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Adj. lacustrine. P2. Strait #342b. Strait

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Adj. lacustrine.
P2. Strait

#342b. Strait.

N. {{has_subtype(interval, R198, P1.}} strait, narrows, channel.

Euripus[obs2]; sound, inland sea.

P2. Water In Motion...R347, R348 [[River]]

<-- R347. Stream moved to physical objects, P2.3

348. River


rain moved to weather. Needs cross reference -->

N. moving water, running water, flow.


{{measured_by: rain gauge; flowmeter}}.

{{has_high_intensity}} {{property_of(excess)}} overflow.

{{has_subtype(overflow)}} {{function_of(cleanse)}} flush, rinse, swash.
P2. River (R348)

#348. River.

N. {{has_subtype(stream, @P2.3)}} {{has_subtype(effluence, R295)}} river, stream, watercourse.

course, flux, profluence[obs3]; defluxion[obs3].


{{location_of}} {{component_of(ice)}} debacle.

{{location_of}} {{has_subtype(overflow, P2.}} flood, freshet, fresh, inundation, deluge, cataclysm.

{{&causes(flood)}} washout.

{{has_subtype(river)}} {{property_of(narrow)}} rill, rivulet, gill, gullet, rillet[obs3]; streamlet, brooklet; race, coulee; branch [U.S.]; stream, creek, brook, bayou, runnel, sike[obs3], burn, beck; reach, tributary.

{{location_of(woods)}} glen, ghyll[obs3].

indraught[obs3], reflux, undercurrent, eddy, vortex, gurge[obs3], whirlpool, Maelstrom, regurgitation, overflow; confluence, corrivation[obs1].

[Science of fluids in motion] hydrodynamics; hydraulics, hydraulicostatics[obs3]; pegology[obs3].

{{needed_for: irrigation, R337}}.

V. flow, run.

meander; drop, drip, dribble, plash, spirtle[obs3], trill, trickle, distill, percolate; stream, overflow, inundate, deluge, flow over, splash, swash; guggle[obs3], murmur, babble, bubble, purl, gurgle, sputter, spurt, spray, regurgitate; ooze, flow out &c. (egress) 295.

rain hard, rain in torrents, rain cats and dogs, rain pitchforks; pour with rain, drizzle, spit, set in; mizzle[obs3].

flow into, fall into, open into, drain into; discharge itself, disembogue[obs3].

[Cause a flow] pour; pour out &c. (discharge) 297; shower down, irrigate, drench &c. (wet) 337; spill, splash.

[Stop a flow] stanch; dam, up &c. (close) 261; obstruct &c. 706.

{{similar_to}} {{has_subtype(conduit)}} {{property_of(open): aquaduct; sluice; chute; canal}}.

Adj. fluent; diffluent[obs3], profluent[obs3], affluent; tidal; flowing &c. v.; meandering, meandry[obs3], meandrous[obs3]; fluvial, fluviatile; streamy[obs3], showery,rainy, pluvial, stillicidous รก[obs3]; stillatitious[obs3].

Phr. "for men may come and men may go but I go on forever" [Tennyson]; "that old man river, he just keeps rolling along" [Showboat].
P2. Jet

N. {{has_subtype(stream)}} jet, spout, spurt, waterjet, spirt[obs3], squirt, waterspout, jet d'eau[Fr].

spray, splash, rush, gush.

{{has_subtype}} artesian well; fount, fountain.

{{has_subtype(fountain)}} drinking fountain.

{{property_of(hot)}} geyser.

V. jet, spray, spurt.

gush, pour, spout, jet, issue.

{{function_of(spray): hose; pump; watering pot, watering cart; hydrant, syringe; sprinkler}}.

{{has_subtype(hose): fire hose; garden hose}}.

{{has_subtype(sprinkler)}} lawn spray.

{{location_of(ocean floor)}} {{has_subtype(jet)}} {{property_of(hot)}} thermal vent.

{{has_subtype(thermal vent)}} black spouter.

<-- bhisti[obs3] , mussuk[obs3]??. (Can't find definition!) -->

P2. Cascade

{{property_of(speed, rapidity)}} waterfall, cascade, lin[obs3], linn[obs3].

cataract, rapids, white water, torrent.


{{has_instance}} {{has_metaphor(waterfall)}} Niagara.

<-- force, foss[obs3]??. -->

P2. Tide

current, tide.

{{has_subtype(tide)}} {{location_of(ocean)}} ocean tide, tide.

{{has_subtype(ocean tide)}} {{property_of(highness, R206a)}} high tide, high water, flood tide, full tide.

{{has_subtype(tide)}} {{location_of(river)}} bore, tidal bore, river bore, eagre[obs3], hygre[obs1].

{{has_subtype(ocean tide)}} {{property_of(lowness, R207)}} low tide, low water, ebb tide, neap tide.

{{has_high_intensity(high tide/low tide)}} spring tide.

current, ocean current; upwelling.

{{has_subtype(upwelling)}} el nino[Sp].

{{has_instance(ocean current)}} Gulf Stream.

P2. Wave

N. wave, billow, surge, swell, .

{{has_property(small)}} ripple; short sea.

riffle [U.S.], rollers, ground swell.

{{location_of(shoreline)}} surf, breakers.

white horses, whitecaps.

{{has_large_quantity}} {{property_of(large)}} rough sea, heavy sea, high seas, cross sea, long sea, chopping sea.

beach comber.

V. swell, billow, roll, well, well up
P2. Land Formations (R342, R344, R346) [[land]]

<-- 346. Island

344. Plain

342. Land -->

N. land formation, land.
P2. Land generally (R342)

#342. Land.

N. {{has_subtype(surface)}} land, earth, ground, dry land, terra firma.

{{has_subtype: real estate &c. (property) 780.}}

continent, mainland.

{{property_of(embracement)}} peninsula, tongue of land, chersonese[obs3].


neck of land, isthmus.


{{adjacent_to(ocean)}} coast, shore, seaboard, seacoast.

{{has_subtype(coast)}} scar, strand, beach; seaside, seabank[obs3], seabeach[obs3]; ironbound coast; loom of the land.

{{has_part(desert)}} playa.

{{has_subtype(coast)}} land left dry by the sea, derelict.

{{has_subtype(coast)}} land recovered from the sea, innings.

{{adjacent_to(river)}} bank, lea, riverbank, river bank, levee.

{{location_of(river)}} river bed.

{{has_subtype(river bank)}} alluvium, alluvion[obs3].

{{has_subtype(river bed)}} dry river bed, arroyo, wadi.

{{has_part}} {{has_subtype(natural solids,P2. soil, glebe, clay, loam, marl, cledge[obs3], chalk; gravel, mold, subsoil}}.

clod, clot.

{{property_of(high)}} {{constitutes(stone, @P2.}} crag.


{{property_of(lowness, R207)}} molehill; lowlands; depression; swale.

{{constitutes(ice)}} glacier.

{{property_of(convexity, R250, P1.}} jetty, spur, breakwater, mull, mole.

{{property_of(highness, R206a, @P1.}} dizzy height, dizzying height; uplands, highlands.

{{property_of(convexity, R250, P1.}} cape, point of land; headland, promontory, foreland[obs3].

{{property_of(highness, R206a, @P1.}} {{property_of(convexity, R250, P1.}} {{constitutes(rock, @P2.}} mountain, mount, peak, Alp, pike; heights; ridge, hog's back, dune; rising ground, vantage ground; down.

{{has_part(mountain)}} crag.

{{property_of(highness, R206a, @P1.}} {{property_of(convexity, R250, P1.}} hill, alto, butte [U.S.], monticle[obs3].

{{has_subtype(hill)}} {{property_of(smallness)}} knoll, hummock, hillock, barrow, mound, knob, loma[obs3], pena [U.S.], picacho[obs3], tump[obs3], knap[obs3].

{{property_of(highness, R206a, @P1.}} {{location_of(edge, R231)}} steeps, bluff, cliff, hillside, craig[obs3], tor[obs3], clough[obs3]; escarpment, edge, ledge.

{{has_subtype(hillside)}} {{location_of(river bank)}} brae.

{{has_property(wet): @R345, @P2., wetland, marsh, moor, moorland}}.

{{has_subtype(moor)}} high moor, fell.

{{has_part(mountain)}} {{property_of(highness, R206a, @P1. summit, R210}}.

{{has_measure}} acres; hectares; square miles; square kilometers.

V. {{has_subtype(arrive)}} land, come to land, set foot on the soil, set foot on dry land; come ashore, go ashore, debark.

Adj. terrestrial, earthy.

continental, midland, mid-continent.

coastal, littoral, riparian.


terrene &c. (world) 318.

landed, predial[obs3], territorial, geophilous[obs3].

Adv. ashore; on shore, on land.

<-- ripicolous?? ; ancon?? -->
P2. Plain R344 [[plain]]

#344. Plain. -- N. {{property_of(flat)}} plain, table-land, face of the country.

open country, wide open spaces, champaign country[obs3]; basin, downs.

prairie, grassland, common, wold[obs3], veldt; shaking prairie, trembling prairie.

field, vega[Sp].

wasteland, waste, weary waste, wild, bush.


campagna[obs3], campagna di Roma[It].

{{property_of(treeless)}} steppe.

{{property_of(cold)}} tundra.

{{property_of(horizontality, R213)}} {{property_of(highness, R206a,

@P1.}} plateau, ledge; butte; mesa.

{{property_of(aridity, @R340)}} desert.

{{&has_part(desert)}} {{property_of(ocassionally wet)}} playa.

{{&has_part(desert)}} alkali flat, llano.

{{has_subtype(grassland)}} {{location_of(South America)}} pampas, pampa.

{{has_subtype(grassland)}} {{property_of(semiarid, @R340)}} savanna, savannah.

meadow, mead, haugh[obs3].

pasturage, grazing land, lea, ley, lay.

{{property_of(cultivated)}} park; field; lawn, green, plat, plot, grassplat[obs3], greensward, sward, turf, sod.

{{adjacent_to(structure)}} grounds.

<-- maidan[obs3], agostadero[obs3]. ?? ; mesilla [obs3][U.S.]??

champaign[obs3], ; campestral[obs3], campestrial[obs3], campestrian[obs3], campestrine[obs3] -->

Adj. alluvial.
P2. Island (R346)

#346. Island. -- N. island, isle, eyot[obs3], ait[obs3], holf[obs3].

{{property_of(small)}} islet.

{{property_of(low)}} reef, atoll, breaker.

{{member_of}} archipelago.

{{location_of: islander, @P2.}}.

Adj. insular, seagirt; archipelagic[obs3].
P2. Valley

N. {{has_subtype(hole)}} {{has_subtype(interval, R198, P1.}} valley.

{{property_of(deep)}} {{property_of(wide)}} canyon, canon.

{{property_of(narrow)}} gorge; defile.

ravine, crevasse.

abyss, abysm, yawning gulf.

{{location_of(mountain chain)}} pass, gap, notch, passage.

{{property_of(shallow)}} gully, gulch, arroyo, wadi.

{{similar_to(gully)}} {{property_of(narrow/shallow): furrow &c. 259}}.

<-- abra[obs3]; barranca[obs3], barranco[obs3]; clove [U.S.]; hiatus maxime[Lat], hiatus valde deflendus[Lat].

parenthesis &c. (interjacence) 228[obs3]. -->
P2. Marsh (R345)

#345. Marsh.

N. {{has_property(wet)}} marsh, swamp, wetland, morass, marish[obs3].

{{has_property(flat)}} fen, bog, peat bog, moss, moor, moorland.

quagmire, mire, slough, sump, wash.

{{adjacent_to(ocean)}} salt marsh.

mud, squash, ooze, slush; baygall [obs3][U.S.], cienaga[obs3], jhil[obs3], vlei[obs3].

Adj. marsh, marshy; swampy, boggy, plashy[obs3], poachy[obs3], quaggy[obs3], soft.

muddy, sloppy, squashy; paludal[obs3].

moorish, moory; fenny.
<-- P2. Air (r349) moved to P2. Wind at weather


<-- move 350, 351 to artifacts --

350. Conduit 351. Air pipe -->

P2. Geographical divisions [[geography]]

N. geographical division.

{{has_subtype: continent, @P2.}}.

{{has_subtype: ocean, P2.}}.

{{has_instance(continent, @P2.}} Asia; Europe; Africa; North America; South America; Australia; Antarctica.

P2. Country, State.

N. state, country, nation, land; nation-state.


democracy; republic; dictatorship.

{{has_subtype(dictatorship)}} military dictatorship.

kingdom, realm, empire.

principality; protectorate, sphere of influence.



{{has_property(large)}} world power, major power.

{{has_property(militarily powerful)}} super power.

{{has_subtype: ally; enemy}}.

{{member_of}} international organization; alliance.

{{has_instance(international organization)}} United Nations.

{{has_instance(nation)}} Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; American Samoa; Andorra; Angola; Anguilla; Antarctica; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Aruba; Ashmore and Cartier Islands; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; The; Bahrain; Baker Island; Bangladesh; Barbados; Bassas da India; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia-Herzogovina; Botswana; Bouvet Island; Brazil; British Indian Ocean Territory; British Virgin Islands; Brunei; Bulgaria; Burkina; Burma; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Cayman Islands; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China (also see separate Taiwan entry); Christmas Island; Clipperton Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Cook Islands; Coral Sea Islands; Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Europa Island; Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas); Faroe Islands; Fiji; Finland; France; French Guiana; French Polynesia; French Southern and Antarctic Lands; Gabon; Gambia; The; Gaza Strip; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Gibraltar; Glorioso Islands; Greece; Greenland; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guam; Guatemala; Guernsey; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Honduras; Hong Kong; Howland Island; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone; Ireland; Israel (also see separate Gaza Strip and West Bank entries); Italy; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Jan Mayen; Japan; Jarvis Island; Jersey; Johnston Atoll; Jordan (also see separate West Bank entry); Juan de Nova Island; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kingman Reef; Kirgizstan; Kiribati; Korea; North; Korea; South; Kuwait; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Macau; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Man; Isle of; Marshall Islands; Martinique; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mayotte; Mexico; Micronesia; Federated States of; Midway Islands; Moldova; Monaco; Mongolia; Montserrat; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; Navassa Island; Nepal; Netherlands; Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Niue; Norfolk Island; Northern Mariana Islands; Norway; Oman; Pacific Islands; Trust Territory of the Pacific Ocean (Palau); Pakistan; Palmyra Atoll; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paracel Islands; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Pitcairn Islands; Poland; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Qatar; Reunion; Romania; Russia; Rwanda; Saint Helena; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa; South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; Soviet Union; Spain; Spratly Islands; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Svalbard; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Taiwan; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tromelin Island; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Turks and Caicos Islands; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay; Vanuatu; Vatican City; Venezuela; Vietnam; Virgin Islands; Wake Island; Wallis and Futuna; West Bank; Western Sahara; Western Samoa; World; Yemen; Yugoslavia; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe.
Adj. national.

{{has_subtype(relation)}} international.

P2.3.1.2 Processed Natural Materials (Sym: POE, POM, POP) [[POM]]

<-- e.g. elements, oils, alloys, lumber, fuel, animal parts

(excludes food and medicine, which are under P2.3.1.3, artifacts)

This entry will include materials not detailed under a separate heading, with references to separately listed materials. Note that natural fiber has a main entry under artifacts.


{{&consists_of(artifact)}} {{similar_to: artifactual material, P2.}} natural material, processed natural material.

{{has_subtype: element, P2.}}.

oil, petroleum.

{{processed_into(oil)}} solvent.

{{processed_into(oil): fuel; chemical compound; wax}}

{{processed_into(tree): @P2., lumber, wood, timber}}.

{{has_subtype(mixture)}} {{has_subtype(metal)}} alloy.

{{function_of(combustion)}} fuel.

animal part.

{{has_subtype: natural fiber, @P2.}}.

{{constitutes(fiber)}} {{has_subtype(weave, @P1. @P2., cloth, fabric}}.

{{property_of(elasticity, R325)}} natural rubber.

{{has_subtype(natural rubber)}} India rubber, Indian rubber, latex, caoutchouc, gum elastic.


{{has_subtype(animal part)}} baleen; whale bone.
P2. Processed natural materials generally

P2. Elements

<-- elements (symb:POE) -->

{{ISA: Element}}

<-- arranged according to atomic number, classify as subdivisions of P2., e.g. hydrogen is P2. and carbon is P2.;

in brackets are symbol and atomic mass (average value of natural isotopes, used in standard chemistry, not mass spectrometery, as of 1954) -->

P2. hydrogen[1.008][H].

P2. helium[4.003][He].

P2. lithium[Li][6.940].

P2. beryllium, glucinum [Be][9.013].

P2. boron[B][10.82].

P2. carbon[C][12.011].

P2. nitrogen[N][14.008].

P2. oxygen[O][16.000].

P2. fluorine[F][19.00].

P2. neon[Ne][20.183].

P2. sodium, natrium[Na][22.911].

P2. magnesium[Mg][24.32].

P2. aluminum[Al][26.98].

P2. silicon[Si][28.09].

P2. phosphorus[P][30.975].

P2. sulfur[S][32.066].

P2. chlorine[Cl][35.457].

P2. argon[A][39.944].

P2. potassium, kalium [K][39.100].

P2. calcium[ca][40.08].

P2. selenium[Se][78.96].

P2. titanium[Ti][47.90].

P2. vanadium[V][50.95].

P2. chromium[Cr][52.01].

P2. manganese[Mn][54.94].

P2. iron, ferrum[Fe][55.85].

Adj. ferrous; ferric.

P2. cobalt[Co][58.94].

P2. nickel[Ni][58.69].

P2. copper, cuprum[Lat][Cu][63.54].

P2. zinc[Zn][65.38].

P2. gallium[Ga][69.72].

P2. germanium[Ge][72.60].

P2. arsenic[As][74.91].

P2. selenium[Se][78.96].

P2. bromine[Br][79.916].

P2. krypton[Kr][83.8].

P2. rubidium[Rb][85.48].

P2. strontium[Sr][87.63].

P2. yttrium[Y][88.92].

P2. zirconium[Zr][91.22].

P2. niobium[Nb][92.91].

P2. molybenum[Mo][95.95].

P2. technetium[Tc][99].

P2. ruthenium[Ru][101.1].

P2. rhodium[Rh][102.91].

P2. palladium[Pd][106.7].

P2. silver, argentum[Lat],argent[obs3],[Ag][107.880].

<-- [ref: the color silver: argent( in heraldry)]. -->

P2. cadmium[Cd][112.41].

P2. indium[In][114.76].

P2. tin, stannum[Sn][118.70].

P2. antimony, stibium[Sb][121.76].

P2. tellurium[Te][127.61].

P2. iodine[I][126.91].

P2. xenon[Xe][131.3].

P2. cesium[Cs][132.91].

P2. barium[Ba][137.36].

P2. lanthanum[La][138.92].

P2. cerium[Ce][140.13].

P2. praseodymium[Pr][140.92].

P2. neodymium[Nd][144.27].

P2. promethium[Pm][145].

P2. samarium[Sm][Sa][150.43].

P2. europium[Eu][152.0].

P2. gadolinium[Gd][156.9].

P2. terbium[Tb][158.93].

P2. dysprosium[Dy][162.46].

P2. holmium[Ho][164.94].

P2. erbium[Er][167.2].

P2. thulium[Tm][168.94].

P2. ytterbium[Yb][173.04].

P2. lutetium[Lu][174.99].

P2. hafnium, celtium[Hf][178.6].

P2. tantalum[Ta][180.95].

P2. tungsten, wolfram[W][183.92].

P2. rhenium[Re][186.31].

P2. osmium[Os][190.2].

{{is_a: platinum group metal}}.

P2. iridium[Ir][192.2].

{{is_a: platinum group metal}}.

P2. platinum[Pt][195.23].

{{is_a: platinum group metal}}.

P2. gold, aurum[Au][197.0].

P2. mercury, hydrargyrum[Lat], quicksilver[Hg][200.61].

P2. thallium[Tl][204.39].

P2. lead, plumbum[Pb][207.21].

P2. bismuth[Bi][209.00].

P2. polonium[Po][210].

P2. astatine[At][210].

P2. radon, niton[Rn][222].

P2. francium[Fr][223].

P2. radium[Ra][226.05].

P2. actinium[Ac][227].

P2. thorium[Th][232.05].

P2. protoactinium[Pa][231].

P2. uranium[U][238.07].

P2. neptunium[Np][237].

P2. plutonium[Pu][242].

P2. americium[Am][243].

P2. curiu[Cm][245].

P2. Alloys {{has_subtype(mixture,R41)}}{{has_subtype(metal)}}

<-- part of R41, Mixture -->

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