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V. be proud &c. adj.; put a good face on; look one in the face; stalk abroad, perk oneself up; think no small beer of oneself; presume, swagger, strut; rear one's head, lift up one's head, hold up one's head; hold one's head high, look big, take the wall, " bear like the Turk no rival near the throne " [Pope], carry with a high hand; ride the high horse, mount on one's high horse; set one's back up, bridle, toss the head; give oneself airs &c. (assume) 885; boast &c. 884.

pride oneself on; glory in, take a pride in; pique oneself, plume oneself, hug oneself; stand upon, be proud of; put a good face on; not hide one's light under a bushel, not put one's talent in a napkin; not think small beer of oneself &c. (vanity) 880.

Adj. proud, proud-crested; lordly, baronial; lofty-minded; high-souled, high-minded, high-mettled[obs3], high-handed, high-plumed, high-flown, high-toned.

haughty, lofty, high, mighty, swollen, puffed up, flushed, blown; vainglorious; purse-proud, fine; proud as a peacock, proud as Lucifer; bloated with pride.

supercilious, disdainful, bumptious, magisterial, imperious, high and mighty, overweening, consequential.

{{similar_to: arrogant &c. 885}}.

{{similar_to: unblushing &c. 880}}.

stiff, stiff-necked; starch; perked, stuck-up.

[ref: in buckram, strait-laced; prim &c. (affected) 855].

on one's dignity, on one's high horses,on one's tight ropes, on one's high ropes; on stilts; en grand seigneur [Fr].

Phr. odi profanum vulgus et arceo [Lat][Horace].

" a duke's revenues on her back" [Henry VI]; " disdains the shadow which he treads on at noon" [Coriolanis]; "pride in their port, defiance in their eye" [Goldsmith].

#878a. Self-respect -- N.

dignity, self-confidence, self-respect, confidence, assurance, self-assurance, mens sibi conscia recti [Lat][Vergil].

Adj. dignified; stately.

Adv. with head erect.

<-- 885a was detached from 885 (insolence) to distinguish between the attitude of superiority and its behavioral manifestation -->

#885a. Presumption [excessive self-confidence][Undue assumption of superiority.] -- N. {{has_manifestation: insolence, R885}} assumption, presumption.

impudence, audacity, hardihood, front, face, brass.

shamelessness &c. adj.

assumption of infallibility.

{{trait_of: Blusterer, R887, P2. }} saucebox [obs3].

{{trait_of: braggart, P2.}}.

Adj. brazen, shameless, aweless, unblushlng[obs3], unabashed.

impudent, audacious, presumptuous.

#879. Humility. -- N. humility, humbleness; meekness, lowness; lowliness, lowlihood[obs3]; abasement, self-abasement; submission &c. 725; resignation.

condescension; affability &c. (courtesy) 894.

verecundity[obs1], blush, suffusion, confusion; sense of shame,sense of disgrace; humiliation, mortification; let down, set down.

[ref: modesty &c. 881].

V. be humble &c. adj.; deign, vouchsafe, condescend; humble oneself, demean oneself; stoop, stoop to conquer; carry coals; submit &c. 725; submit with a good grace &c. (brook) 826; yield the palm.

lower one's tone, lower one's note; sing small, draw in one's horns, sober down; hide one's face, hide one's diminished head; not dare to show one's face, take shame to oneself, not have a word to say for oneself; feel shame, be conscious of shame, feel disgrace, be conscious of disgrace; drink the cup of humiliation to the dregs.

blush for, blush up to the eves; redden, change color; color up; hang one's head, look foolish, feel small.

render humble; humble, humiliate; let down, set down, take down, tread down, frown down; snub, abash, abase, make one sing small, strike dumb; teach one his distance; put down, take down a peg, take down a peg lower; throw into the shade, cast into the shade &c. 874; stare out of countenance, put out of countenance; put to the blush; confuse, ashame[obs3], mortify, disgrace, crush; send away with a flea in one's ear.

get a setdown[obs3].

Adj. humble, lowly, meek;, modest &c. 881; humble minded, sober-minded; unoffended[obs3]; submissive &c. 725; servile, &c. 886.

condescending; affable &c. (courteous) 891.

humbled &c. v.; bowed down, resigned; abashed, ashamed, dashed; out of countenance; down in the mouth; down on one's knees, down on one's marrowbones, down on one's uppers; humbled in the dust, browbeaten; chapfallen[obs3], crestfallen; dumfoundered[obs3]. flabbergasted.

shorn of one's glory &c. (disrepute) 874.

Adv. with downcast eyes, with bated breath, with bended knee; on all fours, on one's feet.

under correction, with due deference.

Phr. I am your obedient servant, I am your very humble servant; my service to you; da locum melioribus [Lat][Terence]; parvum parva decent [Lat][Horace].
<-- parts of R881, modesty are broken out into a separate category -->

#879a. Self-doubt. -- N. {{antonym: self_respect R878a}} self-doubt, diffidence; self-knowledge.

{{causes}} timidity, shyness, bashfulness.

{{similar_to: modesty, R881}}.

Adj. retiring, diffident; timid, shy, bashful.
<-- [[vanity]] -->

#880. Vanity. -- N. vanity; conceit, conceitedness; self-conceit, self-complacency, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-esteem, self-love, self-approbation, self-praise, self-glorification, self-laudation, self-gratulation[obs3], self-applause, self-admiration; amour propre[Fr]; selfishness &c. 943.

airs, affected manner, pretensions, mannerism; egotism; priggism[obs3], priggishness; coxcombry, gaudery[obs3], vainglory, elation.

{{has_low_intensity}} personal display.

{{has_subtype(personal display)}} grooming, personal grooming, personal hygeine.

{{has_part(grooming)}} hair style, coiffure, coif.

{{has_part(personal hygeine): personal cleanliness, R652}}.

{{has_subtype(hair style)}} haircut; shaving, shave; hairdo, do[coll.]; moustache; beard.

{{has_subtype(hairdo)}} permanent wave, permanent; pony tail; pig tails; queue; corn rows; curls; dreadlocks; afro; pickaninny.

{{has_subtype(hair cut)}} bowl cut; duck's ass, DA; tonsure; crew cut; bald cut, baldie.

{{has_subtype(moustache)}} Fu Man Chu; Hitler.

{{has_subtype(beard)}} goatee.

[similar_to: pride &c. 878].

{{has_manifestation: ostentation &c. R882}}.

[ref: assurance &c. 885].

vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]; cheval de bataille[Fr]. coxcomb &c. 854 Sir Oracle &c. 887.

{{trait_of: boaster, braggart, P2.}}.

V. be vain &c. adj., be vain of; pique oneself &c. (pride) 878; lay the flattering unction to one's soul.

have too high an opinion of oneself, have an overweening opinion of oneself, have too high an opinion of one's talents; blind oneself as to one's own merit; not think small beer of oneself, not think vin ordinaire of oneself[Fr]; put oneself forward; fish for compliments; give oneself airs &c. (assume) 885; boast &c. 884.

render vain &c. adj.; inspire with vanity &c. n.; inflate, puff up, turn up, turn one's head.

Adj. vain, vain as a peacock, proud as a peacock; conceited, overweening, pert, forward;, vainglorious, high-flown; ostentatious &c. 882; puffed up, inflated, flushed.

self-satisfied, self-confident, self-sufficient, self-flattering, self-admiring, self-applauding, self-glorious, self-opinionated; entente &c. (wrong-headed) 481; wise in one's own conceit, pragmatical[obs3], overwise[obs3], pretentious, priggish; egotistic, egotistical; soi-disant &c. (boastful) 884[Fr]; arrogant &c. 885.

unabashed, unblushing; unconstrained, unceremonious; free and easy.

Adv. vainly &c. adj.

Phr. " how we apples swim! " [Swift]; " prouder than rustling in unpaid-for silk" [Cymbeline].

#881. Modesty. -- N. modesty; mauvaise honte[Fr]; blush, blushing; verecundity[obs1].

retiring disposition; unobtrusiveness.

reserve, constraint; demureness &c. adj.; " blushing honors " [Henry VIII].

[ref: humility &c. 879].

{{similar_to: self-doubt, R879a}}.

V. be modest &c. adj.; retire, reserve oneself; give way to; draw in one's horns &c. 879; hide one's face.

keep private, keep in the background, keep one's distance; pursue the noiseless tenor of one's way, " do good by stealth and blush to find it fame " [Pope], hide one's light under a bushel, cast a sheep's eye.

Adj. modest, diffident; humble &c. 879; timid, timorous, bashful; shy, nervous, skittish, coy, sheepish, shamefaced, blushing, overmodest.

unpretending[obs3], unpretentious; unobtrusive, unassuming, unostentatious, unboastful[obs3], unaspiring; poor in spirit.

out of countenance &c. (humbled) 879. reserved, constrained, demure.

Adv. humbly &c. adj.; quietly, privately; without ceremony, without beat of drum; sans façon.

Phr. " not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty " [Romeo and Juliet]; " thy modesty's a candle to thy merit " [Fielding].

M8.3.1.4 Expressions of emotion R882 to R886 [[celebration]]

{{manifestation_of: emotion}}

<-- && class this as a human action?

882. Ostentation

883. Celebration

884. Boasting

885. Insolence 886. Servility

NOte: 887. Blusterer to P2.


#882. Ostentation. -- N. {{manifestation_of: vanity, R880}} ostentation, display, show, flourish, parade, etalage[Fr], pomp, array, state, solemnity; dash, splash, splurge, glitter, strut, pomposity; pretense, pretensions; showing off; fuss.

magnificence, splendor; coup d'oeil[Fr]; grand doings.

coup de theatre; stage effect, stage trick; claptrap; mise en scene[Fr]; tour de force; chic.

demonstration, flying colors; tomfoolery; flourish of trumpets &c. (celebration) 883; pageant, pageantry; spectacle, exhibition, exposition, procession; turn out, set out; grand function; fête, gala, field day, review, march past, promenade, insubstantial pageant.

dress; court dress, full dress, evening dress, ball dress, fancy dress; tailoring, millinery, man millinery, frippery, foppery, equipage.

ceremony, ceremonial; ritual; form, formality; etiquette; puncto[Lat], punctilio, punctiliousness; starched stateliness, stateliness.

mummery, solemn mockery, mouth honor.

attitudinarian[obs3]; fop &c. 854.

V. be ostentatious &c. adj.; come forward, put oneself forward; attract attention, star it.

cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash, make a splurge, cut a dash, cut a splash, cut a splurge; figure, figure away; make a show, make a display; glitter.

show off, show off one's paces; parade, march past; display, exhibit, put forward, hold up; trot out, hand out; sport, brandish, blazon forth; dangle, dangle before the eyes.

cry up &c. (praise) 931; proner[Fr], flaunt, emblazon, prink[obs3], set off, mount, have framed and glazed.

put a good face upon, put a smiling face upon; clean the outside of the platter &c. (disguise) 544.

Adj. ostentatious, showy, dashing, pretentious; janty[obs3], jaunty; grand, pompous, palatial; high-sounding; turgid &c. (big-sounding) 577; gairish[obs3], garish; gaudy, gaudy as a peacock, gaudy as a butterfly, gaudy as a tulip; flaunting, flashing, flaming, glittering; gay &c. (ornate) 847.

splendid, magnificent, sumptuous.

theatrical, dramatic, spectacular; ceremonial, ritual.

solemn, stately, majestic, formal, stiff, ceremonious, punctilious, starched.

dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, decjed out, all decked out, en granite tenue[Fr], in best bib and tucker, in Sunday best, endimanche, chic.

Adv. with flourish of trumpet, with beat of drum, with flying colors.

ad captandum vulgus[Lat.].

Phr. honores mutant mores[Lat].
#883. Celebration. -- N. {{manifestation_of: joy}} celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration, ovation, paean, triumph, jubilation, ceremony (rite) 998; holiday, fiesta, zarabanda[obs3], revelry, feast (amusement) 840; china anniversary, diamond anniversary, golden anniversary, silver anniversary, tin anniversary, china jubilee, diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee, tin jubilee, china wedding, diamond wedding, golden wedding, silver wedding, tin wedding.

triumphal arch, bonfire, salute; salvo, salvo of artillery; feu de joie[Fr], flourish of trumpets, fanfare, colors flying, illuminations.

inauguration, installation, presentation; coronation; Lord Mayor's show; harvest-home, red-letter day; trophy &,:c. 733; Te Deum &c. (thanksgiving) 990[Lat]; fete &c. 882; holiday &c. 840; Forefathers' Day [U. S.].

V. celebrate keep, signalize, do honor to, commemorate, solemnize, hallow, mark with a red letter.

pledge, drink to, toast, hob and nob[obs3].

inaugurate, install, chair.

rejoice &c. 838; kill the fatted calf, hold jubilee, roast an ox.

Adj. celebrating &c. v.; commemorative, celebrated, immortal.

Adv. in honor of, in commemoration of.

Int. hail! all hail! io paean, io triumphe[obs3]! " see the conquering hero comes!".

#884. Boasting. -- N. {{manifestation_of: pride}} boasting &c. v.; boast, vaunt, crake[obs1]; pretense, pretensions; puff, puffery; flourish, fanfaronade[obs3]; gasconade; blague[obs3], bluff, gas*; highfalutin, highfaluting[obs3]; hot air, spread-eagleism [obs3][U. S.]; brag, braggardism[obs3]; bravado, bunkum, buncombe; jactitation[obs3], jactancy[obs3]; bounce; venditation[obs1], vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology[obs1], heroics; Chauvinism; exaggeration &c. 549.

vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]; much cry and little wool, brutum fulmen[Lat].

exultation; gloriation[obs1], glorification; flourish of trumpets; triumph &c. 883.

{{manifestation_of: vanity &c. 880}}.

{{performed_by: braggart, boaster, P2.}}.

V. boast, make a boast of, brag, vaunt, Puff, show off, flourish, crake[obs1], crack, trumpet, strut, swagger, vapor; blague[obs3], blow, four-flush *, bluff.

exult, crow, crow over, neigh, chuckle, triumph; throw up one's cap; talk big, se faire valoir[Fr], faire claquer son fouet[obs3][Fr], take merit to oneself, make a merit of, sing Io triumphe[obs3], holloa before one is out of the wood[obs3].

Adj. boasting &c. v.; magniloquent, flaming, Thrasonic, stilted, gasconading, braggart, boastful, pretentious, soi-disant[Fr]; vainglorious &c. (conceited) 880; highfalutin, highfaluting[obs3]; spread-eagle [U. S.*].

elate, elated; jubilant, triumphant, exultant; in high feather; flushed, flushed with victory; cock-a-hoop; on stilts.

vaunted &c. v.

Adv. vauntingly &c. adj.

Phr. " let the galled jade wince " [Hamlet]; facta non verba[Lat].
#885. [Expression of feelings of superiority.] Insolence. -- N. {{manifestation_of: presumption, R885a}} insolence; haughtiness &c. adj.; arrogance, airs; overbearance[obs3]; domineering &c. v.; tyranny &c. 739.

impertinence; sauciness &c. adj.; flippancy, dicacity[obs1], petulance, procacity[obs3], bluster; swagger, swaggering &c. v.; bounce; terrorism.

beggar on horseback; usurpation.

effrontery, hardened front, face of brass.

[ref: R884, boasting].

{{performed_by: blusterer, P2.}}.

V. be insolent &c. adj.; bluster, vapor, swagger, swell, give oneself airs, snap one's fingers, kick up a dust; swear &c. (affirm) 535; rap out oaths; roister. arrogate; assume, presume; make bold, make free; take a liberty, give an inch and take an ell.

domineer, bully, dictate, hector; lord it over; traiter de haut en bas[Fr], regarder de haut en bas[Fr]; exact; snub, huff., beard, fly in the face of; put to the blush; bear down, beat down; browbeat, intimidate; trample down, tread down, trample under foot; dragoon, ride roughshod over.

out face, outlook, outstare, outbrazen[obs3], outbrave[obs3]; stare out of countenance; brazen out; lay down the law; teach one's grandmother to suck eggs; assume a lofty bearing; talk big, look big; put on big looks, act the grand seigneur[Fr]; mount the high horse, ride the high horse; toss the head, carry, with a high hand.

tempt Providence, want snuffing.

Adj. insolent, haughty, arrogant, imperious, magisterial, dictatorial, arbitrary; high-handed, high and mighty; contumelious, supercilious, overbearing, intolerant, domineering, overweening, high-flown.

flippant, pert, fresh [U. S.], cavalier, saucy, forward, impertinent, malapert.

precocious, assuming, would-be, bumptious.

bluff; brazen, boldfaced-, barefaced-, brazen-faced; dead to shame, lost to shame.

free and easy, devil-may-care, rollicking; jaunty, janty[obs3]; roistering, blustering, hectoring, swaggering, vaporing; thrasonic, fire eating, "full of sound and fury " [Macbeth].

Adv. with a high hand; ex cathedra[Lat].

Phr. one's bark being worse than his bite; " beggars mounted run their horse to death " [Henry VI]; quid times? Caesarem vehis [Lat][Plutarch]; wagahai wa [Jap: I (expressing superiority)].
#886. Servility. -- N. {{manifestation_of: humility}} servility; slavery &c. (subjection) 749; obsequiousness &c. adj.; subserviency; abasement; prostration, prosternation[obs1]; genuflection &c. (worship) 990; fawning &c. v.; tuft-hunting, timeserving[obs3], flunkeyism[obs3]; sycophancy &c. (flattery) 933; humility &c. 879.

sycophant, parasite; toad, toady, toad-eater; tufthunter[obs3]; snob, flunky, flunkey, yes-man, lapdog, spaniel, lickspittle, smell-feast, Graeculus esuriens[Lat], hanger on, cavaliere servente[It], led captain, carpet knight; timeserver, fortune hunter, Vicar of Bray, Sir-Pertinax, Max Sycophant, pickthank[obs3]; flatterer &c. 935; doer of dirty work; ame damnee[Fr], tool; reptile; slave &c. (servant) 746; courtier; beat*, dead beat*, doughface * [obs3][U. S], heeler [U. S.], homme de cour[Fr], sponger, sucker*, tagtail[obs3], truckler.

V. cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, bend the knee; fall on one's knees, prostrate oneself; worship &c. 990.

sneak, crawl, crouch, cower, sponge, truckle to, grovel, fawn, lick the feet of, kiss the hem of one's garment, kiss one's ass[vulg.], suck up.

pay court to; feed on, fatten on, dance attendance on, pin oneself upon, hang on the sleeve of, avaler les couleuvres[Fr], keep time to, fetch and carry, do the dirty work of.

go with the stream, worship the rising sun, hold with the hare and run with the hounds.

Adj. servile, obsequious; supple,supple as a glove; soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, mealy-mouthed; beggarly, sycophantic, parasitical; abject, prostrate, down on ones marrow-bones; base, mean, sneaking; crouching &c. v.

Adv. hat in hand, cap in hand.
<-- R887 Blusterer to person who ... P2. -->
M8.3.3 SYMPATHETIC AFFECTIONS .{{similar_to: personal affections, M8.3}}.........R888 - R921

<-- in this section(M8.3.2), under mind-mind interactions, the mental attitudes and the actions these attitudes cause, which were contained in the same Roget entry, are distinguished by breaking such entries into two parts.

For example, in R907 we describe both the mental phenomena causing malevolent actions, and in R907a the malevolent actions themselves. They are distinguished as cause and effect (mcause=mental cause) -->

M8.3.2 DIFFUSIVE.sympathetic AFFECTIONS...R906 to r913

<-- 906. Benevolence 907. Malevolence

908. Malediction

909. Threat

910. Philanthrophy 911. Misanthropy

Note: 912. Benefactor 913. Evil doer to person who

P2. Benefactor; P2. Evil Doer


#906. Benevolence. -- N. benevolence, Christian charity; God's love, God's grace; good will; philanthropy &c. 910; unselfishness &c. 942.

good nature, good feeling, good wishes; kindness, kindliness &c. adj.; loving-kindness, benignity, brotherly love, charity, humanity, fellow-feeling, sympathy: goodness of heart, warmth of heart; bonhomie; kind-heartedness; amiability, milk of human kindness, tenderness; love &c. 897; friendship &c. 888.

toleration, consideration, generosity; mercy &c. (pity) 914.

charitableness &c. adj.; bounty, alms-giving; good works, beneficence, "the luxury of doing good " [Goldsmith].

acts of kindness, a good turn; good offices, kind offices good treatment, kind treatment.

good Samaritan, sympathizer, bon enfant[Fr]; altruist.

V. be benevolent &c. adj.; have one's heart in the right place, bear good will; wish well, wish Godspeed; view with an eye of favor, regard with an eye of favor; take in good part; take an interest in, feel an interest in; be interested in, feel interested in; sympathize with, empathize with, feel for; fraternize &c. (be friendly) 888.

enter into the feelings of others, do as you would be done by, meet halfway.

treat well; give comfort, smooth the bed of death; do good, do a good turn; benefit &c. (goodness) 648; render a service, be of use; aid &c. 707.

Adj. benevolent; kind, kindly; well-meaning; amiable; obliging, accommodating, indulgent, gracious, complacent, good-humored.

warm-hearted, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, large-hearted, broad-hearted; merciful &c. 914; charitable, beneficent, humane, benignant; bounteous, bountiful.

good-natured, well-natured; spleenless[obs3]; sympathizing, sympathetic; complaisant &c. (courteous) 894; well-meant, well-intentioned.

fatherly, motherly, brotherly, sisterly; paternal, maternal, fraternal; sororal[obs3]; friendly &c. 888.

Adv. with a good intention, with the best intentions.

Int. Godspeed! much good may it do!

Phr. " act a charity sometimes " [Lamb]; " a tender heart, a will inflexible " [Longfellow]; de mortuis nil nisi bonum [Lat: say only good things about the dead, don't speak ill of the dead]; " kind words are more than coronets " [Tennyson]; quando amigo pide no hay manana[Lat]; " the social smile, the sympathetic tear " [Gray].

<-- in R907 we describe both the mental phenomena causing malevolent actions, and in R907a the malevolent actions themselves. They are distinguished as cause and effect (mcause=mental cause) -->

#907. Malevolence. -- N.

{{mcaused_by(cruelty, R907a)}} malevolence, malice, malice prepense[obs3]; bad intent, bad intention, evil intention; ill nature, ill will, ill blood; bad blood; maliciousness, malignity, spitefulness; enmity &c. 889; hate &c. 898; spite, despite; resentment &c. 900.

gall, venom, rancor, rancorousness, rankling, virulence, mordacity[obs3].

hardness of heart, heart of stone, obduracy.

{{has_high_intensity}} cruelty, cruelness, brutality, savagery; ferity[obs3], ferocity; barbarity, barbarousness, inhumanity, immanity[obs1], bloodthirstiness, ferociousness.

evil eye, cloven foot.

{{mcauses}} torture; vivisection[obs2].

{{has_low_intensity}} unkindness, uncharitableness, ungraciousness, unfirendliness, diskindness[obs3]; incompassionateness &c. 914a.

{{trait_of}} gadfly.

{{mcauses}} {{property_of(repetition)}} harassment, persecution.

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