (plan) 626[Brit]; premonition &c. (warning) 668; prognosis, prophecy, vaticination, mantology[obs3], prognostication, premonstration[obs1]; augury, auguration[obs1]; ariolation[obs1], hariolation[obs1]; foreboding, aboding[obs3]; bodement[obs3], abodement[obs3]; omniation[obs1], omniousness[obs3]; auspices, forecast; omen &c. 512; horoscope, nativity; sooth[obs3], soothsaying; fortune telling, crystal gazing; divination; necromancy &c. 992.

[Divination by the stars] astrology[obs3], horoscopy[obs3], judicial astrology1[obs3].

[Place of prediction] adytum[obs3].

prefiguration[obs3], prefigurement; prototype, type.

[ref: person who predicts] oracle &c. 513.

V. predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate, divine, foretell, soothsay, augurate[obs3], tell fortunes; cast a horoscope, cast a nativity; advise; forewarn &c. 668.

presage, augur, bode; abode, forebode; foretoken, betoken; prefigure, preshow[obs3]; portend; foreshow[obs3], foreshadow; shadow forth, typify, pretypify[obs3], ominate[obs3], signify, point to.

usher in, herald, premise, announce; lower.

hold out expectation, raise expectation, excite expectation, excite hope; bid fair, promise, lead one to expect; be the precursor &c. 64.

[predict by mathematical or statistical means from past experience] extrapolate, project.

Adj. predicting &cv.; predictive, prophetic; fatidic[obs3], fatidical[obs3]; vaticinal, oracular, fatiloquent[obs3], haruspical, Sibylline; weatherwise[obs3].

ominous, portentous, augurous[obs3], augurial, augural; auspicial[obs3], auspicious; prescious[obs3], monitory, extispicious[obs3], premonitory, significant of, pregnant with, bit with the fate of.

Phr. "coming events cast their shadows before" [Campbell]; dicamus bona verba[Lat]; "there buds the promise of celestial worth" [Young].
<-- 1The following terms, expressive of different forms of divination, have been collected from various sources, and are here given as a curious illustration of bygone superstitions:- -->

Divination by oracles, Theomancy[obs3]; by the Bible, Bibliomancy; by ghosts, Psychomancy[obs3]; by crystal gazing, Crystallomancy[obs3]; by shadows or manes, Sciomancy; by appearances in the air, Aeromancy[obs3], Chaomancy[obs3]; by the stars at birth, Genethliacs; by meteors, Meteoromancy[obs3]; by winds, Austromancy[obs3]; by sacrificial appearances, Aruspicy (or Haruspicy)[obs3], Hieromancy[obs3], Hieroscopy[obs3]; by the entrails of animals sacrificed, Extispicy[obs3], Hieromancy[obs3]; by the entrails of a human sacrifice, Anthropomancy[obs3]; by the entrails of fishes, Ichthyomancy[obs3]; by sacrificial fire, Pyromancy[obs3]; by red-hot iron, Sideromancy[obs3]; by smoke from the altar, Capnomancy[obs3]; by mice, Myomancy[obs3]; by birds, Orniscopy[obs3], Ornithomancy[obs3]; by a cock picking up grains, Alectryomancy (or Alectromancy)[obs3]; by fishes, Ophiomancy[obs3]; by herbs, Botanomancy[obs3]; by water, Hydromancy[obs3]; by fountains, Pegomancy[obs3]; by a wand, Rhabdomancy; by dough of cakes, Crithomancy[obs3]; by meal, Aleuromancy[obs3], Alphitomancy[obs3]; by salt, Halomancy[obs3]; by dice, Cleromancy[obs3]; by arrows, Belomancy[obs3]; by a balanced hatchet, Axinomancy[obs3]; by a balanced sieve, Coscinomancy[obs3]; by a suspended ring, Dactyliomancy[obs3]; by dots made at random on paper, Geomancy[obs3]; by precious stones, Lithomancy[obs3]; by pebbles, Pessomancy[obs3]; by pebbles drawn from a heap, Psephomancy[obs3]; by mirrors, Catoptromancy[obs3]; by writings in ashes, Tephramancy[obs3]; by dreams, Oneiromancy[obs3]; by the hand, Palmistry, Chiromancy; by nails reflecting the sun's rays, Onychomancy[obs3]; by finger rings, Dactylomancy[obs3]; by numbers, Arithmancy[obs3]; by drawing lots, Sortilege[obs3]; by passages in books, Stichomancy[obs3]; by the letters forming the name of the person, Onomancy[obs3], Nomancy; by the features, Anthroposcopy[obs3]; by the mode of laughing, Geloscopy[obs3]; by ventriloquism, Gastromancy[obs3]; by walking in a circle, Gyromancy[obs3]; by dropping melted wax into water, Ceromancy[obs3]; by currents, Bletonism; by the color and peculiarities of wine, Oenomancy[obs3].

#512. Omen.-- N. omen, portent, presage, prognostic, augury, auspice; sign &c. (indication) 550; harbinger &c. (precursor) 64; yule candle[obs2].

bird of ill omen; signs of the times; gathering clouds; warning &c. 668.

prefigurement &c. 511.

Adj. foreboding, ill-boding, ill-omened.

Phr. auspicium melioris aevi[Lat][obs3].

[ref: 513 Oracle to person who ... P2.]


<-- 514. Supposition

515. Imagination -->

#514. Supposition.-- N. supposition, assumption, assumed position, postulation, condition, presupposition, hypothesis, blue sky hypothesis, postulate, postulatum[Lat], theory; thesis, theorem; data; proposition, position; proposal &c. (plan) 626; presumption &c. (belief) 484; divination.

conjecture; guess, guesswork, speculation; rough guess, shot, shot in the dark [coll.]; conjecturality[obs3]; surmise, suspicion, sneaking suspicion; estimate, approximation (nearness) 197.

inkling, suggestion, hint, intimation, notion, impression; bare supposition, vague supposition, loose supposition, loose suggestion.

association of ideas, (analogy) 514a; metonym[Gram], metonymy[Gram], simile (metaphor) 521.

conceit, idea, thought; original idea, invention (imagination) 515.

V. suppose, conjecture, surmise, suspect, guess, divine; theorize; presume, presurmise[obs3], presuppose; assume, fancy, wis[obs3], take it; give a guess, speculate, believe, dare say, take it into one's head, take for granted; imagine &c. 515.

put forth; propound, propose; start, put a case, submit, move, make a motion; hazard out, throw out a suggestion, put forward a suggestion, put forward conjecture.

allude to, suggest, hint, put it into one's head.

suggest itself &c. (thought) 451; run in the head &c. (memory) 505; marvel if, wonder if, wonder whether.

Adj. supposing &c. v.; given, mooted, postulatory[obs3]; assumed &c. v.; supposititious, suppositive[obs3], suppositious; gratuitous, speculative, conjectural, hypothetical, theoretical, academic, supposable, presumptive, putative; suppositional.

suggestive, allusive.

Adv. if, if so be; an; on the supposition &c. n.;ex hypothesi[Lat]; in the case, in the event of; quasi, as if, provided; perhaps &c. (by possibility) 470; for aught one knows.
<-- under creative thought we should include a separate section on analogy, metaphor, association etc. distinct from 521?? -->

#514a. Analogy -- N. analogy, association, association of ideas.

metaphor &c. 521.

analogical thinking; free association; train of thought, .

Adj. analogical.
#515. Imagination. -- N. imagination; originality; invention; fancy; inspiration; verve.

warm imagination, heated imagination, excited imagination, sanguine imagination, ardent imagination, fiery imagination, boiling imagination, wild imagination, bold imagination, daring imagination, playful imagination, lively imagination, fertile imagination, fancy.

"mind's eye"; "such stuff as dreams are made of" [Tempest].

ideality, idealism; romanticism, utopianism, castle-building.

dreaming; phrensy[obs3], frenzy; ecstasy, extasy[obs3]; calenture &c. (delirium) 503[obs3]; reverie, trance; day dream, golden dream; somnambulism.

conception, Vorstellung[Ger], excogitation[obs3], "a fine frenzy"; cloudland[obs3], dreamland; flight of fancy, fumes of fancy; "thick coming fancies" [Macbeth]; creation of the brain, coinage of the brain; imagery.

conceit, maggot, figment, myth, dream, vision, shadow, chimera; phantasm, phantasy; fantasy, fancy; whim, whimsey[obs3], whimsy; vagary, rhapsody, romance, gest[obs3], geste[obs3], extravaganza; air drawn dagger, bugbear, nightmare.

flying Dutchman, great sea serpent, man in the moon, castle in the air, pipe dream, pie-in-the-sky, chateau en Espagne[Fr]; Utopia, Atlantis[obs3], happy valley, millennium, fairyland; land of Prester John, kindgom of Micomicon; work of fiction &c. (novel) 594; Arabian nights[obs3]; le pot au lait[Fr]; dream of Alnashar &c. (hope) 858[obs3].

illusion &c. (error) 495; phantom &c. (fallacy of vision) 443; Fata Morgana &c. (ignis fatuus) 423[Lat]; vapor &c. (cloud) 353; stretch of the imagination &c. (exaggeration) 549; mythogenesis[obs3].

idealist, romanticist, visionary; mopus[obs3]; romancer, dreamer; somnambulist; rhapsodist &c. (fanatic) 504; castle-buildier, fanciful projector.

V. imagine, fancy, conceive; idealize, realize; dream, dream of, dream up; "give to airy nothing a local habitation and a name" [Midsummer Night's Dream].

create, originate, devise, invent, coin, fabricate; improvise, strike out something new.

set one's wits to work; strain one's invention, crack one's invention; rack one's brains, ransack one's brains, cudgel one's brains; excogitate[obs3]; brainstorm.

give play, give the reins, give a loose to the imagination, give fancy; indulge in reverie.

visualize, envision, conjure up a vision; fancy oneself, represent oneself, picture, picture-oneself, figure to oneself; vorstellen[Ger].

float in the mind; suggest itself &c. (thought) 451.

Adj. imagined &c. v.; ben trovato[It]; air drawn, airbuilt[obs3].

imagining &cv. v, imaginative; original, inventive, creative, fertile.

romantic, high flown, flighty, extravagant, fanatic, enthusiastic, unrealistic, Utopian, Quixotic.

ideal, unreal; in the clouds, in nubibus[Lat]; unsubsantial &c. 4[obs3]; illusory &c. (fallacious) 495.

fabulous, legendary; mythical, mythic, mythological; chimerical; imaginary, visionary; notional; fancy, fanciful, fantastic, fantastical[obs3]; whimsical; fairy, fairy-like; gestic[obs3].

Phr. "a change came o'er the spirit of my dream" [Byron]; aegri somnia vana[Lat][obs3]; dolphinum appingit sylvis in fluctibus aprum [obs3][Latin][Horace]; "fancy light from fancy caught" [Tennyson]; "imagination rules the world" [Napoleon]; l'imagination gallope[Fr], le jugement ne va que le pas[French]; musaeo contingens cuncta lepore [Latin][Lucretius]; tous songes sont mensonges[French]; Wahrheil und Dichtung[German].
<-- R516 to R599 to M8.1 Communication -->

<-- 504 Madman to HROLE -->

M6 Matter-Mind Interactions: Perception, sensationE

(input of world to mind: from mental perspective)

(exclude parts of sensation included in biology)

M6.1 Sensation (ontology) r375 - r381, r390 to r401, r406 to r419


(except parts to PO, physics )

390 - 401 to sensation m6

406 - 419 to sensation m6
M6.1.1 Sensation Generally...R375 to R378


151a. Experience

375. Sensibility 376. Insensibility

377. Pleasure 378. Pain -->

#151a. Experience [experience of an event, R151] meet with; experience, enjoy, encounter, undergo, suffer, pass through, go through, be subjected to, be exposed to; fall to the lot of; be one's chance, be one's fortune, be one's lot; find.

endure &c. (feel) 821.

Adj. eventful, stirring, bustling, full of incident; memorable, momentous, signal.

#375. Physical Sensibility. -- N. sensibility; sensitiveness &c. adj.; physical sensibility, feeling, impressibility, perceptivity, aesthetics; moral sensibility &c. 822.

sensation, impression; consciousness &c. (knowledge) 490.

external senses.

V. be sensible of &c. adj. ; feel, perceive.

render sensible &c. adj.; sharpen, cultivate, tutor.

cause sensation, impress; excite an impression, produce an impression.

Adj. sensible, sensitive, sensuous; aesthetic, perceptive, sentient; conscious &c. (aware) 490.

acute, sharp, keen, vivid, lively, impressive, thin-skinned.

Adv. to the quick.

Phr. "the touch'd needle trembles to the pole" [Pope].
#376. Physical Insensibility. -- N. insensibility, physical insensibility; obtuseness &c. adj.; palsy, paralysis, paraesthesia[Med], anaesthesia; sleep &c. 823; hemiplegia[obs3], motor paralysis; vegetable state; coma.

anaesthetic agent, opium, ether, chloroform, chloral; nitrous oxide, laughing gas; exhilarating gas, protoxide of nitrogen[ISA:chemsubcfs]; refrigeration.

V. be insensible &c. adj.; have a thick skin, have a rhinoceros hide.

render insensible &c. adj.; anaesthetize[obs3], blunt, pall, obtund[obs3], benumb, paralyze; put under the influence of chloroform &c. n.; stupefy, stun.

Adj. insensible, unfeeling, senseless, impercipient[obs3], callous, thick-skinned, pachydermatous; hard, hardened; case hardened; proof, obtuse, dull; anaesthetic; comatose, paralytic, palsied, numb, dead.
<-- note that the emotion of pleasure, joy is under affections,

M3.3.2.1 PASSIVE personal affections R827 to R844

R827. Pleasure; R828. Pain


#377. Physical Pleasure. -- N. pleasure; physical pleasure, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure; bodily enjoyment, animal gratification, hedonism, sensuality; luxuriousness &c. adj.; dissipation, round of pleasure, titillation, gusto, creature comforts, comfort, ease; pillow &c. (support) 215; luxury, lap of luxury; purple and fine linen; bed of downs, bed of roses; velvet, clover; cup of Circe &c. (intemperance) 954.

treat; refreshment, regale; feast; delice[Fr]; dainty &c. 394; bonne bouche[Fr].

[ref: source of pleasure &c. 829].

{{causes: happiness, joy, pleasure, R827, M3.3.2.1}}.

V. feel pleasure, experience pleasure, receive pleasure; enjoy, relish; luxuriate in, revel in, riot in, bask in, swim in, drink up, eat up, wallow in; feast on; gloat over, float on; smack the lips.

live on the fat of the land, live in comfort &c. adv.; bask in the sunshine, faire ses choux gras[Fr]..

give pleasure &c. 829.

Adj. enjoying &c. v.; luxurious, voluptuous, sensual, comfortable, cosy, snug, in comfort, at ease.

pleasant, agreeable &c. 829.

Adv. in comfort &c. n.; on a bed of roses &c. n.; at one's ease.

Phr. ride si sapis [Lat][Martial]; voluptales commendat rarior usus [Lat][Juvenal].
#378. Physical Pain. -- N. pain; suffering, sufferance, suffrance[obs3]; bodily pain, physical pain, bodily suffering, physical suffering, body pain; dolour, ache; aching &c. v.; smart; shoot, shooting; twinge, twitch, gripe, headache, stomach ache, heartburn, angina, angina pectoris[Lat]; hurt, cut; sore, soreness; discomfort, malaise; cephalalgia[Med], earache, gout, ischiagra[obs3], lumbago, neuralgia, odontalgia[obs3], otalgia[obs3], podagra[obs3], rheumatism, sciatica; tic douloureux[Fr], toothache, tormina[obs3], torticollis[obs3].

{{causes: mental suffering &c. R828}}.

spasm, cramp; nightmare, ephialtes[obs3]; crick, stitch; thrill, convulsion, throe; throb &c. (agitation) 315; pang; colic; kink.

sharp pain, piercing pain, throbbing pain, shooting pain, sting, gnawing pain, burning pain; excruciating pain.

anguish, agony; torment, torture; rack; cruciation[obs3], crucifixion; martyrdom, toad under a harrow, vivisection.

V. feel pain, experience pain, suffer pain, undergo pain &c. n.; suffer, ache, smart, bleed; tingle, shoot; twinge, twitch, lancinate[obs3]; writhe, wince, make a wry face; sit on thorns, sit on pins and needles.

give pain, inflict pain; lacerate; pain, hurt, chafe, sting, bite, gnaw, gripe; pinch, tweak; grate, gall, fret, prick, pierce, wring, convulse; torment, torture; rack, agonize; crucify; cruciate[obs3], excruciate[obs1]; break on the wheel, put to the rack; flog &c. (punish) 972; grate on the ear &c. (harsh sound) 410.

Adj. in pain &c. n., in a state of pain; pained &c. v.; gouty, podagric[obs3], torminous[obs3].

painful; aching &c. v.; sore, raw.

M6.1.2 Specific Sensation

M6.1.2.1 Touch R379 to R381

<-- 379. Touch

380. Sensations of touch 381. Numbness


#379. [Sensation of pressure] Touch. -- N. touch; tact, taction[obs3], tactility; feeling; palpation, palpability; contrectation[obs3]; manipulation; massage.

[Organ of touch] hand, finger, forefinger, thumb, paw, feeler, antenna; palpus[obs3].

V. touch, feel, handle, finger, thumb, paw, fumble, grope, grabble; twiddle, tweedle; pass the fingers over, run the fingers over; manipulate, wield; throw out a feeler.

Adj. tactual, tactile; tangible, palpable; lambent.

#380. Sensations of Touch. -- N. itching, pruritis &c. v[Med].; titillation, formication[obs3], aura; stereognosis[obs3].

V. itch, tingle, creep, thrill, sting; prick, prickle; tickle, titillate.

Adj. itching &c. v.; stereognostic[obs3], titillative.

#381. [insensibility to touch.] Numbness. -- N. numbness &c. (physical insensibility) 376; anaesthesia.

{{has_low_level}} paresthesia, pins and needles.

V. benumb &c. 376.

Adj. numb; benumbed &c. v.; deadened; intangible, impalpable.
M6.1.2.2 Cold. [Sensation of cold]. -- N.

chilliness &c. adj; chill; shivering &c. v.; goose skin, horripilation[obs3]; rigor; chattering of teeth; numbness, frostbite.

M6.1.2.3 Heat, warmth

<-- NOTE: most of 382 heat, 383 cold 384 calefaction, 385 refrigeration to


386 furnace, 387 refrigeratory to POMACH

388 fuel to POM processed natural materials

388a Insulation, fire extinction to Physics.heat

389 thermometer to POMEAS, measuring instruments -->

M6.1.2.4 Taste R390 to R401a exc. R393 [[taste]]

390. Taste 391. Insipidity

392. Pungency

cf. 393 condiment to POFOOD

394. Savoriness 395. Unsavoriness

396. Sweetness 397. Sourness


#390. Taste. -- N. taste, flavor, gust, gusto, savor; gout, relish; sapor[obs1], sapidity[obs3]; twang, smack, smatch[obs1]; aftertaste, tang.

tasting; degustation, gustation.

palate, tongue, tooth, stomach.

V. taste, savor, smatch[obs3], smack, flavor, twang; tickle the palate &c. (savory) 394; smack the lips.

Adj. sapid, saporific[obs3]; gustable[obs1], gustatory; gustful[obs3]; strong, gamy; palatable &c. 394.

#391. Insipidity. -- N. insipidity, blandness; tastelessness &c. adj.

V. be tasteless &c. adj.

Adj. bland, void of taste &c. 390; insipid; tasteless, gustless[obs1], savorless; ingustible[obs1], mawkish, milk and water, weak, stale, flat, vapid, fade, wishy-washy, mild; untasted[obs3].

#392. Pungency. -- N. pungency, piquance, piquancy, poignancy haut-gout, strong taste, twang, race.

sharpness &c. adj.; acrimony; roughness &c. (sour) 392; unsavoriness &c. 395.

mustard, cayenne, caviare; seasoning &c. (condiment) 393; niter, saltpeter, brine (saltiness) 392a; carbonate of ammonia; sal ammoniac[obs3], sal volatile, smelling salts; hartshorn (acridity) 401a.

dram, cordial, nip.

nicotine, tobacco, snuff, quid, smoke; segar[obs3]; cigar, cigarette; weed; fragrant weed, Indian weed; Cavendish, fid[obs3], negro head, old soldier, rappee[obs3], stogy[obs3].

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