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Adv. in reality, really, in this world; in this life. P2.1.1 Immateriality. (R317) #317. Immateriality. -- N

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Adv. in reality, really, in this world; in this life.
P2.1.1 Immateriality. (R317)

#317. Immateriality. -- N. immateriality, nonmateriality, immaterialness, incorporeity.

the spirit world, spirituality; astral plane.

subjective reality.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): imagination, R515}}.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): fiction, @R515}}.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): myth, @R515}}.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): error, R495}}.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): @R944, ethics, morals}}.

{{has_subtype(subjective reality): @M1, personality, individuality; self, I, myself, me; ego; other; you}}.

{{has_part(spirit world)}} @R450, spirit, soul}}.

{{has_part(spirit world)}} astral body.

{{studied_in(spirit world)}} spiritualism.

{{studied_in(spirit world): religion, R987; theology, R983}}.


V. be immaterial, be incorporeal.

be unreal, not exist in the physical universe.

disembody, spiritualize.

Adj. immaterial, nonmaterial, non-physical, immateriate[obs3]; unreal, incorporeal, incorporal[obs3].

incorporeal, disembodied, noncorporeal, incorporate[obs2], unfleshly[obs3], asomatous[obs3], unextended[obs3]; unembodied[obs3].

extramundane, unearthly; pneumatoscopic[obs3].

spiritual &c. (psychic) 450.

subjective, personal, nonobjective.

<-- Originally this was "world". Most of below is related to cosmos.

See also P2. Astronomical formations (much duplication), needs to be differentiated. -->

P2.1.2 Universe (R318)

#318. Universe. -- N. universe, creation, nature, cosmos; kosmos[obs3]; macrocosm, megacosm[obs3].

{{causes}} music of the spheres.

{{has_part: astronomical formation, P2.}}.


{{has_instance(theory)}} {{has_beginning(universe)}} big bang.

Adj. cosmic, cosmical[obs3].


celestial, heavenly, sphery[obs3].

stellar, astral, starry, sidereal, sideral[obs3].

earthly, worldly, mundane, terrestrial, terrene, terreous[obs1], telluric[obs2], terrestrious[obs1], terraqueous[obs3], geotic[obs3].

under the sun, under the moon, under the stars, sublunary[obs3], subastral[obs3].


solar, heliacal[obs3].


nebular; uranic.

Adv. in all creation, inthe universe.

on earth, on the face of the globe, here below, under the sun.

Phr. die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltergesicht[Ger]; "earth is but the frozen echo of the silent voice of God" [Hageman]; "green calm below, blue quietness above" [Whittier]; "hanging in a golden chain this pendant World" [Paradise Lost]; "nothing in nature is unbeautiful" [Tennyson]; "silently as a dream the fabric rose" [Cowper]; "some touch of nature's genial glow" [Scott]; "this majestical roof fretted with golden fire" [Hamlet]; "through knowledge we behold the World's creation" [Spenser].
<-- R319, gravity, and R320, levity are moved to P2.6.1.6 Gravity (R319, R320) at Physics -->
<-- the Roget entry 635, "materials" is primarily for supplies. Component materials, must be listed separately: here a general concept of component material, and under P2.3 the natural processed materials and synthetic artifacts are listed. -->

P2.1.3 Materials generally

#635. Raw Materials. -- N. raw material, material, stuff, stock, staple.

materials; supplies; feedstock.

starting material.

{{has_subtype(starting material): @P2., mineral, ore}}.

{{has_subtype: @P2.2.1, solid; fluid}}.

{{has_subtype(fluid): @P2.2.1, liquid; gas; supercritical fluid}}.

{{has_subtype(liquid): @P2.2.1, pure liquid; solution; suspension; aerosol, sol}}.

<-- note that Wordnet has a lot of detail under liquid. Useful types.

should be under sense under "matter"? -->


{{has_subtype: P2., household supply, household stuff}}.

{{has_subtype: @R298, pabulum, food}}.

{{has_subtype: @R727, munition, ammunition, arms}}.

{{has_subtype: baggage &c. (personal property) 780}}.

{{similar_to: means &c. 632}}.

{{has_subtype: fuel}}.

{{of(person): @P2., reinforcement, reenforcement[obs3]; contingents; relay, relief}}.

Adj. raw, unprocessed.

{{similar_to: raw &c. (unprepared) 674}}.

<-- here the meaning of "material" is specifically as a component material in some object. One of these entries will normally be the second argument of a consists_of pedicate relation. && put most of these under P2.3.1.2 Processe Natural Materials -->

P2.1.4 component Materials

{{has_subtype(Component, @R56)}} component, constituent.

{{part_of}} composition, substance, constitution, material, stuff.


{{studied_in}} materials science.


{[in_frame(metallurgy/gemology)]} {[of(solid)]} {{&has_subtype}} inclusion.

{[in_frame(metallurgy)]} {{has_property}} grain.

{{&has_part}} reinforcement.

{{&has_part: layer, lamination}}.

{{&has_part}} ingredient, subcomponent.

Phr. "the stuff dreams are made of"; "remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return".
<-- specific types of materials will be found under processed natural materials, P2.3.1.2, or artifacts, P2.3.1.3. Materials classified by function, which might be in either category, will be rpimarily under artifacts, but should be crossed-referenced to natural substances where appropriate. Natural materials will be classified by physical composition, or origin, and artifacts which are predominantly used in a particular function may be found under the individual usage headings -->

P2.2 Properties of Matter (Nouns and Adjectives) [[matprop]]

{{has_property(matter, P2.1)}} property of matter.

P2.2.1 PROPERTIES OF matter generally R149 to R150

{{has_property(matter, P2.1)}} {{has_subtype(characteristic, R79a)}} physical property, physical attribute, physical characteristic.

<-- the term "incohabitability" was coined here to express the notion that two solid bodies cannot occupy the same place at the same time. This is not necessarily true of liquids, gases, or radiation. Just a device to simplify the inheritance of this property. -->

P2.2.1.1 State of matter [[state]]

{{has_property(matter, P2.1)}} state.

{{has_subtype(state)}} solid, solid state; liquid, liquid state; gas, gaseous state; supercritical fluid; electromagnetic radiation.

{{has_subtype(matter, P2.1)}} subatomic particle; ion; plasma; superdense matter, neutron star; black hole.

{{has_subtype(matter, P2.1)}} {{has_property(liquid state)}} liquid, physical liquid.

{{has_subtype(physical liquid)}} pure liquid; solution; suspension; aerosol, sol.

{{has_property(electromagnetic radiation)}} radiation, electromagnetic wave; quantization; wavelength; periodicity, frequency; polarization.

{{has_property(electromagnetic radiation): velocity: velocity of light}}.

{{has_property(physical solid)}} incohabitability.

<-- && is ability to be reflected a property? Do we need a behavioral property? -->

{{has_property(electromagnetic radiation)}} collimation; refraction; reflection; absorption.

{{has_component(electromagnetic radiation)}} photon, quantum.
P2.2.1.2 Physical Solid [[solidbody]]

N. {{has_subtype(matter, P2.1)}} {{has_property(solid state)}} solid, physical solid, solid body.

{{has_subtype}} deposit, precipitate.

{{has_subtype}} mass, block, knot, lump; concretion, concrete, conglomerate; cake, clot, stone, curd, coagulum; bone, gristle, cartilage; casein, crassamentum[obs1], legumin[obs3].

{{formed_by}} condensation; deposition, vapor deposition; caseation[obs3]; solidation[obs3], solidification; consolidation.

{{formed_by}} petrification &c. (hardening) 323.

{{formed_by}} drying, evaporation; crystallization, precipitation, crystal growth; inspissation[obs3]; gelling, gelation, thickening; concretion, coagulation.

{{has_property}} specific gravity.

(from Roget, COMPLEX CHANGE R149 to R150)

P2.2.1.3 Instability

#149. Changeableness. Instability.

N. {{&has_property(matter, P2.1)}} {{required_for_subj(change, R140)}} {{required_for_obj(change, R140)}} {{has_subtype(susceptibility, @R177)}} {{antonym_of(stability, R150)}} changeableness, instability, physical susceptibility; mutability, variability, inconstancy.

versatility, mobility; unstable equilibrium; fluctuation, vicissitude.

{{has_subtype: alternation &c. (oscillation) 314}}.

{{causes: transience &c. R111}}.

{{&caused_by: chemical reaction}}.

{{&caused_by: P2.6 Interactions}}.

{[of(person): @R605, vacillation, irresolution, restlessness; inconstancy, fickleness; fidgets, disquiet; disquietude, inquietude; unrest]}.

{[of(person)]} {{has_manifestation(irresolution, R605): agitation &c. R315}}.

{{property_of: chameleon, quicksilver, moon, Proteus, shifting sands, weathercock; harlequin, Cynthia of the minute, April showers[obs3]}}.

{{property_of}} wheel of Fortune; the fickle finger of fate.

V. [intransitive] change, fluctuate, vary, waver, shift, flounder, flicker.

{[of(person): waffle, blow with the wind (irresolute) 605}}.

flitter, flit, flutter, shuffle, shake, totter, tremble, vacillate, wamble[obs3]; sway to and fro, shift to and fro.

turn and turn about, ring the changes; change and change about; oscillate &c. 314; vibrate between two extremes, oscillate between two extremes; alternate; have as many phases as the moon.

Adj. changeable, changeful; mutable, variable, checkered, ever changing.

{{similar_to: ; changing &c. 140}}.

unsteady, unstable, unstaid[obs3], inconstant.

protean, proteiform[obs1]; versatile.

unfixed, unsettled; fluctuating, varying, changing, vacillating, trembling, flittering, fluttering; restless.

{[of(person): agitated &c. 315; erratic, fickle; irresolute &c. 605; capricious &c. 608]}.

touch and go; vibratory; vagrant, wayward; desultory; afloat; alternating; alterable, plastic, mobile; wavering.

{{causes: ; transient &c. 111}}.

inconsonant, fitful, spasmodic.

Adv. variably, varyingly, inconstantly; changeably, restlessly, vacillatingly; seesaw &c. (oscillation) 314; off and on.

Phr. "a rolling stone gathers no moss"; pictra mossa non fa muschis[It]; honores mutant mores[Lat]; varium et mutabile semper femina [Lat][Vergil]; "all that is transitory is but an illusion" [Goethe]..
<-- stability, as applied to matter, is a relative term. No matter is totally and permanently stable. This was an abstract concept in Roget.-->

P2.2.1.4 Stability

#150. Stability.

N. {{&has_property(matter)}} stability.

immutability, unchangeability, unalterability; unchangeableness[obs2]; constancy; stable equilibrium, soundness, vitality, stabiliment[obs3].

{{of(artifact)]} durability; reliability.

stiffness, ankylosis[Med.].



{{&caused_by(immobility): anchor, mooring}}.

{{&caused_by(immobility): fastener, P2.}}.

{{property_of}} establishment, fixture.

{{property_of: rock; pillar, tower; foundation}}.

{{has_metaphor}} leopard's spots; Ethiopia's skin.

{{has_high_intensity: permanence &c. 141}}.

{[of(person): @R826, inexcitability, coolness, composure, coolth[coll.], aplomb]}.

{[of(person): @R606, obstinacy, stubbornness]}.

{[of(person): @R604, determination, resolution}}.

{[of(person): @R604a, perseverance}}.

{{has_metaphor}} the rock of Gibraltar.

V. be stable.

resist change.

{[in_frame(chemistry)]} be unreactive.

{[of(person): @R604a, persevere, be firm &c. adj.; stick fast; stand firm, keep firm, remain firm; weather the storm, stay the course, stick to the course, keep the faith, don't give in, don't buckle under]}.

{[of(topic, R454)]} settle, establish, stablish[obs3], ascertain, fix, set, stabilitate[obs3]; retain, keep hold; make good, make sure.

[render immobile] fasten &c. (join) 43.

set on its legs, float; perpetuate.

[render stable] {[of(person)]} {{has_subtype(locate, @R184): settle down, settle in; strike roots, put down roots, take root; take up one's abode, take up permanent residence, take up residence; build one's house on a rock}}.

Adj. unchangeable, immutable; unaltered, unalterable; not to be changed, constant; invariable, undeviating; stable, durable.

{[of(plant)]} perennial &c. (diuturnal) 110.

{{has_high_intensity: permanent &c. 141}}.

fixed, steadfast, firm, fast; steady, balanced.

confirmed, valid; fiducial[obs3].

immobile, immovable, irremovable, riveted, rooted.

{[of(topic)]} settled, established, res judicata[Law].

vested; incontrovertible, stereotyped.

{[of(word)]} indeclinable.

tethered, anchored, moored, at anchor, on a rock, rock solid, firm as a rock; firmly seated, firmly established &c. v.; deep-rooted, ineradicable; inveterate; obstinate &c. 606.

transfixed, stuck fast, aground, high and dry, stranded.

[movable object rendered unmovable] stuck, jammed; unremovable; quiescent &c. 265; deterioration &c. 659.

indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable[obs3], incommutable[obs3], irresoluble[obs3].

{[of(decision)]} irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless[obs3].

inextinguishable, irreducible; indissoluble, indissolvable[obs3].

indestructible, undying, imperishable, incorruptible.

{[of(mark/effect)]} indelible, indeciduous[obs3].

insusceptible, insusceptible of change.

Int. stet.

Phr. stable as a rock; littera scripta manet[Lat].
P2.2.1.5 Mass. [[mass]]

{{affects(gravity, R319)}} mass, weight.

{{has_measure}} tun, cord, lump, bulk, block, loaf, mass, swad, clod, nugget.

P2.2.2 Properties of specific types of matter

P2.2.2.1 PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS..(R321 to R330)

<-- 321. Solidity (was Density) 322. Rarity

323. Hardness 324. Softness

325. Elasticity 326. Inelasticity

327. Tenacity 328. Brittleness

329. Texture

330. Pulverulence


<-- 331. Friction & 332. Lubrication to Physics P2.6.1 -->

<-- note density here refers to solid-type density, more porperly called soidity. The general concept of material density belongs above -->

#321. Solidity. -- N. {{has_property(physical solid, @P2.2.1.1)}} solidity; firmness, solidness.

density, compactness.

impenetrability, impermeability, imporosity[obs3].


{{similar_to: cohesiveness, cohesion &c. 46}}.

consistency, spissitude[obs1].

indivisibility, indiscerptibility[obs3].

insolubility, indissolvableness.

{{similar_to: hardness, R323}}.


V. be dense, be solid.

become solid, render solid, solidify, solidate[obs3]; concrete, set, take a set, cure, consolidate, congeal, coagulate; curd, curdle; lopper; fix, clot, cake, candy; precipitate, deposit, cohere, crystallize.

{{similar_to: petrify &c. (harden) 323}}.

{{has_subtype(solidify)}} condense, thicken, gel, inspissate[obs3], incrassate[obs3]; compress, squeeze, ram down, constipate[obs2].

Adj. dense, solid.


{{has_subtype(solidified)}} condensed, congealed; precipitated, deposited, coagulated; crystallized.

{{has_subtype(solidified)}} caseous; pukka[obs3]; coherent, cohesive &c. 46; compact, close, serried, thickset.

substantial, massive, lumpish[obs3].

impenetrable, impermeable, nonporous, imporous[obs3].

incompressible; constipated[obs2].

concrete &c. (hard) 323; knotted, knotty; gnarled; crystalline, crystallizable; thick, grumous[obs1], stuffy.

undissolved, unmelted[obs3], unliquefied[obs3], unthawed[obs3].

indivisible, indiscerptible[obs3], infrangible[obs3].

indissolvable[obs3], indissoluble, insoluble, infusible.
<-- Roget had some aspects of gaseousness here. Those were removed to the entry Gas, R334 -->

#322. Rarity. -- N. {{has_property(network)}} rarity, tenuousness, tenuity; absence of solidity, absence of hardness, lack of hardness; subtlety, subtility[obs3], subtilty[obs3].

sponginess, compressibility.

rarefaction, expansion, dilatation, inflation, subtilization[obs3].

{{property_of}} sponge; foam.

{{has_subtype(sponge)}} natural sponge; synthetic sponge.

{{has_subtype(foam)}} polyurethane foam; polystyrene foam.

V. {{antonym_of(compress, R195)}} rarefy, decompress, expand, dilate, subtilize[obs3].

Adj. rare, subtle, subtile, thin, fine, tenuous, compressible, flimsy, slight.

light &c. 320; cavernous, spongy &c. (hollow) 252.

rarefied &c. v.; insubstantial, unsubstantial.

uncompressed, uncompact[obs3], incompressed[obs3].

expandable, rarefiable[obs3].
#323. Hardness. -- N. hardness.

stiffness, inflexibility, rigidity; renitence[obs3], renitency; temper, callosity, durity [obs1].

{{caused_by}} induration, petrifaction; lapidification[obs3], lapidescence[obs3]; vitrification, ossification; crystallization.

{{has_measure}} Moh's scale.

{{has_measure(stiffness)}} Young's modulus; coefficient of restoration.

{{property_of: @P2., Natural Solid, stone, pebble, rock, flint, marble, crag, crystal, quartz, granite, adamant}}.

{{property_of: bone, fossil, cartilage}}.

{{property_of: @P2., hardware; heart of oak, block, board, deal board; iron, steel; cast iron, decarbonized iron, wrought iron; nail; brick, concrete; cement}}.

V. render hard &c. adj.; harden, stiffen, indurate, petrify.

temper; ossify; vitrify; crust over, accrust[obs3].

Adj. hard.

rigid, stiff, firm; starch, starched; stubborn; stark, unbending, unlimber, unyielding; inflexible, tense; indurate, indurated.

gritty, proof.

adamant, adamantine, adamantean[obs3].

concrete, stony, granite, granitic, calculous, lithic[obs3]; rocky.

glassy, vitreous.

horny, corneous[obs3]; bony, osseous, ossific[obs3]; cartilaginous.

rock-hard, hard as a rock; stiff as buckram, stiff as a poker; stiff as starch, stiff as as board; hard as nails.

#324. Softness. -- N. softness, pliableness, pliancy, pliability; flexibility; sequacity[obs3], malleability.

tenderness, suppleness, litheness.

ductility, tractility[obs3], extendibility, extensibility; formability.

plasticity; inelasticity, flaccidity, limpness, laxity.


{{property_of}} clay, wax, butter, dough, pudding.

{{property_of}} alumina, argil.

{{property_of}} cushion, pillow; mattress.

{{property_of}} down, padding, wadding;foam.

mollification; softening,

{{has_subtype(mattress)}} feather bed, feather mattress.

{{constitutes(down)}} down comforter; feather pillow.

V. render soft, soften; mollify, mellow, relax, temper.

[transitive] mash, knead, squash, work.

[intransitive] bend, yield, relax, give.

{{has_metaphor}} {[of(person): @R762, yield, relent, give in]}.


Adj. soft, tender, supple; pliant, pliable; flexible, flexile; lithe, lithesome.

lissom, limber, plastic.

{[of(metal)]} ductile; malleable, extensile, formable.


tractable, tractile[obs3].

{[of(carpet)]} deep piled.

yielding, bending, sagging; flabby, limp, flimsy.

doughy, spongy; penetrable.

foamy, plush, cushy[coll.], cushiony[obs3].

flaccid, flocculent, downy; edematous, oedematous[obs3], medullary[Anat], argillaceous, mellow.

soft as butter, soft as down, soft as silk; yielding as wax, tender as chicken.

{[of(person)]} pliant, agreeable, sequacious[obs3].

#325. Elasticity. -- N. {{has_subtype(restorability, R145)}} elasticity, springiness, spring, resilience, renitency; buoyancy.

{{property_of: rubber, India(n) rubber, latex, caoutchouc gum elastic, natural rubber; neoprene, synthetic rubber, Buna-S; plastic; Spandex; whalebone, baleen}}.


{{property_of: spring, R633, P2.}}.

{{has_measure: Young's modulus, @R327a}}.

V. stretch, flex, extend, distend, be elastic &c. adj.; bounce, spring back &c. (recoil) 277.

Adj. elastic, flexible, tensile, spring, springy, resilient, renitent, buoyant; ductile, stretchable, extendable.

Phr. Hooke's law, the stress is proportional to the strain.
#326. Inelasticity. -- N. want of elasticity, absence of elasticity, absence of resilience.

{{has_subtype: brittleness, R328}}.

{{has_subtype: softness, R324)}}.

Adj. inelastic.

{{has_subtype: @R323, unyielding, rigid}}.

{{has_subtype: @324, inflexible, soft.

not resilitent, not elastic, irresilient[obs3].

<-- strength was included in this entry, but we need separate categories for gooeyness and tensile strength, which are quite different. So strength is in 327a. -->

#327. Tenacity. -- N. {{has_subtype((cohesion) R46}} tenacity.

grip, grasp, stickiness, gooeyness; sequacity[obs3].


{[of(person: stubbornness &c. (obstinacy)]}.

gumminess, glutinousness[obs3], sequaciousness[obs3].

{{is_high_level_of: @R352, viscosity, viscidity, semiliquidity}}.

{{property_of: @P2., glue, mucilage; cement}}.

{{property_of: @P2., adhesive tape; gummed paper; fly paper}}.

{{property_of: @P2., Velcro}}.

{{property_of(toughness)}} {{&has_part(meat)}} gristle, cartilage.

{{property_of: saran wrap, plastic wrap}}

V. be tenacious &c. adj.

grip, grasp, stick (cohesion) 46.

Adj. tenacious, tough, strong, resisting.

sticking, sticking fast.

gluey, sticky, tacky, gooey, adhesive, sequacious[obs3]; gummy; pasty.

{{is_high_level_of: @R352, thick, syrupy, viscous}}.

stringy, gristly cartilaginous.

leathery, coriaceous[obs3], tough as whitleather[obs3]; stubborn &c. (obstinate) 606.

Phr. cling like sin.
#327a. Strength

strength, strongness, unbreakability.

unbreakability, tensile strength.

{{has_measure(tensile strength)}} Young's modulus.

{{property_of}} leather; white leather, whitleather[obs3].

{{property_of: steel, reinforced concrete}}.

{{&caused_by}} reinforcement.

V. be strong; resist fracture.

resist tear, resist tearing.

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