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#551. Record. -- N. record, recording; trace, vestige.

relic, remains; scar, cicatrix.

footprint, footstep, footmark[obs3]; pug; track, track mark, wake, trail.

{{property_of(impermanence)}} {{causes(animal)}} scent, spoor, piste[obs3].


{{has_subtype(memorial)}} {{has_subtype(structure}} monument; obelisk, pillar, column, monolith.

{{has_subtype(memorial)}} hatchment.

{{has_subtype(memorial)}} plaque.

{{has_subtype(memorial)}} trophy, winner's cup, cup; slab, tablet, achievement.

{{has_instance(trophy)}} Oscar; Emmy.

{{has_subtype(memorial): memento &c. (memory) 505; testimonial, medal; commemoration &c. (celebration) 883}}.

record, note, minute; register, registry; roll &c. (list) 86; cartulary, diptych, Domesday book; catalogue raisonne[Fr]; entry, memorandum, indorsement[obs3], inscription, copy, duplicate, docket; notch &c. (mark) 550; muniment[obs3], deed &c. (security) 771; document; deposition, proces verbal[Fr]; affidavit; certificate &c. (evidence) 467.

notebook, memorandum book, memo book, pocketbook, commonplace book; portfolio; pigeonholes, excerpta[obs3], adversaria[Lat], jottings, dottings[obs3].

{{has_subtype(document)}} gazette, gazetteer; newspaper, daily, magazine; almanac, almanack[obs3]; calendar, ephemeris, diary, log, journal, daybook, ledger; cashbook[obs3], petty cashbook[obs3]; professional journal, scientific literature, the literature, primary literature, secondary literature, article, review article.

archive, scroll, state paper, return, blue book; statistics &c. 86; compte rendu[Fr]; Acts of, Transactions of, Proceedings of; Hansard's Debates.

{{hcreates(annalist)}} (chronicle, annals, legend; history, biography &c. 594; Congressional Records.

registration; registry; enrollment, inrollment[obs3]; tabulation; entry, booking; signature &c. (identification) 550; recorder &c. 553; journalism.

[analog recording media] recording, tape recording, videotape.

[digital recording media] compact disk; floppy disk, diskette; hard disk, Winchester disk; read-only memory, ROM; write once read mostly memory, WORM; floptical disk; rewritable optical disk; digital tape, DAT.

p2. Writing Instrument

pen, ball-point pen, fountain pen; quill.

pencil, lead pencil, mechanical pencil.

typewriter; electric typewriter.

{{has_subtype}} word processor.

{{uses(word processor): word processing program; word processor, editor}}.
P2. computer [[computer]]

<-- Calculators and Computers(unintelligent)

d. Intelligent computers (POAI)




N. calculater, computer, calculating machine.

P2. Computers and calculating machines generally

P2. Non-electronic calculators


adding machine; abacus.

{{has_subtype(adding machine)}} hand-cranked adding machine; electrical adding machine.

sorting machine, sorter; card sorter, punched-card sorter.
P2. electronic calculators

electronic calculator, calculator.

desk calculator; hand calculator, pocket calculator; card-sized calculator, wallet-sized calculator, credit-card-sized calculator.
P2. electronic computers

P2. electronic computers generally

P2. Computer

Computer. -- N. computer, electronic computer.

{{has_subtype: digital computer}} analog computer.

P2. digital Computer

general-purpose computer; dedicated computer; dedicated microprocessor.

{{has_subtype: mainframe (P2.; minicomputer (P2.; microcomputer}}.

{{has_subtype(microcomputer): workstation; personal computer; game computer}}.

{{has_part}} motherboard, main board, planar board.

{{has_part}} random-access memory, RAM; case, outer case; power supply; power cord; peripheral device, peripheral.

{{has_part(motherboard)}} processor; system clock; bus; BIOS chip}}.

{{&has_part(motherboard)}} coprocessor, co-processor; read-only memory, ROM; bus arbitrator.

{{has_subtype(bus)}} system bus; local bus

{{has_subtype(processor)}} microprocessor.

P2. Peripheral device

peripheral device, peripheral.

P2. data storage device {{requires: data storage medium}}

data storage device, mass storage device.

disk drive; magnetic tape drive; paper tape drive; bubble memory.

{{has_subtype(disk drive): hard disk drive, fixed disk; floppy disk drive, floppy drive, floppy; compact disk drive, CD-ROM; WORM drive, WORM; rewritable optical disk drive; floptical drive}}.

{{has_subtype(compact disk drive)}} {{property_of(plurality, R100)}} carousel, minichanger.
P2. data storage medium

mass storage, data storage medium.

paper tape; magnetic medium, magnetic media; optical medium, optical media.

{{has_subtype(optical medium)}} compact disk, CD-ROM; write once read mostly memory, WORM.

{{has_subtype(magnetic medium)}} floppy disk, floppy, diskette; hard disk, fixed disk; magnetic tape, tape, digital tape.
P2. mainframe

P2. minicomputer

P2. microcomputer

P2. workstation

P2. supercomputer

P2. dedicated microprocessor

P2. Electronic computer parts

P2. electronic computer manufacturers

P2. Conveyance R271 to R273 [[conveyance]]

conveyance, transportation; transport.

private transport.

public transport.

P2. Carrier (R271)

#271. Carrier. -- N. carrier, porter, bearer, tranter[obs1], conveyer; cargador[obs3]; express, expressman; stevedore, coolie; conductor, locomotive, motor.

beast, beast of burden, cattle, horse, nag, palfrey, Arab[obs3], blood horse, thoroughbred, galloway[obs3], charger, courser, racer, hunter, jument[obs3], pony, filly, colt, foal, barb, roan, jade, hack, bidet, pad, cob, tit, punch, roadster, goer[obs3]; racehorse, pack horse, draft horse, cart horse, dray horse, post horse; ketch; Shetland pony, shelty, sheltie; garran[obs3], garron[obs3]; jennet, genet[obs3], bayard[obs3], mare, stallion, gelding; bronco, broncho[obs3], cayuse [U.S.]; creature, critter [rural U.S.]; cow pony, mustang, Narraganset, waler[obs3]; stud.

Pegasus, Bucephalus, Rocinante.

ass, donkey, jackass, mule, hinny; sumpter horse, sumpter mule; burro, cuddy[obs3], ladino [obs3][U.S.]; reindeer; camel, dromedary, llama, elephant; carrier pigeon.

[object used for carrying] pallet, brace, cart, dolley; support &c. 215; fork lift.

carriage &c. (vehicle) 272; ship &c. 273.

Adj. equine, asinine.

P2. Vehicle(R272)

#272. Vehicle. -- N. vehicle, conveyance, transport.

carriage, caravan, van; common carrier; wagon, waggon[obs3], wain, dray, cart, truck, lorry.

tram; cariole, carriole[obs3]; limber, tumbrel, pontoon; barrow; wheel barrow, hand barrow; perambulator; Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair; chaise; palankeen[obs3], palanquin; litter, brancard[obs3], crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance; black Maria; conestoga wagon, conestoga wain; jinrikisha, ricksha, brett[obs3], dearborn [obs3][U.S.], dump cart, hack, hackery[obs3], jigger, kittereen[obs3], mailstate[obs3], manomotor[obs3], rig, rockaway[obs3], prairie schooner [U.S.], shay, sloven [Can.], team, tonga[obs3], wheel; hobbyhorse, go-cart; cycle; bicycle, bike, two-wheeler; tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle[obs3].

equipage, turn-out; coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle[obs3], tilbury[obs3], whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence[obs3], calash, caleche[French], britzka[obs3], araba[obs3], kibitka[obs3]; berlin; sulky, desobligeant[French], sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse[Fr]; jaunting car, outside car; dandi[obs3]; doolie[obs3], dooly[obs3]; munchil[obs3], palki[obs3].

roller skates, skate; ski; tonjon[obs3]; vettura[obs3].

post chaise, diligence, stage; stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, glass coach; stage wagon, omnibus, fly, cabriolet[obs3], shofle[obs3], four-wheeler, growler, droshki[obs3], drosky[obs3].

dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn[obs2], random, tandem; shandredhan[obs3], char-a-bancs[French].

automobile, motor car, car, auto, autocar.

{{has_subtype(automobile)}} limousine; runabout; jalopy, clunker, lemon; flivver, coupe, sedan; two-door sedan; four-door sedan, luxury sedan; wheels [coll.], sports car, roadster; gran turismo[It], jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, off-track vehicle; beach buggy; electric car; steamer.

station wagon, family car; racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car.

{{has_subtype(automobile)}} {{has_subtype(public transport)}} taxicab, cab, hansom, taxicoach[obs3], checker cab, yellow cab.

golf cart, electric wagon.

motorcycle, motor bike, side car.

{{has_subtype(motorcyle)}} Harley, Harley-Davidson; Yamaha.

van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus; truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor-trailer, road train, articulated vehicle.

bob, bobsled, bobsleigh[obs3]; cutter; double ripper, double runner [U.S.]; jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan.

train; accommodation train, passenger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train; 1st class train, 2nd class train, 3rd class train, 1st class carriage, 2nd class carriage, 3rd class carriage, 1st class compartment, 2nd class compartment, 3rd class compartment; rolling stock; horse box, cattle truck; baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car; surface car, tram car, trolley, trolley car; box car, box wagon; horse car [U.S.]; bullet train, shinkansen [Jap.], cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express; luggage van; mail, mail car, mail van.

airplane, plane, airliner; airship.

shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe; spade, spaddle[obs3], loy[obs3]; spud; pitchfork; post hole digger.

[powered construction vehicles] tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller; pile driver; crane, wrecking crane.

P2. Ship (R273)

#273. Ship. -- N. ship, vessel, sail; craft, bottom.

navy, marine, fleet, flotilla; shipping.

man of war &c. (combatant) 726; transport, tender, storeship[obs3]; merchant ship, merchantman; packet, liner; whaler, slaver, collier, coaster, lighter; fishing boat, pilot boat; trawler, hulk; yacht; baggala[obs3]; floating hotel, floating palace; ocean greyhound.

ship, bark, barque, brig, snow, hermaphrodite brig; brigantine, barkantine[obs3]; schooner; topsail schooner, for and aft schooner, three masted schooner; chasse-maree[Fr]; sloop, cutter, corvette, clipper, foist, yawl, dandy, ketch, smack, lugger, barge, hoy[obs3], cat, buss; sailer, sailing vessel; windjammer; steamer, steamboat, steamship, liner, ocean liner, cruisp, flap, dab, pat, thump, beat, blow, bang, slam, dash; punch, thwack, whack; hit hard, strike hard; swap, batter, dowse[obs1], baste; pelt, patter, buffet, belabor; fetch one a blow; poke at, pip, ship of the line; destroyer, cruiser, frigate; landing ship, LST[abbr]; aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop[coll.], nuclear powered carrier; submarine, submersible, atomic submarine.

boat, pinnace, launch; life boat, long boat, jolly boat, bum boat, fly boat, cock boat, ferry oat, canal boat; swamp boat, ark, bully [Nfld.], bateau battery[Can.], broadhorn[obs3], dory, droger[obs3], drogher; dugout, durham boat, flatboat, galiot[obs3]; shallop[obs3], gig, funny, skiff, dingy, scow, cockleshell, wherry, coble[obs3], punt, cog, kedge, lerret[obs3]; eight oar, four oar, pair oar; randan[obs3]; outrigger; float, raft, pontoon; prame[obs3]; iceboat, ice canoe, ice yacht.

catamaran, hydroplane, hovercraft,coracle, gondola, carvel[obs3], caravel; felucca, caique[obs3], canoe, birch bark canoe, dugout canoe,; galley, galleyfoist[obs3]; bilander[obs3], dogger[obs3], hooker, howker[obs3]; argosy, carack[obs3]; galliass[obs3], galleon; polacca[obs3], polacre[obs3], tartane[obs3], junk, lorcha[obs3], praam[obs3], proa[obs3], prahu[obs3], saick[obs3], sampan, xebec, dhow; dahabeah[obs3]; nuggah[obs3]; kayak, keel boat [U.S.], log canoe, pirogue; quadrireme[obs3], trireme; stern-wheeler [U.S.]; wanigan[obs3], wangan [obs3][U.S.], wharf boat.

balloon; airship, aeroplane; biplane, monoplane, triplane[obs3]; hydroplane; aerodrome; air balloon, pilot balloon, fire balloon, dirigible, zeppelin; aerostat, Montgolfier; kite, parachute.

jet plane, rocket plane, jet liner, turbojet, prop-jet, propeller plane; corporate plane, corporate jet, private plane, private aviation; airline, common carrier; fighter, bomber, fighter-bomber, escort plane, spy plane; supersonic aircraft, subsonic aircraft.

{{has_part}} {{property_of(lowness, R207)}} hold, bilge.
Adv. afloat, aboard; on board, on ship board; hard a lee, hard a port, hard a starboard, hard a weather.

P2. Powered Machines R386, R387 [[machine]]

(exc. vehicles(15) (2)&(4-6)) (symb. POMACH)

<-- 386. Furnace

387. Refrigeratory


P2. Furnace (R386)

#386. Furnace. -- N. furnace, stove, kiln, oven; cracker; hearth, focus, combustion chamber; athanor[obs3], hypocaust[obs3], reverberatory; volcano; forge, fiery furnace; limekiln; Dutch oven; tuyere, brasier[obs3], salamander, heater, warming pan; boiler, caldron, seething caldron, pot; urn, kettle; chafing-dish; retort, crucible, alembic, still; waffle irons; muffle furnace, induction furnace; electric heater, electric furnace, electric resistance heat.

[steel-making furnace] open-hearth furnace.

fireplace, gas fireplace; coal fire, wood fire; fire-dog, fire-irons; grate, range, kitchener; caboose, camboose[obs3]; poker, tongs, shovel, ashpan, hob, trivet; andiron, gridiron; ashdrop; frying-pan, stew-pan, backlog.

[area near a fireplace] hearth, inglenook.

[residential heating methods] oil burner, gas burner, Franklin stove, pot-bellied stove; wood-burning stove; central heating, steam heat, hot water heat, gas heat, forced hot air, electric heat, heat pump; solar heat, convective heat.

hothouse, bakehouse[obs3], washhouse[obs3]; laundry; conservatory;

sudatory[obs3]; Turkish bath, Russian bath, vapor bath, steam bath, sauna, warm bath; vaporarium[obs3].
P2. Refrigerator (R387)

#387. Refrigerator. -- N. refrigerator, refrigeratory[obs3]; frigidarium[obs3]; cold storage, cold room, cold laboratory; icehouse, icepail, icebag, icebox; cooler, damper, polyurethane cooler; wine cooler.

freezer, deep freeze, dry ice freezer, liquid nitrogen freezer, refigerator-freezer.

[refrigerating substances] freezing mixture, ice, ice cubes, blocks of ice, chipped ice; liquid nitrogen, dry ice, dry ice-acetone, liquid helium.
P2. driver

N. {{carried_out_by(impel, R276,P2.4.2.3)}} pile driver, pile-driving engine.

{{carried_out_by(impel, R276,P2.4.2.3)}} jack hammer, air hammer, pneumatic hammer.

<-- c 388. fuel under POM , processed natural materials -->

<-- cf. 389. thermometeter under POMEAS, measuring instruments -->

<-- cf. 382-385 heat, cold under physics -->
P2. Other Devices

<-- other devices include anything not covered in the above categories

a "device" here is generally something small enough for a person to carry and use. Not a hard definition.


device, simple device, small device.

P2. Devices generally

P2. alarm

<-- && here we haven't yet distinguished between the detector and effector parts of an alarm device -->


{{&part_of: device/machine/conveyance}}.

{{emits: signal, M8.}}.

{{has_part: sensor, P2.}}.

{{carries_out}} monitoring, guarding.

{{caused_by: malfunction; abnormal condition}}.

{{has_subtype} fire alarm, smoke detector, heat detector; burglar alarm; overpressure alarm; underpressure alarm; overtemperature alarm.

P2. sensor

P2. sensors generally

sensor, detector, transducer.

{{&has_part: measuring instrument, P2.}}.

{{has_subtype}} electronic sensor; electrical sensor; mechanical sensor.

{{has_subtype}} smoke detector.

{{&part_of: alarm, P2.}}.
P2. electrical and electronic Devices [not covered elsewhere]

P2. electronic devices generally

N. electronic device.

telecommunication device.

{{has_part(telecommunication device)}} {{emitted_by(radio wave)}} transmitter, radio wave transmitter.

{{has_function(transmitter)}} radio wave transmission, transmission.

{{has_function(receiver)}} radio wave reception, reception.

{{has_method(radio wave transmission)}} AM transmission, amplitude modulation transmission; FM transmission, frequency modulation transmission.

{{has_subtype(transmitter)}} television transmitter; radio transmitter; radar transmitter; microwave transmitter.

{{needed_by(radio wave)}} receiver, radio wave receiver, wireless.

{{has_subtype(transmitter)}} {{has_subtype(receiver)}} radar.

{{has_subtype(radar)}} radar gun, radar speed meter.

{{has_subtype(radar)}} {{property_of(multiplicity)}} radar screen.

{{has_location(radar)}} {{has_subtype(structure): radar dome}}.

{{has_subtype(transmitter)}} AM transmitter; FM transmitter.
P2. components of electrical and electronic devices

<-- many of these components may themselves be referred to as electrical or electronic devices, and are also part of electrical devices -->

{{has_part: electronic device, P2.}}.

electronic device component, component.

resistor; capacitor; induction coil; rectifier.


vacuum tube, diode, triode, tetrode, pentode.


{{has_subtype(transistor)}} NPN; PNP; field-effect transistor, FET; metal oxide field effect transistor, MOSFET.

{{has_part(transmitter, @P2., @P2.}} antenna, aerial.

{{has_subtype(antenna, @P2.}} television antenna; FM antenna; directional antenna; omnidirectional antenna; high-gain antenna; low-gain antenna; transmission tower; loop antenna; rabbit ears; shortwave antenna; whip antenna; auto antenna; mast; parabolic antenna; horn antenna, horn, horn-shaped antenna; dish, dish antenna.

{{has_subtype(dish antenna)}} satellite dish.
<-- [[furniture]] -->

P2. Furniture

{{location_of(building)}} furniture, furnishings.

{{&has_part}} upholstery.

{{function_of(support, R215, P1.}} counter, dresser; flange, corbel ; table, trestle; shoulder; perch; horse; easel, desk; clotheshorse, hatrack; retable; teapoy[obs3].; mantel, mantle piece

{{function_of(support, R215, P1.}} seat.

{{has_subtype(seat)}} chair; bench, form, stool; couch, sofa, settee, love seat; throne, dais; divan, musnud[obs3]; stall, booth, pew; fauteuil[Fr], woolsack[obs3], ottoman, settle, squab; aparejo[obs3], faldstool[obs3], horn.

{{has_subtype(chair)}} arm chair, easy chair; reclining chair, recliner; elbow chair, rocking chair; long chair, long sleeve chair, morris chair; wing chair; lamba chauki[obs3], lamba kursi[obs3]; folding chair; lawn chair.

saddle, pannel[obs3], pillion; side saddle, pack saddle; pommel.

{{function_of(support, R215, P1.}} bed, berth, pallet, tester, crib, cot, hammock, shakedown, trucklebed[obs3], litter, stretcher, bedstead; four poster, French bed, bunk, kip, palang[obs3]; bedding, bichhona, mattress, paillasse[obs3]; pillow, bolster; mat, rug, cushion.

{{function_of(support, R215, P1.}} footstool, hassock; tabouret[obs3]; tripod, monopod.

{{has_subtype(container)}} bunker, buffet, press, clothespress, safe, sideboard, drawer, chest of drawers, chest on chest, highboy, lowboy, till, scrutoire[obs1], secretary, secretaire, davenport, bookcase, cabinet, canterbury; escritoire, etagere, vargueno, vitrine.

{[of(baby)]} {{has_subtype(bed)}} cradle, bassinet.

<-- the following category excludes food, cooking, and furniture -->

P2. household Supplies

household supply, household necessity.


P2. Medical INstruments

N. medical instrument.

syringe, needle, hypodermic needle.

<-- ============================================================= -->
P2.3.2 Animate Organic Objects (R357 to R449) [[animate]]

(excludes robots & aliens)

(except sensation, R382-389,R402-405, R420-427

R445 optical instr., R417 Musical Instr.)

P2.3.2.1 animate objects generally (R357 to R 371)
<-- ( VITALITY In General )

357. Organization. 358. Inorganization

359. Life 360. Death

361. Killing

362. Corpse

363. Interment

654. Health 655 Disease

656. Salubrity 657. Insalubrity


#357. Organization. -- N. organized world, organized nature; living nature, animated nature; living beings; organic remains, fossils.

protoplasm, cytoplasm, protein; albumen; structure &c. 329; organization, organism.

biology[Science of living beings]; natural history, organic chemistry, anatomy, physiology; zoology &c. 368; botany; microbiology, virology, bacteriology, mycology &c. 369; naturalist.

archegenesis &c. (production) 161[obs3]; antherozoid[obs3], bioplasm[obs3], biotaxy[obs3], chromosome, dysmeromorph[obs3]; ecology, oecology; erythroblast[Physiol], gametangium[obs3], gamete, germinal matter, invagination[Biol]; isogamy[obs3], oogamy[obs3]; karyaster[obs3]; macrogamete[obs3], microgamete[obs3]; metabolism, anabolism, catabolism; metaplasm[obs3], ontogeny, ovary, ovum, oxidation, phylogeny, polymorphism, protozoa, spermary[obs3], spermatozoon, trophoplasm[obs3], vacuole, vertebration[obs3], zoogloea[obs3], zygote.

Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, Lamarkism, neoLamarkism, Weismannism.

morphology, taxonomy.

Adj. organic, organized; karyoplasmic[obs3], unsegmentic[obs3], vacuolar, zoogloeic[obs3], zoogloeoid[obs3].
#358. Inorganization. -- N. mineral world,mineral kingdom; unorganized matter, inorganic matter, brute matter, inanimate matter.

mineralogy[Science of the mineral kingdom], geology, geognosy[obs3], geoscopy[obs3]; metallurgy, metallography[obs3]; lithology; oryctology[obs1], oryctography[obs1].

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