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Phr. "am I not a man and a brother?" [Wedgwood].
P2. Man {{property_of(masculinity)}}

#373. Man. -- N. man, male, he, him; manhood &c. (adolescence) 131; gentleman, sir, master; sahib; yeoman, wight[obs2], swain, fellow, blade, beau, elf, chap, gaffer, good man; husband &c. (married man) 903; Mr., mister; boy &c. (youth) 129.

[Male animal] cock, drake, gander, dog, boar, stag, hart, buck, horse, entire horse, stallion; gibcat[obs3], tomcat; he goat, Billy goat; ram, tup; bull, bullock; capon, ox, gelding, steer, stot[obs3].


homosexual, gay, queen[slang].

V. masculinize

Adj. male, he-, masculine; manly, virile; unwomanly, unfeminine.

Pron. he, him, his.

Phr. hominem pagina nostra sapit [Lat][Mar.]; homo homini aut deus aut lupus [Lat][Erasmus]; homo vitae commodatus non donatus est [Lat][Syrus].
P2. Woman {{property_of(femininity)}}

#374. Woman. -- N. woman, she, her, female, petticoat.

feminality[obs3], muliebrity[obs3]; womanhood &c. (adolescence) 131.

womankind; the sex, the fair; fair sex, softer sex; weaker vessel.

dame, madam, madame, mistress, Mrs. lady, donna belle[Sp], matron, dowager, goody, gammer[obs3]; Frau[Ger], frow[obs3], Vrouw[Dutch], rani; good woman, good wife; squaw; wife &c. (marriage) 903; matronage, matronhood[obs3].

bachelor girl, new woman, feminist, suffragette, suffragist.

nymph, wench, grisette[obs3]; girl &c. (youth) 129.

[Effeminacy] sissy, betty, cot betty [U.S.], cotquean[obs3], henhussy[obs3], mollycoddle, muff, old woman.

[Female animal] hen, bitch, sow, doe, roe, mare; she goat, Nanny goat, tabita; ewe, cow; lioness, tigress; vixen.


estrogen, oestrogen.

[female relatives] consanguinity &c. 166, paternity &c. 11.

lesbian, dyke[slang].

V. feminize.

Adj. female, she-; feminine, womanly, ladylike, matronly, maidenly, wifely; womanish, effeminate, unmanly; gynecic[obs3], gynaecic[obs3].

Pron. she, her, hers.'

Phr. "a perfect woman nobly planned" [Wordsworth]; "a lovely lady garmented in white" [Shelley]; das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan [Ger][Goethe]; "earth's noblest thing, a woman perfected" [Lowell]; es de vidrio la mujer[Sp]; "she moves a goddess and she looks a queen" [Pope]; "the beauty of a lovely woman is like music" [G. Eliot]; varium et mutabile semper femina [Lat][Vergil]; "woman is the lesser man" [Tennyson].
P2. sexuality {{has_property(person)}}

#374a. Sexuality [human] -- N. sexuality; sex, gender.

sex instinct, sex drive, libido, lust, concupiscence.

{{has_subtype(sex/gender)}} male.

{{has_subtype(sexuality)}} masculinity, maleness, manliness.

{{has_subtype(sex/gender)}} female.

{{has_subtype(sexuality)}} femininity, womanliness.

{{has_subtype(sex/gender)}} neuter.

{{has_manifestation}} sexiness, attractiveness; sensuality, voluptuousness.

{{has_manifestation}} {{has_subtype(activity)}} sexual intercourse, copulation, mating, coitus, sex; lovemaking, marital relations, sexual union; sleeping together, carnal knowledge.

{{has_manifestation}} {{has_subtype(feeling)}} hots, horns [coll]; arousal, heat, rut, estrus, oestrus; erection, hard-on, boner.

{{has_manifestation}} masturbation, self-gratification, autoeroticism, onanism, self-abuse.

{{has_manifestation}} orgasm, climax, ejaculation.

{{has_manifestation}} [sexual intercourse outside of marriage] fornication, adultery.

[person who is sexy] {{trait_of(sexiness)}} sex symbol, sex goddess; stud, hunk.

{{has_subtype(sexual intercourse)}} one-night stand.

{{has_manifestation}} pornography, porn, porno; hardcore pornography, softcore pornography; pin-up, cheesecake; beefcake.

{{has_instance(pornography)}} {{has_subtype(magazine)}} Playboy, Esquire, Hustler.

{{has_manifestation}} {{property_of(unorthodox)}} {{has_subtype(activity)}} perversion, deviation, sexual abnormality; fetish, fetishism; homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality; sodomy, buggery; pederasty; sadism, sapphism[obs3]; masochism, sado-masochism; incest.

{{has_manifestation}} {{property_of(impurity,R961)}} carnality, flesh, salacity; prurience, pruriency; lechery, lewdness, lasciviousness, lasciviency[obs3], lubricity.
V. mate, copulate; make love, have intercourse, fornicate, have sex, do it, sleep together; screw[vulgar], fuck[vulgar]; sleep around, play the field..

masturbate, jerk off[coll.], jack off[coll.], play with oneself.

have the hots[coll]; become aroused, get hot, have an erection, get it up[coll.].

come, climax, ejaculate.

Adj. sexy, erotic, sexual, carnal, sensual.

hot, horny, randy, rutting; passionate, lusty, hot-blooded, libidinous.

homosexual, gay; lesbian; bisexual.

<-- human -->
P2. Human groups {{has_plural(person)}} {{trait_of(cooperation, R709)}} {{has_subtype(group, R72, A4.3.1)}} [[hgroup]]

<-- party and team came from different parts of Roget, but have a lot in common. Perhaps they should be merged? But party also implies antagonism to some other party. Use "association"? A party doesn't necessarily work together, but they have common interests -->
P2. Party (R712)

#712. Party. -- N. {{trait_of(cooperation, R709)}}.

party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band. horde, posse, phalanx; family, clan, &c. 166; team; tong.

council &c. 696.

community, body, fellowship, sodality, solidarity; confraternity; familistere[obs3], family circle, familistery[obs3]; brotherhood, sisterhood.

knot, gang, clique, ring, circle, group, crowd, in-crowd; coterie, club, casino[obs2]; machine; Tammany, Tammany Hall [U.S.].

corporation, corporate body, guild; establishment, company; copartnership[obs3], partnership; firm, house; joint concern, joint-stock company; cahoot, combine [U.S.], trust.

society, association; institute, institution; union; trades union; league, syndicate, alliance, Verein[Ger], Bund[Ger], Zollverein[Ger], combination; Turnverein[Ger]; league offensive and defensive, alliance offensive and defensive; coalition; federation; confederation, confederacy; junto, cabal, camarilla[obs3], camorra[obs3], brigue[obs1]; freemasonry; party spirit &c. (cooperation) 709.

Confederates, Conservatives, Democrats, Federalists, Federals, Freemason, Knight Templar; Kuklux, Kuklux Klan, KKK; Liberals, Luddites, Republicans, Socialists, Tories, Whigs &c.

staff; dramatis personae[Lat].

{{has_subtype(group)}} tribe.

{{has_subtype(group)}} clan, brotherhood, fraternity, sorority.

V. unite, join; club together &c. (cooperate) 709; cement a party, form a party &c. n.; associate &c. (assemble) 72; enleague[obs3], federalize, go cahoots .

Adj. in league, in partnership, in alliance &c. n.

bonded together, banded together, linked &c. (joined) 43- together; embattled; confederated, federative, joint.

Adv. hand in hand, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, en masse,in the same boat.
P2. Team (R712a)

<-- a team is not merely an assemblage; they have a common goal and work together -->

#712a. Team. -- N. {{trait_of(cooperation, R709)}} {{has_subtype(group, R72)}}.

group, team; crew, gang, knot, squad, band, party; concourse, conflux[obs3], congregation, contesseration[obs1], convergence &c. 290.

{{has_subtype(group)}} reunion, drawing room, at home; reception, conversazione[It] &c. (social gathering) 892.

{{has_subtype(group)}} assembly, congress, meeting, levee; convention, conventicle; gemote[obs3]; conclave &c. (council) 696.

{{has_subtype(group)}} posse, posse comitatus[Lat]; Noah's ark.

{{has_subtype(group)}} crowd, throng, group,; flood, rush, deluge; rabble, mob, press, crush, cohue[obs3], horde, body; atajo[obs3].

{{has_subtype(group)}} bunch, drive, force, mulada [obs3][U.S.]; remuda[obs3]; roundup [U.S.]; array, bevy, galaxy; squad, company, troop, troupe, task force, muster, attroupement[obs3]; army, corps, regiment, brigade &c. (combatants) 726; host &c. (multitude) 102; populousness.

{{has_subtype(group of animals)}} swarm, shoal, school, covey, flock, gaggle, herd, drove.

collector, gatherer; whip, whipper in.

association &c. (party) 712.

P2. Council (R696) {{performed_by(direction, R693)}}

#696. Council. -- N. council, committee, subcommittee, comitia[Lat], court, chamber, cabinet, board, bench, staff.

senate, senatus[Lat], parliament, chamber of deputies, directory, reichsrath[Ger], rigsdag, cortes[Sp], storthing[obs3], witenagemote[obs3], junta, divan, musnud[obs3], sanhedrim; classis[obs3]; Amphictyonic council[obs3]; duma[Russ], house of representatives; legislative assembly, legislative council; riksdag[obs3], volksraad[Ger], witan[obs3], caput[obs3], consistory, chapter, syndicate; court of appeal &c. (tribunal) 966; board of control, board of works; vestry; county council, local board.

audience chamber, council chamber, state chamber.

cabinet council, privy council; cockpit, convocation, synod, congress, convention, diet, states-general.

[formal gathering of members of a council: script] assembly, caucus, conclave, clique, conventicle; meeting, sitting, seance, conference, convention, exhibition, session, palaver, pourparler, durbar[obs3], house; quorum; council fire [N.Am.], powwow [U.S.], primary [U.S.].

meeting, assemblage &c. 72.

[person who is member of a council] member; senator; member of parliament, M.P.; councilor, representative of the people; assemblyman, congressman; councilman, councilwoman, alderman, freeholder.

V. assemble, gather together, meet (assemblage) 72; confer, caucus, hold council; huddle [coll.].

Adj. senatorial, curule[obs3]; congressional, parliamentary; legislative, law-making; regulatory; deliberative.

P2. Human roles,(functions) HROLE

P2. Human roles generally

N. relative, blood relative; family member, kin; in-law.

worker, laborer.


doer; agent, actor; protagonist; antagonist.

P2. Human familial relationships [[HREL]]

<-- [ref: 9. Relation, A2.1. ABSOLUTE RELATION]. -->

#11. [Relations of kindred.] Consanguinity. -- N. consanguinity, relationship, kinship, kindred, blood; parentage &c. (paternity) 166; filiation[obs3], affiliation; lineage, agnation[obs3], connection, alliance; family connection, family tie; ties of blood; nepotism.

kinsman, kinfolk; kith and kin; relation, relative; connection; sibling, sib; next of kin.

cousin, first cousin.

cousin-german[obs3]; second cousin; half-cousin; third cousin.; cousin once removed, cousin twice &c. removed.

near relation, distant relation.

blood relative, one's own flesh and blood.



{{has_subtype(descendant, P2.}} child; grandchild; great-grandchild; son; grandson; daughter; granddaughter; great-granddaughter.

family, fraternity; brotherhood, sisterhood, cousinhood[obs3].

race, stock, generation; sept &c. 166; stirps, side; strain; breed, clan, tribe, nation.

{{has_subtype}}{{has_subtype(male): son, grandson}} brother; father, grandfather; uncle; half uncle; half brother; nephew.

{{has_subtype}}{{has_subtype(female): daughter, granddaughter}} sister; mother; grandmother; aunt; half aunt; half sister; niece.

courtesy aunt, courtesy uncle.

V. be related to &c. adj. claim relationship with &c. n. with.

Adj. related, akin, consanguineous, of the blood, family, allied, collateral; cognate, agnate, connate; kindred; affiliated; fraternal.

intimately related, nearly related, closely related.

remotely related, distantly related, allied; german.

related by marriage.

<-- This entry is for paid labor -->

P2. Worker

N. worker, laborer.

employee, hired hand.

{{has_subtype(employee)}} permanent employee; temporary employee, temp; full-time employee; part-time employee; casual employee.

{{has_subtype(employee)}} contract employee; hired gun.

{{has_job}} {{has_subtype(duty, @R686)}} job, occupation, business, employment, work, line, line of work, means of livelihood, paid occupation, paying job, gainful employment, what one does for a living, situation.

{{has_subtype(job)}} office, function, position.

{{has_subtype(job)}} vocation, calling.

{{has_subtype(job)}} craft, trade, handicraft.

{{has_subtype(job)}} career, profession.

{{has_subtype(job)}} specialty, specialization, field of expertise.

{{job_of(gemology, @P2.}} gemologist; minerologist.


P2. Shopkeeper

N. shopkeeper.

store clerk, salesperson, sales clerk.

manager, store manager; floor manager.

{{sold_by(jewelry, @P2.}} jeweler.


{{sold_by(book)}} bookseller.

{{has_location: bookstore, bookshop, bookseller's shop}}.

publisher; bibliopole[obs3], bibliopolist[obs3].

P2. Clothier

{{job_of(sell clothes)}} clothier.

tailor, milliner, haberdasher, costumier, sempstress[obs3], snip; dressmaker, habitmaker[obs3], breechesmaker[obs3], shoemaker; Crispin; friseur[Fr]; cordwainer[obs3], cobbler, hosier[obs3], hatter; draper, linen draper, mercer.

P2. Newscaster

[organizations producing news reports] United Press International, UPI; Associated Press, AP; The Dow Jones News Service, DJ; The New York Times News Service, NYT[abbr]; Reuters [England]; TASS [Soviet Union]; The Nikkei [Japan].

[person reporting news as a profession] newscaster, newsman, newswoman, reporter, journalist, correspondent, foreign correspondent, special correspondent, war correspondent, news team, news department; anchorman, anchorwoman[obs3]; sportscaster; weatherman.

[officials providing news for an organization] press secretary, public relations department, public relations man.

P2. medical practitionER

medical practitioner, medical professional, health care worker, healer; medical attendant.

doctor, physician, MD, leech[obs2].

witch doctor, shaman; faith healer; quack.

accoucheur[Fr], accoucheuse[Fr], midwife; oculist, aurist[obs3]; operator.


nurse, registered nurse, sister.

practical nurse, monthly nurse.

nurse's aide, candystriper; dresser; orderly.

veterinarian, vet, animal doctor, horse doctor.

{{has_subtype(doctor)}} general practitioner, family practitioner; specialist, medical specialist.

{{has_subtype(specialist)}} surgeon; osteopath, osteopathist[obs3]; optometrist, ophthalmologist; internist, oncologist, gastroenterologist; epidemiologist, public health specialist; dermatologist, skin doctor; podiatrist.

{{has_instance}} {{property_of(ancient)}} Aesculapius[obs3], Hippocrates, Galen.

chiropractor, bonesetter, bone doctor.

pharmacist, druggist, chemist, apothecary, pharmaceutist[obs3], pharmacopolist[obs3].

[ref: medicine P2.6.4.8]
P2. Professional Athlete

N. professional athlete, athlete.

{{has_job}} professional sport.

footbal player; baseball player; basketball player; soccer player; tennis player; hockey player; golf player, golfing pro; boxer, prize fighter, professional boxer; professional wrestler, pro wrestler.

{{has_subtype(football player}} quarterback; halfback; lineman.

{{has_subtype(soccer player/hockey player}} goalie.

coach; head coach.

{{has_subtype(football coach)}} defensive coordinator; offensive coordinator.

{{has_subtype(baseball player)}} pitcher; catcher; first baseman; second baseman; third baseman; short stop; fielder, outfielder; manager.

{{has_subtype(pitcher)}} starter; reliever.
P2. Excavator.

N. {{created_by(excavation, @P1.}} excavator, sapper, miner; driller, oil driller, oil explorer.

P2. Lapidary

{{job_of(gemstone polishing, @P1.}} lapidary, lapidarian; gemcutter}}.

<-- the entry scientist is for scientific occupations without a separate entry of their own. -->

P2. Scientist [[scientist]]


{{has_subtype: physical scientist; social scientist}}.

P2. Physical Scientist

physical scientist; social scientist.

{{job_of(hydrography, @R341, @P2.}} hydrographer.
P2. Zoologist

N. {{job_of(zoology, R368, @P2.}} zoologist.

anatomist; morphologist.


zoologist; icthyologist; herpetologist; ornithologist; entomologist; anthropologist; helminthologist; paeontologist}}.

Adj. zoological &c. n.

<-- anthropology, ornithology, ichthyology, herpetology, helminthology[Med], entomology, oryctology[obs3], paleontology.



P2. Social Scientist

[[End of: occupation, job]]

P2. Person with specific characteristics

[person who is ...; person who does ...(character)]

<-- human mental properties, e.g. courage, cowardice

generally under volition -->

[ref: P2.2.3 traits, characteristics of humans (@TRAIT)].

Where to ... individual, one of a kind?

be unique; not follow the herd, march to one's own drummer. .-->

N. {{has_subtype(person)}} character, type, stereotype.

V. be typical, be stereotypical, typify.

categorize, stereotype.

Adj. typical, stereotypical.

typed, stereotyped; categorized.

P2. Person with specific characteristics, generally -- N.
P2. People with certain physical characteristics

N. physical type.
P2. giant

N. {{property_of(hugeness)}} giant.

monster, mammoth, behemoth; colossus.

{{has_metaphor}} cachalot, whale, porpoise, leviathan, elephant, hippopotamus.

thumper, whooper, spanker, strapper.

{{has_instance}} ((property_of(mythical)}} Brobdingnagian, Antaeus, Gog and Magog, Gargantua, Cyclops.

{{has_instance}} Goliath.

"Triton among the minnows" [Coriolanus].

Adj. giant, gigantic, colossal.

brobdingnagian, cyclopean.

P2. Mulatto [person with parents of different races]

N. {{has_subtype(mixture, R44)}} half-blood, half-caste; mulatto; terceron[obs3], quarteron[obs3], quinteron &c.[obs3];.quadroon, octoroon; griffo[obs3], zambo[obs3]; cafuzo[obs3]; Eurasian; fustee[obs3], fustie[obs3]; griffe, ladino[obs3], marabou, mestee[obs3], mestizo, quintroon, sacatra zebrule[obs3][U. S.]; catalo[obs3]; cross, hybrid, mongrel.
P2. stranger

{{property_of(extraneousness; unfamiliarity)}} alien, stranger, intruder, interloper, foreigner, novus homo[Lat], newcomer, immigrant, emigrant; creole, Africander[obs3]; outsider.

[insulting terms] Dago*, wop, mick, polak, greaser, slant.

Easterner [U.S.], Dutchman, tenderfoot.

<-- R492 Scholar, R493 Ignoramus, R500 Sage, R501 Fool, and R504 Madman

refer to M5.5 results of reasoning -->

P2. Scholar R492 {{has_result(learning, R539, @M8.1.2)}}

#492. Scholar.-- N. scholar, connoisseur, savant, pundit, schoolman[obs3], professor, graduate, wrangler; academician, academist[obs3]; master of arts, doctor, licentitate, gownsman; philosopher, master of math; scientist; clerk; sophist, sophister[obs3]; linguist; glossolinguist, philologist; philologer[obs3]; lexicographer, glossographer; grammarian; litterateur[Fr], literati, dilettanti, illuminati, cogniscenti[It]; fellow, Hebraist, lexicologist, mullah, munshi[obs3], Sanskritish; sinologist, sinologue[obs3]; Mezzofanti[obs3], admirable Crichton, Mecaenas.

teacher, rabbi &c. 540 [@HROLE]

bookworm, helluo librorum[Lat]; book lover, bibliophile, avid reader, bibliomaniac[obs3]; bluestocking, bas-bleu[Fr]; bigwig, learned Theban, don; Artium Baccalaureus[Lat][obs3], Artium Magister[Lat].

learned man, intellectual, literary man; homo multarum literarum[Lat]; man of learning, man of letters, man of education, man of genius.

antiquarian, antiquary; archaeologist; paleontologist.

sage &c. (wise man) 500.

pedant, doctrinaire; pedagogue, Dr. Pangloss; pantologist[obs3], criminologist.

schoolboy &c. (learner) 541.

Adj. learned &c. 490; brought up at the feet of Gamaliel.

Phr. "he was a scholar and a ripe and good one" [Henry VIII]; "the manifold linguist" [All's Well That Ends Well].
P2. Ignoramus R493

#493. Ignoramus.-- N. ignoramus, dunce; wooden spoon; no scholar.

[insulting terms for ignorant person: see also imbecility 499, folly 501] moron, imbecile, idiot; fool, jerk, nincompoop, asshole [vulgar].

[person with superficial knowledge] sciolist[obs3], smatterer, dabbler, half scholar; charlatan; wiseacre.

greenhorn &c. (dupe) 547; novice, tyro &c. (learner) 541; numskull.

lubber &c. (bungler) 701; fool &c. 501; pedant &c. 492.

Adj. bookless[obs3], shallow; ignorant &c. 491.

Phr. "a wit with dunces and a dunce with wits" [Pope].
P2. Sage R500 {{has_result(learning, R539, @M8.1.2)}}

#500. Sage -- N. sage, wise man, guru; genius; master mind, master spirit of the age; longhead[obs3], thinker; intellectual, longhair.

authority, oracle, luminary, shining light, esprit fort, magnus Apollo[Lat][obs3], Solon, Solomon, Nestor, Magi, "second Daniel."

man of learning &c. 492; expert &c. 700; wizard &c. 994.

[Ironically] wiseacre, bigwig, know-it-all; poor man's Einstein.

Adj. venerable, reverenced, emeritus.

Phr. barba tenus sapientes[Lat].
P2. Madman R504

#504. Madman. -- N. madman, lunatic, maniac, bedlamite[obs3], candidate for Bedlam, raver[obs3], madcap, crazy; energumen[obs3]; automaniac[obs3], monomaniac, dipsomaniac, kleptomaniac; hypochondriac &c. (low spirits); crank, Tom o'Bedlam.

dreamer &c. 515; rhapsodist, seer, highflier[obs3], enthusiast, fanatic, fanatico[Sp]; exalte[French]; knight errant, Don Quixote.

idiot &c. 501.
P2. Fool R501

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