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V. be secluded , live secluded &c. adj.; keep aloof, stand, hold oneself aloof, keep in the background, stand in the background; keep snug; shut oneself up; deny oneself, seclude oneself creep into a corner, rusticate, aller planter ses choux[Fr]; retire, retire from the world; take the veil; abandon &c. 624; sport one's oak*.

cut, cut dead; refuse to associate with, refuse to acknowledge; look cool upon, turn one's back upon, shut the door upon;, repel, blackball, excommunicate, exclude, exile, expatriate; banish, outlaw, maroon, ostracize, proscribe, cut off from, send to Coventry, keep at arm's length, draw a cordon round.

depopulate; dispeople[obs3], unpeople[obs3].

Adj. secluded, sequestered, retired, delitescent[obs3], private, bye; out of the world, out of the way; " the world forgetting by the world forgot " [Pope].

snug, domestic, stay-at-home.

unsociable; unsocial, dissocial[obs3]; inhospitable, cynical, inconversable[obs1], unclubbable, sauvage[Fr], troglodytic.

solitary; lonely, lonesome; isolated, single.

estranged; unfrequented; uninhabitable, uninhabited; tenantless; abandoned; deserted, deserted in one's utmost need; unfriended[obs3]; kithless[obs3], friendless, homeless; lorn[obs3], forlorn, desolate.

unvisited, unintroduced[obs3], uninvited, unwelcome; under a cloud, left to shift for oneself, derelict, outcast.

banished &c. v.

Phr. noli me tangere[Lat].

" among them but not of them " [Byron]; " and homeless near a thousand homes I stood " [Wordsworth]; far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife [Gray]; " makes a solitude and calls it peace " [Byron]; magna civitas magna solitudo [Lat]; " never less alone than when alone " [Rogers]; " O sacred solitude! divine retreat! " [Young].

M8. Courtesy

#894. Courtesy. -- N. courtesy; respect &c. 928; good manners, good behavior, good breeding; manners; politeness &c. adj.; bienseance, urbanity, comity, gentility, breeding, polish, presence; civility, civilization; amenity, suavity; good temper, good humor; amiability, easy temper, complacency, soft tongue, mansuetude; condescension &c. (humility) 879; affability, complaisance, prevenance, amability[obs3], gallantry; pink of politeness, pink of courtesy.

compliment; fair words, soft words, sweet words; honeyed phrases, ceremonial; ,salutation, reception, presentation, introduction, accueil[obs3], greeting, recognition; welcome, abord[obs1], respects, devoir, regards, remembrances; kind regards, kind remembrances; love, best love, duty; empty encomium, flattering remark, hollow commendation; salaams.

obeisance &c. (reverence) 928; bow, courtesy, curtsy, scrape, salaam, kotow[obs3], kowtow, bowing and scraping; kneeling; genuflection &c. (worship) 990; obsequiousness &c. 886; capping, shaking hands, &c. v.; grip of the hand, embrace, hug, squeeze, accolade, loving cup, vin d'honneur[Fr], pledge; love token &c. (endearment) 902; kiss, buss, salute.

mark of recognition, nod; "nods and becks and wreathed smiles" [Milton]; valediction &c. 293; condolence &c. 915.

V. be courteous &c. adj.; show courtesy &c. n.

mind one's P's and Q's, behave oneself, be all things to all men, conciliate, speak one fair, take in good part; make the amiable, do the amiable; look as if butter would not melt in one's mouth; mend one's manners.

receive, do the honors, usher, greet, hail, bid welcome; welcome, welcome with open arms; shake hands; hold out the hand, press the hand, squeeze the hand, press the flesh; bid Godspeed; speed the parting guest; cheer, serenade.

salute; embrace &c. (endearment) 902; kiss, kiss hands; drink to, pledge, hob and nob[obs3]; move to, nod to; smile upon.

uncover, cap; touch the hat, take off the hat; doff the cap; present arms; make way for; bow; make one's bow, make a leg; scrape, curtsy, courtesy; bob a curtsy, bob a courtesy; kneel; bow the knee, bend the knee.

visit, wait upon, present oneself, pay one's respects, pay a visit &c. (sociability) 892; dance attendance on &c. (servility) 886; pay attentions to; do homage to &c. (respect) 928.

prostrate oneself &c. (worship) 990.

give one's duty to, send one's duty to, &c. n.

render polite &c. adj.; polish, civilize, humanize.

Adj. courteous, polite, civil, mannerly, urbane; well-behaved, well-mannered, well-bred, well-brought up; good-mannered, polished, civilized, cultivated; refined &c. (taste) 850; gentlemanlike &c. (fashion) 852[obs3]; gallant; on one's good behavior.

fine spoken, fair spoken, soft-spoken; honey-mouthed, honey-tongued; oily, bland; obliging, conciliatory, complaisant, complacent; obsequious &c. 886.

ingratiating, winning; gentle, mild; good-humored, cordial, gracious, affable, familiar; neighborly.

diplomatic, tactful, politic; artful &c. 702.

Adv. courteously &c. adj.; with a good grace; with open arms, with outstretched arms; a bras ouverts[Fr]; suaviter in modo[Fr], in good humor.

Int. hail! welcome! well met! ave! all hail! good day, good morrow! Godspeed! pax vobiscum[Lat]! may your shadow never be less!

Phr. Tien de plus estimable que la ceremonie[Fr]; " the very pink of courtesy " [Romeo and Juliet].

M8. Discourtesy

#895. Discourtesy.-- N. discourtesy;ill breeding; ill manners, bad manners, ungainly manners; insuavity[obs3]; uncourteousness &c.adj[obs3].; rusticity, inurbanity[obs3]; illiberality, incivility displacency[obs3].

disrespect &c. 929; procacity[obs3], impudence: barbarism, barbarity; misbehavior, brutality, blackguardism[obs3], conduct unbecoming a gentleman, grossierete, brusquerie[obs3]; vulgarity, &c. 851.

churlishness &c. adj.; spinosity[obs3], perversity,; moroseness &c. (sullenness) 901a. sternness &c. adj.; austerity,; moodishness[obs3], captiousness &c. 901; cynicism; tartness &c. adj.; acrimony, acerbity, virulence, asperity.

scowl, black looks, frown; short answer, rebuff; hard words, contumely; unparliamentary language, personality.

bear, bruin, brute, blackguard, beast; unlicked cub[obs3]; frump, crosspatch[obs3]; saucebox &c. 887[obs3]; crooked stick; grizzly.

V. be -rude &c. adj.; insult &c. 929; treat with discourtesy; take a name in vain; make bold with, make free with; take a liberty; stare out of countenance, ogle, point at, put to the blush.

cut; turn one's back upon, turn on one's heel; give the cold shoulder; keep at a distance, keep at arm's length; look cool upon, look coldly upon, look black upon; show the door to, send away with a flea in the ear.

lose one's temper &c. (resentment) 900; sulk &c. 90la; frown, scowl, glower, pout; snap, snarl, growl.

render rude &c. adj.; brutalize, brutify[obs3].

Adj. discourteous, uncourteous[obs3]; uncourtly[obs3]; ill-bred, ill-mannered, ill-behaved, ill-conditioned; unbred; unmannerly, unmannered; impolite, unpolite[obs3]; unpolished, uncivilized, ungenteel; ungentleman-like, ungentlemanly; unladylike; blackguard; vulgar &c. 851; dedecorous[obs3]; foul-mouthed foul-spoken; abusive.

uncivil, ungracious, unceremonious; cool; pert, forward, obtrusive, impudent, rude, saucy, precocious.

repulsive; uncomplaisant[obs3], unaccommodating, unneighborly, ungallant; inaffable[obs3]; ungentle, ungainly; rough, rugged, bluff, blunt, gruff; churlish, boorish, bearish; brutal, brusque; stern, harsh, austere; cavalier.

taint, sour, crabbed, sharp, short, trenchant, sarcastic, biting, doggish, caustic, virulent, bitter, acrimonious, venomous, contumelious; snarling &c. v.; surly, surly as a bear; perverse; grim, sullen &c. 901a; peevish &c. (irascible) 901.

untactful, impolitic, undiplomatic; artless &c. 703.

Adv. discourteously &c. adj.; with discourtesy &c. n., with a bad grace.
M8. Congratulation

#896. Congratulation. -- N. congratulation, gratulation[obs3]; felicitation; salute &c. 894; condolence &c. 915; compliments of the season.

V. congratulate, gratulate[obs3]; felicitate; give one joy, wish one joy; compliment; tender one's congratulations, offer one's congratulations; wish many happy returns of the day, wish a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

praise,laud (commendation) 931.

congratulate oneself &c. (rejoice) 838.

Adj. congratulatory, gratulatory[obs3].

Phr. " I wish you all the joy that you can wish " [Merchant of Venice]; best wishes.
M8. Love

#897. Love. -- N. love; fondness &c. adj.; liking; inclination &c. (desire) 865; regard, dilection[obs1], admiration, fancy.

affection, sympathy, fellow-feeling; tenderness &c. adj.; heart, brotherly love; benevolence &c. 906; attachment.

yearning, , tender passion, amour; gyneolatry[obs3]; gallantry, passion, flame, devotion, fervor, enthusiasm, transport of love, rapture, enchantment, infatuation, adoration, idolatry.

Cupid, Venus; myrtle; true lover's knot; love token, love suit, love affair, love tale, love story; the, old story, plighted love; courtship &c. 902; amourette[obs3]; free love.

maternal love, [Grk], parental love; young love, puppy love.

attractiveness; popularity,; favorite &c.against.

fierce, wild, rageful[obs3], furious, mad with rage, fiery, infuriate, rabid, savage; relentlessin, young man, flame, love, truelove; leman[obs3], Lothario, gallant, paramour, amoroso[obs3], cavaliere servente[It], captive, cicisbeo[obs3]; caro sposo[It].

inamorata, ladylove, idol, darling, duck, Dulcinea, angel, goddess, cara sposa[It].

betrothed, affianced, fiancee.

flirt, coquette; amorette[obs3]; pair of turtle-doves; abode of love, agapemone[obs3].

V. love, like, affect, fancy, care for, take an interest in, be partial to, sympathize with; affection; be in love &c. with adj. ; have a love &c. n. for, entertain a love &c. n. for, harbor cherish a love &c. n. for; regard, revere; take to, bear love to, be wedded to; set one's affections on; make much of, feast one's eyes on; hold dear, prize; hug, cling to, cherish, pet.

burn; adore, idolize, love to distraction, aimer eperdument[Fr]; dote on, dote upon; take a fancy to, look sweet upon; become enamored &c. adj.; fall in love with, lose one's heart; desire &c. 865.

excite love; win the heart, gain the heart, win the affections, gain the affections, secure the love, engage the affections; take the fancy of have a place in the heart, wind round the heart; attract, attach, endear, charm, fascinate, captivate, bewitch, seduce, enamor, enrapture, turn the head.

get into favor; ingratiate oneself, insinuate oneself, worm oneself; propitiate, curry favor with, pay one's court to, faire l'aimable[Fr], set one's cap at, flirt.

Adj. loving &c. v.; fond of; taken with, struck with; smitten, bitten; attached to, wedded to; enamored; charmed &c. v.; in love; love-sick; over head and ears in love, head over heels in love.

affectionate, tender, sweet upon, sympathetic, loving; amorous, amatory; fond, erotic, uxorious, ardent, passionate, rapturous, devoted, motherly.

loved &c. v. beloved well beloved, dearly beloved; dear, precious, darling, pet, little; favorite, popular.

congenial; after one's mind, after one's taste, after one's fancy, after one's own heart, to one's mind, to one's taste, to one's fancy, to one's own heart.

in one's good graces &c. (friendly) 888; dear as the apple of one's eye, nearest to one's heart.

lovable, adorable; lovely, sweet; attractive, seductive, winning; charming, engaging, interesting, enchanting, captivating, fascinating, bewitching; amiable, like an angel.

Phr. amantes amentes [Lat][Terence]; credula res amor est [Lat][Ovid]; militat omnis amasius [Lat][Ovid]; love conquers all, omnia vincit amor [Lat][Vergil]; si vis amari ama [obs3][Lat][Seneca]; " the sweetest joy, the wildest woe " [Bailey].
M8. Hate

#898. Hate. -- N. hate, hatred, vials of hate.

disaffection, disfavor; alienation, estrangement, coolness; enmity &c. 889; animosity &c. 900.

umbrage, pique, grudge; dudgeon, spleen bitterness, bitterness of feeling; ill blood, bad blood; acrimony; malice &c. 907; implacability &c. (revenge) 919.

repugnance &c. (dislike) 867; misanthropy, demonophobia[obs3], gynephobia[obs3], negrophobia[obs3]; odium, unpopularity; detestation, antipathy; object of hatred, object of execration; abomination, aversion, bête noire; enemy &c. 891; bitter pill; source of annoyance &c. 830.

V. hate, detest, abominate, abhor, loathe; recoil at, shudder at; shrink from, view with horror, hold in abomination, revolt against, execrate;scowl &c. 895; disrelish &c. (dislike) 867.

owe a grudge; bear spleen, bear a grudge, bear malice &c. (malevolence) 907; conceive an aversion to, take a dislike to.

excite hatred, provoke hatred &c. n.; be hateful &c. adj.; stink in the nostrils; estrange, alienate, repel, set against, sow dissension, set by the ears, envenom, incense, irritate, rile; horrify &c. 830; roil.

Adj. hating &c. v.; abhorrent; averse from &c. (disliking) 867; set against.

bitter &c. (acrimonious) 895 implacable &c. (revengeful) 919.

unloved, unbeloved, unlamented, undeplored, unmourned[obs3], uncared for, unendeared[obs3], un-valued; disliked &c. 867.

crossed in love, forsaken, rejected, lovelorn, jilted.

obnoxious, hateful, odious, abominable, repulsive, offensive, shocking; disgusting &c. (disagreeable) 830; reprehensible.

invidious, spiteful; malicious &c. 907.

insulting, irritating, provoking.

[Mutual hate] at daggers drawn; not on speaking terms &c. (enmity) 889; at loggerheads.

Phr. no love lost between.
M8. Favorite

#899. Favorite. -- N. favorite, pet, cosset, minion, idol, jewel, spoiled child, enfant gate[Fr]; led captain; crony; fondling; apple of one's eye, man after one's own heart; persona grata.

[person who is a favorite (terms of address)] love, dear, darling, duck, duckey, honey, sugar, jewel; mopsey[obs3], moppet, princess; sweetheart, sweetie &c. (love) 897.

teacher's pet.

general favorite, universal favorite; idol of the people.


Resentment R900 Moved to M8.3.4 retrospective sympatheteic affections M8.3.4.3 Resentment (R900)
M8. Irascibility

#901. Irascibility. -- N. irascibility, irascibleness, temper; crossness &c. adj.; susceptibility, procacity, petulance, irritability, tartness, acerbity, protervity; pugnacity &c. (contentiousness) 720.

excitability &c. 825; bad temper, fiery temper, crooked temper, irritable &c. adj. temper; genus irritabile[Lat], hot blood.

ill humor &c. (sullenness) 901a; asperity &c., churlishness &c. (discourtesy) 895.

huff &c. (resentment) 900; a word and a blow.

Sir Fretful Plagiary; brabbler[obs3], Tartar; shrew, vixen, virago, termagant, dragon, scold, Xantippe; porcupine; spitfire; fire eater &c. (blusterer) 887; fury &c. (violent person) 173.

V. be irascible &c. adj.; have a temper &c. n., have a devil in one; fire up &c. (be angry) 900.

Adj. irascible; bad-tempered, ill-tempered; irritable, susceptible; excitable &c. 825; thin-skinned &c. (sensitive) 822; fretful, fidgety; on the fret.

hasty, overhasty, quick, warm, hot, testy, touchy, techy[obs3], tetchy; like touchwood, like tinder; huffy,; pettish, petulant; waspish, snappish, peppery, fiery, passionate, choleric, shrewish, " sudden and quick in quarrel " [As You Like It].

querulous, captious, moodish[obs3]; quarrelsome, contentious, disputatious; pugnacious &c. (bellicose) 720; cantankerous, exceptious[obs3]; restiff &c. (perverse) 901a[obs3]; churlish &c. (discourteous) 895.

cross, cross as crabs, cross as two sticks, cross as a cat, cross as a dog, cross as the tongs; fractious, peevish, acariâtre[obs3].

in a bad temper; sulky &c. 901a; angry &c. 900. resentful, resentive[obs3]; vindictive &c. 919.

Int. pish!

Phr. a vieux comptes nouvelles disputes[Fr]; quamvis tegatur proditur vultu furor [Lat][Seneca]; vino tortus et ira [Lat][Horace].
M8. Sullenness

#901a. Sullenness. -- N. sullenness &c. adj.; morosity[obs3], spleen; churlishness &c. (discourtesy) 895; irascibility &c. 901.

moodiness &c. adj.; perversity; obstinacy &c. 606; torvity[obs1], spinosity[obs3]; crabbedness &c. adj.

ill temper, bad temper, ill humor, bad humor; sulks, dudgeon, mumps[obs3], dumps, doldrums, fit of the sulks, bouderie[Fr], black looks, scowl; grouch; huff &c. (resentment) 900.

V. be sullen &c. adj.; sulk; frown, scowl, lower, glower, gloam[obs3], pout, have a hangdog look, glout[obs3].

Adj. sullen, sulky; ill-tempered, ill-humored, ill-affected, ill-disposed; grouty [obs3][U. S.]; in an ill temper, in a bad temper, in a shocking temper, in an ill humor, in a bad humor, in a shocking humor; out of temper, out of humor; knaggy[obs3], torvous[obs3], crusty, crabbed; sour, sour as a crab; surly &c. (discourteous) 895.

moody,; spleenish[obs3], spleenly[obs3]; splenetic, cankered.

cross, crossgrained[obs3]; perverse, wayward, humorsome[obs3]; restiff[obs3], restive; cantankerous, intractable, exceptious[obs3], sinistrous[obs3], deaf to reason, unaccommodating, rusty, froward; cussed [U. S.].

dogged &c. (stubborn) 606.

grumpy, glum, grim, grum[obs3], morose, frumpish; in the sulks &c. n.; out of sorts; scowling, glowering, growling; grouchy.

peevish &c. (irascible) 901.

M8. Endearment

#902. [Expression of affection or love.] Endearment. -- N. endearment, caress; blandishment, blandiment[obs1]; epanchement, fondling, billing and cooing, dalliance, making out, necking, petting, sporting, sparking, hanky-panky; caressing.

embrace, salute, kiss, buss, smack, osculation, deosculation[obs1]; amorous glances.

courtship, courting, wooing, suit, addresses, the soft impeachment; lovemaking; serenading; caterwauling.

flirting &c. v.; flirtation, gallantry; coquetry.

true lover's knot, plighted love; love tale, love token, love letter; billet-doux, valentine.

honeymoon; Strephon and Chloe[obs3].

V. caress, fondle, pet, dandle; pat, pat on the head, pat on the cheek; chuck under the chin, smile upon, coax, wheedle, cosset, coddle, cocker, cockle; make of, make much of; cherish, foster, kill with kindness.

clasp, hug, cuddle; fold in one's arms, strain in one's arms; nestle, nuzzle; embrace, kiss, buss, smack, blow a kiss; salute &c. (courtesy) 894; fold to the heart, press to the bosom.

bill and coo, spoon, toy, dally, flirt, coquet; gallivant, galavant; philander; make love; pay one's court to, pay one's addresses to, pay one's attentions to; serenade; court, woo, pitch woo; set one's cap at; be sweet upon, look sweet upon; ogle, cast sheep's eyes upon; faire les yeux doux[Fr].

fall in love with, win the affections &c. (love) 897; die for.

propose, propose marriage; make an offer, have an offer; pop the question; plight one's troth, plight one's faith.

Adj. caressing &c. v.; " sighing like furnace " [Shakespeare]; love-sick, spoony.

caressed &c. v.

Phr. " faint heart neer won fair lady"; "kisses honeyed by oblivion " [G. Eliot].
M8. Marriage (R903)

#903. Marriage. -- N. marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, vinculum matrimonii[Lat], nuptial tie.

married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation.

match; betrothment &c. (promise) 768; wedding, nuptials, Hymen, bridal; espousals, spousals; leading to the altar &c. v.; nuptial benediction, epithalamium[obs3]; sealing.

torch of Hymen, temple of Hymen; hymeneal altar; honeymoon.

bridesmaid, bridesman[obs3], best man; bride, bridegroom. married man, married woman, married couple; neogamist[obs3], Benedict, partner, spouse, mate, yokemate[obs3]; husband, man, consort, baron; old man, good man; wife of one's bosom; helpmate, rib, better half, gray mare, old woman, old lady, good wife, goodwife.

feme[Fr], feme coverte[Fr]; squaw, lady; matron, matronage, matronhood[obs3]; man and wife; wedded pair, Darby and Joan; spiritual wife.

monogamy, bigamy, digamy[obs3], deuterogamy[obs3], trigamy[obs3], polygamy; mormonism; levirate[obs3]; spiritual wifery[obs3], spiritual wifeism[obs3]; polyandrism[obs3]; Turk, bluebeard[obs3].

unlawful marriage, left-handed marriage, morganatic marriage, ill-assorted marriage; mesalliance; mariage de convenance[Fr].

marriage broker; matrimonial agency, matrimonial agent, matrimonial bureau, matchmaker; schatchen[Ger].

V. marry, wive, take to oneself a wife; be married, be spliced; go off, pair off; wed, espouse, get hitched[U.S. slang], lead to the hymeneal altar, take "for better for worse", give one's hand to, bestow one's hand upon.

marry, join, handfast[obs3]; couple &c. (unit) 43; tie the nuptial knot; give away, give away in marriage; seal; ally, affiance; betroth &c. (promise) 768; publish the banns, bid the banns; be asked in church.

Adj. married &c. v.; one, one bone and one flesh. marriageable, nubile.

engaged, betrothed, affianced.

matrimonial, marital, conjugal, connubial, wedded; nuptial, hymeneal, spousal, bridal.

Phr. the gray mare the better horse; " a world-without-end bargain " [Love's Labor's Lost]; "marriages are made in Heaven " [Tennyson]; " render me worthy of this noble wife " [Julius Caesar]; si qua voles apte nubere nube pari [Lat][Ovid].
M8. Celibacy

#904. Celibacy. -- N. celibacy, singleness, single blessedness; bachelorhood, bachelorship[obs3]; misogamy[obs3], misogyny.

virginity, pucelage[obs3]; maidenhood, maidenhead.

unmarried man, bachelor, Coelebs, agamist[obs3], old bachelor; misogamist[obs3], misogynist; monogamist; monk.

unmarried woman, spinster; maid, maiden;,virgin, feme sole[Fr], old maid; bachelor girl, girl-bachelor; nun.

V. live single, live alone.

Adj. unmarried, unwed, unwedded[obs3]; wifeless, spouseless[obs3]; single.
M8. Divorce

#905. Divorce. -- N. divorce, divorcement; separation; judicial separation, separate maintenance; separatio a mensa et thoro[Lat], separatio a vinculo matrimonii [Lat].

trial separation, breakup; annulment.

widowhood, viduity[obs3], weeds.

widow, widower; relict; dowager; divorcee; cuckold; grass widow, grass widower; merry widow.

V. live separate; separate, divorce, disespouse[obs3], put away; wear the horns.

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