Hogg, Richard M. 1G

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Adamus, Marian 2378G

Studia językoznawcze poświęcone profesorowi doktorowi Stanisławowi Rospondowi / ed. by Marian Adamus i in.

Wrocław : Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich, 1966. - 467 s. ; 25cm

Studia 2378G

językoznawcze poświęcone profesorowi doktorowi Stanisławowi Rospondowi / ed. by Marian Adamus i in.

Wrocław : Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich, 1966. - 467 s. ; 25cm

Kardela, Henryk 2379G

A Festschrift for Edmund Gussmann from his friends and colleagues / ed. by Henryk Kardela ; Bogdan Szymanek

Lublin : The University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin, 1996. - 308 s. ; 24cm

Szymanek, Bogdan 2379G

A Festschrift for Edmund Gussmann from his friends and colleagues / ed. by Henryk Kardela ; Bogdan Szymanek

Lublin : The University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin, 1996. - 308 s. ; 24cm

A Festschrift 2379G

for Edmund Gussmann from his friends and colleagues / ed. by Henryk Kardela ; Bogdan Szymanek

Lublin : The University Press of the Catholic University of Lublin, 1996. - 308 s. ; 24cm

Hockett, Charles F. 2380G

A Leonard Bloomfield anthology. Abridged edition / ed. by Charles F. Hockett

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1987. - 314 s. ; 23cm

A Leonard 2380G

Bloomfield anthology. Abridged edition / ed. by Charles F. Hockett

Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1987. - 314 s. ; 23cm

Silverstein, Michael 2381G

Whitney on language : selected writings of William Dwight Whitney. Introductory essay by Roman Jakobson / ed. by Michael Silverstein

Cambridge, MA ; London : The MIT Press, 1971. - 360 s. ; 21cm

Whitney 2381G

on language : selected writings of William Dwight Whitney. Introductory essay by Roman Jakobson / ed. by Michael Silverstein

Cambridge, MA ; London : The MIT Press, 1971. - 360 s. ; 21cm

Kachru, Braj B. 2382G

Issues in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Lees, Robert B. 2382G

Issues in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Malkiel, Yakov 2382G

Issues in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Pietrangeli, Angelina 2382G

Issues in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Saporta, Sol 2382G

Issues in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Issues 2382G

in linguistics : papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane / ed. by Braj J. Kachru ; Robert B. Lees ; Yakov Malkiel ; Angelina Pietrangeli ; Sol Saporta

Urbana ; Chicago ; London : University of Illinois Press, 1973. - 933 s. ; 24cm

Kleczkowski, Adam 2383G

Germanistyka, anglistyka i skandynawistyka w Polsce / Adam Kleczkowski

Kraków : Polska Akademia Umiejętności, 1948. - 58 s. ; 26cm

Weseliński, Andrzej 2384G

Anglica : Crosscurrent : literature, culture and language. Essays in honour of professor Irena Dobrzycka / ed. by Andrzej Weseliński ; Jerzy Wełna

Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - 185 s. ; 24cm

Wełna, Jezry 2384G

Anglica : Crosscurrent : literature, culture and language. Essays in honour of professor Irena Dobrzycka / ed. by Andrzej Weseliński ; Jerzy Wełna

Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - 185 s. ; 24cm

Anglica : 2384G

Crosscurrent : literature, culture and language. Essays in honour of professor Irena Dobrzycka / ed. by Andrzej Weseliński ; Jerzy Wełna

Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2000. - 185 s. ; 24cm

Langendoen, D. Terence 2385G

The vastness of natural languages / D. Terence Langendoen ; Paul M. Postal

Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1984. - 189 s. ; 24cm

Postal, Paul M. 2385G

The vastness of natural languages / D. Terence Langendoen ; Paul M. Postal

Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1984. - 189 s. ; 24cm

Bazell, C. E. 2386G

In memory of J. R. Firth / ed. by C. E. Bazell ; J. C. Catford ; M. A. K. Halliday ; R. H. Robins

London : Longmans, 1966. - 499 s. ; 23cm

Catford, J. C. 2386G

In memory of J. R. Firth / ed. by C. E. Bazell ; J. C. Catford ; M. A. K. Halliday ; R. H. Robins

London : Longmans, 1966. - 499 s. ; 23cm

Halliday, M. A. K. 2386G

In memory of J. R. Firth / ed. by C. E. Bazell ; J. C. Catford ; M. A. K. Halliday ; R. H. Robins

London : Longmans, 1966. - 499 s. ; 23cm

Robins, R. H. 2386G

In memory of J. R. Firth / ed. by C. E. Bazell ; J. C. Catford ; M. A. K. Halliday ; R. H. Robins

London : Longmans, 1966. - 499 s. ; 23cm

In 2386G

memory of J. R. Firth / ed. by C. E. Bazell ; J. C. Catford ; M. A. K. Halliday ; R. H. Robins

London : Longmans, 1966. - 499 s. ; 23cm

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