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Links Galore

Links Galore is an ever-growing list of links to digital copies of some collections of books of interest to classicists, medievalists etc. in the public domain published by Google Books, archive.org and others. There aren't any fancy features like graphics or colors because if you're here what you want is the links, the whole links and nothing but the links. It is presented as a Google spreadsheet, as it is easy to keep working on, and the content is updated automatically.

You can navigate the collection using the tabs.. Collections published so far:

  • BG: J.A. Fabricius' Bibliotheca Graeca (and Harless' expanded edition)

  • CC: Corpus Christianorum (Series Graeca, Series Latina, Claves etc.)

  • CSEL: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 

  • CSHB: Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae 

  • GCS: Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte 

  • Mai: Angelo Mai's editions (Patrum Nova Bibliotheca, Spicilegium Romanum) 

  • Migne PG: Migne's Patrologia Graeca 

  • Stephanus: H. Stephanus' Thesaurus Graecae Linguae (first edition; Valpy; Hase et al.) 

  • Teubner: Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana (and other Teubner)

  • Intro

  • BG

  • CC

  • CSEL

  • CSHB

  • GCS

  • Mai

  • Migne PG

  • Stephanus

  • Teubner

  • [Comments]

Medicina Antiqua

  • Medicina Antiqua is hosted by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL. It is devoted to the study of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world. It is intended to be a useful scholarly introduction and resource. It does this primarily either by including existing resources or linking to other web resources. The site currently hosts a number of essays and translations, which it is hoped will be expanded in the future. It is essentially dependent on submissions by academics or other interested parties.

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Greek and Latin Texts with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary: Free digital files for the textbook series written by Geoffrey Steadman

  • Home

    • Home

    • Habits Matter

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  • Plato

    • Plato’s Symposium

    • Plato’s Republic I

    • Plato’s Crito

    • Plato’s Phaedo

  • Herodotus

    • Herodotus 1

    • Herodotus 7 (beta)

  • Homer

    • Iliad 6 and 22

    • Odyssey 6-8

    • Odyssey 9-12

  • Lysias

    • Lysias I

  • Sophocles

    • Sophocles’ Antigone

    • Sophocles’ Oedipus

  • Euripides

    • Euripides’ Medea

  • Caesar

    • College Caesar

    • Caesar’s Gallic War 1

    • AP Vergil

  • Cicero

    • Cicero’s 1st Catilinarian

    • Sallust

  • Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles

    • Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles

    • Fabulae Ab Urbe Condita

  • Xenophon et misc.

Open Access Ancient Language Textbooks and Primers

Posted: 02 Jan 2017 04:44 AM PST

[Most recently updated 2 January 2016]

Open Access Textbooks and Language Primers relating to the ancient world

  • Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar (at Dickinson College)

  • Ancient Greek Tutorials by Donald J. Mastronarde

  • Ancient Greek Tutorials @ AtticGreek.org

  • Ancient Sanskrit Online, by Karen Thomson and Jonathan Slocum

  • Beginning Biblical Hebrew: A Grammar and Illustrated Reader [Online Companion], by John A. Cook and Robert D. Holmstedt.

  • Classical Greek Online, by Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum

  • Classical Armenian Online, by Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum

  • A Digital Tutorial For Ancient Greek Based on White's First Greek Book Created by Jeff Rydberg-Cox (Classical and Ancient Studies Program, University of Missouri-Kansas City)

  • Epigrafía latina: Introducción a la epigrafía latina en ExtremaduraClásica

  • Getting started on Classical Latin

  • Greek and Latin Texts with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary: Free digital files for the textbook series written by Geoffrey Steadman 

  • Greek Language and Linguistics

  • Goodell/ A School Grammar of Attic Greek 

  • GREK 1332 online, by Dora Pozzi

  • Hack Your Latin, by Michael Fontaine

  • Hittite Online, by Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum

  • Huehnergard akkadian flashcard sets

  • Imperium Latin – free of charge to all By Stephen Jenkin

  • Introducing Ancient Greek (Open University) 

  • Introducing Classical Latin

  • Introduction to Homeric Greek: Volume 1

  • Introduction to Manichaean Sogdian by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs by Harri Kettunen and Christophe Helmke

  • Introduction to Old Avestan by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Introduction to Old Persian by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Introduction to Sumerian Grammar by Daniel A. Foxvog / Elementary Sumerian Glossary / Timeline of Mesopotamian History / Chief Figures of the Mesopotamian Pantheon

  • Introduction to Young Avestan by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Introduction to Zoroastrianism by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Introduction to Manicheism by P. Oktor Skjærvø

  • Kurmanji Kurdish: A Reference Grammar with Selected Readings by W. M. Thackston

  • Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University by Claude Pavur 

  • Latinum Electronicum Ed. by Burch, Irene / Hiltscher, Simone / Wachter, Rudolf 

  • Learn Ancient Greek, with Prof. Leonard Muellner

  • Learning Latin by Luca Graverini

  • LIMEN: A Latin Teaching Portal

  • Living Latin and Greek


  • New Testament Greek Online, by Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum

  • New Testament Greek Vocabulary Assessment 

  • Old Iranian Online, by Scott L. Harvey and Jonathan Slocum

  • The Online Greek Textbook by Shirley J. Rollinson

  • Reading Classical Greek (Open Unversity)

  • Sorani Kurdish: A Reference Grammar with Selected Readings by W. M. Thackston

  • Thus Wrote Onchsheshonqy - An Introductory Grammar of Demotic (Third Edition), by Janet H. Johnson

  • Tocharian Online, by Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum

  • Tools for Studying the Hebrew Bible

Additional resources of thus type are accessible through the  Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs) Project pages at the University of Minnesota.

And see also Lexicity

And see also  Smarthistory, a "multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the traditional art history textbook"

Textkit has a huge library of Greek and Latin textbooks

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