The tourism industry is considered as a condition of the economic growth and the society development in modern Russia. The level and direction of the innovation process become a factor of competitiveness in a tourism industry. The problem of innovations on the level of a regional tourism development is very important in this context. The Federal Target Program “The development of the inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018 years)” is being realized since 2011 in Russia. According to this program the tourism and recreational clusters and automobile tourist clusters were established in the different regions if the country. This article focuses on the studying of the practice of the innovative approaches to the tourism development in the Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the present studying is determined by the necessity to analyze the experience and results of realization of cluster approach in tourism in the region mentioned. Nowadays there are five clusters established in the Lipetsk region. The innovative approach to the tourism development in the tourism and recreational cluster “Yelets” becomes the object of studying. The different types of innovations and conditions of the innovative process as well as the innovative business activity are described in this article.
Key words: a tourist cluster, innovations in tourism, regional tourism development, innovative business activity.
JEL Code: D, L83
The modern condition of tourism in the Russian Federation causes using the innovative approaches to its development. Many regions consider tourism as an economic branch or cross-industry network which can accommodate economic growth. The cluster approach to the development of tourism allows to achieve the greatest effect.
344.1 Conceptual framework and hypothesis
"Initially cluster theory was formulated by A. Marshall concerning industrial production in the late 19th century. But more detailed theory of industrial clusters and their role in enhancing regional competitiveness was presented in the works of M. Porter (1998, 2000, 2002), whose works became the methodological basis of clustering and in the tourism sector" (Danko and Dovhal, 2013). Firstly the term “cluster” was used by M. Porter, who determined it as «a geographic concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers and service providers, firms in related industries and institutions associated with them (for example, universities, standards agencies, trade associations ) in a particular area, that compete but also cooperate with each other.» (Porter, 2000) M. Beny identified a tourist cluster as a “a group of tourist attractions within a limited geographical area which is ensured a high level of infrastructure and services and has also established social and political relations, as well as improved management in the companies that make up the network for the production of tourist services that provide strategic competitive and comparative benefits "(Shilchenko, 2015) The works of such scholars as O. Kostryukova, E. Karpova, I. Shepelev are devoted to the study of characteristic features of cluster development of tourism in the Russian Federation. In Russia the principles of cluster policy are put behind in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020. (Cluster Strategy: from theory to practice). Special attention should be paid to the idea of cluster development of tourism made by A. Aleksandrova:” The tourism industry has a number of features that give relevance of the cluster approach in the development of recreation and travel. The tourism industry is distinguished by the breadth of the interbranch relations, fragmented structure, which gives some researchers reason to doubt the validity of classification of tourism to the economic sector, the predominance of small and medium-sized businesses, the intangible nature of the tourism product, its unequal perception of producers and consumers etc. All this makes especially important the appearance and development of tourism clusters. They help each of their members see themselves as part of the whole.” (Aleksandrova, 2007).
345.2 Methodology and research 2.1 Research methods
Our research is connected with the study of processes and results of cluster development of tourism in the territory of the Lipetsk region of the Russian federation.We consider the experience and results of the inplementation of projects of cluster development of tourism
in Yelets relying on the study of quantitative indicators reflecting the results of the practice of interaction between government, business and science in order to develop tourism.
2.2 Objectives and selection of results indicators
The formation of ideas about the institutional processes in the development of tourism as a result of the cluster approach on the example of a particular area (the city of Yelets in the Lipetsk region) is primary for our research. The most important indicators for us are the indicators of the integration processes in the development of tourism; indicators related to the growth of business activity in the tourism sector; changes in the tourist product of the area.These indicators can lead to an understanding of institutional change in the development of tourism in this cluster.
346.3 Results and discussion
Since 2011 in Russia the Federal Target Program “The development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018 years)” is being realized, according to which the tourism and recreational and autotourist clusters were created in many regions of the country.
According to the Federal Target Program “The development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018 years)” projects of two clusters - the tourism and recreational cluster “Yelets” and the autocluster “Zadonshchina” are being realized since 2011 in the territory of the region. These projects are supported and included into the first stage of realization of the Federal Target Program “The development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018 years)” with the release of federal funds for the period from 2012 till 2017.
During the realization of the project on the territory of the Lipetsk region a complex of tourist infrastructure objects aiming at increasing of the quality of tourist service and its corresponding to the necessities of tourist market such as hotels, catering facilities, sports, recreational and entertaining objects is created. The building of providing infrastructure including the power supply, communication, heat, gas, water-work systems, transport infrastructure and municipal improvement is being held.
Besides the tourism and recreational cluster “Yelets” and autocluster “Zadonshchina” one begun to develop three more tourism clusters which have federal support and whose concepts are already collaborated. They are a tourism and recreational cluster “Dobriy” in Dobroye District, a tourism and recreational cluster “Shukhovskiy” in Dankov District, an autocluster “Oranienburg” in Tchaplyigin District. The cluster approach to the development
of tourism correlates to the trends noted by T. Shilchenko:. "The implementation and formation of tourist product, business, contract work with the staff and its training, development of the tourist infrastructure of the company or the society are an absolute prerogative of the production units ... enterprises and associations themselves should determine the feasibility of establishing regional and international systems, groups, corporations, councils and other entities of the tourist profile. " (9, p.65) That is why, in our opinion, the cluster approach to the development of tourism is widespread in the Lipetsk region.
Creation of tourism clusters in Yelets became possible due to initiative of the Administration of the Lipetsk region, Bunin Yelets State University, Administration of Yelets. This initiative was adopted and supported by the business community. In 2006 according to the Act of the Lipetsk region # 316-OZ of August, 18, 2006, “About special Economical Zones of Regional Level” a special regional economical zone of tourism and recreation type “Yelets” was established. The tourism and recreational cluster established in 2011 according to the Federal Target Program coincided in the terms of location with the borders of the special economical zone of tourism and recreational type “Yelets” and thus gained efficiency to the cluster development of the region.
The new processes and tendencies have appeared as a result of cluster tourism development. They are:
activation and widening of scientific research mix, aiming at studying of tourist potential in the region;
the increase of capital investment in tourism in the territory of Yelets;
involving the enterprises which were not connected with tourist service before into the tourism community;
the number of new enterprises oriented on working in tourism;
the proliferation of varieties of tourism in Yelets;
the changing of characteristic features of tourist product which is offered by the destination on the tourism market.
In 2007 the scientific conference “Special economic zone of tourist-recreational type: economic, legal, socio-cultural aspects of creation and development” was held in the Bunin Yelets State University with the support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities. The main problems which were discussed during this platform were the new approaches to the tourism development both in Russia and in the Lipetsk region. The problems requiring the high-
priority solving were noted. Primarily, the forming of tourism territorial system, the functional characteristics of its subsystems and coordination of different enterprises with the aim of tourism development were discussed. One of the most important conclusions was that the business community and local population had a very limited knowledge about the opportunities of economical activity in the sphere of tourism on that moment. A very wide PR-campaign was held in the territory of the city. Its aim was to motivate people to develop tourism. In order to promote Yelets as a tourist destination Tourist Information Centre whose director became Olga Skrobotova was established in 2006.
The cluster approach to the development of the city's economy has found expression not only in the creation of tourism clusters. An industrial-production cluster was created in the territory of Yelets. In order to effective management of cluster development a department of developing the special economical zones was established in the Administration of Yelets. The very department establishes strategy of tourist cluster development in the territory of the city and is also responsible for the attracting investment into the tourism development. Among the first tourism development successes in the territory of a special regional economical zone of a tourism and recreational type “Yelets” it is necessary to note the attracting of such a significant investor as VAO Intourist which leased out the only hotel “Yelets” at that time. After the reconstruction the hotel “Intourist-Yelets” became the main hotel of the city.
At the beginning of the cluster development of tourism in Yelets mainly cultural tourism was developing. The tourist product was established by excursions, included visiting the historical and cultural landmarks (Ascension Cathedral, Torgovaya Street, the Sign Convent), museums of the city and a brand shop “Yelets lace”. The objects of traditional Yelets lace were practically the only local souvenirs which tourists bought in the city. Besides the brand shop “Yelets lace” by 2009 two shops selling souvenirs worked in the historical part of the city but they offered souvenirs which were traditional for Russia and these shops did not practically have the local original souvenir goods in stock.
In 2006 the number of visitors coming to Yelets with the tourist purposes was about 40,000 people. The overwhelming majority (more than 90 per cent) were excursionists. In 2009 the management aimed at changing of structure of the tourist product of the territory was established. The number of tourists in a given amount, according to various estimates, is from 30 to 60%. Change of types of the tourist product, represented in the tourism market, described in Table 1.
Tab. 1: Types of the tourist product of the destination
Source: Documents of the Department for the development of special economic zones of the Administration of Yelets.
Integration processes are based on realization of projects settled on the scientific researches of the scholars of Bunin Yelets State University. A striking example of this integration can be observed in the process of development of event tourism in Yelets.
The projects of fests “The Russkaya Zakvaska” and “The Antonovskiye Yabloki” were created in a Department of socio-cultural service and tourism of the Bunin Yelets State University. These fests were planned as tourist events. On one hand, these are projects laid the foundation of the development of event tourism which was new for the city. On the other hand, these events became the key players, inspiring the interest to tourism in a local business community. Start of implementation of these projects was initiated in 2010.
These fests have been designed with the taking into account the current trends in the tourism market on the basis of local tourist resources. The fest “Antonovskiye Yabloki” is based on the actualization of the artistic legacy of the Nobel Laureate in literature Ivan Bunin. Life and work of the writer are closely connected with Yelets and its suburbs. This fest became one of the tourist brands of the city by now. In 2015 the event gained grand prix in the National Event Awards. The fest is held in the end of September annually.
The fest ‘Russkaya Zakvaska” is connected with the traditions of the national life of the Russian people, particularly with the traditions of national cuisine. In 2015 this fest gained the third place in the National Event Awards in the category of gastronomic events.
From a technological point of view, the organization and holding of festivals required combining and cooperating a variety of enterprises. Many of them didn’t have practical experience in the sphere of tourism. In Tables 2 and 3 the information about cooperation of different types of enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs in organization and holding the fests is systematized.
Tab. 2: The cooperation of enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs in organization and holding the fest “Antonovskiye Yabloki”
Source: Documents of the Department for the development of special economic zones of the Administration of Yelets.
Tab. 3: The cooperation of enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs in organization and holding the fest “Russkaya Zakvaska”
Source: Documents of the Department for the development of special economic zones of the Administration of Yelets.
During cluster development in Yelets investment activity in tourism is stimulated by public-private partnership. Funding is established by means of some financing sources such as:
Federal funds in the amount of 29 %;
Funds of federal subjects of the Russian federation and municipal units – 7 %;
Extrabudgetary resources (private investments) – 64 % (10).
The volume of investment in the development of tourism in the city of Yelets within the Federal Target Program "Development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018 years)," is described in Table 4.
Tab. 4: The volume of investment in the development of tourism in the city of Yelets within the Federal Target Program "Development of inbound and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018 years)", million rubles.
Source: Documents of the Department for the development of special economic zones of the Administration of Yelets
In the territory of the tourist cluster “Yelets” the number of enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs oriented on service of tourists increased. The increase was due to the inclusion of tourist services in the activity of already existing companies, as well as by creating new ones. When comparing the number of companies providing tourist services in the historical center of the city which is a part of tourism and recreation cluster, in 2009 and 2015, one can see a significant growth.
Tab. 5: Enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs providing tourist service in the territory of a historical centre of Yelets.
Source: Documents of the Department for the development of special economic zones of the Administration of Yelets
One of the innovative tools that enhance the quality of tourism services is cooperation in the production of tourist products and services. One of the traditional definitions of cooperation is the definition proposed in the dictionary of Yefremova: "A special form of work organization, with which a large number of people involved together in the same or in different, but related to each other, working processes"(Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim). Economist of the nineteenth century A. Marshall said that the entrepreneurs association played the important role in the clustering (Blaug, 1994). As an example of such an association the producers’ cooperative “The Yelets Tourism Centre” can be considered. According to the Federal Act “About the producers’ cooperatives” it unites LLC “Yelets Felt
Boots Factory” and five individual persons. Raisa Ivanova became the chairwoman of this Centre. The main goal of this enterprise is establishing of a complex tourist product and producing tourist goods.
Nowadays the cluster approach to the tourism development in the region allows to increase the activity of enterprises of the Lipetsk region in different economical branches, to attract extra investments into tourism in the conditions of public-private partnership, which in its turn make a positive impact on the image of the Lipetsk region as a region having got all the significant opportunities for the tourism development. The experience of cluster development of tourism in Yelets shows that the success is possible when there is the initiative both on the part of officials of the territorial management of tourism and business community. Experience has shown significant growth in business activity during the developing of tourism and recreational cluster "Yelets". The growing number of companies and entrepreneurs providing tourist services demonstrates the interest of the participants of cluster associations in getting the economic benefits from the activity in the sphere of tourism. Changing the structure of the tourist product represented by the destination in the tourism market shows the growth of interaction and cooperation of producers of tourist services and goods. Disclosure affects both the productive promotion of the local tourist product and the promotion of service activities in the sphere of tourism in the cluster. New technologies in the organization of production, sales and managing of the tourist product in the branch and territorial levels are supported by the scientific research, and the support of the initiative in the sphere of tourism on the part of the federal, regional and municipal authorities also promotes the innovative development.
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Skrobotova Olga,
Bunin Yelets State University, Kommunarov Street, 28, Yelets, Lipetsk Region, 399770 Russia,
Ivanova Raisa,
Bunin Yelets State University, Kommunarov Street, 28, Yelets, Lipetsk Region, 399770 Russia,
Polyakova Irina,
Bunin Yelets State University, Kommunarov Street, 28, Yelets, Lipetsk Region, 399770 Russia,
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