Hogg, Richard M. 1G

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Poser, William J. 2604G

Language classification : history and method / Lyle Campbell ; William J. Poser

New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 536 s. ; 24cm

Lahiri, Aditi 2605G

Analogy, levelling, markedness : principles of change in phonology and morphology / ed. by Aditi Lahiri

Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 2000. - 385 s. ; 24cm
(Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 127)

Analogy, 2605G

levelling, markedness : principles of change in phonology and morphology / ed. by Aditi Lahiri

Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 2000. - 385 s. ; 24cm
(Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 127)

Ostler, Nicholas 2606G

Empires of the word : a language history of the world / Nicholas Ostler

New York : HarperCollins Publishers, 2005. - 615 s. ; 24cm

Trask, R. L. 2607G

The dictionary of historical and comparative linguistics / R. L. Trask

Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2000. - 403 s. ; 24cm

Ledo-Lemos, Francisco José 2608G

Femininum genus : a study on the origins of the Indo-European feminine grammatical gender / Francisco José Ledo-Lemos

Muenchen : LINCOM Europa, 2003. - 171 s ; 21cm
(LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 27)

Rooth, Erik 2609G

Studia germanica : tillägnade Ernst Albin Kock den 6 December 1934 / ed. by Erik Rooth

Lund : C. W. K. Gleerup ; Kopenhagen : Levin & Munksgaard, 1934. - 462 s. ; 24cm
(Lunder Germanistische Forschungen 1)

Studia 2609G

germanica : tillägnade Ernst Albin Kock den 6 December 1934 / ed. by Erik Rooth

Lund : C. W. K. Gleerup ; Kopenhagen : Levin & Munksgaard, 1934. - 462 s. ; 24cm
(Lunder Germanistische Forschungen 1)

Brøndum-Nielsen, Johs. 2610G

Festskrift til Finnur Jónsson. 29. Maj 1928 / ed. by Johs. Brøndum-Nielsen i in.

København : Levin & Munksgaards Forlag, 1928. - 501 s. ; 26cm

Festskrift 2610G

til Finnur Jónsson. 29. Maj 1928 / ed. by Johs. Brøndum-Nielsen i in.

København : Levin & Munksgaards Forlag, 1928. - 501 s. ; 26cm

Daniels, Peter T. 2611G

The world's writing systems / ed. by Peter T. Daniels ; William Bright

New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 922 s. ; 25cm

Bright, William 2611G

The world's writing systems / ed. by Peter T. Daniels ; William Bright

New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 922 s. ; 25cm

The world's 2611G

writing systems / ed. by Peter T. Daniels ; William Bright

New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 922 s. ; 25cm

Safarewicz, Jan 2612G

Linguistic studies / Jan Safarewicz

The Hague ; Paris : Mouton ; Warszawa : PWN — Polish Scientific Publishers, 1974. - 395 s. ; 27cm

Trnka, Bohumil 2613G

Selected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978. Afterword by Roman Jakobson. Vilém Fried (editor) / Bohumil Trnka

Berlin ; New York ; Amsterdam : Mouton Publishers, 1982. - 392 s. ; 24cm
(Janua Linguarum. Series Maior 88)

McCawley, James D. 2614G

Adverbs, vowels, and other objects of wonder / James D. McCawley

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1979. - 303 s. ; 24cm

Channon, Robert 2615G

In honor of Ilse Lehiste — Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos / ed. by Robert Channon ; Linda Shockey

Dordrecht ; Providence : Foris Publications, 1987. - 542 s. ; 25cm
(Netherlands Phonetic Archives VI)

Shockey, Linda 2615G

In honor of Ilse Lehiste — Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos / ed. by Robert Channon ; Linda Shockey

Dordrecht ; Providence : Foris Publications, 1987. - 542 s. ; 25cm
(Netherlands Phonetic Archives VI)

In 2615G

honor of Ilse Lehiste — Ilse Lehiste Pühendusteos / ed. by Robert Channon ; Linda Shockey

Dordrecht ; Providence : Foris Publications, 1987. - 542 s. ; 25cm
(Netherlands Phonetic Archives VI)

Joos, Martin 2616G

Readings in linguistics I : the development of descriptive linguistics in America 1925-56. Fourth edition / ed. by Martin Joos

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1968. - 421 s. ; 29cm

Readings 2616G

in linguistics I : the development of descriptive linguistics in America 1925-56. Fourth edition / ed. by Martin Joos

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1968. - 421 s. ; 29cm

Hamp, Eric P. 2617G

Readings in linguistics II / ed. by Eric P. Hamp ; Fred W. Householder ; Robert Austerlitz

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1967. - 395 s. ; 24cm

Householder, Fred W. 2617G

Readings in linguistics II / ed. by Eric P. Hamp ; Fred W. Householder ; Robert Austerlitz

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1967. - 395 s. ; 24cm

Austerlitz, Robert 2617G

Readings in linguistics II / ed. by Eric P. Hamp ; Fred W. Householder ; Robert Austerlitz

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1967. - 395 s. ; 24cm

Readings 2617G

in linguistics II / ed. by Eric P. Hamp ; Fred W. Householder ; Robert Austerlitz

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1967. - 395 s. ; 24cm

Sebeok, Thomas A. 2618G

Portraits of linguists : a biographical source book for the history of western linguistics, 1746-1963. Volume one : from Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann / ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok

Bloomington ; London : Indiana University Press, 1967. - 580 s. ; 24cm
(Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics)

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