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#799a. Stock Market.

N. {{function_of(investment/speculation)}} securities exchange.

stock market, stock exchange; bourse, board; bond market.

the market, the open market; over-the-counter market, OTC market.

privately traded issues.

commodities exchange, futures exchange, futures market.

the pit, the floor.

ticker, stock ticker, quotation; stock index, market index.

[person or firm trading securities] broker, stockbroker, jobber, stock dealer, odd-lot dealer; specialist.

{{performed_by(investment): investor, P2.}}.

{{has_instance}} the big board, the New York Stock Exchange; the American Stock Exchange; the NASDAQ exchange; the London exchange.

{{has_instance(market index)}} the Dow Jones Index, the Dow Industrials, the transportation index, utilities, the utilities index; the New York Stock Exchange index, the Nikkei index [Japan]; the Financial Times index, the FTI [England], the over-the-counter index, NASDAQ index.

V. speculate, invest, trade, trade stocks, play the market; buy long, sell short, take a position, straddle; take a plunge, plunge in, take a flier [coll.].
P2. Prison.

N. {{function_of(restraint, /isolation, R893)}} prison, prison house, jail, gaol, pokey[slang], stir[slang].

house of correction, hulks, penitentiary, pen.

guardroom, lockup, hold.

cage, coop, den, cell; stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, oubliette, bridewell[obs3]; round house, watch house, station house, sponging house; station; black hole.

{[of(animal)]} pen, fold, pound.

tollbooth, panopticon[obs3].

inclosure &c. 232; penal settlement, penal colony; bilboes, stocks, limbo, quod*[Lat]; calaboose, chauki[obs3], choky[obs3], thana[obs3]; workhouse [U.S.].

Newgate, Fleet, Marshalsea; King's (or Queen's) Bench.

V. do time, serve time.

imprison, jail.

send up the river[coll.].

Adv. under arrest; doing time.

<-- [[room]] -->

P2. Room

N. {{has_part(building)}} room, chamber, apartment.]



lobby, vestibule, anteroom, antechamber; hall, hallway, corridor, passage.

{{&has_part}} aisle.

{{property_of(multiplicity)}} suite of rooms, apartment [U.S.], flat.

saloon, salon, parlor; by-room, cubicle; presence chamber; sitting room, best room, keeping room, drawing room, lounge, reception room, state room; gallery, cabinet, closet; pew, box; boudoir; adytum, sanctum; bedroom, dormitory; refectory, dining room, salle-a-manger; nursery, schoolroom; library, study; studio; billiard room, smoking room; den; stateroom, tablinum, tenement.

[room for defecation and urination] bath room, bathroom, toilet, lavatory, powder room; john, jakes, necessary, loo; [in public places] men's room, ladies' room, rest room; [fixtures: see 653 (uncleanness)].

attic, loft, garret, cockloft, clerestory; cellar, vault, hold, cockpit; cubbyhole; cook house; entre-sol; mezzanine floor; ground floor, rez-de-chaussee; basement, kitchen, pantry, bawarchi-khana, scullery, offices; storeroom &c. (depository) 636; lumber room; dairy, laundry.

{{has_part(room)}} door, passageway door; wall; ceiling; floor.

{{has_subtype(room)}} kitchen; living room; dining room; den; bedroom; bathroom; nursery; playroom; attic.

{{has_part(kitchen)}} kitchen sink; stove; oven; pantry; kitchen cabinet.

{{has_part(bathroom)}} plumbing fixture, bathroom fixture.

{{has_subtype(bathroom fixture)}} sink; tub, bathtub, bath, washtub; shower; toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne; urinal.

{{has_part(sink/bathtub)}} faucet, tap, spigot.

{{property_of(specialized)}} special-purpose room.

{{has_subtype(special-purpose room)}} pressure chamber; decompression chamber; wind tunnel; laboratory; operating room; recovery room; cell, jail cell.

{{has_subtype(special-purpose room)}} {{has_subtype(laboratory)}} incubator room, fermentor room; sterile room; containment room, isolation chamber.

P2. Tower

N. {{property_of(highness, R206a)}} tower, pillar, column.


{{has_part(building)}} steeple, spire, campanile, turret; dome, cupola; minaret.

lookout tower; transmission tower, antenna.

{{has_subtype(transmission tower)}} microwave relay tower.

{{has_part(church, @R1000, P2. ): belfry, bell tower}}.

<-- [[road]] -->

P2. Way

N. {{function_of(travel)}} way; thoroughfare; passage, passageway.

road, roadway; route; lane; path.

{{has_subtype(route)}} seaway, sea lane, ship route, trade route; air route; line.

{{has_subtype(path)}} crossing, crosswalk; pathway, footpath; bridle path; walk, walkway.

{{has_subtype(walkway)}} boardwalk; catwalk; promenade, mall; sidewalk, foot pavement.

{{has_subtype(road)}} highway, motorway; bypass, circumferential, ring road; causeway; detour, roundabout way; driveway, drive, private road; drive; street, local road.

{{has_subtype(highway)}} {{location_of(Germany)}} autobahn.

{{has_subtype(highway)}} {{location_of(Italy)}} Appian Way.

{{has_subtype(highway)}} expressway, freeway; state highway; county road; pike, turnpike; parkway; highroad, main road, royal road; byway; post road; shortcut, cut off; speedway; artery, main artery;

{{has_subtype(street)}} avenue, boulevard; main street; circle; court; drive; alley, alleyway, back street; blind alley, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, dead end, impasse.

{{has_part(road)}} {{has_subtype(surface)}} pavement, paving.

{{has_subtype(track)}} rut; portage; trail; ski run; railroad, railroad track, railway.

{{has_subtype(railway)}} cable car, cable railway, funicular, funicular railway; broad gauge; narrow gauge; elevated railway, elevated railroad, el; roller coaster, big dipper, chute-the-chute; line, railway line; trunk line, trunk route; metro, subway, tube, underground; scenic railway; cog railway, rack railway; tramline, tramway, streetcar track.

{{has_subtype(line)}} trolley line, trolley; bus line, bus route.

{{has_part(railway)}} switch; siding, railroad siding, sidetrack.
P2. Dam

N. {{location_of(reservoir/lake, R343)}} {{has_subtype(structure)}} {{has_subtype(restraint, P2.}} dam.

concrete dam; earth dam.

hydroelectric dam.

coffer dam.

{{has_part}} spillway.
P2. Simple Tools & devices . (POTOOL)

<-- include WN: device) -->

N. device; tool.

{{has_subtype(device.)}} applicator; acoustic device; adapter, adaptor; airfoil, aerofoil; bait, decoy, lure; seal, stamp; breathing device; catapult, launcher; comb; comforter, pacifier, baby's dummy, teething ring; converter, convertor; damper; detector, sensor; fire extinguisher; guard, safety; indicator; keyboard; knocker, door knocker; signal; light, source of illumination; lifting device; lighter, light; magnet; match, matches, lucifer, friction match; memory device; override; prod, goad; prompter, teleprompter, autocue; prophylactic, prophylactic device; reflector; reset; stabilizer; stencil; stylus; support; trap; washboard.

{{has_subtype(lifting device)}} winch, windlass; crane; elevator, lift; hoist; dumbwaiter.

P2. Simple Tools & devices generally

P2. common components of Simple Tools & devices [[component]]

P2. Restraint (R752)

#752. Restraint.

N. {{function_of(hindrance, R706/restraint, R751)}} restraint, curb; holding device.

bond; bandage; irons, pinion, gyve, fetter, shackle, trammel, manacle, handcuff, straight jacket, strait jacket, strait-jacket, strait-waistcoat, hopples[obs3]; vice, vise.

rail, wall, stone wall; paling, palisade; fence, picket fence, barbed wire fence, Cyclone fence, stockade fence, chain-link fence; barrier, barricade.

{{has_low_level: drag &c. (hindrance) R706}}.

{{has_subtype(shackle)}} ball and chain; fetter, hobble; handcuffs, handcuff, cuffs, cuff, handlock, manacle; iron, irons, chain, chains.

{[of(water)]} {{has_subtype: dam, P2.}}.

catch, stop.

{{has_subtype(stop)}} ratchet, pawl, detent, click, dog, larigo[obs3].

P2. fastener [[fastener]]

N. {{has_subtype(connection, R45)}} fastener, fastening, connector, tie.

ligament, ligature; strap; tackle, rigging; standing rigging, running rigging; traces, harness; brace, roller, fillet; inkle[obs3]; with, withe, withy; thong, braid; girder, tiebeam; girth, girdle, cestus[obs3]; noose, lasso, surcingle, cabestro [obs3][U. S.], cinch, lariat, legadero[obs3], oxreim[obs3].

garter, halter; suspenders.

band ribband, bandage, Band-Aid..

{{has_subtype(connection)}} tendon, tendril; fiber; cord, cordage; riband, ribbon, rope, guy, cable, line, halser[obs1], hawser, painter, moorings, wire, chain; string &c. (filament) 205.

{{has_subtype(connection)}} {{constitutes(metal)}} pin, corking pin; nail, brad, tack; skewer, staple, corrugated fastener; clamp, U-clamp, C-clamp; cramp, cramp iron; terret[obs3], treenail, screw; stud; button, buckle; tag; tooth; hook, hook and eye, tenterhook; rivet; anchor, grappling iron, trennel[obs3], stake, post; spar, horse; bellyband; belt buckle; clasp; cleat; clip; bulldog clip, alligator clip; paperclip, paper clip; hook and eye; snap fastener.

{{has_subtype: P2., lock}}.

{{has_subtype: @P2., catch, latch}}.

clothespin, clothes pin, clothes peg; cringle, eyelet, gasket, loop, grommet; dowel, dowel pin, joggle; fillet.

{{has_subtype(pin)}} hat pin; barrette; straight pin; hairpin, bobby pin; peg, tent peg; wrist pin, gudgeon pin; rivet; safety pin, safety-pin; skewer; spit; toggle.

V. fasten, make fast.

{{has_subtype: @P2., cement, glue, paste &c. n.}}.

P2. Stopper

#263. Stopper. [[stopper]]

N. {{has_part(container)}} {{function_of(closure, R261, P1.}} {{location_of(opening)}} stopper, stopple; plug, cork, bung; stop-gap; seal.

wadding, stuffing, padding, stopping.


rammer[obs3]; ram, ramrod; piston; dossil[obs3], pledget[obs3], tompion[obs3]; tourniquet.

{{has_subtype(stopper): @R223, cover, lid, top}}

{{&has_part(stopper): @P2. latch, lock, bolt}}.

{{location_of(door, entry): janitor, doorkeeper, porter, warder, beadle, cerberus, ostiary[obs3]}}.

{{has_subtype(seal)}} piston ring; bushing; ferrule; washer.

{{has_subtype(washer)}} lock washer, lockring.

V. stop, stopper; plug, seal.

P2. Valve

N. {{has_subtype(stopper)}} {{function_of(control)}} valve, vent peg, spigot, slide valve.

{{has_subtype(valve)}} needle valve.

stopcock; spill, tap.
P2. Lock

N. {{&has_part(stopper/door/cover)}} lock, holdfast[obs3].

{{needed_for(key)}} tumbler lock, cylinder lock; deadbolt lock; spring lock; padlock; doorlock; lever lock.

combination lock; time lock.

{{&has_part(door)}} bolt, deadbolt, bar, police lock; night latch.

{{has_part(vehicle)}} {{needed_for(key)}} ignition lock.

{{has_part(computer)}} {{needed_for(key)}} keyboard lock.

{{has_part(window)}} sash fastener, sash lock, window lock.

P2. Latch

N. {{has_subtype(fastener, P2.}} latch, bolt, clasp, hasp, hank, catch, latchet[obs3].

hinge; hook.

{{has_part(firearm)}} safety catch.

V. latch; hook.
P2. Brake

N. brake.

air brake; hand brake; hydraulic brake; emergency brake.

drum brake; disc brake.

V. brake; apply the brake, put on the brake, step on the brake.
P2. Leash, tether

N. {{function_of(control)}} leash, tether.

yoke, collar; halter, harness.

rein, reins; bearing rein; bit, brake, snaffle, bridle; martingale; leading string; picket, band, guy, chain; cavesson[obs3], hackamore [obs3][U.S.], headstall, jaquima [obs3][U.S.], lines, ribbons.

cord &c. (fastening) 45.

muzzle, gag.

safety belt, safety-belt, life belt, safety harness.

{{has_subtype(safety belt)}} {{has_part(vehicle)}} seatbelt, seat-belt.

P2. anchor

N. {{has_part(boat)}} anchor, sea anchor, drogue.

drag anchor.

V. anchor, drop anchor.

{{antonym_of(drop anchor): weigh anchor}}.
P2. shackle

N. shackle, fetter, bond, bonds, hamper, trammel, trammels.

{{location_of(hands)}} handcuffs, handcuff, cuffs, manacle.

{{location_of(legs)}} ball and chain.

stocks, pillory, bilbo.

P2. Knot

knot; hitch.

bow, bowknot; love knot, lover's knot; bowline; carrick bend; cat's-paw; figure eight, figure of eight; fisherman's bend; granny knot; hawser bend.

loop knot; Matthew Walker; overhand knot; prolonge knot, sailor's breastplate; reef knot, flat knot; sheepshank; slipknot; square knot; surgeon's knot; true lover's knot; Turk's head; Gordian knot.

{[of(necktie)]} Windsor knot; four-in-hand.

{{has_subtype(hitch)}} Blackwall hitch; clove hitch; half hitch; sheet bend, becket bend, weaver's knot, weaver's hitch; timber hitch; rolling hitch; magnus hitch.
P2. instrument (symb. POINSTR) [[instrument]]

#633. Instrument.

N. instrument, device, tool, implement.

apparatus; equipment, equipmentage[obs3].

machinery, mechanism; engineering.

organ, utensil.

machine, engine.


{{has_subtype(machine)}} lathe, gin, mill.

air engine, caloric engine, heat engine.

gear; tackle, tackling, rig, rigging; plant, materiel; harness, trappings, fittings, accouterments; barde[obs3]; chattels; paraphernalia &c. (belongings) 780.

{{has_subtype: @P2., appointments, furniture}}.


{{property_of(lever)}} mechanical powers; leverage; mechanical advantage.

{{has_subtype(lever)}} crow, crowbar; handspike[obs3], gavelock[obs3], jemmy[obs3], jimmy, arm, limb, wing.

oar, paddle.

{{has_subtype: wheel &c. (rotation) 312}}.

{{part_of(wheel, R312)}} pulley; wheel and axle; wheelwork, clockwork; wheels within wheels; pinion, crank, winch; cam; pedal; capstan &c. (lift) 307; inclined plane; wedge; screw; spring, mainspring; can hook, glut, heald[obs3], heddle[obs3], jenny, parbuckle[obs3], sprag[obs3], water wheel.

{{has_part}} {{function_of(grasping/gripping)}} handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, shank.

blade, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, key; turnscrew, screwdriver; knocker.

hammer &c. (impulse) 276.

{{has_subtype: @P2., @R253a, cutting Instrument, knife edge tool}}.

borer &c. 262; vice, teeth, &c. (hold) 781.

nail, rope &c. (join) 45.


gummed paper.; stamp, postage stamp.

peg &c. (hang) 214; support &c. 215; spoon &c. (vehicle) 272; arms &c. 727; oar &c. (navigation) 267; cardiograph, recapper[obs3], snowplow, tenpenny[obs3], votograph[obs3].

{{has_subtype(tape)}} {{property_of(tenacity, R327)}} @P2., sxadhesive tape; fly paper.

{{has_subtype(adhesive tape)}} bandage; clear adhesive tape, Scotch tape; masking tape, duct tape; electrical tape.

{{has_instance(bandage)}} Band-Aid, bandaid.

drafting instrument; surveying instrument.

{{has_subtype(drafting instrument)}} compass; dividers; drafting board, drawing board; protractor; triangle; T-square.

{{has_subtype(surveying instrument)}} surveyor' level; dumpy level; plane table; range pole; theodolite, transit; tachymeter, tacheometer.
Adj. instrumental &c. 631; mechanical, machinal[obs3]; brachial[Med].

P2. Instruments generally

P2. perception-enhancing instruments R445

<-- (instruments to extend the human senses)

TE 345 radar and radiolocators

445 optical instruments -->

P2. Optical Instruments R445 {{has_part: lens/mirror}}.

#445. Optical Instruments. -- N. optical instruments.

{{&has_part}} lens, meniscus.

{{has_subtype(lens)}} burning glass; convex lens; concave lens; convexo-concave lens; coated lens; multiple lens, compound lens, lens system.

{{has_subtype(lens system)}} telephoto lens, long-distance lens; wide-angle lens; fish-eye lens; zoom lens.

{{part_of(lens)}} {{function_of(vision enhancement, @M6.}} magnifier, sunglass, magnifying glass, reading glass, hand lens; microscope, megascope[obs3], tienoscope[obs3].

{{part_of(lens)}} {{function_of(vision correction, @M6.}} spectacles, specs [coll.], glasses, barnacles, eyeglasses, eyeglass; pince-nez; monocle; lorgnette.

{{has_subtype(eyeglasses)}} reading glasses, bifocals, trifocals; contact lenses, soft lenses, hard lenses; sunglasses, dark glasses, shades[coll.].

{{part_of(lens)}} {{function_of(vision enhancement, @M6.}} telescope, glass; spyglass.

{{has_function(telescope): @M6., distance viewing}}.

{{has_patient(distance viewing)}} {{property_of(distant}} distant object.

{{has_function(microscope): @M6., microscopic viewing}}.

{{has_patient(microscopic viewing)}} {{property_of(small)}} small object.

{{property_of(dual)}} opera glass, binocular, binoculars, field glass.

{{part_of(lens)}} optical bench.

{{has_subtype(telescope)}} optical telescope; radio telescope; X-ray telescope.

{{has_subtype(optical telescope)}} astronomical telescope; reflecting telescope, reflector; refracting telescope, refractor; Newtonian telescope, folded-path telescope; finder telescope, spotter telescope; chromatoscope; ultraviolet telescope; infrared telescope; star spectroscope; space telescope.

{{has_subtype(radiotelescope)}} phased-array telescope, Very Large Array radiotelescope.

{{has_subtype(reflecting telescope)}} Cassegranian telescope, Gregorian telescope; coude telescope, coude system; Herschelian telescope; Maksutov telescope; Newtonian telescope, Newtonian reflector; Schmidt telescope, Schmidt camera.

{{has_part(telescope)}} altazimuth mount; equatorial mount.


{{has_subtype(microscope)}} compound microscope; phase-contrast microscope; dark-field microscope; fluorescence microscope; dissecting microscope; electron microscope.

{{has_subtype(electron microscope)}} transmission electron microscope, TEM; scanning electron microscope, SEM; scanning tunneling electron microscope; field-emission microscope.

{{has_part(microscope)}} objective lens, eyepiece, barrel, platform, focusing knob; slide, slide glass, cover glass, counting chamber; illuminator, light source, polarizer,

{{has_part(telescope/microscope/binoculars/periscope)}} reticle, cross-hairs.

light pipe, fiber optics

mirror, reflector, speculum; looking-glass, pier-glass, cheval-glass, rear-view mirror, hand mirror, one-way mirror, magnifying mirror, shaving mirror.

[room with distorting mirrors] fun house.

{device to bend light or divide light into components} prism, diffraction grating; beam splitter.

{device to change the phase of light} half-wave plate, quarter-wave plate.

{{needs(photography, @P2.}} camera; camera lucida[Lat], camera obscura[Lat].

{{has_subtype(camera)}} still camera; movie camera; video camera, TV camera.

{{has_subtype(still camera)}} 35mm camera, thirty-five-millimeter camera, thirty-five millimeter; box camera, brownie.

{{has_part(camera)}} lens, camera lens; body, camera body; lens cap; shutter; iris; shutter release, shutter button; rewind crank; film advance lever, advance lever, advance; viewfinder.

{{&has_part(camera)}} film speed selector; shutter speed selector; exposure adjustment; hot shoe, flash attachment; flash; exposure meter; focusing ring; range finder; timer, self-timer; mode selector.

{{has_subtype(flash)}} built-in flash; flash attachment; detached flash; strobe, electronic flash.

{{has_subtype(range finder)}} sonar focus, sonar focus transducer; split focus.

magic lantern &c. (show) 448; stereopticon; chromatrope[obs3], thaumatrope[obs3]; stereoscope, pseudoscope[obs3], polyscope[obs3], kaleidoscope.

abdominoscope[obs3], gastroscope[Med], helioscope[obs3], polariscope[obs3], polemoscope[obs3], spectroscope.

abdominoscopy[obs3]; gastroscopy[Med]; microscopy, microscopist.

periscope, periscopic lens[obs2].

<-- TV cameras, monitors CCTV

x-ray machines

microphones, earphones

sniffers (CO, ODOR)

P2. measuring instruments (other than optical, P2.

(symb. POMEAS)

N. {{function_of(measurement, R466)}} measuring instrument, measuring device, meter.

{{has_part}} {{has_representation(measurement)}} indicator, scale, readout.

{{has_subtype(readout)}} dial; display.
P2. Specific Measuring instruments [[meter]]

N. bathometer[obs3], galvanometer, heliometer, interferometer ombrometer[obs3], pantometer[obs3], pluviometer[obs3], pneumatometer[obs3], pneumometer[obs3], radiometer.

{{measured_by(refractive index)}} refractometer.

respirometer, rheometer, spirometer[obs3], telemeter, udometer[obs3], vacuometer[obs3], variometer[obs3], viameter[obs3].

barometer (air pressure, air &c. 338).

anemometer (wind velocity, 349), dynamometer, goniometer (angle 244).

landmark &c. (location)(limit) 233; marigraph[obs3], pneumatograph[obs3], stethograph[obs3].

rain gauge, rain gage; voltmeter(volts) , ammeter(amps); geiger counter(radioactivity), scintillation counter(radioactivity).

{{has_subtype(vessel, @P2.}} {{measured_by(volume)}} graduated cylinder; volumetric flask; burette; graduated pipette.

{{has_subtype(vessel, @P2.}} {{measured_by(density)}} pycnometer.

radar gun (velocity); side-looking radar (shape, topography); sonar (depth in water); clock, watch, stopwatch, chronometer (time, time interval).

{{measured_by(wind velocity)}} anemometer.

{{measured_by(force, @P2.4.2.3)}} piezoelectric crystal.

seismometer, accelerometer, earthquake detector;

{{measured_by(molecular mass)}} mass spectrometer

{{measured_by(weight, R319)}} scale.

{{measured_by(mass)}} balance.

{{has_subtype(instrument)}} mechanical instrument; electrical instrument; electronic instrument.

<-- && break out circuits into their own heading? -->

{{has_part(electronic instrument)}} signal-processing circuit.

{{measured_by(length, R200, P1.}} ruler; measuring tape, tape; yardstick.

{{measured_by(length, R200, P1.}} micrometer; caliper, calipers; vernier, vernier caliper.

{{measured_by(distance)}} odometer; pedometer, perambulator[obs2]; range finder.

{{measured_by(distance)}} {{needed_for(radio wave)}} radar.

{{measured_by(molecular structure)}} X-ray diffractometer.

{{measured_by(angle)}} goniometer; protractor.

{{measured_by(force, @P2.4.2.3): @P2., scale, spring balance, spring scale}}.

{{measured_by(nuclear magnetic resonance, @P2.6.1.7)}} magnetic resonance spectrometer, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, NMR machine.

{{has_subtype(nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer)}} proton magnetic resonance spectrometer. PMR spectrometer.

P2. Thermometer R389

#389. Thermometer. -- N. {{measured_by(temperature)}} thermometer.

thermometrograph[obs3], mercury thermometer, alcohol thermometer, clinical thermometer, dry-bulb thermometer, Anschutz thermometer[Ger], gas thermometer; color-changing temperature indicator; thermopile, thermoscope[obs3]; cryometer; pyrometer.

{{property_of(electrical)}} thermistor, thermocouple; telethermometer.

{{part_of}} pyrometer, calorimeter, bomb calorimeter.

{{measured_by(humidity)}} wet-bulb thermometer.

{{part_of}} {{function_of(temperature regulation}} thermostat, thermoregulator.

P2. Light meters, spectrometers

N. {{measured_by(light intensity)}} light meter, light detector.

{{has_part(light meter)}} {{measured_by(light intensity)}} photocell; diode, photodiode; photometer, eriometer[obs3], actinometer[obs3], lucimeter[obs3], radiometer; photomultiplier, photomultiplier tube.

{{measured_by(light emission)}} spectroscope; spectrograph.

{{measured_by(light absorption)}} colorimeter; spectrometer, spectrophotometer; photodiode array, diode array.

{{has_subtype(spectrophotometer)}} recording spectrophotometer.

{{measured_by(light scattering)}} turbidimeter, nephelometer.

{{measured_by(light intensity)}} spectrometer, monochrometer; UV spectrometer, visible spectrometer; Infrared spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FTIR; recording spectrometer; densitometer, scanning densitometer, two-dimensional densitometer.

P2. Chronometer

N. {{measured_by(time, R106/period, R108)}} clock, chronometer, chronoscope[obs3].

wall clock, pendulum clock, grandfather's clock, cuckoo clock.

watch; wristwatch; pocket watch.

{{function_of(timimg)}} timer; stopwatch, chronograph.

atomic clock; caesium clock.

{{function_of(audible signal)}} alarm clock, alarm, clock radio.

digital clock; analog clock, quartz watch; water clock, water glass, clepsydra[obs3]; repeater; timekeeper, timepiece.

dial, sundial, gnomon, horologe, pendulum; hourglass, sandglass; ghurry[obs3].

{{has_instance(watch)}} Swiss watch; Timex watch; Rollex watch.

P2. Penetrating Instruments

N. {{function_of(penetration, P2.}} penetrating instrument.

P2. cutting Instruments [[knife]] (R253a)

#253a. Cutting Instruments.

N. {{function_of(cutting)}}{{property_of(sharpness, R253)}} cutting instrument.

knife; axe, ax.

{{has_part(knife)}} ((property_of(sharp, R253)}} knife edge, cutting edge; blade, edge tool; razor blade.

{{has_subtype(knife)}} cutlery; penknife, whittle; razor, safety razor, straight razor, electric razor; scalpel; bistoury[obs3], lancet.

plowshare, coulter, colter[obs3].

{{has_subtype(axe)}} hatchet, pickax, mattock, pick, adze, gill.

billhook, cleaver, cutter; scythe, sickle; scissors, shears, pruning shears, cutters, wire cutters, nail clipper, paper cutter; sword &c. (arms) 727; bodkin &c. (perforator) 262; belduque[obs3], bowie knife[obs3]; bushwhacker [U.S.]; drawing knife, drawing shave; microtome[Microbiol]; chisel, screwdriver blade; flint blade; guillotine.

{{has_subtype(cooking implement, P2.}} paring knife; slicing knife; chopping knife; bread knife; potato peeler, vegetable peeler; corer; kitchen shears; biscuit cutter; ice pick.

punch, die.
P2. piercing objects (R252b)

#253b. Piercing object.

N. {{property_of(sharpness, R253)}} {{formed_by(opening, R260)}} piercing object.

{{has_part}} point.

spike, spine, spicule[Biol], spiculum[obs3]; prick, prickle; spur, rowel, barb; spit, cusp; horn, antler; snag.

{{has_part(prickly plant, R367a, P2.}} thorn; spine, needle; beard, chevaux de frise[Fr], comb; awn, bur, burr; catchweed[obs3], cleavers, clivers[obs3]}}.

{{constitutes(metal)}} needle, stiletto, bodkin, hypodermic needle.

{{similar_to: tack, nail, pin, @fastener, P2.}}.

P2. Perforator (R262)

#262. Perforator. -- N. perforator, piercer, chisel, gimlet, stylet[obs3], wimble[obs3], awl, bradawl, scoop, terrier, dibble, trocar[Med], trepan, probe, rimer, warder, lancet; punch, puncheon; spikebit[obs3], gouge; spear &c. (weapon) 727; puncher; punching machine, punching press; punch pliers.

{{property_of(rotation)}} drill, borer, auger; corkscrew.

{{has_subtype(drill)}} brace and bit.

{{has_subtype(drill)}} {{property_of(electrical, @R157a)}} hand drill; reversible drill; variable-speed drill; drill press.

P2. hammer [[hammer]]

N. {{function_of(impel, R276,P2.4.2.3)}} hammer; sledge hammer, sledge;lump hammer; mall, maul, mallet; ball peen hammer; tack hammer.

{{function_of(impel, R276,P2.4.2.3)}} flail; ram, rammer[obs3]; battering ram, monkey, punch, bat; cant hook; cudgel &c. (weapon) 727; ax &c. (sharp) 253.

<-- powered machines should be elsewhere P2. -->
P2. press {{function_of(impel, R276,P2.4.2.3)}}

press; stamping machine; coin press.

P2. Manipulating instruments

N. manipulator.

micromanipulator; remote manipulator
P2. sorting instruments

{{function_of(sorting/separation, @R44/isolation, @R55)}} {{uses(arrangement, R60)}} mesh, riddle; sorter.

card sorter.

{{has_part(sorter)}} bin.

{{has_subtype(mesh)}} {{property_of(porosity, R252a, P1.}} sieve, screen, net.

{{has_subtype(mesh)}} {{property_of(porosity, R252a, P1.}} {{function_of(clarification, @R652)}} strainer; filter; frit.

{{has_subtype(mesh)}} {{property_of(porosity, R252a, P1.}} cloth.

{{has_subtype(mesh)}} {{property_of(porosity, R252a, P1.}} sponge, honeycomb.

P2. Rotator

N. {{function_of(rotation, R312)}} rotator.

wheel; rotor; capstan.

carousel, merry-go-round, whirligig; top, dreidel,teetotum[obs3]; gyroscope; turntable, lazy suzan; screw; gear; roller; jack; drill, augur, oil rig; windmill rotor.


{{has_subtype(wheel)}} roulette wheel; potter's wheel; pinwheel; flywheel; fantail, fly tackle; Ferris wheel.

{{part_of(windmill rotor)}} {{function_of(grinding)}} windmill.

{{part_of}} {{has_subtype(electricity generator)}} wind turbine.

{{has_subtype(wheel)}} pulley wheel; wagon wheel; tire, tyre[Brit]; water wheel; caster.

{{function_of(lifting)}} {{part_of(pulley wheel)}} pulley.

{{has_subtype(rotor)}} {{function_of(sedimentation/separation)}} centrifuge.

{{has_subtype(centrifuge)}} ultracentrifuge, bench centrifuge, refrigerated centrifuge, gas centrifuge; microcentrifuge, microfuge.

{{has_subtype(rotor)}} axle, spindle; axle shaft; gymbal; bobbin, mandrel; drive shaft.

pin, hinge, pole, arbor.

hub, hub of rotation.

{{has_part: axis of rotation, @R312}}.

rotating bookshelf.

whirling dervish[person who rotates].

P2. Scale

N. {{measured_by(weight)}} scale, scales, weighing machine, weighing instrument.

spring balance.

{{measured_by(mass)}} balance.

{{has_subtype(balance)}} beam balance; electronic balance; microbalance; steelyard, beam scale, beam, weighbridge[obs3]; torsion balance; pulp balance; one-pan balance; top loading balance; piezoelectric balance.

{{property_of(accurate)}} analytical balance; microgram balance.

{{needs(balance)}} weights, standard weights.

{{has_part(balance)}} arm; pan; fulcrum.

postal scale, baby scale.

P2. Entertainment devices (except (4)) R417

<-- [[entertainment]] electronic TE 343, 344 (symb. POENTEL)

musical instruments (symb. POMUSI)


N. {{function_of(entertainment)}} entertainment device.

<-- devices which use electricity to power motors, such as movie cameras, are not electronic. They can be classified as electrical. -->

P2. Non-Electronic entertainment Devices

P2. Musical Instruments (R417) [[musical]]

#417. Musical Instruments. -- N. musical instruments.

{{member_of}} band; string-band, brass-band; orchestra; orchestrina[obs3]; ensemble.

reed instrument; Stringed instrument; Wind instrument; percussion instrument.

{{has_subtype(Stringed instrument)}} monochord[obs3], polychord[obs3]; harp; mandola[obs3], mandolin, mandoline[obs3]; guitar; gittern[obs3], rebeck[obs3], bandurria[obs3]; bandura; banjo; bina[obs3], vina[obs3]; xanorphica[obs3].

{{has_subtype(harp)}} aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, wind harp; cither, zither, cithern[obs3]; dulcimer; lyre.

{{has_subtype(bowed stringed instrument)}} viol, violin, fiddle, kit; viola; tenor viol, viola d'amore; cello, viola da gamba[It]; tenor, cremona, violoncello; bass, bass fiddle, bass viol, base viol, bull fiddle, double bass, contrabass, string bass; theorbo[obs3], double base, contrabasso[obs3], violone[obs3], *psaltery; viola da braccio.

{{needs(bowed stringed instrument)}} bow, fiddlestick[obs3].

{{has_subtype(guitar)}} acoustic guitar; electric guitar; gittern; Hawaiian guitar, uke, ukulele; steel guitar.

{{has_subtype(Stringed instrument)}} lute, archlute[obs3]; mandolin; mandola; balalaika; banjo.

{{has_subtype(Stringed instrument)}} {{has_subtype(percussion instrument)}} piano, pianoforte; harpsichord, clavichord, clarichord[obs3], manichord[obs3]; clavier, spinet, virginals, dulcimer, vielle[obs3], pianino[obs3], Eolian harp.

{{has_subtype(piano)}} grand piano; baby grand, parlor grand; concert grand, concert piano, grand; mechanical piano, Pianola, player piano; upright, upright piano; spinet.

{{has_subtype(free-reed instrument)}} {{part_of(bellows)}} accordion, piano accordion, squeeze box, seraphina[obs3]; concertina.

{{has_subtype(free-reed instrument)}} harmonica, mouth organ; harmonium, organ, reed organ; American organ.

{{has_subtype(Wind instrument)}} organ; harmonium, harmoniphon[obs3]; calliope, steam organ; electric organ, Hammond organ.

grind organ, hurdy gurdy, street organ, American organ[obs3], barrel organ, hand organ.

humming top.

{{has_subtype(Wind instrument)}} {{has_subtype(reed instrument)} flute, fife, piccolo, flageolet; clarinet, claronet[obs3]; basset horn, corno di bassetto[obs3], oboe, hautboy; bassoon, contrabassoon, double bassoon, contrafagotto[obs3], serpent, bass clarinet.

{{has_subtype(Wind instrument)}} pipe; horn.

{{has_subtype(pipe)}} pitch pipe; bagpipe, bagpipes, union pipeschanter, melody pipe; drone, drone pipe, bourdon; fipple flute, fipple pipe, recorder, flute; flageolet, treble recorder; penny whistle, tin whistle, whistle, catcall.

musette, ocarina; Pandean pipes, pipes of Pan, panpipe, syrinx, sirene[obs3]; sourdet[obs3].

<-- ; doodlesack[obs3], harmoniphone[obs3]. -->

{{has_subtype(horn)}} bugle, cornet, cornet-a-pistons, cornopean[obs1], clarion, trumpet, trombone, ophicleide[obs3]; French horn; saxophone, sax [informal], buglehorn[obs3], saxhorn, flugelhorn[obs3]; althorn[obs3], helicanhorn[obs3], posthorn[obs3]; sackbut, euphonium; bombardon tuba[obs3]; English horn, cor Anglais[Fr], corno Inglese[It].

{{has_subtype(percussion instrument)}} cymbal, bell, gong; tambourine, tambour[obs2], tamborine[obs3]; drum, tympan.

{{has_subtype(bell)}} handbell.

{{member_of(bell)}} carillon.

{{has_subtype(drum)}} tabor, tabour, tabret[obs3], tabourine[obs3], taborin[obs3]; side drum, snare drum; kettle drum, kettle, tympanum, timpani, tympani[obs3]; bass drum; bongo, bongo drum; tymbal[obs3], timbrel[obs3]; tenor drum, tom-tom.

castanet, bones; musical glasses, musical stones; sounding-board, rattle; tam-tam, zambomba[obs3].

[Vibrating bars] xylophone, reed, marimba, vibraphone, glockenspiel, orchestral bells; tuning fork; triangle; Jew's harp; music box, musical box, harmonicon[obs3].

sordine[obs3], sordet[obs3]; sourdine[obs3], sourdet[obs3]; mute.
P2. Electronic entertainment Devices

{{has_subtype(P2. electronic device)}} {{function_of(entertainment)}} electronic entertainment device.

P2. Radio [[radio]]

N. radio, radio receiver, receiver.

P2. Television

N. television, TV, television receiver, tube, boob tube[coll.].
P2. Phonograph

N. {{function_of(playing music)}} phonograph, record player.


{{has_part}} turntable; needle, stylus.

{{has_subtype(stylus)}} diamond stylus.

{{needs}} {{has_subtype(disc)}} record, platter; vinyl record.

{{has_part(record)}} groove.
<-- toys (symb. POTOY) -->

P2. Informational Artifact [except computers] (symb. POINFO)

N. informational artifact, information, piece of information; datum.
<-- record was moved here from M8.1.3.2, natural means of communication.

This entry contains teh physical objects which constitute a record of some idea. -->

P2. Record (R551) [[Record]]

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