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#779. Possessor. -- N. {{performed_by(ownership, possession, R779, @M9.2.1 Property in General)}}.

possessor, holder; occupant, occupier; tenant; person in possession, man in possession &c.777; renter, lodger, lessee, underlessee[obs3]; zemindar[obs3], ryot[obs3]; tenant on sufferance, tenant at will, tenant from year to year, tenant for years, tenant for life.

owner; proprietor, proprietress, proprietary; impropriator[obs3], master, mistress, lord.

land holder, land owner, landlord, land lady, slumlord; lord of the manor, lord paramount; heritor, laird, vavasour[obs3], landed gentry, mesne lord[obs3]; planter.

cestui-que-trust[Fr], beneficiary, mortgagor.

grantee, feoffee[obs3], releasee[Law], relessee[obs3], devisee; legatee, legatary[obs3].

trustee; holder &c. of the legal estate; mortgagee.

right owner, rightful owner.

[Future possessor] heir presumptive, heir apparent; heiress; inheritor, inheritress, inheritrix; reversioner[obs3], remainderman[obs3].
P2. Seller {{performed_by(Sale, R796)}}.

seller; vender, vendor; auctioneer.

{{has_subtype: merchant &c. 797}}.
P2. Merchant (R797) {{has_subtype(seller, P2.}}.

#797. Merchant.-- N. merchant, trader, dealer, monger, chandler, salesman; changer; regrater[obs3]; shopkeeper, shopman[obs3]; tradesman, tradespeople, tradesfolk.

retailer; chapman, hawker, huckster, higgler[obs3]; peddler, pedlar, colporteur, cadger, Autolycus[obs3]; sutler[obs3], vivandiere[obs3]; costerman[obs3], costermonger[obs3]; tallyman; camelot; faker; vintner.

salesman; traveling salesman, door-to-door salesman.

{{has_instance(traveling salesman)}} Fuller brush man.

money broker, cambist[obs3], money changer.

banker, money lender, usurer, moneyer[obs3].

jobber; broker &c. (agent) 758; buyer &c. 795; seller &c.796.

{[in_frame(stock market)]} stockbroker; mutual fund manager; bear, bull.

concern; firm &c. (partnership) 712.
P2. buyer

buyer, purchaser, emptor[obs2], vendee.

customer, client, patron.

{{similar_to}} user, consumer.

Phr. caveat emptor[Lat: let the buyer beware].
P2. Advertiser {{&has_subtype(seller)}}


P2. Timekeeper {{performed_by(chronometry, R114)}}.

chronographer[obs3], timekeeper.

{{&similar_to: chronologer, chronologist, annalist, @P2.}}.
P2. historian {{has_subtype(writer, P2.}}.


chronologer, chronologist, annalist.
P2. Antiquarian {{performed_by(antiquarianism &c., @ R122, The Past )}}.

antiquarian, antiquary; paleologist, paleontologist, archaeologist; laudator temporis acti[Lat]; medievalist, Pre-Raphaelite; archmologist &c.[obs3]; Oldbuck, Dryasdust.

P2. Propagandist {{performed_by(persuasion, R537a)}}.

proselytizer, propagandist; apologist, flack.

press agent, news secretary; spin doctor.
P2. Director (R694) {{performed_by(direction,R693)}}

#694. Director. -- N. director, manager, governor, rector, comptroller.

superintendent, supervisor, straw boss;.

intendant; overseer, overlooker[obs3]; supercargo[obs3], husband, inspector, visitor, ranger, surveyor, aedile[obs3]; moderator, monitor, taskmaster; master &c. 745; leader, ringleader, demagogue, corypheus, conductor, fugleman[obs3], precentor[obs3], bellwether, agitator; caporal[obs3], choregus[obs3], collector, file leader, flugelman[obs3], linkboy[obs3].

guiding star &c. (guidance) 693; adviser &c. 695; guide &c. (information) 527; pilot; helmsman; steersman, steermate[obs3]; wire-puller.

driver, whip, Jehu, charioteer; coachman, carman, cabman; postilion, vetturino[obs3], muleteer, arriero[obs3], teamster; whipper in.

head, head man, head center, boss; principal, president, speaker; chair, chairman, chairwoman, chairperson; captain &c. (master) 745; superior; mayor &c. (civil authority) 745; vice president, prime minister, premier, vizier, grand vizier, eparch[obs3].

officer, functionary, minister, official, red-tapist[obs3], bureaucrat; man in office, Jack in office; office bearer; person in authority &c. 745.

statesman, strategist, legislator, lawgiver, politician, statist[obs2], statemonger[obs3]; Minos, Draco; arbiter &c. (judge) 967; boss [U.S.], political dictator.

board &c. (council) 696.

secretary, secretary of state; Reis Effendi; vicar &c. (deputy) 759; steward, factor; agent &c. 758; bailiff, middleman; foreman, clerk of works; landreeve[obs3]; factotum, major-domo[obs3], seneschal, housekeeper, shepherd, croupier; proctor, procurator.

Adv. ex officio.
P2. Persuader {{performed_by(persuasion, R616a)}}

persuader, prompter, tempter; seducer, seductor[obs3]; instigator, firebrand, incendiary; Siren, Circe; agent provocateur; advocate, champion, lobbyist.

P2. Chatterer [person who is loquacious] -- N.

talker; chatterer, chatterbox; babbler &c. v.; rattle; ranter; sermonizer, proser[obs3], driveler; blatherskite [U. S.]; gossip &c. (converse) 588; magpie, jay, parrot, poll, Babel; moulin a paroles[Fr].

[ref loquacity R584, M8.1.4.3]
P2. informant {{performed_by(information, communication, R527)}}

informant, authority, teller, intelligencer[obs3], reporter, exponent, mouthpiece.

informer, eavesdropper, delator, detective; sleuth; mouchard[obs3], spy, newsmonger; messenger &c. 534; amicus curiae[Lat].
P2. Abridger

{{performed_by(abridgement, @R201)}} abridger; summarizer, epitomist[obs3], epitomizer[obs3].

P2. Inhabitant (R188)

#188. Inhabitant.-- N. inhabitant; resident, residentiary[obs3]; dweller, indweller[obs3]; denizen.

citizen, national; landsman[obs3].

{{has_subtype(citizen)}} subject.

native, indigene, aboriginal, aborigines, autochthones[obs3]; local, local resident.

addressee; occupier, occupant; householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, locum tenens, commorant[obs3]; settler, squatter, backwoodsman, colonist; islander; burgher, oppidan[obs3], cockney, cit, townsman, burgess; villager; cottager, cottier[obs3], cotter; compatriot; backsettler[obs3], boarder; hotel keeper, innkeeper; habitant; paying guest; planter.

{{property_of(newness)}} newcomer, immigrant.

{{property_of(newness): stranger, R57}}.

{{location_of(island, P2.}} islander.

{{has_instance}} American, North American; European; South American: Asian, Asiatic.

{{has_instance(citizen)}} {{has_subtype(European)}} Briton, Brit[coll.]; Bohemian; Bulgarian, Bulgar; Belgian; Englishman; Caledonian, Cambrian; Canadian, Canuck*; Scot, Scotchman; Hibernian, Irishman; Welshman; German; Frenchman; Dutchman; Italian; Russian; Spaniard; Yugoslav; Portuguese; Dane; Norwegian; Finn; Latvian, Lett; Lithuanian; Estonian; Pole; Hungarian; Czech; Slav; Swede; Swiss; Albanian; Greek; Turk; Romanian.

{{has_subtype(American)}} downeaster [U.S.].

{{has_metaphor(American)}} Uncle Sam, Yankee, Brother Jonathan.

{{has_metaphor(Englishman)}} John Bull.

garrison, crew; population; people &c. (mankind) 372; colony, settlement; household; mir[obs3].

Adj. resident, inhabiting.

native, indigenous, aboriginal; civic.

{{has_instance}} British; English; American[obs3]; Canadian; Irish; Scotch, Scottish; Welsh.
P2. Doorkeeper

{{location_of(door, entry)}} {{function_of(hindrance, R706)}} doorkeeper, portress, warder, beadle, cerberus, ostiary[obs3]; bouncer.

superintendant, concierge[Fr.].

floor attendant, dezhurny[Russ.].

janitor, maintenance person, maintenance man, maintenance engineer.
P2. Porter

{{performed_by(carry)}} porter.

{{has_subtype(porter)}} redcap.

{{has_subtype(porter)}} {{location_of(airport)}} skycap.

P2. Recorder (R553)

#553. Recorder.

N. {{performed_by(recording, M8.}} recorder, notary, clerk; registrar, registrary[obs3], register; prothonotary[Law].

amanuensis, secretary, stenographer, scribe, babu[obs3].

remembrancer[obs3], bookkeeper, custos rotulorum[Lat], Master of the Rolls.

annalist, historian, historiographer; chronicler, journalist.

biographer &c. (narrator) 594; antiquary &c. (antiquity) 122.

memorialist[obs3]; interviewer.

{[in_frame(trial)]} court clerk, court stenographer.

{{&uses(stenographer)}} shorthand; stenographic recorder.

P2. absentee.

N. {{performed_by(absence, R187)}} truant, absentee, no-show; deserter, defector.

missing person.

Adj. absent, truant.


{[of(soldier)]} absent without leave, AWOL.
P2. Reinforcement.

reinforcement, reenforcement[obs3]; contingents.

{[of(military)]} reserves.

relief; relay.; next shift

V. reinforce; relieve, spell.

P2. Interpreter (R524)

#524. Interpreter.-- N. interpreter; expositor, expounder, exponent, explainer; demonstrator.

scholiast, commentator, annotator; metaphrast[obs3], paraphrast[obs3]; glossarist[obs3], prolocutor.

spokesman, speaker, mouthpiece.

dragoman, courier, valet de place, cicerone, showman; oneirocritic[obs3]; (Edipus; oracle &c. 513).

P2. Guardian

N. {{performed_by(protection)}} protector, guardian; warden, warder; preserver, custodian, duenna[Sp], chaperon, third person.

watchdog, bandog[obs3]; Cerberus; watchman, patrolman, policeman; cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler[obs1], zarp[obs1][all slang]; sentinel, sentry, scout &c. (warning) 668; garrison; guardship[obs3].

P2. Investor

N. {{performed_by(investment,)}} investor, speculator, operator.

bull, buyer; bear, seller, short seller.

{{property_of(professional)}}} scalper, arbitrager[obs3], arbitrageur[obs3]; specialist; investment counseler; investment manager, fund manager.

stockholder, share-holder, stockholder of record.

bond holder, coupon-clipper [derogatory].
P2. Keeper (R753)

#753. Keeper. -- N. keeper, custodian, custos[Lat], ranger, warder, jailer, gaoler, turnkey, castellan[obs3], guard; watchdog, watchman; Charley; chokidar[obs3], durwan[obs3], hayward[obs3]; sentry, sentinel; watch and ward; concierge, coast guard, guarda costa[Sp], game keeper.

escort, bodyguard.

protector, governor, duenna[Sp]; guardian; governess &c. (teacher) 540; nurse, nanny, babysitter, catsitter, dogsitter, bonne[Fr], ayah[obs3].
P2. Prisoner (R754)

#754. Prisoner. -- N. prisoner, prisoner of war, POW, captive, inmate, detainee, hostage, abductee[obs3], detenu[Fr], close prisoner.

jail bird, ticket of leave man, chevronne[Fr].

V. stand committed; be imprisoned &c. 751.

take prisoner, take hostage (capture) 789.

Adj. imprisoned &c. 751; in prison, in quod*[Lat], in durance vile, in limbo, in custody, doing time, in charge, in chains; under lock and key, under hatches; on parole.

<-- **** END OF [[PERSON]] **** -->

P2.3.2.4 plant R365, R367, R369, R371

(symb. ANPLANT) [[plant]]

<-- 365. Vegetability 367. Vegetable

369. Botany 371. Agriculture -->

#367. Plant, Vegetable. -- N. {{property_of(vegetability, R365)}} vegetable, vegetable kingdom; flora, verdure; plant; growth.

{{studied_in: botany, R369}}.

{{has_subtype}} tree; shrub, bush; vine; creeper; herb, herbage; grass.

{{has_subtype: flowering plant. P2.}}.

{{member_of(tree)}} timber, forest; wood, woodlands; timberland; hurst[obs3], frith[obs3], holt, weald[obs3].

{{member_of(tree)}} greenwood, brake, grove, copse, coppice, bocage[obs3], tope, clump of trees, bosk[obs3], thicket, spinet, spinney.

{{member_of(tree)}} jungle, rain forest, tropical rain forest; temperate rain forest.

{{has_subtype(tree)}} timber tree, fruit tree.

underwood, brushwood; scrub; boscage, bosk[obs3], bosque[obs3], ceja[Sp], chaparal, motte [obs3][U.S.].

{{member_of: park, arboretum @R371}}.


bush, wild, outback[Australia].

prairie; heath, heather; fern, bracken; furze, gorse, whin; grass, turf; pasture, pasturage; turbary[obs3].

sedge, rush, weed.

lichen, moss, conferva[obs3].

{{has_subtype}} fungus, mold, mould; mushroom, toadstool.

alfalfa, alfilaria[obs3], banyan; blow, blowth[obs3].

floret[obs3], petiole.

pin grass, timothy, yam, yew, zinnia.

{{has_part}} foliage, branch, bough, ramage[obs3], stem, tigella[obs3]; leaf.

spray &c. 51.

{{has_part}} flower, blossom, bine[obs3].

{{has_subtype}} pulse, legume.

Adj. vegetable, vegetal, vegetive[obs3], vegitous[obs1]; herbaceous, herbal; botanic[obs3]; sylvan, silvan[obs3]; arborary[obs3], arboreous[obs3], arborescent[obs3], arborical[obs1]; woody, grassy; verdant, verdurous; floral, mossy; lignous[obs3], ligneous; wooden, leguminous; vosky[obs3], cespitose[obs3], turf-like, turfy; endogenous, exogenous.

Phr. "green-robed senators of mighty woods" [Keats]; "this is the forest primeval" [Longfellow].
#365. Vegetability. -- N. vegetable life; vegetation, vegetability; vegetality[obs3].

V. vegetate, grow roots, put down roots.

Adj. rank, lush; vegetable, vegetative, vegetal, vegetive[obs3].
#369. [The science of plants.] Botany. -- N. botany; physiological botany, structural botany, systematic botany; phytography[obs3], phytology[obs3], phytotomy[obs3]; vegetable physiology, herborization[obs3], dendrology, mycology, fungology[obs3], algology[obs3]; flora, romona; botanic garden &c. (garden) 371[obs3]; hortus siccus[Lat], herbarium, herbal.

botanist &c.; herbist[obs3], herbarist[obs3], herbalist, herborist[obs3], herbarian[obs3].

V. botanize, herborize[obs3].

Adj. botanical &c. n.; botanic[obs3].

#371. [The economy or management of plants.] Agriculture. -- N. agriculture, cultivation, husbandry, farming; georgics, geoponics[obs3]; tillage, agronomy, gardening, spade husbandry, vintage; horticulture, arboriculture[obs3], floriculture; landscape gardening; viticulture.

husbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist; agricultor[obs3], agriculturist; yeoman, farmer, cultivator, tiller of the soil, woodcutter, backwoodsman; granger, habitat, vigneron[obs3], viticulturist; Triptolemus.

field, meadow.

garden; winter garden, ornamental garden, flower garden; kitchen garden, market garden, hop garden; nursery.

arboretum, botanical garden, botanic garden[obs3].

green house, hot house; conservatory.

bed, border, seed plot; grassplot[obs3], grassplat[obs3], lawn; park &c. (pleasure ground) 840; parterre, shrubbery, plantation, avenue, arboretum, pinery[obs3], pinetum[obs3], orchard; vineyard, vinery; orangery[obs3]; farm &c. (abode) 189.

V. cultivate; till the soil; farm, garden; sow, plant; reap, mow, cut; manure, dress the ground, dig, delve, dibble, hoe, plough, plow, harrow, rake, weed, lop and top; backset [obs3][U.S.].

Adj. agricultural, agrarian, agrestic[obs3].

arable, predial[obs3], rural, rustic, country; horticultural.

bucolic, arcadian.
P2. Flowering plant

flowerering plant.

annual; perennial, biennial, triennial; exotic.

{{has_part}} {{property_of(beauty)}} flower.

{{has_subtype(flower)}} wildflower, flow'ret gay[obs3].

rose; lily; anemone; asphodel; buttercup; crane's bill; daffodil; tulip; tiger lily, day lily; begonia; marigold; geranium; lily of the valley; rhododendron; windflower.

{{has_subtype(herb)}} ranunculus.

P2. Prickly Plant

#367a. Prickly plant -- N. {{has_subtype(plant)}}

brier, bramble, thistle; cactus; goose grass, hairif[obs3], hariff, flax comb, hackle, hatchel[obs3], heckle; beggar's lice.

{{has_part(prickly plant, P2.}} {{property_of(sharpness): @P2., thorn; spine, needle; beard, chevaux de frise[Fr], comb; awn, bur, burr; catchweed[obs3], cleavers, clivers[obs3]}}.

tag thorn, bristle; Adam's needle[obs3], bear grass [U.S.], tine, yucca.

[ref: prickly animal, porcupine, hedgehog].

P2.3.2.5 microbes, viruses, indeterminate

<-- [[microbe]] (includes all "life" categories of the UMLS not

included in Animal or Plant)

e. microbes, viruses, and indeterminate. (symb. ANMICRO)

virus-like agents


fungal phages

mammalian viruses

DNA viruses

RNA viruses

scrapie-like agents






halophiles (non-archaebacteria)






algae (red-brown)


P2.4 Simple Actions of Physical Objects (R264 to R315 exc. 268-273)

<-- (generally, intransitive verbs) -->

action, simple action.

P2.4.1 Event (R151, R152) [[event]]

#151. Eventuality. -- N. eventuality, event, occurrence, incident, affair, matter, thing, episode, happening, proceeding, contingency, juncture, experience, fact; phenomenon; matter of fact, matter of record; naked fact, bare facts, just the facts; advent.

business, concern, transaction, dealing, proceeding.

circumstance, particular.

casualty, accident, adventure, passage, crisis, pass, emergency.

contingency, consequence.

occasion, opportunity (occasion) 134.

the world, life, things, doings, affairs in general; things in general, affairs in general; the times, state of affairs, order of the day; course of events, course of things, tide of things, stream of things, current of things, run of things, march of things, course of events.

ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of life; chapter of accidents &c. (chance) 156; situation &c. (circumstances) 8.

V. happen, occur, take place, come to pass.

take effect; come, become of; come off, come about, come round, come into existence, come forth, come on; pass, present itself; fall; fall out, turn out; run, be on foot, fall in; befall, betide, bechance[obs3]; prove, eventuate, draw on; turn up, crop up, spring up, pop up, arise, show up, show its face, appear, come forth, cast up; supervene, survene[obs3]; issue, arrive, ensue, arise, start, hold, take its course; pass off &c. (be past) 122.

[ref: experience an event, R151a: experience, encounter, meet with, &c. @M6.1.1 Sensation].

Adj. happening &c. v; going on, doing, current; in the wind, in the air, afloat; on foot, afoot, on the tapis[obs3]; at issue, in question; incidental.

[ref: eventful, stirring, &c. @R151a].

Adv. eventually; in the event of, in case, just in case; in the course of things; as things, times go; as the world goes, wags; as the tree falls, cat jumps; as it may turn out, happen.

Phr. that's the way the ball bounces, that's the way the cookie crumbles; you never know what may turn up, you never know what the future will bring; the plot thickens; "breasts the blows of circumstance" [Tennyson]; "so runs round of life from hour to hour" [Tennyson]; "sprinkled along the waste of years" [Keble].


Future Events

% -->

<-- afterlife should be a separate categpry -->

#152. Destiny. -- N. destiny &c. (necessity) 601; future existence, post existence; hereafter; future state, next world, world to come, after life; everlasting life, everlasting death; life beyond the grave, world beyond the grave.

prospect &c. (expectation) 507.

futurity &c. 121.

V. impend; hang over, lie over; threaten, loom, await, come on, approach, stare one in the face,

foreordain, preordain; predestine, doom, have in store for.

Adj. impending &c. v.; destined; about to be, happen; coming, upcoming, in store, to come, going to happen, instant, at hand, near; near, close at hand; over hanging, hanging over one's head, imminent; brewing, preparing, forthcoming; in the wind, on the cards, in the cards, in reserve; that will, is to be; in prospect &c. (expected) 507; looming, looming in the distance, looming on the horizon; unborn, in embryo; in the womb of time, futurity; pregnant &c. (producing) 161.

prospective; yet to be.

future &c. R121.

Adv. in time, the long run; all in good time; eventually &c. 151; whatever may happen &c. (certainly) 474; as chance &c. 156 would have it.

Phr. "The moving finger writes and having writ, moves on. Nor all your piety and wit can bring it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it." [Omar Khayyam].

P2.4.2.1 MOTION IN GENERAL....R264 to R270 [[motion]]

<-- 264. Motion 265. Quiescence

266. Journey 267. Navigation

270. Transference

(The following need transfer to other headings , HROLE and PO )

268. Traveler 269. Mariner

271. Carrier

272. Vehicle 273. Ship -->
#264. [Successive change of place.] Motion. -- N. motion, movement, translocation, move; going &c. v.; unrest.

{{&has_result: collision, P2.}}.

[reciprocal change of location of two objects] transposition.

[move across a region] transit.

stream, flow, flux, run, course, stir; evolution; kinematics; telekinesis.

step, rate, pace, tread, stride, gait, port, footfall, cadence, carriage, velocity, angular velocity; clip, progress, locomotion; journey &c. 266; voyage &c. 267; transit &c. 270.

restlessness &c. (changeableness) 149; mobility; movableness, motive power; laws of motion; mobilization.

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