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Alloy -- N. [Compound resulting from mixture: ref mixture A3.3] alloy.


{{similar_to: mixture, P2.}}.

{{has_subtype}} steel; brass; bronze; pewter; nichrome; type metal, wood's metal; sterling silver, 925 silver; coin silver, 900 silver; german silver; nickel-silver; Duraluminum; Monel metal; green gold; pink gold.

{{has_subtype(steel)}} chrome steel, chromesteel, chromium steel; stainless steel; chrome-nickel steel; cobalt steel; high tensile steel; sructural steel; case-hardened steel; non-magnetic steel; titanium steel; chrome-vanadium steel.
P2. Processed Natural Substances (mass nouns, symbol POM)

R356, R356a, R388

<-- "processed" includes the concept of "extracted"; excludes chemical substances under Artifacts P2.

break the Roget "oil" into oils 356, fats 356b, and waxes 356c -->

N. {{has_subtype(material)}} processed natural substance.
P2. Oil

#356. Oil. -- N. oil.

{{produces(whale)}} spermaceti.

{{has_subtype(mineral)}} petroleum.

{{produces(plant)}} vegetable oil, colza oil[obs3], olive oil, salad oil, linseed oil; cottonseed oil; soybean oil; nut oil, peanut oil; grain oil; rape oil, rapeseed oil; seneca oil.

animal oil, neat's foot oil, train oil; ointment, unguent, liniment; aceite[obs3], amole[obs3], Barbados tar[obs3]; fusel oil; hydrate of amyl, ghee[obs3].

mineral oil.

lubricating oil, lubrication, 3-in-1 oil.

{{derived_from: petroleum}} heating oil, "#2 oil", No. 2 oil, distillate, residual oils, kerosene, jet fuel, gas, petrol, gasoline, naphtha.

P2. Resin (R356a)

#356a. Resin. -- N. resin, rosin.

bitumen, pitch, tar; asphalt, asphaltum.

varnish, mastic, lacquer, japan, magilp[obs3], copal[obs3].

gum; amber, ambergris.

{{derived_from: petroleum}} artificial resin, polymer.

{{has_subtype(artificial resin)}} resin.

{{has_subtype(ion-exchange resin)}} cation-exchange resin, anion exchange resin, water softener, Amberlite[chem], Dowex[Chem], Diaion[chem].


V. varnish &c. (overlay) 223.

Adj. resinous, resiny[obs3]; bituminous, pitchy, tarry; asphaltic, asphaltite.

P2. Fat (R356b)

#356b. Fat [[fat]]

N. {{produces(animal)}} fat; grease, tallow, suet, lard, dripping exunge[obs1].

{{has_component(fat)}} triglyceride.

{{has_component(triglyceride)}} fatty acid.

{{comprises(fat)}} butter, cream.

{{produces(whale)}} blubber.

{{processed_into}} glycerin; stearin, elaine[Chem], oleagine[obs3].

{{processed_into: soap}}.

{{has_subtype(soap): soft soap, lye soap}}.

{{processed_into}} adipocere[obs3].
P2. Wax (R356c)

#356c. Wax

N. {{property_of(waxy)}} wax, cerement.

paraffin wax, paraffin; ear wax, cerumen; car wax, automobile wax; floor wax; furniture polish.

{{has_property}} waxiness.

{{has_subtype(wax)}} {{produces(bee)}} beeswax.

{{has_subtype(wax)}} lac, sealing wax.

{{property_of(waxiness): resin, R356a}}.

vaseline jelly, vaseline.

{{has_subtype(polymer)}} teflon, PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene.

Adj. waxy.



388. fuel = TE 330 (symb. POFUEL) -->
P2. Fuel (R388)

#388. Fuel. -- N. {{function_of(combustion, R384a)}} fuel, firing, combustible.

{{has_subtype(solid)}} coal.

{{has_subtype(coal)}} anthracite, culm[obs3], carbon, bituminous coal; blind coal, glance coal; wallsend[obs3]; tar shale.

{{processed_into(bituminous coal)}} coke.

{{has_subtype(solid)}} turf, peat.

{{has_subtype(wood, @P2.3.1.2)}} firewood, bobbing, faggot, log; charcoal; ingle, tinder, touchwood.

{{forms: burned fuel, product of combustion, @R384a}}.

{{has_subtype(product of combustion, R384a): ash, cinder}}.

{{has_subtype(solid)}} sulphur, brimstone; incense; port-fire; fire-barrel, fireball, brand; amadou[obs3], bavin[obs3]; German tinder, pyrotechnic sponge, punk, smudge [U. S.]; solid rocket fuel.

{{consists_of(candle): @P2., wax, paraffin wax}}.

{{has_subtype(liquid)}} {{has_subtype(oil, R356)}} fuel oil.

{{has_subtype(liquid)}} alcohol; auto fuel.

{{processed_into(petroleum)}} {{has_subtype(auto fuel)}} gasoline, petrol, gas, juice [coll.], benzine.

{{has_subtype(gasoline)}} high octane gasoline.

{{has_subtype(auto fuel)}} nitromethane; gasohol; ethanol; methanol.

{{processed_into(petroleum)}} fuel oil, kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, number 2 oil, number 4 oil, naphtha.

rocket fuel, high specific impulse fuel.

{{has_subtype(oil)}} lamp oil.

{{consists_of(lamp oil)}} paraffin oil; whale oil.

{{has_subtype(rocket fuel)}} liquid hydrogen; liquid oxygen, lox.

{{has_subtype(gas)}} natural gas, synthetic gas, synthesis gas, propane, butane, hydrogen.

{{component_of}} brand, torch, fuse; wick; spill, match, light, lucifer, congreve[obs3], vesuvian, vesta[obs3], fusee, locofoco[obs3]; linstock[obs3].

{{component_of(candle, R423}}.

{{has_property}} heat of combustion,.

Adj. combustible, inflammable.


high octane, high specific impulse.
<-- some animal parts listed here will be somewhat duplicative of animal anatomy designations, but here will have a (somewhat differentiated) meaning as an item of commerce, e.g. an elephant's tusk is traded and processed into ivory items -->

P2. Processed animal parts

N. processed animal part.

{{has_part(tortoise)}} tortoiseshell.

{{has_part(elephant)}} tusk.

{{consists_of(tusk)}} ivory.

{{has_part(whale)}} sperm oil.

{{has_part(cow)}} hide, skin, cow hide.

{{consists_of(cow hide)}} leather.
P2. Wood [[wood]]

{{processed_into(tree)}} lumber, wood, timber.

{{has_subytype(wood)}} Philippine mahogany; Port Orford cedar; acacia; rattan; redwood; alder; applewood; ash; balsa; bamboo; bass, basswood; beech, beechwood; birch; brierwood, briarwood; burl; buttonwood; cedar, cedarwood; cherry; chestnut; cottonwood; cypress; dogwood; ebony; elm, elmwood; eucalyptus; fir; fruit wood; guaiac, guaiacum, guiaocum; gum, gumwood; hazel, hazelwood; hemlock; hickory; incense wood; ironwood; juniper; kauri; knotty pine; lancewood; larch; lemonwood; lignum vitae; linden; loblolly pine; locust; logwood; magnolia; mahogany; maple; oak; olive; orangewood; peachwood; pecan; pine; poplar; rosewood; sandalwood; sandarac; satinwood; spruce; sumac; sycamore; teak, teakwood; tulipwood; tupelo; walnut; wicker; firewood; yew; zebrawood

{{has_subtype(mahogany)}} burled mahogany.

{{constitutes(wood)}} {{has_subtype(powder)}} {{forms(cut)}} {[with_object(wood)]} sawdust.

hardwood; softwood.

heart of oak, block.

board, plank, deal board.

{{has_subtype(lumber)}} dimensional lumber, pine, fir; microlaminated lumber, microlam.

{{has_subtype(dimensional lumber)}} two by four; two by six; two by eight; two by ten; two by twelve; four by four; six by six.

{{has_subtype(dimensional lumber)}} furring strip, furring; one by two; batten, slat.

{{has_subtype(slat)}} lath; louvre, fin; stave.

Adj. wooden.

<-- this mixture is non-metallic -->

P2. Mixture [[mixure]]

N. {{has_subtype(mixture, R41)}} mixture.

magma, half-and-half, melange, tertium quid[Lat], miscellany.

ambigu[obs1], medley, mess, hotchpot[obs3].

pasticcio[obs3], patchwork, odds and ends, all sorts.

salad; sauce; mash, chowchow[Chinese].

gallimaufry, potpourri, olla-podrida[obs3], olio, omnium gatherum[Lat], salmagundi.

Noah's ark; caldron texture; mingled yarn.

{{has_subtype: jumble &c. (disorder) 59}}.

{{has_subtype: mosaic &c. (variegation) 440}}.

{[of(rock): breccia]}

P2.3.1.3 Artifact

<-- (Manufactured objects other than P2.3.1.1) (Sym: POA)

(All artifacts have purpose, price, means of

use, effectiveness, and class


Many of the Roget categories are in this division.

o. General

purpose - cf. volition

electronic -->

P2. Artifacts generally [[artifact]]

artifact, manufactured object, item of commerce, handicraft.

<-- form here is for raw materials, teh way they are obtained -->

P2. FORM or SHAPE categories for materials

N. form, material form, state, state of division.

foil, leaf; sheet; wrap.

bar, ingot; rod.

{{has_subtype(network)}} mesh, webbing.



pellet, tablet.



grain, granulated powder.

mist, aerosol.

pure liquid.

solution; emulsion; solid solution.

slurry, suspension; sludge.

compressed gas.

{{has_subtype: fiber, P2.}}.

Adj. granular, powdery.

<-- && the individual functional categories should be grouped here, but larger categories such as food can have their own entries immediately below; later, divide the specific materials betweeen natural and artifactual, and set references to function -->

P2. Artifactual Materials [[material]]

<-- subdivided by Functional categories -->

{{&consists_of(artifact)}} {{similar_to: natural material, P2.3.1.32}} artifactual material.

{{has_subtype: @P2., glue, mucilage, paste; cement}}.


{[in_frame(electricity/electronics)]} conductor; insulator; semiconductor.


brick; block.

{{has_subtype(paper): @P2., gummed paper}}.

{{has_subtype(polymer)}} plastic.

{{similar_to: natural rubber, @P2.3.1.2}}{{property_of(elasticity, R325)}} synthetic rubber.

{{has_subtype(synthetic rubber)}} neoprene, Buna-S.

{{has_subtype(plastic)}} {{property_of(tenacity, stickiness, R327)}} Velcro.

{{has_subtype: chemical compound, medicine, poison, P2.}}

Adj. adobe.

metallic; sandy; rocky; plasticine.

dusty; gritty.
P2. Multiuse Materials

N. multipurpose material.
P2. Plastic

N. plastic.

thermoplastic, thermoplastic resin.

thermosetting compositions, thermosetting resin.

cellulosic plastic.

{{has_subtype(cellulosic plastic)}} cellulose nitrate, celluloid; cellulose acetate.

fluorocarbon plastic.

{{has_subtype(fluorocarbon plastic)}} Teflon, teflon, polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE.

Mylar, mylar; phenolic urea, Bakelite, bakelite; Vinylite, vinylite; resinoid; aminoplast; coumarone-indene; furane; lignin; melamine; multiresin; polyester; silicone resin; polypropylene; polyvinyl-formaldehyde; terpene; tetrafluoroethylene; vinyl.

P2. Materials for Art

N. art material, material for art, artist's material.

P2. Materials for Sculpture

#635a. Materials for sculpture

N. sculpture material, material for sculpture.

{{metaphor_for: sculpture}} marble; bronze; ceramic.

papier-mache; plaster of paris.

cloisonne, enamel; satsuma.


{{constitutes(ceramic): crockery, R384}}.

terra cotta.

porcelain, china.

{{has_subtype: steel; aluminum; brass; copper}}.
P2. Material for Painting

N. {{uses(painting, @R554)}} material for painting, painting material.

pallet, palette; easel.


ink; pencil, stump; black lead; crayons; chalk, pastel; watercolor, body color; oil color, oils, oil paints; primer, priming; gouache, tempera; fresco, water glass; enamel; encaustic painting.

{{component_of(egg yolk + size)}} distemper.

{{property_of(black)}} charcoal.

P2. Materials for Construction [[construction]]

#635b. Materials for construction. -- N.

construction material.

clapboard; shake; shingle.

compo, composition.

concrete; reinforced concrete.

{{has_subtype(stone, @P2.}} adobe, brown stone.

{{has_subtype: @P2., wood, lumber, timber}}.

{{constitutes(clay, @P2.}} brick.

{{has_subtype(steel)}} structural steel.


{{has_subtype(block)}} cinder block; cement block.

{{has_subtype: @P2., mortar, cement}}.

iron, cast iron, decarbonized iron, wrought iron.

{{constitutes(steel)}} nail; rivet.



daubing; puncheon.

P2. Writing Materials

<-- this should subdivide into inks and media -->

#635c. Writing material.

N. {{uses(writing, R590, @M8.}} writing material.

stationery; paper, foolscap, parchment, vellum, papyrus.

tablet, marble, pillar, table; blackboard, slate.


ink bottle, ink horn, ink pot, ink stand, ink well.

pen, quill, goose quill.




{{has_subtype(pen)}} ball-point pen; fountain pen; felt-tip pen, felt pen; grease pen, grease marker, marker, glass-marking pen.

{{has_subtype(pencil)}} lead pencil; graphite pencil; mechanical pencil; china marking pencil, china marker.


{{has_subtype(typewriter)}} manual typewriter; electric typewriter.

{{has_part(typewriter)}} key; keyboard; carriage; return handle; platen; roller; space bar; shift; type.


{{has_subtype(printer)}} dot matrix printer; thermal printer; ink-jet printer; laser printer.

{{has_part(printer)}} feed mechanism; paper holder; printhead.

{{has_part(laser printer)}} toner.

P2. Tableware Materials

N. {{consists_of(tableware, @P2.}} tableware material.

ceramic, ceramics, pottery, porcelain, earthenware, vitrics.

{{has_subtype(porcelain)}} china.

{{has_subtype(ceramic)}} ironstone; majolica; terra cotta.

{{has_subtype(china)}} bone china; rose china; eggshell china.

<-- the "fiber" entry at R205 refers to the form of a material. This entry includes both the fiber material and the fiber itself, and types of cloth made from fiber. Note that most words for types of cloth also apply as types of fibers. Although natural fibers exist, cloth types made of natural fibers are listed here, under artifacts, because the cloth itself is not a natural object. -->

P2. Fiber materials [[fiber]] [[cloth]]

N. fiber material.

{{has_subtype(fiber, R205)}} {{constitutes(fiber material)}} fiber, fibre.

{{has_subtype(weave, @P1.}} cloth, fabric, textile.

{{&consists_of(cloth)}} {{property_of(natural)}} natural fiber.

{{has_subtype(natural fiber)}} cotton; silk, sewing silk; wool, cambric; flax; vicuna.

{{produced_by(cashmere goat)}} {{has_subtype(wool)}} {{property_of(fineness)}} cashmere.

{{property_of(natural)}} hemp, jute; oakum.

{{constitutes(hemp/jute)}} burlap.

{{constitutes(cotton/linen)}} buckram.

{{constitutes(silk)}} {{has_subtype(pattern)}} foulard.

{{&consists_of(cloth)}} {{property_of(synthetic)}} nylon; polyester; rayon; Dacron, dacron, Terylene; acrylic.

{{property_of(synthetic)}} fiberglass, glass wool; carbon fiber; steel wool; polypropylene.

{{comprises(cloth)}} lint.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} sheeting; webbing; wash-and-wear fabric.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} {{property_of(waterproof)}} mackintosh, macintosh.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} {{constitutes(flax)}} linen.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} {{constitutes(cotton)}} calico; fustian; denim; muslin; percale.

{{has_subtype(pattern)}} {{&has_property(cloth)}} cloth pattern.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} {{has_subtype(weave)}} satin; sateen; knit; lace.

{{has_subtype(cloth pattern)}} print; herringbone; paisley.

{{has_subtype(cloth)}} cheesecloth; chenille; chiffon; chino; chintz; cord, corduroy; cotton; crepe, crape; cretonne; crinoline; doeskin; duffel, duffle; faille; felt; flannel; fleece; frieze; gabardine; gingham; grogram; grosgrain; haircloth; homespun; hopsacking, hopsack; horsehair; lame'; Leatherette, leatherette, imitation leather; linsey-woolsey; mackinaw; madras; mohair; moire', watered-silk; moleskin; mousseline de sole; oilcloth; organdy; organza; permanent-press fabric; poplin; quilting; rep, repp; sailcloth; scrim; seersucker; serge; sharkskin; spandex; suede cloth; taffeta; tapestry; toweling; Velcro, velcro; velours, velour; velvet; velveteen; voile; worsted; brocade; damask; ticking; canvas; sacking, bagging.

<-- adhesive is here rather than under simple tools because it resembles a "material" (chemical substance) more than a solid object -->

P2. Adhesive

{{has_subtype(connection)}} {{property_of(semiliquidity, R352)}} {{property_of(stickiness, R327)}} adhesive, adhesive material.

P2. Glue [[glue]]

glue, mucilage, paste; gum.

{{part_of}} adhesive tape; fly paper.

{{has_subtype(glue)}} animal glue; wood glue; fish glue, carlock[obs3], ichthyocol[obs3], ichthycolla[obs3].

{{&derived_from(animal glue): horse hoof}}.

{{part_of}} {{has_subtype(paper, @P2.}} gummed paper.

{{has_instance(gummed paper)}} Post-it note.

{{has_instance}} {{constitutes(plastic)}} Velcro.

{{has_subtype(glue)}} wood glue, carpenter's glue; super glue.

{{has_subtype(glue)}} rubber cement; epoxy glue, epoxy cement, epoxy.

V. {{has_subtype(fasten, P2.}} [intransitive] stick, adhere.

[transitive] glue, paste; stick to.

[transitive] tape.

P2. Cement

N. {{similar_to: glue, P2.}} cement, mortar.

size, wafer, lute, birdlime.


stucco, plaster, grout.

putty; viscum[obs3]; tile grout, tiling compound; binder.

{{has_subtype(cement)}} Portland cement.

V. cement, mortar.

P2. Sealer

{{property_of(stickiness, R327)}} sealer, sealing agent.

putty; spackle; caulk, caulking agent.

{{has_subtype(putty)}} iron putty; red-lead putty.


{{has_subtype(wax): sealing wax}}.

{{has_subtype: tar}}.

P2. Specific Artifacts

N. artifact, product.

{{has_subtype: @R798, item of commerce, article of commerce; merchandise, wares, goods}}.

P2. Cooking Implement [[cooking]]

N. {{uses(cooking/cookery)}} cooking utensil, cooking implement, culinary implement.

{{constitutes(porcelain)}} dish; crock.

{{performed_in(roasting): oven}}.

{{performed_on(frying): stovetop}}.

{{has_subtype(electrical appliance)}} toaster; blender; waffle iron; electric mixer.

cooker; enamelware.

{{function_of(measure)}} measuring spoon; measuring cup.

{{constitutes(metal)}} {{has_subtype(network)}} grid, gridiron; grill, grille.

{{constitutes(metal)}} griddle; spit.

{{constitutes(metal)}} {{&part_of(lid/cover)}} pan; pot, cooking pot.

{{has_subtype(pan)}} frying pan, skillet; saucepan; saute pan; wok; dripping pan; poacher; popover pan; pizza pan.

{{has_subtype(pan)}} {{function_of(baking)}} baking pan; loaf pan; cake pan; pie pan, piepan; muffin tin, muffin pan; cookie sheet.

{{has_subtype(pan)}} {{function_of(roasting)}} roasting pan, roaster

{{has_subtype(pot)}} coffee pot, coffee-pot, coffeepot; caldron, cauldron; Dutch oven; kettle, boiler; marmite; teapot, teakettle; urn; double boiler; fondue pot; crock pot; pressure cooker.

{{has_subtype(urn)}} samovar.

{{has_subtype(dish)}} chafing dish; casserole; terrine.

spoon; ladle; spatula; colander; funnel; fork; sifter; grater; baster; beater; blender; rolling pin; can opener; bottle opener; knife sharpener; cutting board; egg slicer; cheese slicer.

{{has_subtype: knife, P2.}}.

{{has_subtype(knife): paring knife; slicing knife; chopping knife; bread knife; potato peeler, vegetable peeler; corer; kitchen shears; biscuit cutter; ice pick}}.

{{has_subtype(thermometer): oven thermometer; meat thermometer}}.
P2. weights


{{property_of(compensation, R30)}} make-weight, casting-weight; counterpoise, ballast; counterweight, tare.

<-- the default for foodstuffs is that they are natural (processed natural substances). If not, they should be marked as artificial -->

P2. food R298 (symb. POFOOD) [[food]]

<-- [[food]] Eating WAS INCLUDED WITH FOOD in Roget, but has been moved to "action". -->

#298. Food. -- N. {{consumes(eating, meal, R298a, M7.}} food, pabulum, aliment, nourishment, nutriment.

comestibles, eatables, victuals, edibles, ingesta; grub[coll.].

sustenance, staff of life, sustentation, sustention; nurture, subsistence.

keep, commons, board.

{{has_subtype(provision, R637}} provision, provisions, ration, rations.

{{has_subtype(provision, R637}} {{&uses(journey)}} viaticum [ food taken on a journey ].

{{has_subtype(provision, R637}} {{&uses(prospecting)}} grubstake, grub stake [food given to a prospector for a share of his findings].

commissariat &c. (provision) 637.

fare, cheer.

diet, regimen; weight-reducing fare, dietary regimen.

{{has_low_quality(diet)}} bread and water, starvation diet.

belly timber; bread, bread and cheese.

{[of(carnivorous animal)]} prey.

{[of(herbivorous animal)]} forage, pasture, pasturage, prog[obs3].

{[of(animal)]} provender, feed, fodder, animal food.

{[of(animal)]} {{location_of(silo)}} silage, ensilage.

{{has_subtype(provender)}} corn; hay; swill.

<-- "cat chow", "mouse chow", etc are used by Purina company as a term for their food for animals, including laboratory animals -->

{{has_subtype(animal food)}} dog food; cat food, cat chow; mouse chow; rabbit chow.

{{property_of(luxurious)}} delicacy, delicacies, dainty, dainties, fleshpots, cates[obs3].

creature comforts, contents of the larder, festal board, groaning board.

ambrosia; good cheer, good living.

<-- specific types -->

meat; bread, bread stuffs; cerealia[obs3]; cereals; viands.

beef, bisquit[obs3], bun; cornstarch [U.S.]; cookie, cooky [U.S.]; cracker, doughnut; fatling[obs3]; hardtack, hoecake [U.S.], hominy [U.S.]; mutton, pilot bread; pork; roti[obs3], rusk, ship biscuit; veal; joint, piece de resistance[Fr], roast and boiled; remove, entremet[obs3], ; releve[Fr], hash, rechauffe[Fr], stew, ragout, fricassee, mince; pottage, potage[obs3], broth, soup, consomme, puree, spoonmeat[obs3]; pie, pasty, volauvent[obs3]; pudding, omelet; pastry; kickshaws[obs3].

alligator pear, apple, apple slump; artichoke; ashcake[obs3], griddlecake, pancake, flapjack; atole[obs3], avocado, banana, beche de mer[Fr], barbecue, beefsteak; beet root; blackberry, blancmange, bloater, breadfruit, chop suey [U.S.]; chowder, chupatty[obs3], clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty[obs3], grapes, ice cream, lettuce, mango, mangosteen, mince pie, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, porterhouse steak, salmis[obs3], sauerkraut, sea slug, sturgeon ("Albany beef"), succotash [U.S.], supawn [obs3][U.S.], trepang[obs3], vanilla, waffle, walnut.

mouthful, bolus, gobbet[ob, apparel, accounter[obs3], rig, fit out; deck &c. (ornament) 847; perk, equip, harness, caparison.

wear; don; put on, hup, gulp.

eating house &c. 189.

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